B03C20 Good you can say my name, now let me hear you scream it.
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{Demon Lady Gorlond}

She had marched across the lands searching far and wide. To find him was her real quest, to eat him was her prize. She wasn’t sure why she had a thought like that, all she knew is she could now see the town, the Demon Prince Savage was in. He was so close. Soon she would have a clutch of demon lords in her belly and then his power at her command. She would bring this world to its knees with him a part of her. She had worked so hard and for countless years just to reach this point. She roared out the charge, forcing all of her minions to run forward. Some wouldn't be able to get through the barrier protecting the town, but she didn’t care. Those thoughtless, weak ones could stay outside and feel her hunger when the time came. Speaking of that, she scooped up a handful of the weak ones and let them fall into her maw. She licked sharp teeth as she kept walking. Each step making the town feel her approach.

She leaned back and roared. Best to show her mate and meal that she was here and ready. The air was slightly cold, but soon she would be laying on buildings that were smoking ash and embers. She liked the smells, screams and tasty people. Humans just had that special flavor that made her always want more. The younger they were the better the flavor and the sounds they made, would make her smile. She couldn’t wait and started running. She had enough of waiting and was going to have everything she wanted tonight. The barrier slowed her slightly as she ran past her troops, so she lowered herself down to all six limbs letting them eat up the distance. She was hungry, horny and wanted this world as her own. She saw a man standing on a hill and looked at him as she ran. It was her prize and he had two figures behind him. Each had a hand on his shoulder.

“Come now. I have been waiting.” The smile on Demon Prince Savage’s face was a little unnerving, but to be expected. “M. Bison, Lady Deathstrike, Sephiroth, show the underlings no mercy. If they retreat, let them run. The demon lord is mine.” Three large shapes moved from behind him and ran over the hill. One took to the sky and looked like a humanoid roc. It was more than impressive and the other two could have fought her but kept their distance. She reared up so she could keep running on four limbs in case they wanted to slow her down. She wouldn’t let them get that far. A light rain had started, and it only made her look more impressive in the evening sky. Then the smell hit her. Savage was a human. She had been fooled. He was no demon; he was just food. She roared her disapproval.

“SAVAGE!” she screamed. It was almost disappointing, but now she would get the chance to hear another one of those humorous heroic last stand speeches.

“Good, you know my name, now let me hear you scream it.” She slowed in her run not expecting him to say that. She had expected him to say he would stop her, how dare she try to hurt him or his family, how he would be the one to end her rampage. Why was he still smiling? Didn’t he know who she was?

“I have come to burn your city and eat your people.” She cried. This should spark a speech.

“I’d like to see you try.” He said coldly. This was all wrong. He was boastful and didn’t seem to be afraid of her. She would make this human feel fear. She roared and started charging at him again.

“I will eat you whole.” She shouted.

“Oh yes, come right at me and let me rip you apart like toilet paper.” The way he shouted with the magically amplified voice made her slide and stumble. Two of her three hearts skipped a beat. Fear ran up her spine and something deep inside her told her that this one human spelled her death. He nodded to the harpy on one side and the human man on his other. The two touched something on their backs and a strange humming came to her ears and mana flowed into Savage. His hair stood on end and sparks of mana flew from his hair as it turned blue. He smiled and lit up the area around him. The rain turned to steam before it even came close to him. What was he planning? Even this show of mana barely came close to what she could do. “I believe I asked you to scream my name. Now behold my final attack, CHAIN HYDRA!!!” He screamed as chains flew from his sleeves and into a pile of chains behind him. Basic metal could never hurt her. She mounted the hill and froze. Behind him were five more of those strange Knights, three dragons and off in the distance stood sixteen normal looking knights. One of the dragons looked like Onyx. All three of her hearts stopped as she looked down. He had set her up. “I’m down here bitch.” He said softly.

