What if The Goblet of Fire Switched Harrys?
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Fair Warning: This is going to have a lot of sex acts (some technically underage depending on if you view magically granted adulthood a valid way to make someone an adult) and some questionable consent. Around 9,200 words.

Halloween of 1994 was the same as all the others. Every year something always happened. This year, it was the damn Triwizard Tournament and Harry knew, he just knew, that he was going to be involved. He always was.

When the flames in the Goblet of Fire changed from orange to blue, the so-called impartial judge spat out a piece of paper with a name on it. Harry felt dread as the headmaster spent several seconds silently reading the name before he spoke.

“The Durmstrang Champion is... Victor Krum!” Albus Dumbledore nearly shouted.

Half of the students in attendance applauded, even those from the other schools, as the Bulgarian Quidditch star walked with a duck walk over to Dumbledore. The student accepted the paper and waddled down the aisle and along the head table to go to the back room that had never been used before.

The goblet's fire changed to blue again and spat out another name. Harry again felt dread and silently cursed the headmaster for drawing out his pain like he was by not hurrying up and saying the name!

“The Beauxbatons Champion is... Fleur Delacour!” Dumbledore proclaimed to the Great Hall.

The arrogant witch stood with grace as some of her classmates openly cried. Almost no one clapped for her because she wasn't liked by very many people. She took the paper from Dumbledore and strode like a ballerina down the aisle and across the front of head table to enter the same room Victor had.

The Goblet's fire changed to blue once more and another piece of paper was ejected. Harry's nerves were getting pretty frayed by this point and he kept whispering in his head 'not me' over and over. It was only the Hogwarts champion left and he didn't want his name to be called.

Albus spent a few more seconds letting everyone sweat over the name that was picked, then he spoke. “The Hogwarts Champion is... Cedric Diggory!”

Nearly the entire school applauded and the whole Hufflepuff table jumped to their feet and shouted and cheered for him. The bashful boy accepted their back slaps and congratulations with a huge smile on his face and went to Dumbledore. He took the paper with his name and walked with confidence down the aisle, along the head table, and into the room of champions.

“Wonderful! We have our three competitors and I hope you will all cheer them on...” Albus Dumbledore paused when the Goblet of Fire's flames changed to blue again and went a foot higher than normal.

The entire hall full of students hushed into complete silence because the roar of flames didn't abate as a piece of charred paper popped out of the goblet. It seemed to shimmer slightly as it floated down and landed in the old headmaster's hand.

Harry felt all of the blood drain from his face. This was it. He knew it was going to happen! He was going to have to participate in this stupid tournament and more than likely, he was going to die.

“Primrose Potter.” Albus said with an odd tone to his voice.

Utter confusion rippled across the student body and half of them looked lost and half of them looked at Harry with accusing eyes, especially Ron Weasley's that were full of hate, as if he was somehow going to become a girl... and then the blue flames in the goblet shot to the ceiling and Harry felt something tug on him behind his navel. He spun... and spun... and spun some more.

Harry grunted in pain when the unexpected ride suddenly came to an end and he dropped to the stone floor in front of the Goblet of Fire. “Ow.” He said and sat up as he rubbed his back from the hard hit.

“Potter?” An elderly woman's voice asked. “Harry Potter?”

Harry nodded and slowly stood, his weak bones creaking as he did so. He looked around at all the shocked faces and was surprised he wasn't being jeered or yelled at. He looked back at Albus Dumbledore to complain about the rough ride from his seat at the Griffindor table to there and realized something shocking. Albus Dumbledore was now a woman!

“I believe we need to take this someone more private.” The elderly woman said and handed Harry the paper with his name on it. “If everyone will excuse us, there are a few things that need to be investigated.”

No one said a thing as the woman took Harry's arm gently and escorted him down the aisle and across the front of the head table. Harry couldn't help but look at the teachers and saw even more shocking things. Every single man was now a woman, even Severus Snape!

Harry was in shock as he entered the back room and again was stunned, because it wasn't Victor Krum or Cedric Diggory there with Fleur Delacour. It was a thick-set muscular young woman with her dark hair in a tight ponytail wearing Durmstrang robes and a very pretty young woman with sandy-blonde hair wearing Hogwarts robes.

“What is wrong?” Fleur asked as she turned to look. “Do zey need us back in... MON DIEU!”

“Yes, Miss Delacour. It seems the Gobelt of Fire has presented us with a quite vexing situation.” The female Dumbledore said and brought Harry over to the side of the room to stand and then took up a position in front of him as if to guard him.

Soon, the room was filled with women of all kinds, even the female Snape, and Harry could only stare at them all as they all loudly argued about him. He had no idea what was going on and he doubted that anyone else there would have any better idea than he did. It was like a madhouse.

