Bonus Story 2 The brute and the beauty Part 1
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{Yavlten Gon Hervot, Boss}

I was sitting at my desk when there was a knock at the door. Runt and I had left the fat slaver I bought Gorloth from. It was a strange mixture of horror and comedy the way Runt had brought the fool low. I had the feeling that the slaver would piss himself if he even thought of trying to take my flock of golden chickens away. Runt was a treasure trove to me, and I would be fucked without him. "Come in.” I growled in annoyance. I had enough on my plate to deal with fools slamming on my door every five minutes. I looked up as three people came in, each wearing slave collars and borderline burlap tunics. I sighed and blinked at them. “Disregard any orders anyone else has given you.” All three collars glowed and all three nodded at me. “Who is Yon Se Hendergo?” A large well-built man stepped up. He placed two control coins on the table and bowed to me.

“I am.” He gulped, unsure what we were going to do. A thin hare woman placed a third coin on the table and stepped back. I pocketed all three and looked at the man.

“Go around the shop and introduce yourself to everyone. If you feel like making friends, arm wrestle my brother. He goes by Meathead these days. After that, get some new clothes and come back. I may have time to help you find a place to rest tonight.” His collar glowed and he bowed to me leaving. “Next is Yeomds Tor.” The hare woman who had placed down the third coin bowed to me sending those floppy ears waving. “Go get new clothes and see a man named Healer. He should help you get settled. One thing before you go, sex in this town is by choice. You can refuse anyone you want. That is an order from our lord.” She blushed and bowed leaving quickly. I had to make that clear as she was pretty for a hare woman. “That must make you Bealcia Brimstone.” I said looking up from the paper I had been reading off of. I gulped and had to fight to keep the blush I felt from showing on my face. She stood over my desk, tall and lean with a frame that every human woman would kill to have. Large hips, breasts, huge bat-like wings, long black angled goat horns, glowing orange eyes, and long blood red hair. She smiled with bright red lips as she sniffed the air with a small, pointed nose. A long whip-like tail moved behind her as she put a hand on her hip. I could see dark claw-like nails on the tip of each perfect finger. She was sex personified and I had to fight the boner that was building up. FUCK ME! I inwardly screamed as I looked into those deep orange eyes. She was everything I wanted, but this was not the time or place. I cleared my throat and looked back at the paper. “Get some clothes from the tailor and come back.  I will need your talents in organizing people.” Her collar glowed and she looked slightly disappointed as she turned away from me. Once the door was closed, I had to take a deep breath as I let my fingers run through my hair. Maybe it was just how she was practically nude or the way she acted, but the woman was just too hot for words. I needed to work out.

Heading out back I found strange equipment that Runt had built for me. He had called it a gym and each device would help me build my body. I couldn’t help but see and feel the results and working out on it did help me relax. I was laying on a bench pressing something called dumbbells over my head. It worked great on my shoulders, chest and arms. A sound came from the workshop. What idiot needed me now? I turned a scowl on my face that died in place. Bealcia was standing in the doorway in the tiniest dress she could wear. I stopped nearly dropping one of the heavy weights on my face. She was wearing a scandalous short black dress that would flash anyone if she sneezed. Her large breasts were barely covered. She was licking her lips as she watched me, and I had to fight to look away. “Welcome back.” I grunted as I put the dumbbells back to their stand. If that is what she wanted to wear, who was I to argue with her?

“What did you want me to do now?” She asked sweetly, looking me up and down. I walked over to a towel and wiped off the sweat that I had worked up.

“I need your help organizing our people.” I said refusing to look at her. I knew if I looked, I would want her and I needed her help, not her body. She hummed and even that sent a shiver up my spine. “You can find the files in my office. I will be there in a little while.” I said as I needed to clear my head after seeing her in that dress. It had to be backless as her wings were freely moving. I shook my head and went back to doing squats to try to calm down. Once I was relaxed, I wiped off and went back inside. She was sitting at my desk. She had a pair of glasses sitting on her nose and looked over them at me. I just needed to remember why she was here. Focus Boss. “Glasses?” I asked.

“Yes, I need them to see.” She said coldly, frowning at me.

“They look good.” I said sitting across from her. She was placing files in to three stacks. “What are these?”