“What?” She cried as a wave of chains moved from behind him reaching up to her. What was going on? Why was he more of a threat than Onyx? The chains merged into the face of a dragon, and she brought her front right foot down to crush its head. The moment her foot touched it, time slowed down. It was a skill she had gotten a long time ago that had saved her life so many times. The chain dug into her scales, and something went horribly wrong. She could feel her scales shifting, turning to chains and digging through her flesh. It made its way inside, digging deeper, fast as lightning as it carved its way into her blood. Once it touched the blood, it turned the blood in her veins to chains. She used a skill that she had thought she would never use and severed the leg at the hip sealing the flesh behind it. Much to her shock the chains burst through her leg, and she saw hundreds of tiny dragons faced chains moved up to her stump. They dug in and kept moving to her brain. She moved her being into her back up brain near her tail and now understood why he was fear and pain. “SAVAGE!!!” she screamed in outrage. This shouldn’t have worked as she had the highest magical resistance possible.

“That’s right bitch. Scream my name.” His words were slow, and she had to watch in horror as he ripped apart her main brain. The chains spread through her body heading to her hearts. Her vision, hearing and smell were gone, and she was scared. She wrapped her body in a shell and shrunk it down. This would be her last hope, as she felt her hearts being shredded. This was it. If this failed, she would be dead. She forced gasses under her shell and let it explode forcing her tiny shell out of her body and into the rainy night. She wasn’t sure how long she flew or how far away, but she had escaped. Her thoughts faded and she lost all of who she was as her newly formed body couldn’t hold everything she had been.

The impact of the shell on the ground broke it open and she spilled out onto a dark, cold wet ground. She looked around with nervous wide eyes. She couldn’t know that she was now the size of a baby. All she knew was out here was Savage. A word that was pain and fear. The only word she knew. “Savage,” she said looking around. “Savage?” She was exposed on the grass and started digging into the mud. “Savage.” She whispered as she dug down hoping to hide from the Savage. Her tiny body would need food and safety if she was to hide from Savage. She lay in a small cave she had made out of dirt and shuddered in fear. “Savage.” She cried as she shook in the cold dark ground.

{Lord Alex Savage}

The demon lord fell over, and I felt the mana fade as Mai and Battery powered down the mana engines. I pulled all my chains to me and let them fall around me. “FUCK YOU!! I made you and this world my bitch.” I screamed into the rain as it fell on me again. I laughed out my joy as I started monologuing. “I am the Dark Lord Savage. I will FUCKING kill anyone who tries to fuck with me, my family or anyone in MY TOWN!!!” I heard someone clear their throat and froze. There were other people here and I had forgotten that. I shook as I looked over my shoulder. Everyone was looking at me. This is where they grab the pitchforks and run me out of town. I jumped as someone started screaming. Fear filled my eyes and I started to run, but Battery held my arm. He was screaming. Others joined him. This is where they rip me apart. Oh god? Suddenly everyone gathered around me. I couldn’t use my chains as Mai was too close. I couldn’t hurt her. Even if it cost me my life, I couldn't hurt her. I looked over in horror to see her there. She was smiling and pulled me down to kiss me. She was jumping up and down. Someone hit my back and screamed in my ear.

“Fucking amazing job Runt.” Boss screamed in my fucking ear. Wait, what?  I turned to look and saw a sea of smiling faces. Why were they smiling? What was going on? I was so confused. People were hitting me, but they looked happy. The five Warden Knights bowed to me, and I was pulled to the inn. Onyx held the door open as I was pushed into a seat. Something popped into my view, and I locked in on it.


“I am the champion of knowledge?” Battery said, stunned. A goofy smile was on his face. Onyx moved to my table and sat across from me as he handed me a mug of something strong. He drained his own and smiled at me.

“How the hell did you do that? I know she had a high magical resistance.” Onyx said with a slightly glowing face.

“She forgot the one rule everyone should know.” I smiled at the black dragon. He was in the robe he had the first day I had met him.

“And that is?” He asked with his own smile.

“Never fuck with the smartest man in the room.”

{Onyx of the Midnight Scale}

He was impressed with his new son in law. The small human had bested a demon lord. Alex had explained that magical resistance doesn’t apply to one's own body or blood. The human was amazing. The two had drained half the inn with the other villagers as the army ran in fear. They had watched their master get ripped apart by a small human. It would freak anyone out. He wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn't seen it for himself. When the night had worn on and both were drunk and happy, he helped Lord Savage get home with the help of the kind boar man. Onyx would have to learn his name. The boar was an interesting man. The door opened and Savage was pulled in by his women. Onyx saw his daughter and smiled at her.