After about ten minutes of senseless arguing, the female Dumbledore raised her wand and produced a loud sound like a cannon. It startled everyone and a few of them screamed from the scare.

“My sincere apologies, ladies. It was the only way to get your attention.” The female Dumbledore said.

“Ariana, what are we to do?” Professor McGonagall asked. “We can't let him... we can't allow...”

“Hush, Minerva. The young man is already overwhelmed with the situation. We can't give him even more to worry about before we deal with what has happened.” Ariana Dumbledore admonished her.

“Forget about the disgusting whelp.” The female Snape sneered. “What about getting our own kidnapped student back? Miss Potter is probably in hysterics right now!”

“Sevina, enough.” Ariana said with a sigh. “The Goblet of Fire is involved and is full of powerful magic that is barely understood. I don't believe there is anything we can do about this.”

“WHAT?!?” All of the women gasped.

If it's barely understood, why the bloody hell did they use it to draw names for the tournament? Harry asked in his head. He wasn't stupid enough to say that out loud, not with the angry looks on most of the women's faces.

“Harry's name came out of the goblet and it brought him here. We can only assume that it did the same with our own student, Primrose. If that is the case, then all we can do is allow events to play out and hope that when the tournament is over, the magic of the goblet will return both students to where they belong.” Ariana postulated.

“You can't possibly think it's a good idea to let a man compete in an all female tournament!” Sevina growled. “It's against the rules!”

“Actually, there are no gender qualifications in the established rules.” A stern woman said from off to the side.

“Ah, Brenda. You are the utmost authority when it comes to things like this.” Ariana said and smiled at the other woman. “What would your official decision be?”

“Since the age line you implemented didn't work...” Brenda Crouch said with a glare and Ariana looked embarrassed. “...the rules in this are clear. His name came out of the goblet and it created a binding magical contract. As of this moment... Harry Potter... is the fourth Triwitch Champion.”

Harry sighed at that and leaned against the wall. He didn't know what to think as the arguments started up again. Not only was his presence going to change everything to do with the tasks, his living situation was going to cause a huge disruption in the castle. Unlike every other man that used to exist, he was alive.

It didn't take long for the pretty blonde wearing the Hogwarts robes to make her way over to Harry and started to whisper to him about the whole sordid affair. Apparently, near the end of the first world war in a bid to rid the world of men, a madwoman named Gina Grindelwald released a virus in 1945 that killed off anyone that had a Y chromosome.

Unfortunately, the failsafe she had to not affect magical blood had failed.

Harry almost snorted at the irony and had to stifle his laugh to not disrupt the current argument among the adults. The pretty blonde beside him smiled warmly at his reaction and he couldn't stop his face from flushing red at her attention. She leaned in closer to him and whispered that he was pretty cute when he blushed. That only made Harry blush more.

“My name's Cedrianna.” She whispered sexily and slid her hand into Harry's. “It means kindly loved.”

Harry blushed so hard he thought he was going to faint. He didn't let her hand go, though. No one had ever held his hand like that before and it felt nice, warm, and comforting. The very happy smile on her face told Harry that she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

“As soon as they say we can leave, I'll give you a quick tour of the castle.” Cedrianna whispered into his ear as she pressed her chest to his arm.

Harry could barely squeak out an answer. “O-o-okay.”

The adults around them argued for another ten minutes until Ariana Dumbledore sighed loudly and let off another cannon blast with her wand. She admonished them for being so shortsighted and for arguing semantics about how to handle a single male in their female dominated society. When those words had sunk into the other women's brains, they all blushed and looked embarrassed.

“For now, Harry will be assigned living quarters in Griffindor Tower...” Ariana started to say.

“I forbid it!” Sevina spat and everyone stared at her. “He would be assaulted as soon as he crossed the entryway! Do you want to have a pile of young women rutting like swine on top of the only male they have ever seen in their lifetime?”

Those words gave everyone pause... and not for the reasons Sevina wanted. Oh, no. It was because most of them were now thinking about rutting on top of Harry Potter and wondering what it would feel like.

Ariana Dumbledore saw the realization on their faces and sighed, because with it so blatantly pointed out, she had to agree. “Very well. Minerva, please assign Harry some guest quarters in the south tower, well away from the dormitories of all four houses.”

Sevina nodded sharply at getting what she wanted. “Perhaps some guards should be assigned as well. Slytherin House would be happy to provide several candidates.” She gave Harry a hate-filled look. “For his... protection.”

Not one person there thought that was what she meant at all.

“I believe a painting and a house elf being assigned will be enough to monitor the corridor and his rooms.” Ariana said, coming to Harry's rescue. No one missed Harry's relieved sigh.

“Miss Diggory, please escort your fellow champion to the third floor of the south tower. The house elves should have the place cleaned up by the time you get there.” Minerva said and waved to the doorway. “I trust you won't allow anything to happen to Mister Potter on the way there.”

