Bonus Story 2 The brute and the beauty. Part 4
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(Yavlten Gon Hervot, Boss)

Winter was around the corner and Bealcia had insisted we build an addition for my paints and dolls. It would be nice to have more space and I may be able to put a weight table in there. It took a few weeks, but it was built quickly and before the snow set in. Bealcia demanded she be allowed to work on the interior, and I couldn't argue. The glint in her eyes was just too much to pass on. In exchange, I would buy her a new outfit of my choosing. I had it made, ready and hidden in my desk at work. I had hopes that she would like it. It could be seen as an early winter’s end gift between us. The day had come two weeks later, and I brought her new outfit, wrapped in paper and went home with her. My heart was in my throat as I walked through the door. Bealcia was in the living room, and she bounced up and down with excitement. This did amazing things to her breasts, and I tried and failed not to ogle her.

“You’re home, you’re home, you’re home.” She said bouncing up to me. It made me laugh and smile as I hugged her. She planted a quick kiss and pulled me to the new room. She took a deep breath. “Close your eyes.” She said and pulled me into the room. “Okay.” She said, taking another breath. “Open them.” I opened my eyes and looked around stunned. Shelves lined the walls, and a workspace had trays full of paints and a cup full of brushes. I didn’t have this many to begin with. Where had she gotten them all? “Do you like it?” She asked and I turned to see doubt on her face. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her hard.

“It’s amazing. Where did you get all this?” She blushed and pulled back a lock of stray hair that had escaped.

“I took the ones from your office and asked some of the people in town to help.” I moved to the shelves and saw a new doll sitting in the center of the workspace. It looked like a training doll, but one that had been made to look like her. “I remembered seeing this in your dream and wanted to bring it to life for you.” She said sweetly.

“I only hope that your gift can be as amazing as all this is.” I said turning to her and holding out the paper wrapped outfit. I took my own deep breath as she took it and started ripping into the package. It spilled out and over her fingers. She looked up at me with a cute blush on her face.

“Can I try it on?” She asked. I nodded and she made a cute high-pitched squeal and ran off, her wings bouncing as though she wanted to fly. I laughed and sat at my new desk, sifting through the paints pulling out a few pots that I would need for doll of her. Soon I was lost in the painting and forgot about anything else. Someone coughed and I blinked, unsure how much time had passed. “Well?” Bealcia asked and I turned slowly before my jaw hit the floor. She stood there in a Jing Bio style robe that was black. It had slits for her wings and tail. Pink flowers ran down her side and she blushed holding herself in a way I now knew was how she showed she was uneasy. A large pink sash held her robe closed and showed off her narrow waist.

“Beautiful.” I muttered, dumbfounded and unable to say more. She giggled and did a small spin with her arms. Her hooves clicked in a pleasent way as she walked to me.

“It is beautiful or am I beautiful?” She asked, sitting in my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. I held her and just looked into those wonderful orange eyes. I gulped and shook my head, unable to look away from her.

“Both. The robe is nice, but on you, it looks amazing.” I said before leaning in for a kiss. She smiled sweetly and kissed me quickly before pulling back.

“I can tell it is made of silk and must have taken a master to make.” She pinched the sleeve of one arm and stroked my face. “It’s so soft and beautiful.” She said, fluttering her eyes at me. I laughed and regained my mind.

“So, I got something that is almost as beautiful as the amazing woman wearing it.” She blushed and looked away. I kissed her cheek, and she giggled in the cutest way. She hugged me and whispered into my ear, sending a thrill up my spine.

“You know the best part?”

“What?” I asked, whispering into her pointed ear, licking it to make her shudder.

