What if Harry Potter always died?
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Severe warning! This is going to be morbid and quite disturbing. It started out as a fun idea and then... it kind of became repetitive and too depressing. Pointing out every time Harry should have died ended up being monotonous.

The multiverse is vast and nearly infinite. We have all seen the results of Harry Potter in all kinds of different situations, with different powers, different friends. We have witnessed hundreds, nay thousands of different worlds, with everything from Harry being born without magic to being Merlin reborn. But, what if...

...what if all we saw when we looked into a new world, was his death?


Lily Potter cried and screamed as she gave birth to her first child. She had loved the boy for months now after discovering she was pregnant. Despite the ongoing war, she was as happy as she could ever be. A child, a child that was hers and her husband's, was coming into the world and he would forevr change things.

When the pain finally ended, there was complete and utter silence. The healer didn't speak. Her husband James didn't speak. None of their friends spoke.

“What... what is it?” Lily rasped, her voice almost gone from screaming so much. “Is Harry okay?”

The healer didn't say anything and wrapped up the little bundle. She handed it to James and his blank face said it all. Lily started crying again as her husband gently handed her the extremely quiet bundle. She took the small thing and held it, unable to look, for the fear that if she did, she would have to admit the truth.

“My... wand. Give me... my wand.” Lily whispered and James handed it to her without a word. She cast the diagnostic spell that she was taught to check on the health of the baby and there was nothing. No life signs, no brain activity, and no magic.

Lily finally looked down at the peaceful and too still face of her baby, and cried.

Her son was dead.


Voldemort assaulted the Potter Family's hideaway and easily dealt with the muggle-loving fool. He couldn't let filth like that exist in his world, despite his own origins. James Potter died after barely doing anything more than shouting for his mudblood whore to run.

It was laughable, since Vildemort had already sealed the house. No one was getting in or out. He stalked the redheaded woman up the stairs and into the baby's room. She didn't even fight with her wand and only verbally refused to step aside. A flash of green light ended her defiance.

Voldemort stood above the baby's crib, the prophesied child that would defeat him, and he pointed his wand at it. “Avada Kedavra.”

After the flash of green light, the life left the baby's eyes and it flopped over to lay on the bottom of the crib, unmoving.

Voldemort stared at the body, almost in disbelief, and then he smiled. His smile grew and became a grin. It was the first genuine smile he had ever had on his face and if anyone had seen it, they would have been terrified.


Albus Dumbledore, in his infinite stupidity, trusted Hagrid to fly a motorcycle he had never ridden before, across the countryside to deliver a baby that he had also never handled before. This was a huge and terrible mistake, because as the half-giant was flying over Bristol, the little bundle slid out of the giant's enormous hands and fell 300 feet to his death.


After a short conversation with Minerva, that she would tell him was actually an argument and he had ignored her, Albus placed the bassinet with Baby Harry inside onto the doorstep of the Dursleys. He also placed a letter of explanation on the blanket and the three ignorant adults left the boy there in the middle of the night.

The ice cold body would be found in the morning after Harry froze to death the night before. They hadn't even put a warming charm on the boy.


After a short argument with Minerva, Albus placed the bassinet onto the doorstep of the Dursleys. He also placed the letter on the blanket and the three ignorant adults left the baby there. Since he had slept quite a bit and they hadn't cast a sleep spell on him or stunned him, Baby Harry woke up for his normal nightly feeding and knocked over the bassinet he was in.

Baby Harry cried for his mummy and no one came for him, so he crawled off of the step and along the walk. He would never see the lorry that delivered the day's milk as it ran him over.


Almost as soon as Petunia saw the bundle of joy on her doorstep, she knew things would be bad. She already had a child that was trying both hers and her husband's patience, so she did the only thing she could. She wrapped him back into the swaddling blanket and took him to the upstairs tub.

She held the thing under the water for ten minutes and then tossed the bundle and the bassinet into the community rubbish bin near the small park at the end of the street.


Vernon Dursley felt the unnaturalness from the bassinet and he wanted nothing to do with it. A small squeeze of the tiny neck ended the incessant crying and he dropped the bundle and the bassinet off in the woods near the park. The unread letter was tossed into the fireplace.


Harry was two when Vernon had enough of him and shook him so hard that it left the baby with severe brain damage. After a lengthy stay in the hospital, they pulled the plug.


When Harry Potter turned four, a bout of accidental magic scared Dudley. That it was his fault for scaring Harry in the first place, didn't matter. He pushed Harry down the stairs and he didn't care that the loud crack as Harry hit the bottom of the stairs had ended the poor underfed boy for good.