Cedrianna beamed a smile at her. “On my honor as a Hufflepuff, he won't leave my sight!”

Minerva smiled back. “Off with you, then.”

“Yes, professor.” Cedrianna said and looked at Harry. “Let's go. The tour I promised you will have to wait until tomorrow.”

Harry nodded and the two of them left the room still holding hands. They had barely stepped out through the doorway when the arguing behind them started up again. “Is it always like that?”

Cedrianna softly laughed and shook her head as her hand tightened in his. “You've shaken them up pretty badly. It's not every day that a handsome boy like you drops into our lives.”

Harry couldn't stop his face from going red as they crossed the empty Great Hall.

Cedrianna let out a girlish giggle. “I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be teasing you like this...”

“It's o-okay.” Harry said right away, surprising himself and her.

“It is? Really?” Cedrianna asked and he nodded. “Then...” She brought them to a stop before she let his hand go and opened her robes enough to let her slide her arm behind his upper back. “...can you put your arm around me?”

Harry did so, a bit awkwardly at first because her robes were in the way, then he slid his hand under them and along her lower back. It almost immediately felt kind of natural to hug her like that and he gave her hip a little squeeze.

Cedrianna almost melted against him and they started to walk at a much slower pace through the hallways to get to the south tower. “This feels sooo niiiiice.”

“Y-yeah.” Harry said, fully agreeing that having a pretty girl pressed against his side was really nice. Since she was about half a foot taller than him, her breast was close enough to his face that her blouse could easily be seen through and the little bump on the front of her breast made his thoughts race to places they never had before.

As the pair walked through the castle, the whole situation made Harry think about his life up to that point. What his mind came up with was a surprise to him. His life really sucked. He wasn't sure why he was only thinking about it all now, not realizing that being away from his repressive life was giving him a sense of freedom he never had before.

Even walking as slowly as they were, they quickly reached the third floor of the south tower. It was kind of ironic that it was the third floor corridor on the right-hand side that promised a most painful death to him in first year.

“This is where I have to leave you.” Cedrianna said with a sad sigh as they came to a stop at the first door.

Harry felt nostalgic about it being Fluffy's room that he would be staying in. He was also reluctant to let go of the beauty that was currently sharing her warmth with him. She looked just as reluctant to let him go and that gave him a boost to his Griffindor courage.

“Do you want to... I mean... what I want to ask...” Harry stammered as his face flushed red. “I've never asked anyone...”

Cedrianna smiled warmly at him again. “Harry, are you asking me into your room?”

Harry nodded several times, inadvertently showing his eagerness.

Cedrianna's smile changed to a smirk as she turned to face him and his other arm slid under her robes to hug her waist. “I'm not sure I can refuse such a sincere request.” She said, almost breathlessly, and pressed her chest to his.

Harry gulped as his eyes dropped to the very warm flesh pressed against him and he felt her poking him without using her fingers. He thought that was a brilliant trick and he lifted his eyes to look at her face.

Cedrianna took the opportunity to lean her head down and planted a firm kiss right on his lips. Harry had never kissed a girl before, so he wasn't sure what to do, until Cedrianna moved her lips and he chose to copy her.

Harry felt bolder as Cedrianna let out a soft moan and her mouth opened. Her tongue was suddenly all over the inside of Harry's mouth and his mind seemed to blank right out because all he could think about was copying her and he felt himself reacting down below and getting hard.

Cedrianna almost purred as she felt him react, too. She broke the kiss and the predatory look on her face made Harry shiver in a good way. “I definitely can't refuse your second sincere request.”

Harry barely had time to blush at her meaning before he was hauled into his new room and was on the bed. His pants were almost torn off and Cedrianna let out the cutest sound he had ever heard anyone make, then his world exploded in wonderful sensations as she dropped her head down onto him and started using her mouth.

He moaned loudly for her and she did something with her tongue that had his whole body shaking. He had no idea that a girl could do that and he felt like he was harder than he had ever been before. He had woken up with morning wood before and it felt nothing like this.

“Some... something... oh... ohhh....” Harry panted and felt himself on the verge of something wonderful and possibly world shattering. Yes, definitely world shattering.

Cedrianna suddenly stopped and the warm wetness was suddenly replaced with warm tightness that couldn't be described. She kissed Harry passionately and started to ride him as hard as she could. Harry didn't mind it at all.

“Yes, Harry! Give it to me! Let me feel the first real one in fifty years!” Cedrianna exclaimed.

After only a few minutes, Harry obliged. Cedrianna let out a moan so indecent as Harry filled her up, that Harry didn't want to stop. So, he didn't. He rolled her over and his hips moved automatically as he tried his best to get her to make that sound again. Cedrianna did. Over and over.

