Chapter 12: Eight Years
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"You good?" Kei asks, genuine concern etched on his face as he regards his friend.

"No, I'm exhausted," Toya confesses, his face buried in his arms on the desk, showing no intention of lifting his head. "People keep approaching me, asking what happened and expressing concern. I used to enjoy the tranquility of my school life, but now that they know who my father is, I fear that peace is gone."

Kei chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "I never imagined Mori-sensei would be the one to kidnap you. No wonder I always had this eerie feeling about her."

"No, you felt that way because her homework is challenging and you always got caught whenever you tried to cheat," Toya retorts, his tone laced with mild amusement.

"Hey," Kei protests, feeling a bit exposed by Toya's words. "But seriously, are you really okay?"

"I'm fine, just a bit worn out. I've been receiving some intense training on my Quirk from my father," Toya explains, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Wait, you've been training your Quirk? I thought you didn't want to be a hero?" Kei asks, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"I'm just training to prevent a repeat of what happened," Toya clarifies, his tone serious.

"Oh, I see. But we should hang out again soon. The others are also eager to see you," Kei suggests, his tone lightening.

"Sure," Toya agrees, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

The class proceeds as usual, the familiar rhythm of school life providing a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

As the day progresses, Toya finds himself increasingly caught up in the whirlwind of school life. Between classes, he's constantly approached by classmates, each one expressing their relief at seeing him back and their curiosity piqued about his recent ordeal. Despite the exhaustion, Toya manages to navigate these interactions with grace, appreciating their concern even as he yearns for his old, peaceful routine.

As the school day draws to a close, Toya and Kei make their way to their usual hangout spot, a quiet area away from the usual hustle and bustle, where they typically meet their friends.

Gradually, their group assembles. Hiroshi and Takeshi arrive, their familiar faces bringing a sense of normalcy. However, one person is conspicuously absent.

"Where's Yuto?" Toya asks, noticing the missing member of their group.

An uncomfortable silence ensues, but Hiroshi finally breaks it. "He's moved away," he reveals.

"What? Why?" Toya asks, taken aback by the unexpected news.

"His family was scared after your kidnapping. They didn't want the same thing to happen to him," Hiroshi explains.

Toya lets out a hollow laugh. "Really? That's a bit extreme. But I guess I'm going to miss him," he admits, a touch of sadness in his voice. "So, what should we do now?"

"Hmm, how about we spend the day at our favorite spot?" Takeshi suggests, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sounds good to me," Kei agrees, nodding at Takeshi's suggestion.

"Sure, let's go there," Toya concurs.

They head to a gentle hill overlooking a flowing river, a place that holds many memories for them. The tranquility of the scene is a stark contrast to the turmoil of emotions within Toya.

"If one day we all go our separate ways, promise to visit this place. It's the birthplace of our friendship," Toya says, his voice filled with nostalgia.

His friends nod in agreement, each lost in their own thoughts. Takeshi breaks the silence with a comment. "I wonder why you can be so wise sometimes and so silly at others," he muses.

Toya turns to him, feigning offense. "Are you calling me stupid?"

Takeshi starts to recount an incident from their past, "Yes, like that one time when you nearly got suspended because of-"

"Stop, don't continue. I get your point," Toya interrupts, a grin spreading across his face.

Laughter fills the air as they reminisce about their shared past, the bond between them as strong as ever despite the changes they're going through.

As the afternoon sun dips lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the hill, the group settles into a comfortable silence. The gentle burble of the river and the occasional chirping of birds are the only sounds that punctuate the tranquility.

Toya finds himself staring at the flowing water, his mind drifting. He thinks about Yuto, about their shared memories, about the sudden void his absence has left. He also thinks about his own recent ordeal, the changes it has brought in his life, and the uncertainty of the future.

But amidst all these thoughts, one thing stands out - the unwavering support of his friends. Kei, Hiroshi, and Takeshi, they've been there for him, their friendship a steady anchor in the stormy sea of his life. And even though Yuto is no longer physically present, Toya knows that their bond remains unbroken.

"Hey, do you guys remember that time when we tried to build a raft and sail down this river?" Hiroshi suddenly asks, a nostalgic smile on his face.

The question sparks a wave of laughter and a flood of memories. They recall their failed attempts, their eventual success, and the unforgettable adventure that followed. They talk about other shared experiences too, each memory bringing with it a sense of camaraderie and warmth.

As the sun begins to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, they decide to head back. Walking side by side, they share jokes and stories, their laughter echoing in the quiet evening.

As they part ways, Toya feels a sense of contentment. Despite the challenges, despite the changes, he knows he's not alone. He has his friends, he has his family, and most importantly, he has himself - stronger and more resilient than ever.

And as he walks home, the setting sun at his back, Toya makes a silent promise to himself - no matter what the future holds, he'll face it head-on, just as he has done so far. 


Eight years have flown by, and now at the age of twelve, Toya and Kei have grown remarkably.

"Feeling alright?" Kei asks, concern etched on his youthful face.

"Not really," Toya admits, fatigue evident in his tone. "The homework was a lot, and I just barely managed to finish it. I stayed up all night. What about you?"

Now seated side by side in the second last row in the middle of the classroom, the two boys have become a familiar duo.

"That was easy, what are you talking about?" Kei counters, a triumphant grin on his face.

"You're just bragging, of course it's easier for one of the top students in the school," Toya retorts, a hint of envy in his voice.

"Still salty that I got a higher score than you?" Kei teases, his grin widening.

"The scores came out today, and I can't believe you're number one. When did you even study?" Toya asks, genuinely puzzled.

