The Yuri Garden’s Planted Seeds 3
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This one was a failed submission and quite difficult to write, as the restrictions and my thoughts of what they meant, were two different things. Moonpearl is a saint for how much I bugged her as she answered my questions and inquiries, and I still couldn't satisfy the spirit of what was requested and I bowed out graciously. It was enjoyable experience, even as a failure, because how else does one learn?

The story prompt: A happy, comforting fantasy story about a peasant trans woman who is swept up by a strong, courageous warrior queen and now lives a pampered life as her very beloved bride. Around 6,500 words.

Bryn D'an was a happy-go-lucky toddler and was more than a little clumsy. His parents always joked with everyone else in the village about how he was a rascal and even having no balance would not stop him from being happy and enjoying life. He never once told them that he had always felt like he was in the wrong body.

He pretended to like the same things the other boys liked, when he really wanted to stay at home and play with his older sister's dolls and he loved wearing her colorful dresses and those cool shoes that he secretly wanted to jam his big feet into to make himself look pretty.

He also moved wrong when his brain wanted to do something, like his legs weren't attached right or something. He couldn't explain it and thought that everyone felt that way, since he was a child and was so happy that he never questioned it.

Bryn also had the biggest crush ever on his favorite marauding hero, Gwendolyn The Brave. She had just started out and she already had a reputation for helping everyone she met. She did everything from slaughtering a wolf that threatened a village to hunting a dragon and putting it down with the help of a dozen other marauding heroes.

Gwendolyn's bright golden breastplate, her tight leather outfit, and her high heeled boots, really caught his eye and everyone thought he was infatuated with her. He was, except he also loved that she was so confident in herself that she could wear something so formfitting and no one thought less of her.

As Bryn grew from a child to a teenager, his clumsiness grew worse and his family became worried. They took him to the next village that had a sorcerer that was well known for his diagnostic and healing spells. His older sister kept him in a hug and kept whispering words of encouragement.

When the magic man performed a basic spell to start the diagnostic spell to discover Bryn's ailment, which usually resulted in some kind of visual sign, above Bryn's head appeared a glowing circle. The problem was that instead of the normal arrow that a male would have, it also had the plus sign that a female would have.

“Oh, my.” The sorcerer said. “This is... concerning.”

“How so?” Bryn's mother asked, worriedly.

“It's all right, Mrs. D'an. It's not what you think.” The sorcerer said, which reassured her.

“Aren't you going to cast more magic?” Bryn's father asked.

“No, it's not necessary. I know what the problem is.” The sorcerer said. “It's just going to be a little expensive and will take me about a year to brew the correct potions to fix this.”

“That's great!” Bryn exclaimed, happily. “I can't wait to not feel clumsy anymore!”

His parents and the sorcerer couldn't help but smile at the always happy teen.


For the next year, Bryn worked hard on their farm and the family earned more than enough money to pay for the expensive potion. On the appointed day that it would finish, they showed up at the sorcerer's house and handed over the small bag of gold coins that they had worked so hard to afford. The sorcerer handed over the potion and told Bryn to drink it and to make himself comfortable back home for the next day or two.

The family went home, Bryn as happy as normal, and his parents were slightly worried. They just hoped that the clumsiness would come to a stop and that they hadn't just been scammed out of a year's worth of money.

Bryn was oblivious to their worry, of course. He was ecstatic that he was going to be healed of something he didn't even know he had. When they arrived home, Bryn did exactly as the sorcerer asked and made himself comfortable in his bed, drank the potion, and fell into an enchanted sleep for two days.

This worried his parents, mainly because they hoped that they hadn't just condemned their child to an eternal sleep. It wasn't really something they would normally worry about, since they were a simple people and were carefree and loved their lives. It was just that they had never seen anyone fall sleep like that and then they never moved or ate for two whole days.

When Bryn woke up, it was the first time in their life that they had felt right. The blanket was tossed aside and Bryn stood up without any feelings of being off-balance. It was great!

“Bryn? Are you awake? I heard something...” Bryn's mother said as she opened the bedroom door. She gasped at what she saw and stared at her child. “B-Bryn?”

“Yes, mother?” Bryn asked and gasped as well. That was not the same tone of voice! Bryn ran to the kitchen and looked into the side of the big metal stew pot to look at the reflection it showed.