For nearly half of the night, both teenagers lost themselves in the carnal delights of their bodies. It was almost a religious experience for the both of them, because it was the first time for each of them. Cedrianna had had sex before; but, since it was between her and another girl, it wasn't the same. It wasn't even close.

What Cedrianna and Harry experienced was so far beyond anything either of them expected, that both of their minds and bodies had changed. The introduction of the effects of the opposite sex caused a fundamental shift in their biology. One because they had never had a personal injection of so much testicular matter and the other because he never knew being inside a girl could feel so wonderful.

They both fell asleep while wrapped in each other's arms and they both liked being there. After everything they had done and learned about each other, and how their bodies almost knew by instinct what to do, they had wanted to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible.

The morning came early and they woke up face to face. Harry's mind was still full of the wonder he had experienced and his face betrayed his feelings to the girl in his arms. Cedrianna, being the older and supposedly wiser of the two, quickly realized the problem she had.

There were no such things as contraceptive spells or potions in a world that didn't have any men.

Cedrianna eased out of Harry's embrace and she sighed at the look of loss on his face. “Harry, we... this...” She stopped and gathered her thoughts. “We're in a dangerous tournament and we just had sex. If I get pregnant...”

Harry's eyes widened at that. “Oh.” He whispered. “Oh, no.” He sat up and looked at her. “Will they make you... um... not be?”

Cedrianna shook her head. “No, if I am... and after how much we...” She paused and blushed. “I'll be keeping the baby. If I'm not pregnant after all of that, then you'll be sent off to St. Mungo's to see if you've been affected by the virus.”

The blood drained from Harry's face at her words. He hadn't even made that connection. What if he caught the virus and died? He had been here since last night and he didn't feel any different; but, what if that was how it worked? What if as soon as he thought he was safe, he would succumb to it and that would be the end?

“Oh, Merlin!” Cedrianna gasped when she saw the dawning horror on Harry's face. “I didn't think.... none of us... we need to get you to Madam Pomfrey right away!”

They both jumped out of bed and dressed quickly, ignored taking a bath for now, and held hands as they ran from the third floor and across the castle to the hospital wing. Since it was still early in the morning, they didn't meet anyone along the way and made it to the hospital wing in record time.

The large doors banged as they pushed them open in their haste, which brought Madam Pomfrey out of her office at a run.

“What is going on out here?” The matron asked and then gasped at the sight of Harry. “QUARANTINE! QUARANTINE!”

A magical alarm went off and Pomfrey's wand poked towards Harry. He was petrified instantly and his arms and legs snapped together.

Cedrianna reacted quickly and caught him before he fell onto his face. “Madam Pomfrey! Are you insane?”

“He needs to be contained before he kills us all!” Pomfrey shouted and shot a depulso spell at Cedrianna to push her away. The shocked girl screamed as she was flung out the doors to land in the hallway and she saw Harry being levitated across the room as the hospital wing doors slammed shut.


It took two weeks of extensive testing and visits from twenty different healers from St. Mungo's before Madam Pomfrey finally released Harry Potter from his forced quarantine. Their consultations were completely thorough and they made sure that not only did Harry not contract the virus, it hadn't mutated to affect females after he had intimate contact with it.

The bright beaming smiles from all the healers as they presented their findings in the Great Hall caused a collective sigh of relief from everyone, especially the teaching staff. The only holdouts were Sevina Snape, because she hated anything that had to do with men and Cedrianna, because she wasn't pregnant.

It was just luck that Cedrianna was in the middle of her cycle and hadn't been ovulating, so no egg was viable to be fertilized. Her feelings were so conflicted about it that she had been relieved of her prefect duties until she could get a handle on it. Her hormones were all over the place and she was close to being an emotional wreck.

On one hand, she was extremely disappointed that she wasn't pregnant after the amazing night she had spent with Harry. On the other hand, she was a champion in the Triwitch Tournament and had endangered her life and the potential life of her baby, if she had been pregnant.

Harry still had to stay in the hospital for another day to recover from all the intensive tests the healers had to perform. They also fixed his various problems of badly healed broken bones, his vision, his under-nourishment, being underweight, being under his normal height for his age, and they removed the trademark lightning bolt scar.

As he laid there in the hospital wing bed that last day, Harry realized something important. He had sex with 21 different women of various ages (including Madam Pomfrey), been milked like a cow, and had his very first orgy. Hundreds of samples had been taken from him, both before and after his healing treatments. He also received his inoculations for magical diseases and he felt better than ever.

When the new, improved, and medically certified Harry Potter walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, nearly the entire school let out sounds that ranged from relief, to satisfaction, to desire. They all knew he had been rigorously tested by very experienced women and had impressed the healers with both his potency and his stamina.

Since Harry wasn't a student there, he had been issued plain black wizarding robes. He wasn't given the option to be the champion for another school, though. That had the other two headmistresses argue again that Hogwarts cannot have two champions, no matter how the name came out of the goblet. It was against the rules.

