Chapter 46
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Aria clicked her tongue in irritation as her mobile rang for the fourth time, screen proclaiming the dreaded three character MOM, the ringing as annoying as the person who initiated the call. Ignoring would no longer be the prudent choice. She cast her eyes down at her sister sitting on the floor and found her with a mischevious tug of her lips.

"Better take that call," said Adria.

Aria rolled her eyes, elucidating a giggle from her sister. "Mommmm, what is it?"

"What took you so long?" Emiliana snapped from the other side.

Adria pointed at herself and made the grand gesture with her hands, lips forming a great NO sign.

Aria returned an acknowledging smile and tussled her little sister's hair, letting her big sis vibes and assurance flow through. For a narrow moment, Aria felt jealousy at the fine wavy strands, so unlike her frizzy hair. It was unfair. Both nature and genetics. Adria who cannot grow her hair long, inherited their mother's beautiful hair, while she was grandly blessed with their grandfather's tumbleweed.

She has a sister now. She winced in delight at the nuances and the benefits. Lying would be so much easier. "Mom, I am having a hot-water-bottle week of the month."

"Is that so?" Aria caught a heavy sigh of dismissal from the other side. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you, what's the deal between you and Aidan?"

"Aidan? what? why?"

Adria stiffened at the name. She stopped polishing her sister's toenails, and looked at her, imploringly. The look told Aria a lot, of volumes of unspoken pain at her other name being called.

"I am worried. The past three months, he has been telling us that he was visiting you. Almost every weekend." Her mother's voice softened to a whisper. "Look, as your mother, I should be happy that both my children get along so well, but I am concerned."

"Yeah, mom. Totally true." Aria winked at her sister, and received a thumbs up of approval in return. "In fact, we sleep close by. I keep an eye out. You don't need to worry a thing."

"That is what I am concerned, Aria. He is your brother, and very young. After a certain age, it is socially unacceptable for you to share a room with him alone."

Technically, I am not sharing with a him. Aria scoffed at the notion. Wait, I am lesbian, so by mom's manual of purity, she would still object.

Muting the speakers, Aria leaned towards her sister, and with candid mirth added, "You know, mom would be amazing if she could manage to get that stick out of her ass."

"Actually, it is more of a bad dragon dildo up her other end."

Aria did not know what a bad dragon dildo was, and, she knew better than to google it.

"Oh honey!" Aria could hear the veiled barb coming her direction. "Has know...sleeping beside you..."

Frustrated, Aria switched to the loudspeaker for Adria to hear as well, and shouted, "Mom. you need to come clear. You are breaking up."

"Honey, I just need to make sure, as you mother. Has he touched you inappropriately?"

Aria's jaw dropped at the audacity of her mother. She did not answer right away. Her attention was held by the lone teardrop escaping Adria. There was the momentary pause, Aria's mind fighting a barrage of feeling and reactions, torn between lashing at her mother and at consoling her sister.

For once, Aria wished that Adria had come out. The questions would have been far less scandalous to handle. Now her parent's worries turned to impure thoughts. Concepts so disturbing that it made rotten bile rise in Aria's throat and made her sister spill sharp tears.

"No!" Aria yelled, unable to hold back the fury any more.

"Honey, please don't be mad. In society, your chas...."

Aria disconnected the call. She tossed her mobile in frustration and moved closer to comfort her sister. She gave Adria a tight hug, patting her shoulder reassuringly. "Little sis, it is okay. Mom can be anal sometimes. Well, actually most of the time."

Adria managed a weak smile, though it seemed forced. But Aria kept patting her sister's back, and suddenly felt a stream of tears falls on her shoulder. "Adria, we are sisters, and nothing can break that. I promise to take care of you."

The deep shuddering breaths still rasped Adria. Aria tried to steady her sister. It felt awkward, providing a complete balance for her, all the while providing a space where Adria could vent without need to justify anything. She kissed Adria on her forehead, hoping to transfer some of the aura of reassurance.

When she felt Adria, sufficiently settled down, Aria slowly released her. Adria settled back, lowering herself down to continue polishing her sister's other toenails.

"Perhaps, you should consider coming out," suggested Aria. "Wait, before you deny, will you just consider it? Would clear a lot of misunderstanding. A lot of things could become... normal."

"You know, I could advise you the same." Adria nudged towards the kitchen, where Astra lingered. "You should just go official with your relationship with her. You would be surprised, but most people consider it perfectly normal for a single guy to hangout with his sister and her girlfriend than the said person to spend every weekend alone with the older sister."

Aria lowered her head, eyebrows raised and her gaze met her sister.

"Aria, come one, what are you waiting for? Go make it official, already," said Adria. "Besides, I have been watching you both for the past three months."