“I can wear it without underwear. Do you want to see?” I growled into her ear as I hooked an arm under her legs and the other stayed behind her back. This let me stand without parting from her and transferred her into a princess carry. I took her to the bedroom and laid her down gently. I started undressing and she smiled watching me closely. “Can you flex for me?” She asked. I nodded and started moving my body through poses letting my muscles stand out in a fun way. I had practiced this a few times for my own amusement in the past, so it was nothing new. She bit her finger and much to my shock, she moved her hand down to her breast and squeezed her nipple. Was she getting turned on by this? My body responded to her actions and my little man got excited, but I didn’t stop flexing. This only seemed to make things hotter between us as she opened her robe to expose her breasts. I moved closer and she rolled towards me on the bed. Her hand reached out and she took my manhood in hand pulling me to her mouth that opened wide. I gasped as she took me in. Her tongue rolled around my head as she licked every part of me before taking me all the way in. my hands moved to the back of her head, my fingers holding her horns, and I held her close as she moved back and forth sucking hard. I couldn’t take it and pulled her off me. She looked up disappointed as I growled at her.

“I thought you said no underwear. Prove it.” She smiled at my words and rolled to the edge of the bed letting her legs hang off as she pulled her robe open. Much to my joy she was speaking the truth. A bright pink snatch was shining in the candlelight. I licked my lips and moved between her legs. She smiled, pulling me close and letting my manhood slide up and down her. “Are you ready?” I gasped. She reached up grabbing my arms and pulling me close and letting me slide inside. Her claws dug into my chest leaving red marks behind as she moaned and writhed under me.

“I’m close.” I gasped as I pushed deep inside her. She clawed at my arms, need filling her eyes.

“Inside. Cum inside me. I need it.” She moaned as her womanhood clamped down on me showing me that she was over her limit as well. Every time we made love, I finished inside her and this time was no different. She screamed as she clawed at my shoulders. It ended up being the hottest sex we had ever had.

I was lying in bed, her tucked under my arm and hummed softly. When we were done, she folded her new dress and put it in the dresser. It was clear she treasured it and that warmed my heart. She hummed and ran her fingers through my chest hair. “Boss,” she said, taking a deep breath. “I love you.” She had gotten very still as though afraid of what I would say. I smiled and ran my fingers through her hair.

“I love you too.” She did the cutest happy squirm and she lifted up, kissing me passionately. 

Winter with Bealica was a dream and Runt finished something he was calling the Warden. It frightened me, but the mithril we were going to make would change everything. Rumors of a magic potion were going around, but I didn’t pay attention to any of it. I was just happy with my paints, woman, and life. Bealcia told me she wanted to try painting and I put up an easel in my painting room. I had a lot of paint and having her humming in there with me was a treat. She was bad at painting, but just having her close was meaningful. 

Spring came, Runt left to finish our contract, my shop opened back up and we got back to work. We weren’t allowed to sell them, but there was nothing in our deal said we couldn’t alter Knights for extra gold. Bealcia was in the shop, and I was dealing with letters asking us to upgrade Knights. I was laughing at the newest one saying they would pay fifty gold for one upgrade. I was smiling at the stack of requests when someone stormed into my office.

“Boss, come quick.” My brother said, a slightly worried expression on his face. What had happened? I jumped over my desk, sending papers flying. Did something happen to Bealcia? My heart was hammering in my chest as I ran. She was standing on one side of a Knight's bay, holding her cheek. She had been crying and I looked around. Someone was holding back one of the Grunts. Jasgoz if my memory was right.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I roared, drawing all eyes to me. Yon Se, one of our newest Knight Commanders turned to me as he held the man back.

“It is kind of a private matter, Boss.” He said, looking at the ground. My rage built as I saw a bruise forming on Bealcia’s face. My vision faded around the edges as I walked calmly to Jesgoz. He was cursing and fighting everyone.

“I’ll not be turned down by that whore of a succubus.” He screamed. On hearing that, I looked at my men.

“Turn him loose. He is mine.” I said softly. Meathead put a hand on my chest trying to stop me.

“You don’t want to do this.” He said pushing me back. It was too late though. Jasgoz was let go and everyone backed off. He moved to Bealcia who was backing away slowly, fear in her eyes. I pushed my brother aside and stepped in the path of Jasgoz. His rage fell to fear as he looked up at me. My first connected to his gut making him double over and puke on the floor. I had to step back to avoid the spray.