Ariana Dumbledore tried to argue about Harry's school being the alternate Hogwarts and no one accepted that. It was two bites at the apple, as the old saying goes, and Harry had to compete for himself.

What was funny was that all of them were extremely concerned about keeping him safe during his participation. No one wanted to lose him and Harry was deeply touched by that, because back where he came from, not even his best friend seemed to care if he was in danger or if he hurt himself. In fact, Ron encouraged it most of the time as a great adventure. The only one with a lick of common sense was Hermione.

That name had Harry pause his thoughts and his eyes went over to the Griffindor table. Sure enough, there she was, his bushy-haired friend. Only, her hair was tamed and in flowing waves and curls around her face, highlighting how pretty she was.

Almost without his conscious decision, his feet took Harry across the Great Hall towards where she sat. Unlike the other girls around her that stared at him with adoration, she looked sad as he approached her.

“Herm...” Harry paused and coughed. This wasn't his Hermione and he couldn't act so familiar with her. “Miss Granger, do you mind if I sit with you? I'd like to talk to you, if that's okay?”

“Of course you can!” The redhead with short hair beside her exclaimed and pushed on the shoulder of the dark-skinned girl beside her. “Come on, Parvati! Shove off and make room!”

Harry immediately reached out and put a hand on Parvati's shoulder. “Please, don't move on my account, Miss Patil. There's plenty of room on the other side of the table for me. I just thought it was polite to ask to sit first.”

Parvati looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “You... you... you're really nice.”

Harry had two weeks of women pawing at him and ogling him, so seeing her eyes dash down to his crotch didn't bother him in the least. “I always tried to be, even when most of the school is usually against me for one reason or another. I ignore them when I can and avoid the rest.”

Parvati nodded and looked up at his face. “I don't mind moving.”

Harry smiled warmly and moved his hand from her shoulder and down her back as he leaned over and gently kissed her cheek. “Thank you for the offer, Miss Patil. It's not necessary.”

Parvati blushed as he let her out of the partial hug. Harry walked around the table to the other side and waited as he looked at Hermione. No one said anything as he just stood there with a look of expectation on his face.

Hermione looked around at everyone's faces and they were all staring at her, especially the female version of Ron. She sighed at not really being given a choice to refuse and nodded.

“Thank you.” Harry said with a smile and sat down across from her.

“What do you want to talk about?” Ron asked, eagerly.

Harry didn't even glance at her and kept looking at Hermione. “I know you want to ask. Go ahead.”

Hermione blushed a little and took a breath. “Are you the male version of my best friend?”

Harry had a lot of time to think about that the last two weeks. “I think I'm more like her counterpart, rather than a male version of her.”

Hermione's eyes widened. “I'm surprised you know the difference.”

When everyone gasped, she blushed, because she had just called the only male in existence an idiot. To his face. In front of the entire Great Hall. Rather than get angry like everyone expected, Harry laughed.

“You're just like the Hermione I know. She's my best friend like Primrose is yours.” Harry said.

“Hey! I'm her best friend!” The female Ron said.

“No, she just tolerates you.” Harry responded and several of the girls near them gasped. “You're loud, brash, have terrible table manners, and you're jealous that she has any friends besides you.”

“You... you... how dare you!” The female Ron spat.

“That's why you call Hermione down all the time and argue with her over every little thing. She's a much better friend than you will ever be and you hate that you'll never measure up, so you keep tearing her down instead. It's much easier than trying to improve yourself, which you've never tried to do, despite how many times she's tried to correct your behavior.”

Harry wasn't sure how he had come up with that description on the fly like that; but, he knew in his heart that it was true. He remembered the look of hate on Ron's face before he was whisked away to the world of only women and knew his Ron was exactly the same way.

The female Ron's face was bright red, because everyone was deathly silent and had heard Harry. The worst part was that none of them were coming to her defense, which meant they all thought the boy was right. She slowly stood up, anger on her face, and she looked poised to attack.

Suddenly, two tall and quite pretty identical redheads appeared at her sides and each tightly grabbed one of the female Ron's arms. Their long ponytails bobbed behind them as if they were animated.

“Hey, handsome! Stop goading our ignorant little sister into attacking you.” Both twins said at the same time. “She won't survive a day in jail.”

Harry chuckled. “Is it goading if she's always ready to attack and is just waiting for an excuse?”

The twins exchanged looks and then smirked at him. “After we tie little Ronnie up and put her somewhere to cool down for a while, we'll be back to have a little talk with you.”

Harry nodded and the tall twins easily dragged a cursing Ron between them. “Her name's Ron, too?”

“It's short for Veronica.” Hermione said and her eyes almost pierced Harry's brain. “How did you know all of that about her?”