Bryn was now a girl!

Her short blond hair was now long blonde hair and her face was soft and smooth. Her hands lightly touched her face and ran through her hair, and she smiled. It was so bright that it was almost blinding.

“I'M ME!” Bryn yelled and then she laughed. “I'M SO HAPPY!”

“What's all the yelling about?” Bryn's older sister asked as she entered the kitchen. She saw her sibling and dropped the basket of apples she carried. “Bryn? Is that you?”

“IT'S ME!” Bryn yelled and ran across the room and lunged at her sister to hug her close. “You were right! You were always right!”

“What does Bryn mean?” Their mother asked.

“I told him when he was a kid that he would have made a better sister than a brother.” Bryn's sister said and held her happy brother... no, sister. Bryn was actually her sister now.

That was a surprising thing for everyone, until they realized that Bryn hadn't stumbled, fallen, or struggled to walk in a straight line. That was a huge surprise.

“How do you feel?” Bryn's sister asked.

“I feel like everything is finally right.” Bryn said and let her sister go. “I mean, I've always felt a little wrong and I couldn't explain it.” She said and then beamed a happy smile, which lit up her whole face. “I feel like I'm really myself for the first time in my whole life!”

Bryn's father entered the house and poked his head into the kitchen. “I need help with the cows and the chickens. Bryn, you need to...” He stopped talking when a slightly smaller version of his daughter turned to grin at him. “Bryn?”

“It's me, dad!” Bryn said and ran across the room and jumped.

Her father caught her and held her in a tight hug, his eyes wide as he stared at his child. “Bryn, this... I never imagined...”

“I know! Me, either!” Bryn said and kissed his cheek. “I'll get the buckets and you can grab the chicken feed!”

Her father nodded and let her go, then watched in amazement as his daughter ran out of the house and across the yard into the barn. She hadn't stumbled once or even swayed a little.

“Did that just happen?” The stunned man asked.

“Bryn is finally who she was meant to be.” Her sister said with a smile. “I think I'll give her a hand.”

Both parents nodded and watched their oldest daughter follow their youngest across the yard and into the barn.

“We have two daughters.” The father whispered and felt his wife hug him.

“Yes, dear. We have two daughters.” His wife said and kissed his cheek. “I think we've always had two daughters. It just took a while for us to find out.”

The man nodded, gave his wife a kiss on the lips, which turned into a passionate one and made her melt into his arms. The chickens were forgotten as he led his wife to their bedroom and closed the door.


It was no surprise that the other villagers quickly accepted that Bryn was now Bryn. She was still the happy-go-lucky soul that she had always been and her infectious happiness seemed to increase. The entire village was happy for her and knew that all of their lives would be better from then on.


At the ripe age of 22 years old, Bryn was brimming with happiness when her favorite marauding hero made another appearance in her village. There had been bandits raiding the nearby farms, including her family's own, and it wasn't just luck that no one had been hurt or killed. Her hero had saved her!

Gwendolyn was strong and proud and made the most difficult tasks seem like an every day occurrence. The stories of her feats across the land had become almost legendary as the woman's career progressed faster than those of her fellow marauders.

Bryn couldn't have been happier about it as she wore her best dress and stood off to the side of the main road through the village where nearly everyone had gathered to meet. She stared at the resplendent woman that Gwendolyn had become as the hero rode into town with the cart of bandit bodies.

The hero's bright red hair was dishevelled and blood had splattered across her golden armor, which showed that she hadn't bothered to clean up after her gruesome task. Her tall muscular stature seemed to bulge, even just from riding her valiant steed. The horse she rode upon looked just as powerful and strong as she did and was armored in almost the same manor. It came to a stop in front of the village elders.

“We can't thank you enough for saving our people, your highness!” The village leader said and bowed to the woman, as did the other elders.

“YOU'RE THE NEW QUEEN?!?” Bryn yelled with excitement. “THAT'S WONDERFUL!”

The entire village quieted as Gwendolyn's piercing gaze went from the placating man to the happiest woman in the village.

“And you are?” Gwendolyn asked, her harsh and husky voice sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Unlike everyone else that felt fear and backed up from her, which was what she always expected, Bryn took two steps forward and looked up into the beautiful warrior's eyes.

