Reality in Extension
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 The next day, Arthur and Cristopher meet at the door, waiting for Vladimir.  Vladimir arrives soon after.

 Vladimir: Right, I want you to investigate the central part of the city and remember that other members of other clans are also investigating in and around the city, don't lose focus.

 Arthur and Cristopher: Yes, master.

 Arthur and Cristopher leave towards the center of Vull.


 Arthur: Now that I remember, I've seen you wearing that hat a few times, does it mean anything?

 Cristopher: Of course, that hat means a lot of good luck.

 Arthur: (impressed) Wow!  Where did you buy that hat?  I want one.

 Cristopher: I didn't buy it, when I woke up here a few years ago, it was already with me.

 Arthur: I see.

 Cristopher: Changing the subject, we are here, and now where should we start?  Do you have any ideas, Arthur?

 Arthur: To tell you the truth, I know someone who lives nearby, maybe he can help.

 Cristopher: Okay, let's find this crazy person soon.


 Arthur and Cristopher walk until they arrive in front of an infirmary, it doesn't seem very cared for this time.

 Cristopher: So, Arthur, does this friend of yours live here?

 Arthur: (worried) Yes, but something is wrong, this place has never been this awkward, at least not the few times I've been here.

 Arthur and Cristopher approach the door and knock, no one answers.  Arthur feels a shiver as if something is wrong.  Then, Arthur turns the handle, opening the door.  Arthur, for a moment, despairs thinking that something has happened to Simon and Grey.

 Arthur: (While opening the door) Simon!!  Grey!!  Are you guys okay?

 Arthur looks deeper and sees Gray and Simon smiling and talking to someone else.  Arthur is a little embarrassed.

 Cristopher: Why all this despair, Arthur?

 Arthur: (embarrassed) It's just... I worried.

 They are interrupted by a scream coming from the room.

 Grey: (shouting) Look if it's not Arthur, hey Arthur, get in there and bring your friend, I have someone to introduce!

 Arthur and Gray approach everyone there in the infirmary, they see a person with orange hair and lilac eyes smiling at them.

 Grey: (grabs Arthur) Arthur, this is my brother, his name is Lilac.

 Lilac: It's a pleasure to meet you, Arthur, my brother talked a lot about your adventure with him.

 Gray releases Arthur after introducing Lilac.

 Arthur: (embarrassed) Eh... Gray helped me a lot, he really is a good friend.

 Cristopher: (whispers to Arthur) Remember the master's mission.

 Arthur: Sorry, I forgot for a moment.

 Arthur turns towards Simon and Grey.

 Arthur: Simon, Grey, we can talk alone.

 Simon: Yes, of course Arthur.

 Grey: Okay, okay, let's go.

 Arthur separates from Cristopher and goes to a more distant place with Simon and Grey, while Cristopher stays talking to Lilac.

 Arthur: A prisoner escaped from the council a few days ago and I wanted your help to look for him around the city, so what do you say?

 Simon: Posso falar com alguns amigos para tentar encontrá-lo. Como ele é?

 Arthur: Ele parece ter a mesma idade e tamanho de Grey, e seu cabelo é branco, e ele ri como um psicopata.

 Grey: Desculpe, Arthur, não posso te ajudar dessa vez, estou meio ocupado.

 Artur: Ok, sem problemas.

 Arthur, Simon e Gray voltam para onde Lilac estava com Cristopher.

 Cristóvão: E aí, Arthur?

 Arthur: Está tudo bem, Simon vai ajudar.

 Cristóvão: Isso é bom.

 Arthur e Cristopher se despediram deles e, quando eles estavam saindo, a porta se abriu de repente com cerca de 5 guardas do conselho.

 Guarda 1: Gray e Simon Sigers, vocês serão levados ao Conselho, acusados ​​do assassinato de Kilan e Sofia.