B03C18 Do the carpets match the drapes?
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{Lian Jing Bio}

Lord Savage was at work and She and Washu were asked to meet with the wives of Lord Savage. Washu clearly didn’t care about what was happening, but Lian was worried. This was where she would be run off or get told off by his true wives. Midna, Lily, Yen, Uta, Hena, and Mai sat around the living room. Lily seemed to be in charge so she would have to be Lian’s target.

“Now we are here to talk about you two joining the family.” Lily said, a sly look in her red eyes. “Let’s make things clear to start off with, Master doesn’t choose who shares his bed. We do.” Lily looked around as if to demand anyone argue with her. The other women nodded and Lian had to agree, not fully taking in what was happening. “Number two, if there is an issue between us, we handle it ourselves.” Lian looked around again to see the women agreeing. This was more than a little off. It was more like joining a tribe over joining a harem. She agreed in hopes of becoming a part of the group. “Three, we love and support each other and work as a family.” Then it hit her, she was being asked to join the family, not just as an object for Lord Savage.

“This is not going as I had expected.” Lian said, as her heart raced. Lily smiled and winked at her.

“Master is not normal and weird, but our job is to support him, take care of him and build the world he is working hard to build.” Lily said with a sly smile. “That being said, any relationship between us on the side is okay.” He didn’t just share his woman, they shared each other. This was news that Lian had not expected. Her mind started to spin as she thought about each one of the women pursuing her and she got lightheaded. It was all too much. She felt the flush coming to her cheeks and she fought to stay in the room. Did this mean that the beautiful Yen would be next to her as she had her first time with Lord Savage? Or did it mean that Lily or Mia would be holding her as she made love to him. Her mind was swimming and she fell to the floor losing control of herself. It was all just too much. She had fainted.

{Lord Alex Savage}

I had been working hard on the Knights and had gotten Scarlets done. It was almost ready for testing, but the woman needed time to get used to piloting a mech. Meathead said she was a tough learner and would fight him when things got too hard. He said those were the good days. I laughed at my new friend's strife but told him it would all be worth it when he got his own new knight.

"Master it is time to go home." I looked around to see that the sun was starting to set. I was a little miffed to stop, but then I realized that I really needed a bath. The smell coming off me was at least a few days old and would peel the paint off metal. It wouldn’t be proper for a man to smell like that around so many beautiful women. He escorted me home and told me all about his daughter who was learning to crawl. It was just too cute and made me want to play with my own children. I was starting to have a fair collection, but much like Pokémon cards, one couldn’t have too many. More so if one could afford them and I had that covered. I smiled thinking about how big my family was growing. “What are you thinking about Master?” Parnel asked.

“Just thinking about how wonderful it is to have a family.” He snorted at my words, but it was his happy snot.

“I agree fully. My women have given me a wonderful daughter and son.”

“Women?” I asked with a smile and a slight raise to my eyebrow.

“What can I say, human women love us big men.” He said before both of us burst out into laughter.

“Make sure you treat them well and they will be by your side for all time.” I said with a wink. He nodded and waved as he made the turn off for his own home. I was greeted by Radish who informed me of all that happened that day. The man had become a trove of information about the women and children. How did people get by without Butlers these days? When had I become such a snob? He told me the bath was ready and I slipped into the hot water. It felt so nice after a hard day's work. “This was life.” I sighed as I let myself relax fully. The door open and I hoped it was one of my women and not one of the kids again. I would have to put in a door lock once the kids were older. I turned to see Washu entering. I quickly grabbed a towel and covered myself.

“Don’t mind me, warm water feels so good.” She said starting to strip.

“Yes, but bathing together is more of an adult thing.” I said forcing myself not to look at her seemly underage body. She laughed and said, her voice getting deeper with a slight hiss.