“My name is Bryn. Bryn D'an. You saved my sister and myself from the brigands trying to burn down our house and barn.” Bryn said with a bright beaming smile. “I can never tell you how great it was to see you dispatch evil so efficiently!”

Gwendolyn had to blink her eyes for a moment, because no one had said something like that to her before. Everyone she ever met was afraid of her because of her strength and prowess. She slowly smiled at the beautiful blonde.

“I believe you just told me.” Gwendolyn said, her voice just as harsh as normal, despite her lighter mood.

Everyone felt fear and thought Bryn was in danger, and none of them could say anything.

Bryn shivered, for a much different reason, and her smile became brighter. “I hope you don't take this the wrong way.” She said and clasped her hands in front of her in a show of admiration. “I could listen to your voice all day!”

There were several gasps and a few groans from the crowd. If there was ever a reason for someone to be struck down in public, it was for talking to the Warrior Queen in such a manner. They all tensed up as they saw Gwendolyn's right hand let the reins of her horse go and they fully expected a slap.

What they didn't expect was when the Queen's hand reached down and lightly caressed Bryn's cheek. Bryn closed her eyes at the gentle touch and let out a very womanly sound. Gwendolyn smiled and let her face go, then pulled the strap off her horse to leave the cart of bodies before she held her hand down in a clear invitation to Bryn.

Bryn opened her eyes and caught her breath at the offer before she looked back up at her hero's face.

“I believe we need to visit your father.” Gwendolyn said with a tone of finality.

Bryn squealed in delight and grabbed the offered hand. She was easily pulled up onto the Queen's lap in the saddle and she stared into the brilliant green eyes of her hero and blushed deeply.

Gwendolyn let out a light chuckle at her reaction and kicked her horse into action. Everyone stared as their very scary Warrior Queen trotted away with the happiest woman in their village.

“I need to get home!” Bryn's sister exclaimed, ran down a side street, and climbed onto her horse. She used the reins to slap the horse into action and rode it at its fastest speed along a slightly different route to get back to the farm before Bryn did. She needed to warn her father and they had almost no time to prepare for them to receive the Queen!


“You... you... are you serious?” Bryn's father asked, shocked. He and his wife and eldest daughter stood on the porch of their modest house. “You want to court my daughter?”

Queen Gwendolyn nodded and pulled a large bag of gold out of a saddle bag. “This should be more than enough for wages to compensate you for the years of service she has given to this farm and would have given to you if she stayed.”

“But...” The father accepted the bag and almost dropped it, because it was so heavy. “How much is in here?!?”

“It's the bounty for the bandits, so 250 gold Denerets.” The Queen said and everyone's mouth's dropped open. “I would give you the rest of the money I have as well, except we need it to stay at inns and to eat during our week long trip back to the castle.”

“Gwendolyn... you really...” Bryn whispered.

“The chance to spend time with you is worth more to me than that, Bryn.” The Queen said and Bryn blushed. “I finally found someone that can accept me for who I am and doesn't want me to change.”

“I would never ask you to.” Bryn said and felt a little bold, so she leaned close and pressed her lips to the Queen's cheek. “You are who you are and you are perfect.”

Gwendolyn smiled and nodded before she looked at Bryn's father. “You have my word that I will treat her well and will not take advantage of her good nature.”

“Bryn?” Her father asked.

“It's what I've always wanted.” Bryn said to him and turned her head as she looked into the Queen's eyes once more. “I've admired her for years and I couldn't ask for anything more.”

Gwendolyn couldn't resist the temptation, especially with that look in Bryn's eyes, and she leaned in to place a gentle kiss onto her future consort's lips.

“Mmm.” Bryn moaned and let herself go a little. She moved her lips as her hands went around the Queen's waist and kissed her like she had always wanted to be kissed herself.

Bryn's family stood there, stunned, as Bryn showed them exactly how much she liked Gwendolyn. The kiss eventually ended and both women had red faces.

“I think we need to save that for a more private setting.” Gwendolyn said in her harsh husky voice.

“I w-would really like that, my queen.” Bryn said and her face went even redder.

“I approve.” Bryn's mother said and everyone looked at her. “I've never seen her happier and she's always happy.”

“It's true.” Bryn's sister said. “They don't call her the happiest woman in the village for no reason.”

