Chapter 4
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The Fang Wolf's paw swings down at me.

 The sharp claws at the tip of the wolf's paw are relentlessly closing in on me...


 Just before it ripped my body into pieces, I held my sword to the side and caught the claws.

 The blade and claws scraped and sparks flew.

 For a moment, the power of the two sides was in conflict, but the other side was a boss-class monster.

 With tremendous physical strength, my body was blown backward.

"This ridiculous power!"

 Adjusting my stance in mid-air, I landed on my feet.

 Wearing down the soles of my shoes to kill the force, I looked at the enemy.

 --He is strong.


"Not as strong as I expected!'

 I release the magical power that I had saved intentionally for a certain reason.

 I turned my palm toward my opponent and chanted a spell.

" Rock Bullet!"

 The same rock-bullet skill as before.

 This time, however, it has grown from the size of a pebble to the size of a preserved stone.

 I put all the magic power I could into the stone bullet and shot it.

"Take that!"

 A large stone bullet flew with a shockwave.

 The speed is dozens of times faster than before, in fact, faster than the speed of sound.

 The stone bullets mercilessly cut through the wolf's stomach and made a huge hole in the torso.

 The Boss Fang Wolf fell to the ground with its eyes flashing white.

"This is the most powerful blow I can use right now,"

 I poked at it with my venom as I brushed the dust from my clothes.

 It's not enough.

 The maximum force is a pickled stone at the speed of sound, it's not enough.

 By the way, my current strength is already at the level of the vice-commander of a knigh order t of the kingdom, but I cannot be satisfied with that.

 Because that man who will one day kill me already possesses a strength of a different level, so much so that it is ridiculous to even compare the two!

I still have to get stronger!

 I don't have time to indulge in my innate talent.

 I have to raise my level, increase the amount of magic I can use, and become stronger yet.

Hmm? 140 meters to the northwest, I felt the presence of monsters. The number of monsters is ......10?

 The night is not over yet.

 I started running in search of my next prey.


 --The next day.

 I regretted the fact that I had been killing monsters until dawn the day before.

 After all, I had a once-a-week test that day.

 I was in such a hurry that I had forgotten all about it.

 I dare say that I didn't regret taking the test because I didn't get enough sleep.

 I regretted it because--

"Hey. You."

"Yes, sir."

 I looked up with fear.

 In front of me stood a huge, scary-looking man over two meters tall.

 He has a blue stripe on his forehead. ...... Wow, he must be very angry.

"You, what is your fire magic power now?"


"I'm sorry, I shot seriously, but my magic power went out of control. ...... ah, ah, ah!"

 I inevitably smile affectionately as I look at the marks on the target, which had been coated with anti-magic coating for training purposes, and which have been blown away without a trace.


"Yes, I've used almost all of the magic in my body at once."

 Of course, it's not true that the magic power is out of control.

 The magic in my body has not decreased by even one percent.

 I fired a "fireball" in my usual manner, and it blew up the target.

 Then why am I trying so hard to make an excuse for this?

 It is because I shot a magic that had the power to blow the target to pieces, even though it was a training target that could not be harmed by ordinary magic.

 Since I was reincarnated as a mere mob, I had to stay a mob.

 It is not because I do not want to stand out, but because I cannot stand out.

 If my out-of-standard power is discovered by others, it will naturally catch the attention of the boss, Reis.

 Until the clock ticks down, I have to stay under the hood.

 I can't let them know that I exist, because they will eventually turn against me.

"Well, I hope it's just a runaway of magical power. If the test results so far have been so sloppy and false, I'll have to report it to the boss ....... Do you understand that part?"

"Of course, ! Instructor!"

 I salute my instructor with all my might.

 I'm a great believer in raising! It's repulsive, but it's the job of the harmless mob to make people think so.

"Well, all right, then. I'll deduct the cost of fixing the broken target from your paycheck."


"Is something wrong with that ......?"

"No! No!"

 "For real?"

 I saluted the departing instructor to show my loyalty, but behind my resolute face, I was shedding tears.

 --Well, that's that, but one question remains.

 Just a mere "Fireball l" has the power to easily blow away a target covered with an anti-magic coating.

 It seems that I have improved a lot during yesterday's monster hunt.

 I can't believe I've become this strong overnight.


 I almost fell down  as I fearfully checked my status, regretting that I had put myself in danger by hunting so many monsters yesterday.