“Isss thisss better?” I couldn’t help myself and saw her slide into the water in her adult form. God help me she was so tempting in that form. I fought a growl and looked away. She smiled and lay her head back, large breasts floating in the water. Her long-slit tongue licked out tasting the air. I wondered what she was smelling. She blinked those large green eyes at me and smiled. “Having trouble?” She asked with a wink.

“Fighting to keep my word to your father.” I said with a sly smile.

“We both know you could take him in a fight, so why not take me to your bed?” I had to close my eyes as my little man stood tall. God this woman was going to make me break my word. I must stay strong. I stood quickly moving to rinse myself off and get dressed. I had not expected her to join me.

“Your women said it wassss okay.” Washu said, joining me, pressing a hand on my back.

“They may have, but I have my own rules. Until you are one hundred winters old, I cannot lay a finger on you.” I had hoped this would end the argument, but Washu took a cloth and started rubbing my back.

“Nothing ssssayssss I can’t lay a hand on you though.” She said and I could feel the smoke in her voice.

“I say you can't,” I said, turning to her. I could feel the fire in my eyes as they focused on hers. I so wanted to look lower, but I had my own convictions. “Adults only in my bed. Am I clear?” She backed off looking mildly frightened. “If you care about me or the others, please abide by my wishes.” I knew my eyes were cold, but this point had to be made clear. “You are beautiful and know that it is taking every ounce of what I have to say no, but I am saying no.” She backed off and covered herself blushing. I turned my back to her, and she left. Once I was clean, I had dinner and once more couldn't get to sleep. I would need to invent some type of white noise machine or maybe make a recording of Lian playing. I opened one eye as the sound came to me. She was playing in the living room again. I got up from the bed, careful not to wake Mai or Lily and made my way through the house. Lian was in her normal spot in the living room, Pipa in hand, her fingers flying across the strings. It sounded as beautiful as the pink-haired princess. Once more I sat down, careful not to make a sound. She lit her slender fingers fly over the strings making them sing a sad but beautiful song. It helped me relax. I failed to notice my eyes close until she stopped and gasped.

“I am sorry, My Lord. I did not mean to keep you awake.” She said sheepishly.

“No need for that. You play beautifully and I was enjoying the sound.” She covered her face with a sleeve and looked away blushing.

“Would you like me to use my fingers for something else?” She asked coyly.” I had hoped she was meaning something lower on me and nodded. Much to my shock she moved behind me and started running her fingers through my hair. She gave me a scalp massage and it was a new delight I never knew I wanted until now. Her fingers ran through my hair seeming to touch my soul. I couldn’t help it and growled with pleasure. She stopped and I looked up.

“Sorry for that. I can’t help the sounds that come out when I am happy or mad.” She raised an eyebrow and smiled in a way that melted my heart.

“Am I to take it you are displeased with me, My Lord?” Something in me called out to her and I reached up and pulled her hand down to kiss the palm softly. She blushed and looked away. “Forgive me, My Lord. I am not ready yet.” I licked my chops and shuddered trying to fight the want to take her here and now. Washu had gotten my blood up and Mia and Lily only wanted to cuddle. I was wanting. A slight growl escaped me that I couldn't fight. She hid her hand in her robe and moved to my side. I never forced myself on a woman before and wouldn’t start now. That being said, I wanted more.

“May I kiss you?” I growled, hope seeping into my eyes. She nodded and hid her face in her sleeves. I pulled them down and moved to her lips. They were soft and tasted like flowers and something sweet. She pulled back for only a moment before pressing into my mouth. She kissed me hard and it didn’t take long for her to push me back demanding more. I looked up at her as she climbed on top of me, hunger clear on her face. I nodded, hoping for the best and she kissed me again. This time longer and deeper. It was almost painful. This princess had a lot in common with my Lily and the thought made me stop. “I can’t cheat on my women.” I said with regret.