Bryn's father saw their faces and looked at his youngest daughter's face. Despite the redness from embarrassment, he knew that they were right. Bryn was the happiest she had ever been.

“Promise to write at least once a month.” Her father said, which gave them his tacit approval.

“I will!” Bryn said happily and slid off the horse before she gave each member of her family a hug and grabbed the bag her sister had packed for her. She thanked her for everything and promised to see them again soon before she returned to the queen's horse and settled back onto the queen's lap.

The pair rode off together and her father, mother, and sister were a little sad and wistful as they watched their youngest family member go off into the distance with her longtime crush.


Bryn couldn't believe her luck. She had stayed in the best inns along the way and eaten rich and exotic foods that she had never imagined eating. The flavors made her giddy and act a little foolish and the looks that Gwendolyn gave her made her giggle and blush. As far as Bryn was concerned this was a dream come true and she couldn't have asked for anything more.

Then they arrived at the castle and one of the many servants had shown her to her rooms. Rooms! She had multiple rooms to do whatever she wished!

Bryn stared in wonder at all of the things in those rooms that any lady of the age could ever want. The finest silks and cloths for her to sew with. The best yarns and tools for her to knit and darn with, not to mention the spinning wheel and loom. The needlepoint hoops were ivory instead of cheap wood and even the needles were the finest steel from the best blacksmiths in the capital.

When Bryn entered what was to become her bedroom as she stayed in the castle, she nearly fainted at the beautiful ornate bed. It was a four-poster and had beautiful curtains draped across its length. They were tied back and showed off the plush bedspread and what looked like the most comfortable bed in existence.

Another look around showed her the expensive dressing table with the biggest mirror she had ever seen. Even the stories of such wonders had awed her and now she was looking at herself in one of them.

My hair is a mess! Bryn thought in a panic and ran to the door that led to her bathroom.

Inside the bathroom was the biggest tub she had ever seen and there was a maid there. The maid didn't say a word as she helped Bryn undress and then gave her something called a bubble bath. It was stunning how a little bit of special liquid added to water could become fluffy bubbly clouds that tickled her nose. It had hot water, too!

Surprisingly, Bryn was not dressed in her best dress afterwards. She was wrapped in a towel and led into her bedroom to another doorway. When it was opened, Bryn caught her breath, because it was filled with dresses of all kinds, from wall to wall. Hats and shoes were stacked on shelves on the side and scarves and gloves galore were hung on a rack by the door.

Bryn stood there, stunned, as the maid made several comments about her fair complexion and then dressed her as if she was a living doll. She was covered from head to foot in expensive clothing and items before she was brought out to the dressing table and delicate make-up was applied.

Bryn stared at herself in the large mirror. “I look like a proper lady!”

The maid let out a little laugh. “Her highness will be just as delighted with it as you are, my lady.”

Bryn blushed a little at being called a lady and what the queen was going to think when she saw her. “What do I do with my things?”

“I'll take care of them and put them away for you.” The maid offered. “The queen has ordered that for as long as you stay with us in the castle, you will want for nothing. Everything will be provided for you.”

Bryn blushed some more. “I really must thank her for extending such hospitality.”

“You will be staying with us for a while, so it is the least we can do.” Gwendolyn said from the doorway. The maid bowed deeply and Bryn turned to give her hero a searching look.

Gwendolyn wore a resplendent blue dress that highlighted her curves in such a way that it drew attention away from her powerful muscles and softened her appearance to the point that you almost couldn't guess that she was a very successful adventurer. Her hair was done up in a complicated braid and her bright green eyes almost shone as she gave Bryn a nearly identical searching look.

“I hope you are making yourself at home.” Gwendolyn said.

Bryn glanced around the room and back at the queen. “My whole house could fit in this bedroom.”

Gwendolyn let out a happy laugh that made Bryn feel all tingly inside. “If you are ready, we can finally have our first official date.”

Bryn knew what that meant. They had been careful during their week of travel to keep their attentions on a more respectable level, especially when in public. Some hand holding had been expected, a few chaste kisses were exchanged, and more than a few casual caresses had been shared.

They had also gotten to know each other quite well and only twice had they shared a passionate kiss like when they had first met. Both times had curled Bryn's toes and she adored the look on Gwendolyn's face afterwards. She had never felt such strong emotions before and she was sure that if they spent more time together, this could become the best thing to ever happen to her.