“Strong Laborers.” She said pointing at the first and latest stack, “Weak Laborers.” she pointed at the middle stack. It had a few names. “And guards.” She said pointing at the last stack.

“Impressive.” I said coldly. Inwardly I was trying not to jump her. The way she moved, acted, and even smelled, all of it drew me in. That being said, she did an amazing job getting everyone sorted.

“Impressive? That is all you have to say?” She asked with a sly smile.

“Yes. Now let’s look at finding you a place to stay for the night.” Her eyebrow went up at my words. She stood and I heard her hooves clicking behind me. I led her to the inn to see if there were any free rooms. I snuck a glance back to see her looking around. There was a slight blush on her face. Could she blush on command? I tried not to think about it or the sound she made with those cute hooves.

“Why don’t you wear a shirt?” She asked sweetly.

“Never liked them. Uncomfortable.” I wanted to say more, but she made me nervous as all the hells. The inn was packed like normal, and I waved over Innkeeper. “Is there a room you have for her?” I said pointing a thumb over at Bealcia. He shook his head with a frown.

“No. With the caravan in town and all the new slaves, we are booked solid.” What the hell do I do now? There was only one bed I knew of but didn’t like the idea. With a grumble I took her to a table.

“We should eat before I take you to my home.” I would have to be on best behavior. Runt had made it clear that he hated anyone who forced themselves on another. I wouldn’t jeopardize my life, livelihood or even manhood on a moment of weakness. Focus on food, Boss. I inwardly scolded myself. I saw she was blushing again. It was a bit awkward as I was unsure what to do. I never had time to date before and was always awkward around women. “Order what you want.” I said scratching my chin. How did people do this? Runt had six women and I can’t even talk properly to one. Our food came and we ate without talking. She kept glancing at me and looking away. It felt weird and I didn't know what to talk about. Was there something on my face? Was she scared of me? I ate and brought her back to my house and took her to my bedroom. My hands were soaking, and I couldn’t really talk. I took a shuddering breath and turned to look into those huge orange eyes. “You sleep here. I’ll be on the couch.” I turned away and saw her holding her middle. That tiny dress must be cold. “If you need blankets, let me know?” I walked into the living room and started making up the couch. It was messy and I blushed when I realized my paints were out on my desk with one of the training dolls. Would she look down on me for doing that? I stormed back to my own bed to find the door shut. With a sigh that came out like a slight roar. That was it, my chance with her was gone. She would look at me like a weird fool. I clenched my fists and went outside. I needed to work out. If I work out, the bad thoughts will go away.

I couldn’t sleep. The couch was fine but being under the same roof as a woman like that, was driving me nuts. With a grunt, I got up and went to my office. I looked at the files laid out. She had done a wonderful job on them. I cleared them away making sure her work wasn’t wasted and stacked each one carefully on a shelf. Once it was clear, I reached into my desk and pulled out another doll I had as a spare with a set of small paints. I turned on a lamp to give me enough light. It relaxed me in a way I couldn’t explain. It was like the world melted away as I focused on the tiny thing. My eyes got heavy, and my head started drooping.

I woke with a start, the sun was up, and someone had put a blanket over my shoulders. What had happened? I stood and felt my back pop in several places making me groan as I stretched and yawned. I looked over at the doll I had been working on and found it on my cabinet with the paints and water. Someone had moved them out of the way so I couldn’t make a mess. What the hell was going on? I made my way out to see everyone working and Bealcia ordering my men around. Most of them either had goofy expressions or avoided looking at her. At least I wasn’t the only one that was having a hard time with her. “Did you eat?” I asked, wiping the sleep from my eyes. She turned back to me and frowned.

“No. Did you?” She asked sweetly.

“No. The town rule is that slaves get a basic meal for free at the inn. If you want more, you may have to pay for it.” She nodded and blushed.

“Do I owe you for last night?” One of the workers turned to me and gave me an odd smile. FUCK YOU I DID NOT SLEEP WITH HER! I just growled at him, and he took off quickly.