“My Ron's the same. Jealous bloke, too. You should have seen the look of hate on his face when a Potter name came out of the goblet.” Harry explained and he saw a lot of understanding faces around him. “Her, too?”

They all nodded.

“Well, damn. I'm sorry to have pointed it out. I hope you all tell Primrose when she gets back.” Harry said and Hermione sucked in a sharp breath. “That's why I wanted to talk to you, Hermione. Albus... I mean Ariana Dumbledore said that the magic of the goblet had us switch places. The only thing we can do is wait to see when the tournament is over that the magic ends and should switch us back.”

“I... I'll have my Rose back by next June?” Hermione asked in a soft voice.

That was the moment Harry realized how Hermione really felt about her best friend. Does my Hermione feel the same way about me? He asked himself and then pushed that thought aside. “I assume that as soon as someone takes the cup and the reward is given, signifying the end of the competition, whatever spell or mishap should also end and undo itself.”

Hermione looked relieved. “Thank you for telling me, Harry.”

“You're welcome.” Harry said. “Pass over the waffles and sausages, will you? I need to keep my strength up for the little talk the Hell's Carrots are going to drag me off to when they come back.”

Giggling laughter bubbled up around the table. “Hell's Carrots.” Most of them repeated and kept laughing. Hermione looked amused as well and handed over the platters.

Ten minutes later, the twins entered the Great Hall with smiles on their faces. Whatever they had done to Ron had amused them.

“HELL'S CARROTS!” The entire Griffindor table yelled and pointed at them, then loudly laughed.

The twins were shocked for a moment, then they burst out laughing, too. When they found out that Harry was the one to give them their new nicknames, they dragged him out of the Great Hall by the arms, to both cheers and applause. They would definitely get their revenge on him... by giving him his first threesome with twin sisters.

Georgina and Wilfreda gathered quite a few sperm samples for their own experiments, too. They even brought in their girlfriends Angelina and Alicia to help during the second round. It wasn't long before the whole Quidditch team had joined in and Harry had his second orgy... and it would not be his last.

When Harry entered the Great Hall for supper that night, with a huge smile on his face and surrounded by equally happy girls of all shapes and sizes, everyone in the entire hall knew what had happened between them. Envy and jealousy started to bubble up among the few older students, too.

Most of the girls wondered what they had to do to get involved with the handsome boy that was making them all feel things they never felt before. Why did his huge smile make them quiver inside? Were those butterflies in their stomachs? Would kissing him feel better than another girl? Even the girls that only liked girls were wondering what all the fuss was about.

Harry's masculine laugh gained a lot of attention as the twins did their best to tell him about some of the pranks they had pulled off. He was only a little surprised they were different and more female oriented to annoy the other girls and he would have to remember to tell the twins he knew when he went back.

As Harry laid in bed that night with both Patil Twins giving him a blowjob and Lavender was eating out Parvati, he wondered if he was given a choice, would he chose to go back or would he stay? Being a broodmare... ahem... a stallion for a world of eager women, didn't seem so bad.


“Dragons? We're facing bloody dragons?” Harry asked, his voice a bit higher-pitched than normal.

“Language, Harry.” Hermione said and patted his back.

In this world, Hagrid hadn't been born. His father never existed or met the giantess that was Hagrid's mother, so the gameskeeper was Professor Grubbly-Plank and she took over Care of Magical Creatures when Professor Kettleburn retired. Grubbly-Plank had promised to tell him a secret if he provided her with some samples for her to use later.

Harry ended up spending the night with her and being her entertainment. It was fun for the most part. He really should have refused the anal plug with unicorn tail hair attached and prancing around her cottage like a real stallion, then he mounted her and rammed her from behind as hard as she wanted. It didn't seem so bad after that.

Grubbly-Plank let him keep the tail with the promise that only she would see him wearing it. That was a surprisingly easy promise for him to keep.

“I've only got 2 weeks to prepare, Hermione. I can curse if I want.” Harry groused.

Hermione sighed. “You don't have to attend classes because you're not a student enrolled here. You have plenty of time to research and practice.”

Harry gave her a pointed look. “You're saying that like I have any clue what to do without you to guide me.”

Hermione looked startled at that admission and then blushed. “H-Harry... I... I'm flattered, really...”

Harry chuckled and shook his head. “No, I'm not talking about that, despite how beautiful you are.” He said and Hermione blushed to a bright red. “I'm sure my completely ignorant counterpart feels the same way about you and doesn't realize it, because I just couldn't see it until I was away from my Hermione.”

Hermione's blush didn't lessen as she looked back at his face. “You... you meant that?”

“Yep! As soon as you see Primrose's face again, you give her the kiss you think she deserves. She'll catch on.” Harry said and then grinned. “Eventually.”

Hermione giggled and smacked his arm. “You prat!”