“What the fuck?” He gasped, but I didn’t hear that. I roared, forcing him to look up at me just in time to see my fist coming down to connect with his chin. Arms wrapped around me, pulling me back from the shit stain of a man lying in his own mess. A hand reached out and touched my face. It was small and tipped with black claws. I knew that hand. I blinked, my rage fading as I looked into her worried eyes. I shook my head and pulled her into a hug. She smiled and hugged me back.

“Let me make one thing clear. She is mine and I will beat the living shit out of anyone who cares to argue that fact.” I yelled and much to my shock I saw happy nodding faces. “Good, now get this fucker out of my shop.” I said lifting Bealcia into a princess carry.

“Where are you taking me?” She asked with a giggle.

“Healer.” I said, unwilling to look down at her.

“No, you’re not. You aren’t wasting gold on a bruised cheek.” She pushed away from me demanding I put her down.

“Waste the gold?” I looked down into her glowing eyes and blushing cheeks. It hurt me that the mark on her cheek stood out clearly. “Can’t you see that you mean more to me than a few coins?” She stopped protesting and let me run to see Healer. It only cost me three silver. I took her home as I knew neither of us wanted to go back to work. I didn’t want to go back just in case I ran into Jasgoz. I wasn’t sure if I could hold back and not kill the fool. Bealcia was being distant, and I hoped she wasn’t scared of me now. I had lost my temper and hurt someone, but I couldn’t help it. He had touched her and insulted her. There was a knock at the door, and I went out to see Meathead and a new woman in town. She was a bat beast woman and was clinging to my brother. Her long black hair covered her face, but the voice that came out was sweet and full of energy. Were they seeing each other?

“Yes, I am seeing your brother.” she said, looking at me. She turned to Bealcia and smiled. “No, I like mine. You have yours.” Bealcia nodded and moved to the kitchen. “Oh, if you have Hunter’s blend, I’d love some.” It was like the woman, “Yes, I am reading your minds.”

“That is something.” I nodded.

“Tell me about it.” Meathead said, looking at us embarrassed.

“Oh, yeah. I should turn it off so we can have a normal conversation.” She said twisting a bracelet that looked like a mana nullifier. She sighed as she looked around. “My Meathead said you got in a fight today and may want someone to talk to.” She said, laying her head on Meathead’s arm. He nodded and pulled her to the couch. I moved to a chair and looked across at them feeling like a child who got in trouble for a brawl behind a barn. It had happened a few times in the past, but I thought those days were long behind me.

“How is Jasgoz?” I asked slightly worried about how everyone would take it.

“He has a broken jaw and is missing a few teeth. Well, not really missing as we did find them.” Meathead said with a laugh. My heart sank as I looked over at Bealcia. I swear she had a smile on her face before turning her head away from me.

“And the men?” I asked about our crew. Would they mistrust me after I attacked one of them? Meathead laughed and the bat woman poked him as she hid her own smile behind a wing.

“Oh, you are their hero.” My brother said with a huge childish smile. They felt this way now, but would they feel that way in a week? “A few wanted to do more, but I was able to convince him to leave on the next caravan and find somewhere else to live.” That was probably for the best, but it still hurt my soul. I had lost my temper and hurt someone out of rage.

They stayed until sunset, and I learned that my brother’s new girlfriend was named Batsy and she had taken the potion. On the mention of the potion, Bealcia blushed and refused to look at me. When Bealcia and I were alone and lying in bed, I took a breath and asked what was eating at my heart. “Do you hate me?” I asked into the dark room. She looked up and I could clearly see her glowing eyes.

“Why would you think I hated you?” She asked, stroking my cheek.

“For what I did today.” I said lowering my eyes. It let me see her breasts pressed against me and a slight thrill went up my spine. She put a finger under my chin lifting my eye back up to look into hers. “I lost my temper.” I said, unable to hold back.