Little did she realize that the queen was thinking exactly the same thing.

Gwendolyn escorted her date through the castle to the private dining room and they sat down to share a delicious meal of the best foods the kingdom had to offer. It was a delight for her to speak to such a happy woman and she enjoyed that no matter her mood swings, or her bouts of need to go out and slaughter the occasional monster and vile bandits, Bryn was always happy to see her.

They both knew that the other was a rare gem to find in the world and appreciated that they both had their roles to play. The both of them also hoped that they could play those roles together.

After the meal, Bryn was brought into a small ballroom and a quartet of musicians played them music as she danced with her hero. She didn't really know the steps and it didn't seem to matter to the queen, who led her across the dance floor and laughed and had fun as they danced however she wanted.

Bryn's adoration rose higher as the queen talked to her like she was an equal and not like a subject or a peasant, both of which she actually was. She had been happy with her life and never really wanted for anything, even with having to work so hard every day. That was how life was and she accepted it as how things were for everyone. Until now.

Now she had seen what it was like to be a successful adventurer. They travelled around the country, and around the world in some cases, and they lived exciting lives as they dealt with threats that the common person never had to contemplate.

Adventurers were a little carefree and more than a little reckless, and that was okay. Every person was entitled to live their lives as they wished. As Bryn looked up into the amused eyes of her date, she wished with all of her might to live this life with her.

Gwendolyn saw the look of longing on Bryn's face and slowed her dance into a waltz. “If you keep looking at me like that, I may never let you go, Bryn.”

Bryn didn't change the look in the least. “Please kiss me.”

“As the lady wishes.” Gwendolyn whispered and leaned down to give her date the kiss she thought she wanted. It was as glorious as it had been the first time and she fought to not get carried away.

It had been quite difficult for her during their week of travelling to not take advantage of the trusting young woman and use her for both pleasure and stress relief. Gwendolyn didn't want to reduce their relationship to just that, however. She had a feeling that both time and patience would result in much more than a few dates and a few rolls in the hay.

Those bouts of passion came and went and never lasted, and Gwendolyn wanted more. Much more. She somehow knew that she would find that the woman in her arms would be happy to give it to her.

After a few more dances, they returned to the table and picked at a few appetizers and talked some more. It was only light conversation for Gwendolyn to gauge Bryn's impression of the castle and her rooms. It made her happy when Bryn gushed about the things she wanted to try and her looking forward to seeing how soft the bed actually was.

Gwendolyn did her best to not show her own eagerness to experience it with her, only to see the younger woman blush deeply and give her that same look as before. It was a mix of desire, need, and want, that matched her own expression completely.

Without saying a word, Gwendolyn decided to stop fighting her own desire and stood to hold a hand out to her. Bryn didn't hesitate as she accepted the hand and let the stronger woman help her stand and lead her out of the room. They stared at each other as they walked and were soon up the stairs and inside the queen's bedroom.

Bryn didn't see anything at all except the look in Gwendolyn's eyes, and that was all she needed. They were both soon divested of all their expensive clothing and both stared at each other in all their revealed glory. Bryn tried to not drool at the beautiful muscular goddess in front of her and Gwendolyn tried to not drool at the beautiful woman that dripped onto the carpet like a leaky faucet.

The both of them were so turned on that neither of them wanted this moment to end. They stared at each other for several minutes that almost felt like an eternity, then their eyes locked onto each other. They took a step towards each other, lightly embraced, and then kissed with such passion that the room could have gone up in flames around them and they never would have noticed.

Gwendolyn scooped Bryn up into her arms and Bryn wrapped her legs around her waist. The kiss wasn't broken as they laid on the bed and didn't notice how soft it was, even when they both explored each other's bodies as thoroughly as possible.

Tongues and kisses touched everywhere and filled them with such pleasure and enjoyment that it was like magic. The more they did, the more connected they felt, which drove them onward to the heights of passion and love that neither of them had ever felt before. Bryn's moans and shouts as she was made love to, drove Gwendolyn wild and she made her own noises as Bryn reciprocated.

By the time the morning had arrived, both women were exhausted and had fully expressed their love for each other. It had been slowly building since they had met and they both knew that this wasn't just a crush from Bryn or a bout of lust from Gwendolyn. It was something special and they were both grateful and thankful for it.