Petunia tried her best to teach the five year old idiot to cook and he kept making mistakes and burning the bacon. She hefted the heavy iron skillet after the last time and cracked him across the back of the head. The boy fell to the floor, his skull fractured, and his brain bleeding. He didn't get back up.


Dudley and his gang at school would never admit that they went a little too far as they beat up his cousin. It was just some roughhousing, just like his uncle claimed, and it wasn't his fault that Harry wasn't breathing and was bleeding all over the pavement. By the time someone noticed that Harry wasn't in class, it was much too late to take the boy to the hospital.


Vernon didn't notice the speed bump when he drove out of the driveway. Harry was six and Vernon had forgotten that he had ordered the boy to clean the driveway with a scrub brush. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

*13 - 17

Harry Potter starved to death in his cupboard with only water and bread crumbs to eat.


Harry was running from Dudley and his gang to avoid being beaten again. He ran around the school kitchens and saw the dumpsters, his only salvation, and he lunged for them as he closed his eyes and wished for safety.

There was a loud crack and Harry found himself on the school's roof, only he was still moving. He tumbled and rolled off the roof and fell from the high height and his famous forehead slammed into the pavement.

Dudley and his gang laughed and laughed at Harry's twisted neck that made him look like an owl.


It was Dudley's eleventh birthday and Mrs. Figg couldn't babysit Harry, so he had to be taken along with Dudley and Piers to the zoo. When they were in the Reptile House, Harry talked to the snake. Dudley pushed Harry out of the way and the glass disappeared, thanks to Harry's accidental magic. Dudley fell in and the huge boa constrictor slid out of the enclosure.

“Thanks.” The boa said to Harry.

“Anytime.” Harry said, happily. No one had ever thanked him before.

The boa almost smiled and the last thing Harry saw was the large fangs and then he felt intense squeezing and nothing else. By the time the workers ran into the Reptile House and saw all of the panicking people from an escaped snake, Harry's crushed body was already halfway down the snake's throat.


Harry's first Hogwarts letter didn't set off Vernon. It was the twentieth. A baseball bat to the boy's head solved that problem and the owls and letters stopped showing up.


Harry Potter didn't know how to swim. When Vernon took the family to the lighthouse to escape the deluge of Hogwarts letters that seemed endless, Dudley gave Harry a shove and he disappeared under the white-capped waves. His parents praised him for his ingenuity.


Harry just finished drawing a birthday cake in the dirt on the floor when a bang came from the front door. He knew his aunt and uncle would kill him if he let the noise continue, so he ran over to the door to open it. Another bang came as he reached it, then a really loud one when he grabbed the handle.

The very heavy door popped off its hinges and fell over with a surprised Harry under it, then a half-giant of a man walked over the thing.

“Sorry 'bout tha'.” Hagrid said and picked the door up to put it back into place. He noticed the fresh blood on the wood and looked down at the floor and saw the squished body that had been underneath it. “Oh, dear.”


Vernon wielded the double-barrelled shotgun like an expert and warned Hagrid to leave them alone. Hagrid grabbed the barrel and bent it to the side as he called him a great big prune. Vernon pulled the triggers and Harry Potter's head disappeared as he took both barrels to the face.


Harry Potter choked to death on the delicious sausages that Hagrid gave him, because he was never allowed to have them at home and didn't know how to eat them.


Because Hagrid was so big, Harry didn't have much room in the boat while leaving the lighthouse and fell overboard. He disappeared under the white-capped waves.


Crossing the street was always dangerous. When Hagrid and Harry Potter crossed the busy street in London to enter the Leaky Cauldron, neither of them saw the bus as it ran into Hagrid's side. Since he was a half-giant, he barely felt it.

The Obliviators easily modified the bus driver's memory to replace the large man with a hit and run lorry. It was just unfortunate that little Harry was on the same side with the bus and had been pulped.


Shopping for a wand seemed simple enough, until Harry tried that first wand and shattered a fishbowl. The flying glass mulched his face and severed the main artery in his neck. He bled out in mere moments, long before the old wand maker walked around the counter to help him.


Vernon hated the fact he had been humiliated by Hagrid and thought he was rid of Harry for the rest of the summer. He wasn't. When Harry appeared back at the Dursley's, Vernon made sure he would never see Harry again. The old shovel in the shed was used twice that day, once for a whack to a tiny head and once for digging a hole in the garden.


This was where I lost interest in continuing. There's tons of others after this and there's no real spot for a lot of humor to lighten the subject material, so I dropped it.