Harry laughed and nodded. The pair quickly went to work about what spells to use and where to search for them. Like the other champions, they weren't supposed to ask for help from the teachers or headmistresses. They both knew the others were going to cheat, though. They wanted their schools to win. Unlike them, Harry just wanted to survive.


“You're spending a lot of time with that nasty boy, Hermione.” Ron accused her the next time they were in Transfiguration class together.

Hermione huffed. “You're saying that like I've already slept with him.”

“Haven't you?” Ron asked with narrowed eyes.

“Of course not! We're friends and I'm helping him study.” Hermione said. “Before you get it stuck in that thick head of yours, he hasn't tried to kiss me and I haven't seen him naked.” She said and opened her class book. “I don't even know if he has hair down there.”

“Yeah, right. I'm sure that...” Ron said and started to pester her.

“He only has a small patch of hair above it, just like me.” Parvati said from the next table. “The rest is nice and smooth and my tongue easily slides over his life-giving testicles.”

The entire classroom stilled and they were all paying attention.

“How big is it?” Millicent Bulstrode boldly asked from the Slytherin side of the room.

“Just over 6 inches and it's this thick.” Parvati said and lifted her hand to make a 'C' shape.

Several of the girls tittered and commented in whispers with their friends.

“Don't forget to mention his magic tongue.” Lavender said and several girls gasped. “You wouldn't believe what he can do with it. It's a-maz-ing!”

Hermione tried to not laugh at all of the interested faces, especially on the Slytherins. The only face not the same was Ron's, and hers was showing anger again. She would have to warn Harry about both things when she saw him this afternoon after classes.


Thanks to Hermione's warnings, Harry managed to avoid several confrontations with both the Slytherins and a pissed off female Ron. Apparently, the lesson the twins had tried to teach the girl had either not worked or made her worse because she blamed Harry for it. It was best to just avoid all of that noise.

For the whole two weeks, Harry and Hermione prepared and studied hard. A lot of it Harry had to do on his own, because Hermione had to attend classes and she had year end exams, unlike him. That made him wonder if he would have to write them after he returned or if he would be held back, since he had missed an entire year of schooling.

Harry pushed those thoughts aside when the call came for the champions to follow Professor McGonagall to the tent where they would wait for the event to start. As they walked out of the Great Hall and out the main doors of the castle, Harry noticed that he was only a few inches shorter than Cedrianna. She noticed as well and blushed when their eyes met.

When they entered the tent and McGonagall left, they turned to each other and spoke at the same time. “I'm sorry.”

Harry chuckled and Cedrianna blushed again and giggled.

“You first.” Cedrianna said.

“I'm sorry it didn't work and that I put you in that position.” Harry said and Cedrianna was stunned, as were the other two champions. “I should have been more responsible and took the proper precautions, like pulling out and preserving the samples for you.”

Cedrianna blushed hard at those words, because she had really enjoyed that he hadn't.

Harry would never know that wasn't really how things were supposed to go after sex. He was a lot more responsible about what he did with a girl and what happened afterwards, thanks to the two weeks of medical lessons from the healers. He could easily conjure a sterilized container and gather proper samples, as well as the stasis charm to preserve it.

“If it's okay with you, we can do it again tonight.” Harry offered. “I'll give you several samples to use when it won't mess up your life or your schooling, like it could have when we first met.”

Cedrianna had started to think Harry hated her for not getting pregnant and wasting all those samples, and here he was offering to give her some to use later, when she was at her full cycle and had a viable egg. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes.

“I'd like that very much, Harry.” Cedrianna whispered and then kissed him deeply. “Thank you.”

It was Harry's turn to blush. “You're welcome.”

Just then, a pile of women entered the tent, led by Ariana Dumbledore. Cedrianna reluctantly let Harry's neck go while being subjected to the old woman's pointed look. The rules were quickly explained and a bag was presented. They each drew a tiny model dragon and left the last for Harry. It was the biggest and meanest one, of course. The Hungarian Horntail.

“Miss Diggory will be first, Miss Delacour second, Miss Krum third, and Harry last.” Ariana Dumbledore said and the bag vanished.

“Why do you always do that?” Harry suddenly asked.

Everyone was startled by the question.

“Pardon me, Harry? What do you mean?” Ariana asked.

“That! You always, always use my first name, just like my Dumbledore. Everyone else is Miss Last Name. Why am I the only one of the students you ever call by their first name?” Harry asked and everyone turned to look at Ariana, only for the older woman to blush and sigh.

“I was trying to endear myself to you, my boy.” Ariana said.

Harry suddenly felt defiance fill him for some reason and he didn't fight it. “I am not your boy!”

Every woman flinched and took a set back at his shout.

Harry closed his eyes and took several breaths before he opened his eyes again. “I know I'm special here. I understand it. I get it.” He paused and looked at all their faces and ended at Dumbledore's. “That doesn't mean I have to accept your condescension because you want to keep me under your authority.”