“Lily and the others said it was up to us to choose the time. They said we make the rules on your little soldier.” She said with a coy smile as she looked down. I growled softly as I leaned forward to take her neck in my jaws. I bit lightly and delighted in the feeling of that slender neck. It made her gasp as I broke free. She held me as I licked her down her neck using my tongue to move her robe aside. She tasted so good, and all my self-control had left me. She gasped as she clawed at my hair. “I need this, My Lord.” I smiled at her words. I needed this too, I needed her. My mouth moved up to kiss her softly. She deepened the kiss gasping between moments and I let my tongue dive into her mouth making her moan and bite my lower lip. The feeling sent a thrill up my spine. I was hard as hell, and she moved to straddle me growling as she felt me press against her. I smiled as I looked up at her, I couldn’t believe this was happening. It was all so fast, so sudden and I didn't have time to react, protest or take anything slowly. Lian moaned and rocked her hips against me. I could feel her warmth and loved the taste of her lips. She smiled as she pulled back before looking down. “My Lord, let me help you.” She moaned, reaching down to pull me free of my PJs. I had somehow managed to keep them together over the years and the elastic band was easy enough for her to pull down. She reached in to pull me free and let me rub against her panties under her robe. I was so close to her womanhood as she slid back and forth along my length. She gasped as she angled my head to her lower lips. The fabric still held us back and I didn’t care. Lily had done this to me a few times and it was a wonderful bit of foreplay. I just loved how close we were, my hands around her narrow waist. She took a deep breath and moved a scrap of fabric aside and I felt something warm and wet press against my head.

“Are you sure?” I asked, looking into her black eyes. She kissed me and lowered herself on me, letting her lips take me in. It was so warm, wet, and so tight as she moved slowly. She stopped as I felt a barrier blocking me. Crap she was a virgin. What the hell? If I had known, I could have taken things slower, but it was hard, and we were too far into it to look back now. Her breaths got quicker, and I pulled down her robe to expose hard brown nipples. I took one breast in each hand and toyed with the small soft flesh. She pulled a few strands of escaping hair free of her face and looked into my eyes.

“My Lord, I want you.” She gasped. “I need you.” I reached to her neck and pulled her mouth to mine as she fell on me. I felt the barrier snap as she moaned around my lips. She had cum at that moment. I reached up and pulled the hair pins holding the tight bun and let her long pink hair flow like a river behind her. She was just so beautiful.

“We can stop if you need to.” I said not fully wanting to. She bit her lip as she shuddered and writhed on top of me.

“I want to feel you cum inside of me.” She said looking down at me with lust filled eyes, cheeks hot with embarrassment. I wasn’t sure where all this had come from and all I could think about was my pink princess. She ground and growled on top of me as she rocked and rolled her hips. I couldn’t last as I held her and kissed her soft lips. I grunted and cried out as I spilled into her. She rocked back making sure every drop squirted deep inside of her. I could feel her clamp down on me as she held me close, joining in my release. The room was dark, and we were mostly in shadow, but somehow it felt like a shame on my soul. I had cheated on my women with Lian. She lay on top of me, and I held her, rubbing her back. I loved her, God help me, I loved her. She kissed my neck and sighed.

“I love you, My Lord.” Somehow, she voiced my heart, and I kissed her forehead. God help me, I had so many wonderful women in my life and yet I wanted more. I froze as Yen came in and looked down at us. Lian was already sleeping, but I was still awake and inside of her. Caught in the act. I expected Yen to get mad, yell at me, call me a pig, but all she did was reach over, grab the blanket and lay it over us. She leaned down, kissed my cheek and smiled at me.

“Make sure she knows she is welcome in our family. She is one of us now.” She said sweetly as she turned, that wonderful tail waving in a lazy happy way. I swear her eyes glowed in the dark as she turned to wink at me. Had she smelled us? I didn’t really understand what was going on and just liked the feeling of my cock inside of Lian even though I was now soft. What if she ended up getting pregnant from this? She moaned in her sleep and tucked under my chin as I held her close. Somehow, I managed to drift off to sleep like that.

