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{Guldisa Deveros}

She sat at a large table in her kingdom, her consort around her. The former Princess Gvlodanda sat at the table, a sour expression on her chubby face. Guldisa wished the young woman expressed some self-control when it came to sweets. Next to her sat, Gutula Ven Hentergolt, the former head of house Hintergolt. The woman had become a trusted friend after Guldisa had helped her kill her useless husband. The two would often drink into the night on good days. Next to Gutula was Guslua Fos Bothoum, the head of house Bothoum now a member of Kingdom Deveros. Her father was killed by Lord Savage and Kingdom Deveros had taken her and her land, wealth and slaves in for the chance to kill Lord Savage. Across from them sat the former queen of the elven empire. Lady Asteria Vesota Jusenina. She had joined when her house was overthrown by House Tovoear.

“So glad we could all get together. Now how do we kill Lord Savage?” Guldisa asked. Lady Asteria placed her elbows on the table as she steepled her fingers to hide her mouth as she looked over at them.

“I think we fail at the direct approach; we can’t infiltrate the town either. The best way is to eat at the towns around him and force the turtle into his shell. Then we can crush him. Once he is alone and on his own, we can cut his head off.” She was calm and cold, but there was a fire in her eyes. She was out for his blood as they all were.

“The only issue with that is it will take years.” Guslua said. For one so young, she was quickly growing wise and coldhearted. The woman was also a beauty that would crush an army of men given the chance.

“I find that plan acceptable so long as we grow our own army. If we do that, we can try for the throne of the Beast King.” Guldisa said with a smile. Beast King was the title given to King Yeven Gen as he had taken two bunnies as his wives. It was so scandalous and foolish. He tossed aside his own for beasts, shameful. If not for the backing of Lord Savage, the Beast King would have fallen the moment he had taken the throne.

“I think we can all agree. Now who is ready for food?” Gvlodanda asked, looking around. If the poor girl got any bigger, she would have trouble walking.

“I need to check on my granddaughters. You all eat without me.” Guldisa said, rising from her chair. She just didn’t want to see that one stuff her face again. She moved through her new castle and went to a large playroom. The girls were there and making marks on a board. Their teacher was cowering in the corner and rocking slowly. It was a thin elf woman who was starting to lose her hair from the stress.

“I don’t understand them. They don’t speak but are able to make rune combinations that bogle the mind. It is like the math needed is simple to them. They have to be demons.” Gudisa scoffed at her words.

“They aren’t demons, just poisoned by their father's blood. I want them talking as soon as possible. If their rune work hurts your head, don’t look at it.” The elf stood bowing, but the dark lines under the woman’s eyes showed how troubled she was. Maybe she would have to vanish soon, and a new teacher brought in. She looked over at the girls who looked back at her blankly. They didn’t smile, scream or talk. They just took in the world and did as they were asked. Maybe her daughter had given birth to demons. She shook her head at the thought. The rune work, if they could puzzle this elf then clearly, they were just beyond what normal humans could do. They may be the tool Kingdom Deveros needed to take down Lord Savage. “I want them learning how to use Knights. Use the training tables when you can.” Guldisa said slamming the door behind her.

{Gen Savage}

I was fifteen winters old and flexing in the mirror. Uncle Meathead and Uncle Go had helped me forge this body into a work of art. It was fun to watch the muscles move under my skin and the way they rippled made me smile. Soon I would be an adult and a body like this would help me find a mate.

“If you are flexing in there, the least you could do is let me watch?” Snow said. She was always teasing me. I took it as I always did as I felt bad for her. She was in love with Ket and would often make the love smell when I was around showing me that even when I was there, she wanted our childhood friend.

“What do you need?” I asked through the door as I got dressed. My new school uniform was a tight white shirt, loose fitting pants tied with a sash and a long black coat that hung open. Over the right breast was the outline of a red howling wolf head. Big brother had a flare to his style.

“Master wants us.” Snow still called big brother, master even after all these years.” I sniffed at the door as my ears twitched. Luckily the coat had a long slit so Beasts like me could let our tails wave free. I opened the door to see Snow pouting. “You could have at least let me watch you get dressed.”

“If you keep teasing me, one day I may break and call you on your bluff.” She made the love smell, and I looked around. She must have heard Ket coming. Snow had bloomed into a beautiful woman, and it hurt my heart that she didn’t have feelings for me. If I couldn’t have her, the best thing to do is try to be there for her as a friend. She was wearing a short skirt that made my heart skip a beat when she would run upstairs. Covering an ample chest was a thin white shirt and a black vest. It was close enough to the school uniform that she could get away with it. She paired this with calf high boots that made a teasing clicking noise as she walked on anything hard. If I wasn’t her childhood friend, I was sure she would have to beat the men off with a stick. Somehow, I knew she would do that with a smile on her face. The woman was such a battle bunny. A sound came to me, and I turned to see Ket coming up the stairs.