A week and several dates later, Bryn had met the rest of the castle staff and had been accepted as a semi-permanent fixture in their lives and duties. A few had quietly expressed their happiness at having someone in the castle for them to take care of when the queen would need to go on another adventure.

This was fortunate, because only a day later, Gwendolyn had received a letter requesting her assistance. Bryn watched as Gwendolyn dressed and then helped her strap on her armor and weapons. Her hands lovingly caressed each piece as she did so and ended by caressing her lover's face.

“Do your best and vanquish the orcs, my queen. Save the people and show them that with you ruling them, they never need to worry about anything ever again.” Bryn said and gave her a soft kiss. “Then come back to me.”

Gwendolyn looked deep into her eyes and smiled. “I will, Bryn.”

Bryn smiled back and stepped out of the way. She watched the tall woman as her hero strode out of the armory with a purpose. When she was gone, Bryn returned to her rooms that were only that in name. She spent more time in the queen's bed than her own and she didn't regret it. The things Gwendolyn could do to her, and the sounds she made, had Bryn's heart flutter and beat faster.

She decided to reward the queen for attending to her so well and consulted with her maid to discuss the best thing that could be done. They decided that a silken bathrobe would be best and the capital's best tailor was called to give Bryn lessons in the art to do what she wanted.

The tailor was delighted to give the queen's consort lessons in sewing and even helped prepare the materials and shared a nice pattern. It took nearly a month for it all and Bryn couldn't believe how nice it was to just ask for things and it happened. The lifestyle was so different from what she was used to.

She still worked on her own pursuits; but, her toil on a farm was almost a distant memory by this point. Bryn wouldn't change it, however. She was having the time of her life, was falling deeply in love with a woman that she admired, and could have anything she ever wanted. The thing was, the only thing she really wanted was Gwendolyn. Everything else was just things she could have while she waited for her love to come back to her.


The campaign against the orcs lasted for two months and a tired Warrior Queen returned to her castle in a bit of a foul mood. She had taken a hard slash to the side and the healers had warned her to not do anything for several weeks, except the caravan she was on had suffered a bandit attack on the way back to the castle and she couldn't avoid fighting.

It made the bandaged wound open again and the healers ordered her to bed for at least a week to recover. Gwendolyn was not happy at all, until her eyes caught sight of Bryn. All other thoughts fled because the beautiful blonde woman waiting for her wore a bright yellow dress, with spring flowers in her hair, and the brightest smile that anyone in the entire kingdom had ever seen.

“You did it, my queen!” Bryn exclaimed and her maid handed her several handfuls of petals. She threw them at the queen's feet and beamed a smile at her. “You've defeated the vicious horde and saved the kingdom again!”

Gwendolyn didn't know why Bryn's praise meant more to her than the territory governor's and the village elder's. She walked over to her lover and had to smile back at that happy face.

“I'm so proud of you.” Bryn whispered and gave her a chaste kiss. “I've already sent off the capital's bootlickers with a good scolding and no one will disturb you for at least a few days.”

Gwendolyn couldn't stop her bark of laughter at the images that comment brought to her mind.

“Megan has the main bath ready for you and Charles can't wait to refurbish your equipment for you.” Bryn said and took the queen's hand and led her in through the large doors of the castle. “I'll try to keep his yelling to a dull roar when he sees the state your armor is in.”

Gwendolyn laughed and then groaned at the pain in her side. Bryn hissed at that and led the queen to the armory. She was carefully stripped and Bryn bit her lip at seeing just how much the bandages covered.

“It's not that bad.” Gwendolyn whispered.

“I'll be the judge of that, my queen.” Bryn said, her voice hard.

Gwendolyn winced a little at the tone, then sighed. “We were ambushed by bandits and it reopened.”

Bryn gave her a bit of a glare as she handed off the armor to a disbelieving butler and he was told to not inform Charles until she said so. The man nodded and stored the armor and left the room.

Gwendolyn hid her surprise at Bryn commanding her people like that and couldn't help but think that was a good thing, considering her own thoughts about their relationship. Even though they had barely started dating before she had to go away for so long, she felt it was more important than any other relationship she had during her life.