In the morning, I was woken by Lian gasping as she poked my chest leaning up. My dick somehow still inside her. “My Lord, what if the children find us like this?” She asked as she covered her face with her hands. Had I done the wrong thing? She had forced herself on me, but I could have said no like I did to Washu. Wait a minute. This was all just a kinky dream.

“Let’s get cleaned up then.” I said trying to save her feelings and licked her cheek. She blushed more and pulled off me, making me groan with want. God this woman was driving me nuts. I didn't remember having a dream this vivid before. Maybe I would wake to see Lily playing with me again? I pulled my shift back into my PJs and leaned up on the couch. My back was stiff, and I needed a bath. Sleeping on the sofa always did that to me. Maybe I was just getting older. She looked at my crotch and blushed as my little guy disappeared into my PJs. I swear she licked her lips as she looked away. I couldn’t help but let my morning wood show my approval. Did last night even happen or did I dream of having hot dirty sex with Lian? Clearly it was all just a dream. I was a horny pervert after all.

“We sh-should, my,” She gulped, “my lord.” she said in a small voice. "Umm, get cleaned up." She reached out a hand pulling me to my feet and then the two of us made our way to the bath. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but something felt different. Normally my dreams weren't this normal.

“Lian, why did you want to join me?” I asked, leaving the question open ended.

“You, umm,” She took a deep breath. “You showed kindness to your people and the children of this land. I have heard of what you do with the slaves who are given to you, and it shows the type of man you are.” I missed a step on the way to the bath and nearly fell against her. I was not expecting that. She laughed and my heart fluttered. Why was I acting this way? She was human after all, and I had a thing for beast women. Why did I have a thing for them though? Was it because they were seen as animals like I was? That may be, so why did this pink-haired beauty reach through that? Was she the exception to the rule like I was to Hena? She led the way to the bath, and I couldn’t help but follow, watching that amazing ass sway behind the robe. Much to my shock I saw Lily in the bath bathing Kakarot. The boy was laying on her bare chest in the warm water and a fresh wave of guilt washed over me. Lily just looked at us and smiled.

“Welcome to the family, Lian.” She said with her normal sweet smile. Much to my growing shock, Lian started undressing and I got a wonderful look at her bare slender body as she got into the water. Lily just laughed and winked at me. Turns out the carpets do match the drapes. I thought as I looked her over.

“Come on My Love. The water is nice.” Lily said waving me in. This had to be a dream. Best to go along with it. I had a wet dream about fucking Lian last night and I was still in the dream. I disrobed and looked down to see my slightly blood-stained dick. I had broken her hymen last night so my little man should be covered in blood. “So, you were her first.” Lily said, looking over at me before turning to Lian. I just shrugged, washed up and got in the tub. This was all just a dream after all. Lian blushed and looked into the water. I could see that despite the warm water, her nipples stood up in arousal. It hit me of a similar situation long ago and I blinked at Lily.

“This isn’t a dream, is it?” I asked slightly shocked. Lian smiled sweetly and shook her head. “Well good thing I didn’t start a threesome in front of my son.” I said with a slight chuckle. Lily joined me and Lian just sat in the water, blushing, but with a smile on her face.

“Lain, I meant what I said. Welcome to the family.” Lily said moving to the other woman and handing her my son. He clung to her, and I liked the look. She would be an amazing mother. Would our children have pink or black hair? Did the magic she use get passed down? I couldn’t help myself and looked down into the waving water.

“You were right, the carpets do match the drapes.” I said with a slight chuckle. Lily slapped my arm and hid her own smile. Lian blushed and refused to look at us.

“Master, don’t tease the poor girl.” Lily said, smiling openly.



What do you think about Lian basically attacking Alex? I'm not sure I would have had the strength needed to hold back if a woman I was attracted to did that. I had to push back the next chapter as I felt Lian and Washu needed a moment here. Hold on to your butts because things are about to get fun.