"That's my secret," Kei replies, avoiding Toya's questioning gaze. He doesn't want to reveal that he's been studying hard due to his family's situation.

"Alright, but meet me at the gate after school. I have to handle a love confession first," Toya informs him, gathering his belongings.

"I've always been jealous of your popularity with girls," Kei admits, a hint of envy creeping into his voice.

"Cut it out, they only like me because of my family's status and my looks," Toya dismisses, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, you're one of the most handsome guys in our grade," Kei agrees, chuckling at his friend's discomfort.

As the school day begins, the classroom buzzes with the usual chatter and laughter. When the bell rings signaling the end of the day, the students stream out of the classrooms, including Toya and Kei.

"Wait for me," Toya reminds Kei as they step out into the hallway.

"Yeah, I know. I won't leave you like last time," Kei assures him, a mischievous grin on his face.

Toya lets out a sigh. "You're lucky you're my best friend."

"Right back at you," Kei responds, his grin widening.

With that, Toya heads towards the back of the school to handle his pending confession, while Kei waits for him at the gate, the afternoon sun casting long shadows around the schoolyard.

"So, where is she?" Toya asks, nonchalantly ruffling his hair.

"Right here," a female voice echoes from behind him.

Toya swivels around to find Hikari Yamamoto standing there. A member of the prestigious Yamamoto clan, known for producing powerful heroes, Hikari is a formidable presence. Her Quirk, Luminary Shield, enables her to form radiant energy barriers for both attack and defense.

"Oh, it's you," Toya states, a hint of surprise in his voice. Hikari's persistent attention, ever since she learned of his family's status, has been a source of mild irritation for him. "What's up?"

"Do you really dislike me that much?" Hikari questions, her voice laced with a mix of hurt and determination.

"I don't dislike you. I just find you... bothersome," Toya admits, his tone straightforward. "You've been trying to label yourself as my girlfriend since we were four."

Hikari cringes at the memory, a stark reminder of her past immaturity. "Let's not dwell on the past," she quickly suggests.

"So, why the pink letter? Are you admitting your feelings for me?" Toya probes, getting straight to the point.

"Yes," Hikari concedes, her voice barely a whisper. "I know I've been a pest, but I've grown to care for you. Your smile when you're truly happy, your concentration when you're grappling with calculations, the pride in your eyes when you accomplish something, your..."

"Stop," Toya interrupts, a wave of discomfort washing over him. 'Is she going to turn into one of those fanatical girls? She can list every little detail about me. This is going to be a headache,' he thinks to himself.

"In short, I really like you, and I want you to be my boyfriend," Hikari confesses, her voice steady despite the vulnerability of her words.

Toya massages his temples, feeling the weight of her confession. 'I should just turn her down. I don't have the energy to deal with another girl, especially when Fuyumi is already a handful,' he contemplates.

"I'm going to r-" His words are cut short by Hikari.

"Turn me down, right? I know you too well, Toya. But at least I've given it a shot," Hikari says, her voice shaky with suppressed tears.

"You can try again when we're 20 or so. I'm not ready for a relationship right now," Toya finally says, his voice softer.

Hikari crumbles to her knees, relief washing over her as she realizes she still has a chance. Tears well up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. "I thought I was completely turned down," she murmurs.

"Hey, hey, stop crying. You're making me look like the villain here," Toya protests.

"Hmph, you are a villain. I hate you for making me cry," Hikari retorts, standing up and wiping her tears. "I won't bother you anymore." She steps forward, grabbing Toya's shirt. "But if I find out you're dating someone else before our agreed time, I'll make sure to give you a piece of my mind."

With that, she strides off, leaving Toya standing there, stunned.

"Well, that was...unexpected," Toya muses, still processing the whirlwind of emotions that just transpired.

As they reach the gate, Kei turns to Toya, curiosity evident in his eyes. "What happened?"

"Hikari confessed her feelings to me," Toya reveals, a hint of surprise still lingering in his voice.

The two boys begin their journey home, their steps in sync.

"She confessed to you? I never thought she'd be the first one," Kei muses, a note of amusement in his tone.

"Well, maybe because Hikari has been warding off all the other girls who wanted to confess to me. I guess I have her to thank for that," Toya quips, a wry smile on his face.

Kei chuckles at that. "Did you turn her down?"

"Not exactly. I told her she could try again when we're 20," Toya admits, his gaze focused on the path ahead.

Kei raises an eyebrow at that. "So, you're considering her?"

"Yes, she has a great personality and comes from a good family. She has everything. But I don't want to date right now. I have a lot on my plate, and dating would only take up more of my time," Toya explains. "What about you? Would you date someone if they confessed to you?"

"No, just like you, I have my own priorities," Kei responds, his tone resolute.

"No wonder we're best friends," Toya says, draping his arm around Kei's shoulders. Kei reciprocates the gesture, their camaraderie evident.

"Should we grab some ice cream?" Kei suggests, pointing towards a nearby ice cream shop.

"Sure, let's go," Toya agrees, a hint of excitement in his voice. The prospect of enjoying ice cream after a long day seems like the perfect end to their journey home.

As the two friends continue their cheerful banter, unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes are watching from a distance. A smile plays on the lips of the observer as she hears Toya's comments about Hikari.

The observer is none other than Hikari herself. Yes, she's been discreetly following them, her interest piqued by their conversation. Despite the rejection, the hint of a future possibility from Toya has sparked a glimmer of hope in her heart, and that smile on her face is evidence of her renewed determination.