Chapter 10: Abigail (1)
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Vesper is in the Mess Hall of the Spirit of Wisdom, currently he was sitting on a wooden table, wooden? Why would it be wooden? Well... They are rationing resources; wood seems to be common within their fleets for some odd reason. Maybe artificial tree dorms? That is unknown. Crad is seen eating ham in the corner of Vesper's eye. His face buried in the ham. Vesper hasn't touched his food, he looks at Crad with amusement. Vesper looks to his left and sees groups of people, XISER told him that the crew were a mix with other species such as the Tau and the Eldar. However, Vesper noticed that he doesn't see any other race besides Humans which confuses him a bit. Vesper gets up and walks around eyeing every person that appears in his vision. 

Vesper stops and looks around once more narrowing his eyes. He stops and turns around about to walk. Alas, he hears a cry. He turns around once more and sees a group of teenage kids messing around with a girl. He noticed that the girl had blue skin. He motions his ears to try to hear what they are saying as he clearly sees them talking.

"Damn Tau bitch!" A girl is heard yelling at the Tau child.

"Your father is a xeno lover!" A boy began smirking as he said that.

"Yeah! A xeno lover!" Another boy laughs.

"You shouldn't be onboard, hell it'll be better to just stuff you out of the airlock, better not to waste resources on a sad xeno." A blonde girl laughs like a mad man after speaking. Soon they started kicking the Tau girl.

Vesper's blood literally boils as he stares at the scene in front of him. He rushes towards the group of kids. He started to clearly hear them now as they taunt the girl laying the ground shielding herself from their attacks. One boy attempts to lift a heavy object towards the girl. He hovers near her and proceeds to drop the object. Vesper quickly comes up to the group and instantly grab the object with one hand.

He tosses the object to the side and eyes the teenage kids with fury in his eyes. "Beat it ruts, before I lose more of my temper." He leans forward and whispers. "If I see you hurting this girl right here, you're dead. Now, pleasantly FUCK OFF!" He yelled and the scared kids run off. He looks down at the girl and the girl herself lifts her face at Vesper and speaks.


<<<Two hours later>>>

With the news about a new race being discovered and sending their diplomatic party to the Spirit of Wisdom, everyone excited to say to least. People are seen reading papers about it. Soon, kids would only theorize what they look like whilst the adults could only hope their peaceful intentions remain the same as the universe has enough bad guys already. 

However, one of these people don't share excitement or worry. All she felt was either hunger or loneliness. Her hair is wild, being dark blue in color. Her eyes a shade of red and her skin a darkish blue skin. Hair covers one of her eyes with dirt all over her face. She wore nothing more than an oversize, baggy, and torn shirt to hide herself from the cold and prying eyes. Her visible eye was lifeless as if her mind is broken, she limps away as she walks towards the market halls of the ship. Everywhere she looks she could only see women extorting their bodies for a tiny scrap of tin, some powder smugglers, and unfortunately enough, Security patrols. Last time she encountered them, she was almost forced upon by an old officer, thankfully being safe by a much younger officer. Throughout her time on this ship, she was known as the 'xeno girl' or the 'xeno rut' by the adults. So far, only an handful of people ever helped her out.

In her past, she was with a loving family. Her father was Human whilst her mother was a Tau. They had three kids, herself, her sister Alina, and her younger brother Jorge. All the names were given by her father. The last time she spent time with them was back at the Victire in the entertainment halls. Sadly, that'll would be the last happy memory for her as they were all murdered by local thugs that tried to have their way with her family. She doesn't know what to called it, luck? She was lucky at the time for almost forgetting her stuffed bear or was it unlucky? By the time the news broke out in her father's entire family, they never took her in as she was 'part xeno'. 

"Xeno huh?" The girl whispered to herself as she walked past a group of other children. She continued to walk until she stopped at a vender stall. A middle-aged woman in a mask is seen unpacking fruits. She notices the girl and speaks.

"Oh? Abigail? It's been almost two days since I last saw you. How are you doing?" She says before handing over an apple.

"...Good..." She says in a husky voice before quickly munching down at the apple.

The woman could only stare in pity. "...Look, Abigail, you should leave this ship once you get a chance. This ship isn't safe for a child like you. Hell, I do not know why they still allow children on this ship." She puts her hand on her bald head and rubs it before speaking again. "Tell you what, I'll help you out. Safe passage with credits in tow once back at Victire City." 

(Author's Note: Victire City is a ship; people call it a city whilst some of it just calls it Victire.)

"...Thanks..." Abigail spoke again in her raspy voice.

"Don't thank me yet. Now which box did I pack it in?" She says after diverting her attention at the crates next to her. Abigail could only stare a moment before diverting her attention. She walks forward into the market halls for an hour straight.

<<<Present, moments after meeting Vesper>>>

Abigail was in the Mess Hall, hoping to sneakily take a passerby's lunch. However, fear crept into her as she noticed a certain group of people. Bullies.

"Hey! It's that Xeno bitch!" A girl yelled out loud to the group.

"Get her!" A boy responded. Abigail proceeded to run. Her blue bare feet slap at the metal tiles as she struggles to run away. Abigail were trip on a loosen tile and land straight on her knee. The pain was large, she held her knee before noticing the group right next to her.

"Hey bitch, miss us?" A girl told Abigail. The girl's name was Ashly.

"...Ashly..." Abigail could barely speak as she noticed who it was.

"Sorry, didn't hear you." She kicks Abigail in the jaw. Abigail groans at the sudden kick. "Now, what to do with you?" She says with an evil smirk.

"...What did I do..." Abigail could only ask.

"What? Did you seriously ask that? You are a rat in the kitchen that needs to be killed before you poison our food." She says before grabbing Abigail's hair. "But if you are asking me why I'm still doing this? It's because of James." She says before slamming her on the tiles. The adults didn't do anything and just ignored them.

"Blue bitch, we should just throw you out off the ship." A certain girl told Abigail. Abigail could only cower in a ball to protect herself.

"HA! Look at the coward! Can't even defend herself!" A boy laughed.

"Xeno bitch!" Ashly spits on Abigail.

What would tick her off was when they brought up her father. "Your father is a xeno lover!" A boy snickered.

"Yeah! A xeno lover!" Another one laughs.

Abigail could only groans taken place; she would proceed to peek outs of her arms. She sees what she could presume was a small machine, she doesn't know but it does look heavy. Abigail could clearly tell he is planning to drop it on him. She could hear Ashly speaking.

"No, you idiot!" She yelled. But the boy proceeds to drop the machine. Time slows and Abigail could only see the object slowly going down towards her head. She closes her eyes and images of her family appeared in her head. A tear came out and she spoke.

"...Please safe me daddy..." She spoke to herself. She waited for a moment before opening her eyes again and she could see a very bulky man in her vision. He wore armor but without a helmet, she could see a pistol-like object above his buttocks area and another object his left thigh.

What she quickly did noticed was that he held the machine object with one hand. The object itself was about an itch before slamming into her. The man simply tosses it to the side and stares at the group of bullies. He whispers to them before they ran screaming. Abigail took noticed of the man's face and it looked like her father's.

"D-dad?" She spoke. The man simply stared at Abigail in confusion.

Author's Note:

Sorry for a semi-late upload. Dog got injured and had to be taken in, forgotten to upload this chapter before leaving.

Make a Unianion species lore/template side-chapter? Semi-helps explaining the Unianions a bit more.
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