“You did that for me, and it showed me that you loved me more than I could ever say. I need you to know that I feel the same for you. You are my muscle hunk, and I could never hate you.” She said as she leaned closer, ending her speech with a soft kiss.

“We should get married.” I said when she pulled away. She blushed and bit her finger, a look of worry on her face.

“If we did that, could we have children?” She asked, not able to look at me. I smiled and laughed softly, my fear fading.

“Can we see how the other women turn out first? I can’t risk you until I know it works.” She looked up at me, her eyes wide.

“You mean it?” She asked, bouncing in my arms. I kissed her hard that tuned into a night of pleasant lovemaking.

We were married a few days later and much to my shock everyone showed up to congratulate us. My life was full and happy, made easier when I got a message from Runt letting me know the deal was done and we had a benefactor who would bring us more gold than I could ever dream of.

The weeks passed and I was living a loving married life with my beautiful wife. I had a nice talk with Fat Man. The slaver who had once owned the woman I loved with all my heart. I made sure he understood that child slaves were off limits and he agreed to give us the child slaves he had out of the goodness of his own heart. I took Bealcia over to Meathead's house. We saw a lizard boy playing with a golden fox girl. Bealcia on seeing her, ran up to her and pulled her into a large hug.

“You are just too cute.” She said kissing the fox girl's face. The girl laughed and hugged her back giggling. The boy ran up to Meathead and was picked up.

“Relax. That is my brother and his wife. Both live in town.” He said with a laugh. Bealcia turned to me holding the little girl.

“Can we keep her?” She asked, her lip pouting. I put my hands on my hips and frowned at her.

“One of these days, your charms won’t work on me.” She smiled and kissed the girl's cheek. “This is not that day. What is your name, little one?” I asked.

“Rena.” She nodded sweetly as she turned to Bealcia. “What your name?” She asked.

“My name is Bealcia, but you can call me Mama.” The little one hugged her and laughed.

“Mama nice.” I smiled as I looked down at them. “Papa?” She asked, pointing at me. I nodded and held out my arms. Bealcia stood and we held Rena feeling like a family. 

A few days after that, Runt had his own kid and I now had proof that the potion was safe and worked. That night, Bealcia came into our room and was blushing madly. “Rena is asleep, and the house is locked up.” She said sweetly. I reached into my nightstand and pulled out a bottle holding a red liquid. She picked it up, her hand shaking as her eyes watered. 

“I told you once we knew it was safe and worked,” I trailed off and crossed my arms in the bed. She uncorked it and drained it in one gulp. I gulped as well knowing what the rest of this night would be like.

Hours later, I stood up from the bed, feeling drained, but happy. I walked around my dark house with the three extra rooms. One held my paints, dolls, Bealcia's paintings, and easel. The other held a beautiful blonde haired fox girl. The last one was empty for now, but I may have a baby on the way soon. Our new daughter was sleeping and happy in the big bed. She loved it when Bealcia would brush her hair and tail. We had added the extra room so Rena would have a playroom, but now it would be a baby room for my new child. I returned to lay next to Bealcia and held her. She hummed in her sleep and tucked her head under my chin as her long tail wrapped around my arm. What had I done to earn this?

I had gone from being alone and bitter to having a happy family, loving wife and so much more. I stroked her cheek, and she smiled in her sleep. It made me smile and I closed my eyes. With a happy sigh, I drifted off to sleep, happy and feeling loved.




This was a little longer than I had planned for, but I think it came out nice. I love how the Succubus is now in a monogamous relationship with a bodybuilder and I think the two will make great parents. Rena will feature in Gen's book, and she will pick up some manucaption tricks from her mama. She may also have some of her Papa's anger making her a fun character. That is for down the road. This almost felt like a romcom, but somehow more wholesome. She could see past his anger and roaring rough nature to the gentle person he was. He looked past her looks and nature and brought out someone who badly wanted to be loved. Tell me your thoughts on who you'd like to see next, but I may end up starting Gen's book and coming back to these shorts when I have time.