“Hey there kiddo.” He said drunkenly. “Is there a pile of gold I can sleep this off on?” He was slurring his words badly and clinging to the wall.

“Nope only beds.” She said with a sweet smile.

“Okay, I’ll give that a try.” She led him through the house and into a dark room. “Hey kiddo. Let me tell you a secret.” He whispered into his little girl's ear. She laughed and propped him up. “Today is the first day of winter. You know what that means?” She blushed and slapped his chest. “Go give me grandkids.” He said as she pushed him on the bed.

“Rest well dad.” She said laughing. He closed his eyes as he thought about her mother. Maybe it was time for him to get back on the market. He was still a young dragon and could have a few more clutches.

The next morning, he woke with one hell of a hangover. His back didn’t hurt, and the bed smelled nice. His daughter seemed to be on to something. He made his way down to the smell of cooking bacon where he found a woman cooking in the kitchen. He sat at the counter. She handed a glass of water to him and smiled. It was clear she was with child, and she waved a long brush-like tail. “Do you like my daughter?” He asked unsure how Savage's women felt about her.

“She is very beautiful. I hope she can join us soon.” He smiled and regretted it. His head was killing him.

“Well, she is here to stay. I get the feeling she is in love with your man.”

“I know both like each other.” Onyx smiled at her as she spoke. “Well, make sure he takes care of my grandchildren. I’d hate to die trying to keep him in line.” She smirked at him.

“That is our job.” Onyx laughed and winced.

“I will take my leave. Thank you for being kind to my little girl.” He said with a bow. She wrapped a few slices of bacon in a cloth and handed it to him.

“Something for the road.” She said with a sweet smile. He was happy his little girls had found amazing people. The one he had given his older daughter turned out to be a loving caring man. He moved to the back of the house and looked around before popping the bacon into his mouth and disrobed, folding it carefully and then started to change. Once he was in his normal black dragon form, he flew towards his home. He would have to find the largest and softest bed he could. Sleeping on them was nice.

{Lord Alex Savage}

I woke the next morning with something warm on my side. It felt almost too hot, and I looked down to see Washu. She had snuck into my bed and was in her adult form. I couldn’t help myself and leaned down to sniff her hair. It smelled like cinnamon and a strange spice. I was hard in a flash and had to fight to avoid my hand moving lower. Her ass was so close, and I wanted to see what that tail felt like. She moaned in her sleep, and she let her hand move lower to my cock. “Washu, we can’t.” I protested as I reached for her hand. She lifted her head to look into my eyes.

“Not today.” I gulped. “Today is the first day of winter. Today I am one hundred winters old.” How could that be? 

“Winter was still two months away.” I looked at her confused as I argued.

“Dragons count winter at the first snowfall. It is falling now.” She leaned up to kiss me softly. I shuddered and tried to fight my need. She was so close, so warm and so fucking nude. Why was she nude? Why does this keep happening?

Three days later, I was in my workshop, six rings sat on my desk, and I put them all in a bag. It took me a long time to get all the parts together and today was the day. I took a deep breath and went home early. I had sex with Washu that morning and she had become one of my women almost overnight. Uta said Washu’s dad had demanded I bring Washu into the family. It was all a bit crazy, but who am I to argue with a black dragon? I walked into my house and called everyone into the living room. Once everyone was there, I looked around the room, my heart in my throat. “I need to do this.” I said reaching into the bag. “I am making this blind, so you all know I feel the same for each of you. I pulled out a golden ring with a beautiful silversteel band. “Washu. It’s almost comical that I pulled this one out first. You were the last in my bed, but still have a special place in my heart. Please be my wife.” She nodded, unable to speek around the tears. I put it on her finger using my magic to shape it to fit perfectly. 