By the look in Bryn's eyes after they went to the bathroom and stripped her off to see the extent of the wound, Gwendolyn knew that she felt the same way. Someone that was only in it for the sex wouldn't look so angry about their lover being hurt.

“If they weren't already dead, I'd kill them.” Bryn whispered, angrily.

The maid nodded and carefully helped Bryn with putting the queen into the bath. She didn't say anything as she took care of cleaning the rest of the queen's body and Bryn very gently washed around the wound.

The queen was dried off and exited the tub. She caught her breath at the ornately decorated and expensive robe that Bryn held out to her.

“I made this for you.” Bryn said, her face flushed red. “I wanted you to have something to always remember me by.”

Gwendolyn eased herself into the robe and admired the craftsmanship. “How long...”

“Over a month.” The maid said and laid out some clothing for her to change into before going to bed. “I've never seen anyone so happy to learn how to sew.”

Gwendolyn smiled and Bryn blushed. The queen gave her lover a chaste kiss and dismissed the maid. “I was ordered to spend the week in bed with you.”

Bryn really blushed at that before she looked into the queen's eyes and saw amusement there. “Just you wait.” She whispered and led the queen over to the bed and helped her change and laid her down. “You're going to be begging me to... to... to do that.”

Gwendolyn barked a laugh and sighed. “I would be begging already if I didn't think I would hurt myself more from doing it.”

Bryn nodded and changed her own clothes, shamelessly right there in front of her queen, and climbed into the bed with her. The look of desire on Gwendolyn's face was worth her breaking her own rules about changing in front of witnesses, even if it was her lover.

The two shared a kiss that had more passion in it than anything else, then they settled down to rest. Gwendolyn started to talk and tell her all about the campaign, even thought she had sent regular letters, and Bryn did her best to not let her lover's sexy voice turned her on too much. Half an hour later, she knew she had failed, because she had cuddled up to Gwendolyn's unwounded side and rubbed herself on her thigh. Both the thigh and her underwear were damp and she had liberally kissed the queen's shoulder and cheek.

“I missed you, too.” Gwendolyn said and hugged her with one arm.

“You need to relax and you also need to stay still.” Bryn said and lifted her head from her lover's shoulder to look at her face. “What if it's just me that moves?”

Gwendolyn thought about that. “If you're careful, I don't see why it wouldn't work.”

“Then we'll try it tomorrow after you rest.” Bryn promised. “I'll kiss your wound and make it better, too.”

Gwendolyn's laugh was soft and she kissed Bryn's forehead.


It took two weeks of bed rest and care for Gwendolyn to recover completely from her wound. Thankfully, it hadn't gotten infected from the rusty blade that had damaged her and the healers gave her a clean bill of health.

That night was a night of unrestrained passion as Gwendolyn made up for the several times that Bryn had done everything for her and expected nothing in return.

Bryn needed two days of her own bed rest after that.


Time moved on after that and both the queen and her consort fell into a very comfortable relationship. Bryn loved living the rich and pampered lifestyle and made many things that the queen adored. The queen loved having someone at home to come back to after she had her adventures and times of saving the kingdom from the things that always seemed to threaten it.


Six months later, the wedding was a lavish affair and the entire kingdom seemed to turn out for it. It was an event that everyone would remember for the rest of their lives, because for the first time ever, the Warrior Queen looked genuinely happy. Her bride looked like she could burst from happiness as they exchanged wedding vows, then the passionate kiss sealed the bond and made everyone cheer.

It was the start of the longest era of peace for the entire kingdom in history. With the Queen deeply in love, which gave her a firm emotional foundation, she renewed her crusade to rid the lands of evil and corruption. It took her nearly a decade of waging war, both in small skirmishes and in full scale battles, before peace was finally reached throughout the lands.

After each and every fight, Gwendolyn had returned home to her castle, and her loving wife Bryn had waited for her patiently. She thanked her Queen for making her and their people safe once more and they always made love for days on end before they repeated the cycle. In both of their opinions, it was well worth the ordeal, because they had the only thing they really needed. Each other.

The Warrior Queen had sated her need for battle and deeply loved her wife, and Bryn lived a luxurious life and deeply loved her wife right back. The tales of their love spread far and wide and soon they became the ideal for what a couple could achieve together.

The End.