She waved at us and joined Snow behind me. Ket liked to wear something big brother had called overalls. She would wear them with a long sleeve black shirt and oversized boots that clomped when she walked. When we started school, big brother had found out she was nearsighted and had given her glasses. It made her eyes look huge and cute. How rotten was my luck that I grew up with two cute girls and they fell for each other over me? Auntie Debbie liked to say FML and I felt that as they walked behind me. I really needed to get a girlfriend even if we couldn’t do anything for a whole year. We walked across a bustling town full of Beasts, Orcs, Elves and things I never knew existed, to big brother's workshop. He was inside and at his desk like normal tinkering with something. Ket went around the desk and watched him work without saying a word.

“Ket, please join Gen and Snow. I have something important to say.” He pulled out three control coins laying each on the desk. “I am setting you free today and sending you on a quest. This is your graduation test. Do this and school will be over for all three of you. Ket focus.” He said looking at her. I looked back to see her leaning towards me, her tongue out. The little raccoon girl still liked to lick me when she didn’t think I was paying attention. “Now I need you to travel in three normal Knights of your choosing to find and try to bring back someone.” He said with a smile. Big brother’s smile still looked creepy, but now I knew it was just how he was. He was never evil, and that smile was just a part of his personality.

“Who will we be hunting for?” Snow asked, her eyes focused on big brother’s face. “Will we be allowed to fight any bandits?” Big brother laughed at her questions.

“Yes, you are allowed to defend yourselves. That being said, try not to pick a fight. As for your target. Her name is Clover Vestos, but you may have known her as Clover Cottontail.” My ears locked on big brother. That was Snow’s last name. Was she one of Snow's sisters?

“If she is unwilling to come back with us?” I asked.

“Offer her the fertility potion as an incentive.” He said with a smile. Snow blushed and I smelled love flowing off her in waves. I was sure she was blushing. I knew Ket was beside her, but now was not the time. I nodded and raised my head.

“The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back.” I said with a confidence I didn’t fully feel.

{Lord Alex Savage}

I set the kids free and chose to walk home without Parnel. My huge friend was helping one of his wives give birth and he needed to be there. The town had grown so large that most people didn’t know me without my mask. It was nice to blend into a crowd and just be a normal person for a little. I was walking down the street when I saw some young boys running and playing lit little ones do. A half boar boy tripped, and he started crying as his friends ran off.  I walked up to him and reached out a hand. He wiped his eyes and got up.

“You going to be okay?” I asked him. He was maybe six winters old (8 earth years) and had a mop of dark brown hair. Pig ears poked out of the top with human ears under it. He was wearing shorts and an oversized shirt.

“Yeah, but they were being mean to me.” he pouted. I walked to a stoop and sat down with him. It was clear the young man needed someone to talk to.

“Tell me all about it.” I said waving at Tailor’s daughter. She bowed to me and kept going. The little one didn’t notice.

“They say I’m too fat and big to play Lord Savage.” The young ones had started playing through some of my fights like I was some type of superhero. It upset me at first until I realized that children need things like that in their lives. “They say I should be Boss or Meathead, but I don’t want to be them.” I laughed and smiled at him.

“They sound like fools and what does Lord Savage say about fools?” He rubbed his eyes again and turned to me, his chin quivering.

“Fools should be left to be fools or beaten.”

“Close. Just let them be fools and prove to them you can be Lord Savage.” I said with a smile. It was weird talking about myself in the third person like this. “Give me your best Lord Savage.” I demanded He stood quickly and wiped his eyes before putting his hands on his hips in a heroic pose. Okay the pose was a bit much.

“Flying fools, I am no hero.” He said boldly and I had to laugh at him. That wasn’t bad.

“Go on.” I said. This was kind of fun.

“Give me enough mana and I can break this world.” I had to hold my side on that one. The boar boy was getting into it. “I have made this world my own.” That had to be what his parents told him in place of what I actually said. He gave me a comical evil laugh and I had to wipe a tear away from how funny it all was.

“You make a fairly good Lord Savage, but what is Lord Savage’s greatest asset?” I asked not sure if he understood where I was going. He shrugged in response.

“His mind. Lord Savage is who he is because he took time to learn, grow and build tight bonds with people. You want to be like him, you need three things.” I said standing up. He looked up at me with wide eyes full of wonder. “You need smarts so study hard. You need a proper evil laugh, and you need this.” I reached into my robe and pulled free my mask. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head as he took it. “Tell your father Battery to come see me if he doesn’t think it's okay for you to have that.” I leaned back and gave my best evil laugh and the boy joined in with me. I turned as he ran off to join his friends. This town was my home, this world was my home, and I would break anyone who threatened it, my family or any of my people. Because I am LORD FUCKING SAVAGE!




Thank you everyone who read this. You all are amazing in every way. I want to personally thank Goodmann, DLRhanna and Pingmeep. You three are epic lords and helped me with spelling and grammar. I hoped all of you had fun growing with Alex and even though his story is over, he isn't finished. I have a lot planned for Gen and Alex will pop up in his book. I do have a few short story ideas and Gorloth's sister needs a sweet story with Alex. I was also thinking about one with Alex's butler Radish. I am open to any ideas you guys have to offer. Stay safe and stay epic. :)