Three months. Time flew by. Aria's eyes darted towards the kitchen, seeking the alluring form of Astra in her valiant attempt with another delectable dish to impress them both. Then a pang of regret lanced through her heart. In less than two months, she will have to relieve Astra of her oath. Heart wills it or not. Astra would be safe, among the the stars, with her people, but not here. On earth.

"Astra is a wonderful girlfriend. And you really care about her. So, just do it, before she moves out or something."

Aria scoffed at the irony of it all. How can you love somebody who is moving on? But she knew the answer. She was already in love with Astra. And her love would doom Astra. If those updates from Aileen were to be trusted, Travis was still hunting her Astra.

Then, the truth struck. This is it.

Love hurts.

Aria will have to shatter her heart and Astra's too, and will have to try to mend it again. But she won't be alone. She got her sister with her, to help her ease the pain. Then, there is Hallie, who is sort of close-enough to be a sister. Aria could only harbour the hope that Astra's mothers would ease her wife's pain too.

Oblivious to the internal monologue of her sister, Adria continued. "Whats there not to like in Astra? She is dedicated, smokingly hot, has this super elegant grace to make asexuals go weak in the knees. I am sure, as Astra, she is also an amazing kisser."

"As Astra?"

Silence fell. Eventually, Adria spoke, her voice somewhat hoarse. "Look Aria. You are not treating her well. It is condescending to ignore her feelings and toy with her heart."

Aria opened her mouth to respond, when Astra entered from the kitchen. "Love, perhaps you should let her know more."

Adria liberated herself from painting her sister's toes and raised her head, seeking her sister's face with questions.

"Okay, Adria. Astra is an alien."

"Right. An illegal Alien, figures." Adria continued with the energy of a squirrel on double espresso. "I say, all the more reason to get married. Get those legal papers."

"We are already married." Aria's voice came out louder than she expected. "She is an alien from outer space. Like Extra Terrestrial alien."

"Say again," said Adria.

"She crashed from outerspace..."

"No, the part about already married."

"Are you not actually rattled by the fact that you are in the very room with an actual alien?"

Adria simply rolled her eyes, quiet dismissively, as if saying you-have-no-idea-about-half-the-thing-I-have-done. Then, Adria's lips curled into a bittersweet smile. "Actually, I partly suspected it. I mean the corpse of a monster from space, and Travis still leading an elusive hunt. I still, on occasions, talk with him. So I sort of pieced two and two together."

"Well, your little sister is a lot more intelligent and perceptive than she presents herself to be." Astra chuckled before returning to the kitchen.

Even Aria could not deny how astute Adria was.

"So sis." Adria slowly climbed up. A diabetes-inducing smile played on her lips. "Umm. So like, what are her people like? Does your wife leave any cool space gadgets around? And what about her family? Like... does she have any sisters? I mean, apart from that resting bitch face girl Phaedra."

"Her sisters?" Aria could do very little to control the grin splitting her face from ear to ear. "You think you are being so coy, you little minx."

"Well, you are my sister, so..." Adria gave a wink and blew a playful kiss at her sister.

"But seriously, those are hers to reveal. Not mine."


"Look here Adria. I respect people's privacy, Okay. Get it." Aria's tone turned serious. "If someone were to ask about you, I will rather take the secret with me to the grave than out you unwillingly."

"I am sorry." Adria smiled, a vivid and vibrant smile, and snuggled close to her sister, hugging her waist. "So I have been meaning to ask you, there is an event I want to go. We have like five weeks to prepare our outfits for it."

"Okay. What do you have in mind?"

"Even since I saw that modelling pics of you two... You in the adorable purple evening gown and Astra...Your wife... in an orange ball gown...I wanted to try that as well. I know it looks very expensive, but could you like buy one for me?"

"Adria, those dresses are... strapless." Aria struggled, explaining the concept to her sister. "They are to be worn without a bra, and for your body type, not ideal." Aria saw the downed expression on her sister's face. "You know what, let me talk with Andrea and see if I can make adjustments to fit you. Okay?"

"Thank you so much." Adria pulled even closer to her sister. "Now, I feel sort of fulfilled. You have no idea, how long I ached to attend the gala with real sisters?"

"You mean, THAT GALA. Adria, you can't. You are not thinking this through." Aria could not bring herself. Another of their annoying family tradition. A yearly fund-raiser gala, where every year, her mother would forcefully stuff her in impractical gowns. "The whole family would be there."

"Don't worry. I am pretty convincing. Most people failed to see me."

"No. You are not. Mom is extremely perceptive. She would see through you directly, just like how I did."

"Aria, I got all thing worked out. Grandma is not attending, thank arthritis for that. Aunt Edith is wasted in the first few mins. And mom retires early these days."

"There is still Dad?"

"Dad, eh." Adria burst out laughing. "In case you didn't notice, Dad isn't very perceptive. He even caught me once as Adria. He was convinced that I was some chick Aidan picked up in a bar."