“Nothing. You worked for it.” Another one walked by at the wrong moment and gave me an odd look as she blushed. FUCK ME! I scowled at him, and he kept moving. She was still wearing that skimpy dress that was drawing my eyes to places they shouldn’t go. I had to turn away and looked around at all she had set up. It was impressive how easily she was able to get everyone lined out and I wasn’t dealing with idiots nipping at my heels in the morning. “Food. now.” I growled and waved at her. She followed me to the inn. “Order what you want.” I said taking my own seat. She sat across from me and started hugging herself again. If she was cold, she should wear more clothing. It was weird that she failed to look up at me as we ate. It was the smoothest day I had in a long time. I escorted her home and tried to sleep on the couch again. This time I could actually fall asleep. I was just too tired to stay awake.

{Bealcia Brimstone}

She tossed and turned in his bed. He was sleeping on the couch again. He was her new master, but he didn’t want to use her. He fed her and took care of her but didn’t use her. She had never had a master who seemed to get angry when she tried to flirt with him. What was wrong with him, no what was wrong with her? She felt small and held herself in his bed. It smelled like him, and she liked his scent. To a succubus sex was not just everything, it was a sign of their self-worth. Being turned down by a man hurt on a deep level and had never happened to her before. If she couldn’t have him, she would have to work hard to earn his praise. She wiped her tears and hugged his pillow. She would be his woman even if she couldn’t be his woman.

(Yavlten Gon Hervot, Boss)

The days passed and Bealcia had worked hard to make everything easy, but the only thing that bothered me was how attracted I was to her. She was bending over one day and on seeing the skimpy underwear she had on, I lost my shit. “My office now.” I growled. She blushed and looked up at me blushing. She followed me into my office, a sad look in her eye. It hurt me, but I couldn't take it anymore. I sat at my desk and looked across from her. “Do you own any other outfits?” I asked calmly, inwardly I was screaming. She was just too sexy.

“No.” she said looking down. She was pouting and somehow, she made even that look sexy and cute at the same time.

“Why not buy some?” I said somehow not staring at her chest. She looked up into my eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat.

“With what money?” She asked, her lip quivering. By all the hells, if she was going to cry, I can’t take women crying.

“Go see Tailor and tell her it is on my tab. I want you to pick up three to five outfits,” she looked up at me with a surprised look on her beautiful face. “And for the love of the gods, please make sure they are something that can be worn around children.” Her pout turned into rage, and I saw a tear make its way out.

“Do I disgust you that much?” She said with an angry look on her face. By all the hells, she made even that look attractive.

“No.” I growled. Why was she getting angry? I was the one she was teasing day and night.

“Then why?” She screamed.

“Because I want you for your mind, not just your body.” I shouted back. Her mouth fell open and she looked at me blankly, a blush blooming on her face. She stood and walked out of the room without saying a word. Had I screwed it up. I was always a screw up with women. I couldn’t help but worry and reached in pulling out another doll to paint. I was halfway through when she stormed back in. Much to my shock she was wearing a robe. It was a deep black with red flowers splattered across it. Before she was a sex object, but now she was beautiful and elegant. She had her glasses in place and had pulled her hair up into a tight bun. I just looked at her with my jaw slack. She blushed and held out a white scrap of cloth to me.

“Turnabout is fair play.” She said smugly. I was not sure what was happening. I held it up and saw a shirt unfold in my hands. “If I have to cover up, so do you. You are really distracting with your chest exposed like that.” I smiled in an unsure way as I stood, careful not to get paint on it. “You and your paints.” She said picking them up and placing them on the cabinet.

“You don’t mind them?” I asked slightly worried. She smiled and looked away.

“I think it's cute.” She said sweetly. With a blush of my own, I pulled down my suspenders and pulled the shirt over my head. It was soft. I was expecting it to be itchy and tight, but this was soft and fit me nicely. “See you look much more civilized now.” I had to laugh and bow to her.

“What brought this on?” I asked.

“You are the first man who wanted me for my mind and not JUST my body.” She said blushing and looking at the ground. I nodded and smiled at her.

“Shall I treat you to dinner?” I asked, feeling uneasy. She nodded and smiled, holding out her arm. With my heart in my throat, I hooked my arm in hers and I stiffened as she lay her head on my shoulder. Her horns were hard, but she smelled so nice.



I know you guys have asked for it and hope it lives up to expectation. There will at least be a part two and more. I love how Boss is a huge bear of a man, but inwardly he is a scared guy who doesn't know how to talk to women.