I pulled out the next and smiled. “Uta, when you came into my life, you brought joy, life and energy. I can’t see my life without you now. Will you be my wife?” Lily was bawling openly as she clung to Lian. I pulled free a silversteel band packed with tiny rubies. “I love you, my Ember Coyote.” She held out her hand, the other covered her mouth. I put it on and moved to the next. “Hena. You inspire me to do more and be better. Will you be my wife?” She held out her own hand proudly, but her tears said more than I could ever express. I put on a mithril green band covered in filagree. I laughed a little as the next one found my fingers. A midnight band almost as black as my lover’s hair pulled free of the bag. “Midna, you are the shadow I can’t live without. Will you be my wife?” Midna stood and held her hand out to me. Her eyes watered, but she wasn’t crying openly like the others.

“Try to stop me if you can.” Her belly was swollen, and I smiled at the growing childen. The twin boys growing in her were healthy and one reached out touching his brother. Metal magic was epic. She sat back down looking at her ring. I reached in and smiled at the ring that I pulled free.

“Yen, you are my strength and I need you in my life. Will you be my wife?” My tiger lover smiled at me and nodded. I placed a gold band covered in tiny tigers eye stones. It felt cheap but looked almost as beautiful as the woman wearing it now. I reached in once more and pulled free a blue and green band of a strange metal I didn’t know the name of. “Mai, you may not have a voice, but you have my heart. Will you be my wife? My harpy lover looked confused but nodded and looked closely at the ring once it was on her finger. Only two left. The two crying women held each other as I reached in. “Lian, I know we haven’t known each other long, but I have come to love you as much as I love your music. Will you be my wife?” She nodded and held Lily as she held out her hand. A pink sapphire wrapped in jade was soon on her finger. That only left one to go. I reached in and pulled out the last ring. A simple, but beautiful white gold ring with a small ruby embedded in the band. “Lily, you have given me so much and I don’t think I could live without you in my life. Will you be my wife?” The other women started clapping and once they all had their rings, as one they stood and tackled me, kissing me, holding each other. It reminded me of the nest Mai had made and I would like to build a bed to make that happen a bit more often. 

{Glendica Healer}

It was the first day of elementary school and she would actually get to be around kids her own age. She was now three winters old. Once she had been Luhea Deveros, Mcdonalds in another life, but she didn’t have any of those memories. All she knew was she was a little girl with hare ears, human ears and a pretty light blue dress. She was scared and worried that people wouldn’t like her. Her mothers and dad told her that she had to go to school to become a smart woman. Teacher was watching everyone, a full belly and a smile on her face. Glendica had been told that when women looked like that, it meant that a baby was growing inside. Her teacher had beautiful pink hair. Glendica wished her own hair was pink or red, but her hair was blonde like her dads. 

Glendica looked around the room at the children playing. A loud pig girl was running around with a stick and shouting the word Justice. When she ran near Teacher, the teacher took the stick with a smile. “You can have this back after class." Teacher said sweetly. The pig girl looked up at her and started pouting.

“But I need that for justice.”

“You can have justice after class.” Teacher said with a smile. Glendica looked at some of the others. She saw a bat boy with four arms and large ears. He was looking around, blinking at everyone. Then her eyes blurred slightly. A small dark-haired boy was playing with blocks on his own. Her mind showed her the image of a man who looked the same. Same dark hair, same look in his eye. He even stuck out his tongue the same way, but the man was sitting by a fire and playing with a scrap of metal. The image was gone, and she felt a deep pain in her heart. It was like she had lost something important. It hurt her soul and she started crying. She wasn’t sure why she was crying and didn’t know what was going on. Something wrapped around her, and she opened her eyes to see the dark haired bunny boy holding her.

“My mom's say if someone is crying you should give them a hug. Is it helping?” Glendica hugged him back feeling the sad feeling go away. She nodded.

“Your moms are smart.” The boy smiled at her and pulled her to the blocks.

“Want to play blocks with me?”

“Sure.” she said, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. “What is your name?”

“Kakarot, but Mama Lily calls me Carrot.”

“I like carrots.” Glendica said with a sweet smile.

“Me too.” Kakarot said with an honest smile. From that day on, the two became close friends. 



I thought ending things on a cute note felt right. I still have a little more to go in this book, but we are nearing the end. I hope you guys liked the end of the demon lord and the marriage scene. Who is your favorite character? Call me the opra of happy endings. And you get a happy ending, and you get a happy ending.