"I don't believe it."

"Aria, trust me. My make-up skills are god-mode. This will work."

"Not sure, if the risk is not worth the rewards," said Aria. "I mean, what is so important about that stupid gala, anyway?"

"Because, it is important to me. It is our family tradition. And I wanted to be there, at least once, as Adria. As who I am." There was a stiffness in Adria's posture, and an unrelenting expression that Aria had grown so much to associate with their mother.

"Attending a fancy party, in a perfectly tailored suits and dresses does not make a family. I would have expected you to be far less...superficial." Even as the words left, Aria knew, from the blanching of her sister's fist, that she had gone too far with her condescending comment.

"Superficial, you say." Silence that came after from Adria was unnerving. "Did it occur to you that maybe different people place value on other things? Why, some families book the same cabin or resort every year. Some families do the same road trip. Some even dine at the same restaurant after Christmas shopping. Are they all superficial to you? Stupid and idiotic. Not measuring to your standards?"

"Little Sis, I am sorry." Aria tried to place a calming palm, but Adria shrugged, an easy gesture that didn't go unnoticed.

"These, your so-called superficial quirks, are things that families bond over. They might be trivial for you, but not for those who struggle to find a place." Adria softened her voice, Her light cedar eyes was veiled by a layer of pooling tears. "That stupid Gala is our family tradition. Being there means a lot to me."

"Adria, I said I am sorry." A knot tightened inside Aria's chest.

"You know, I stopped my studies at the fourth semester. Told everyone that I am taking a break. Getting some practical experience with Dad. But the truth is, I simply could not focus on anything. My is getting...becoming...more and more masculine. In a year or two, I won't be able to pass as Adria. This is my last chance."

Aria pulled her sister into a rib-crack bear hug. "Sure, dummy. If that is what you wish, we will be there."

"Not we. Just you." As if reading the thoughts in her sister's head, Adria volunteered. "Please don't take it the wrong way, I do love my sister-in-law, but I wanted it to be a bonding experience between us, without your wife stealing all your attention. Besides, if you bring her, mom would go high-alert. We can't have that."

The notion bothered Aria, on many levels. Not just because of the implication of excluding Astra from family but it was the time. The gala was scheduled so close -- very near to the relieving of Astra from her Niraveolan Oath. Torn between her sister and Astra, Aria felt her nerves twist and turn further inside her belly. Something about this did not feel right.

"Aria, will you? Please?" begged Adria.

Shrugging off her trepidatious manacles, Aria answered, "Sure, I will be there."

A few weeks later, when Aria's mobile rang, she was at her work. The desktop clock indicated short after four in the evening. Aria slammed the lid shut and attended the call.

"Hey Andrea, give me a sec, okay? Just getting out of my work." She packed her laptop and with her backpack slug across her shoulder, she marched out.

"Are you now free?" asked Andrea from the other side.

"Totally," answered Aria as she crossed the reception area. Only a few more strides and she would be in the parking lot.

"So your order for the dress is almost finished."

Aria squealed, internally, at the news. She could not wait to see the look on her little sister's face when she would open her gift. "So when can I pick it up?"

"Yeah about that, I said almost. Almost being the operational word. There is still the last fitting."

"Last fitting?"

"Aria, this is a custom-made gown and expensive, one at that."

Not expensive, it was extravagant. She paid half-year's salary. Apart from the expensive material and tailoring, the fact that she needed it at short notice, did not spare her bank balance. But Aria justified it. Aidan had her parents, and the whole extended family to shower their affection, but Adria had none. Except her.

"It is the norm for the clients to get a final fitting before we deliver," said Andrea. "So when can you bring her?"

"You know Andrea, I trust in your proficiency. I am sure it would be a perfect fit with the measurements I provided," said Aria, a slight annoyance seeped into her voice.

"Aria. You know we run a non-discriminatory business, right?" Andrea's tone lowered to an assuring note. "We are totally non-judgemental."

"Sure, I know." Aria was not sure what to make out of the conversation.

"Is your friend...assigned Male at Birth?" The words stopped Aria in her tracks. "We run a boutique, Aria. Inferring a person's body type from the measurements is kind of our thing."

"Its actually for my sister." Aria gave a small chuckle, finding no more reason to hide the fact. "I will bring her this weekend then?"

"Perfect. See you girls this weekend then."

The call ended, and whistling a chirpy tune, Aria moved towards her car.

"Sister, huh." Hallie stood on the side of a parked van, partially concealed.

"Hey Hallie," said Aria. "What are you doing here? I mean.. like.. are you waiting for someone?"

"I was waiting to catch you, Aria."

"Me?" Aria's brows furrowed in concern. "Hallie, you are my best girl. You could just march into my apartment any time."

"I could have." There was a stinging scorn in the way Hallie uttered each and every syllable. "Untill like three months ago when you decided to ask for my keys to your apartment back."

That one was on Aria. She did gave Hallie's keys to Adria, for her sister to come and go at her will.

"Anyway," said Hallie, quickly shifting gears. "I saw you at the animecon, getting all chummy with some cosplay girl, and the next thing I know you ask for my keys back. You tag each other in your posts. Comment on each other's updates, all compliments and heart and sprinkles and hug boxing all over."

Aria shifted her weight, uncomfortably. "Hallie, stop dramatizing everything. You are still my best friend."

Hallie looked at Aria, an eerie calm settling in her features. "Aria, did you give my keys to that Aurora-chan girl?"

"Please, listen to me. Your friendship matters to me a lot." Aria stood shaken and mangled, yet she carried a hope to dispel the darkness around Hallie's mood.

"We used to be so close, but then you changed. More with every passing day." Hallie walked closer, tilting her head slightly, scrutinizing Aria for signs. "First, you lied about Astra. Then, this Aurora-chan. You stopped hanging out at weekends. There was always an excuse. Now I have to ambush you on your way home to get anything out of you."

There was truth to the accusations. Aria swallowed, her mouth suddenly feeling as if she had been dragged through an arid desert. Cornered, Aria relied on the only time tested strategy to calm Hallie. Reveal part of the truth. Just enough to keep Hallie occupied.

"Aurora-chan, umm, that girl has a very hard living condition. She is suffering at her house." Not a lie. "So I gave her your key to my apartment to provide a safe space for her."

"Safe space? For a total stranger?" Hallie scoffed, not even caring to waste her breath, snubbing away Aria's weak attempts at convincing her otherwise. "Was it not you who was so against her? Even called her an it. Insinuated her for some cracked, gender confused whore? So what changed Aria?"

The stinging rebuke knocked the wind out of Aria.

"So what is her real name, Aria?" demanded Hallie. folding her arms in a clear and open display of her fierce demeanour. "Or would you have me believe that you just gave the keys to your apartment to a total stranger without even knowing their full name, because, that is how saintly you are."

Aria stammered, all neurons firing in her head. She could answer with Adria, that would solve a lot. But Aria could not. That is her little sister's preferred name. Not upto her to reveal. She owe Adria that much. That is for her sister to reveal when she comes out. She cannot betray the trust they have build.

Perhaps, another name. Nadia will work. It is the reverse of Aidan. Or some anagram of Aidan. Just like Aira would be an anagram of her own name, and Hallie would be... Leilah.

Suddenly, all cogs fell in place. On Hallie's absence during Leandra's party. Of her unexpected arrival at the Writhaton event. Of her presence at the Animecon, or rather on why she did not call out to her at the con. On why Aria liked Leilah's stories. On why her protagonists felt so relatable. On why she considered them as a mirror of her own self.

"Why do you ask?" Aria lashed back. "Are you running out of plot for your next story, Leilah?"

Just like that Hallie went quiet, tongue seemingly stuck to her palate.

"How does it feel, Leilah, to sacrifice your best friend and her friendship, just so you could hit the front post and gain some imaginary claps from internet strangers?"

"You are accusing me. Its not fair," defended Hallie.

"You wrote sex scenes, explicit sex scenes, involving me."

"I wrote scenes involving my characters."

"Characters who were based on me." Aria yelled. It took a lot of self control to hold herself back from spiting on Hallie's face.

Hallie kept her face emotionless, but Aria could see the frustration seething in her eyes. "Look Aria, if you say you are offended, I am sorry."

"Sorry! Sorry? Is that all you could muster?"

"From the time we met, we have been best friends. It is just us, the two of us, against everything. And then, Astra arrived, and you had the hots for her. Now, this Aurora-chan, comes along, and you don't even wish to talk to me about her. I feel betrayed. We were close as sisters. You were supposed to tell me everything but now, I am just an outsider."

"Seriously. You are not the only person in my life. What are you Hallie? Fucking fifteen and still in school that you expect each other to share everything?" Aria threw up her hands. "Look around you. We are two adult women working in day job to pay rent. Highly irrational on your part, if you expect me to tell you every single detail about my private life. Grow the fuck up, Hallie."

"Is that how you see my friendship? Childish and immature?" Hallie sighed heavily. Anger burned through, turning blood to liquid fire. "You know what, this is it. I don't want to see you ever again. FUCK YOU."

"Fuck you, too," shouted Aria as she walked away from Hallie.

Seated inside her Mini Cooper, the well-crafted illusion of control failed. Tears spilled like a dam burst. They rolled down her cheeks. Suddenly, everything became too much. Life was cruel. Cruel and heartless.

Just when she found one sister, she had lost another.