Ariana sighed again. “I am not being condescending in how I speak to you.”

“No? Am I being included in all the discussions about me and my welfare? About where my clothes come from? Do any of you know what a male needs to live? How about why no one is asking me if I want or need anything?” Harry asked.

Ariana blushed, as did the other women in the group. They hadn't thought about anything like that.

“It's been a month since I've been here and no one has told me anything about what happened or if anyone is even looking into it.” Harry said and crossed his arms. “How did my name come out of the goblet? Do you even care?”

Ariana knew she was in a bad position at the moment and chose a tactical retreat. She could handle Harry's questions later. “This isn't the time to discuss these things. After the first task...”

“I'm not participating until you admit that you have no intention of treating me fairly.” Harry said and several of the women gasped.

“Harry, my boy...” Ariana started to say.

“Stop that!” Harry shouted and they all took another step back, as if they were afraid of him. “Admit it. It's your only choice. Just like I've been given all the choices in my life so far, including coming here.” He said and glared at her. “Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.”

Ariana really didn't want to indulge the boy. She knew if she gave him an inch, he would take a mile. “You're wrong, Harry.” She said and winced slightly at the vicious smirk on the boy's face. “You are too young to make those kind of decisions yourself and...”

“...according to the tournament rules, only adults can participate. Since you've all declared that I'm the fourth triwitch champion, I should be considered an adult.” Harry said and looked at Miss Crouch. “Brenda, go ahead and tell them the truth.”

“Do not address my by my given name, boy!” Brenda growled.

“That's another thing. Until I attended school when I was five, my abusive family called me boy and freak. That's when I finally learned my name was Harry.” Harry told them and all of their faces turned chalk white. “So, Brenda, Ariana, everyone else, how do you think I'm going to act if you keep... calling... me... BOY!?!”

They all flinched and took another step back, leaving a clear area around Harry.

“Well? What do you say to that?” Harry asked them. “Am I an adult that can freely participate in the tournament or am I too young to make any choices and you are going to force an underage male to compete against adults and continue to treat me unfairly?”

None of them moved or spoke.

Harry stood there and stared at them as they looked more and more uncomfortable. He let it go on for a full minute before he spoke. “I won't step one foot out of this tent unless you admit...”

Ariana flicked her wand at him and stunned him. The other women in the tent gasped at the underhanded tactic. Ariana ignored them and bound Harry in ropes, silenced him, and levitated him to the side of the tent.

“I appoint Minerva as my proxy and will stay here to ensure this young man enters the arena when it's his turn and doesn't sacrifice his magic over a teenager's temper tantrum.” Ariana said.

All of the women gasped again and a few covered their mouths, especially Cedrianna.

“We cannot take the chance to lose him like that.” Ariana said.

None of them pointed out that she was removing Harry's choice again. He was probably going to die fighting the dragon. It wouldn't matter if he lost his magic before that, because he'd still be dead.

The large group of women left the tent and the event proceeded as planned. Cedrianna went first and succeeded with no damage. Because of Harry's words about ensuring samples for her later, she was a lot more cautious and planned accordingly. She just hoped he could make it through the task after what happened.

Fleur went next and she performed even better than she thought she would. Instead of putting it to sleep like she originally planned, she chose to do something else. Her blood pumped and her magic sang as she used her abilities to instill instinctual fear into her dragon to the point that it wanted to avoid her at all costs. Was it because of Harry's words? His confidence? His defiance of authority?

It had been a shocking sight for Fleur to see someone that shouldn't exist talk to the judges and ministry officials as if they were children, despite them always talking down to him. He was right about that. They didn't question him about his needs and just assumed they knew what was best and did it. Perhaps a few words into her maman's ear could change things for him?

Viktoria Krum managed to hit both eyes on her dragon and all of the eggs were crushed, including the golden egg. When it smashed open, the ungodly howls echoed through the arena and all of the women screamed. She received zero from all the judges, because the dragon handlers had to be called in to subdue the dragon for one of the judges to disable the damaged egg.

Then it was Harry's turn. The audience was stunned to see Ariana Dumbledore levitating an unconscious and bound Harry Potter out into the arena. There was almost a shimmer of heat when he was pushed in and lowered to the ground. The ropes disappeared and Dumbledore woke him up.

No one missed the angry look on Harry's face as he jumped to his feet or how his mouth was shouting, only no sound was coming out. They couldn't hear what Dumbledore was saying, only that she held his wand and dangled it out where he could see it. To everyone's shock, Harry leapt at the woman and tackled her to the ground.

Several unladylike punches were thrown by him and Harry slowly stood up with two wands in his hands. One shot off gold sparks and the other shot off black ones. Everyone seemed to stop breathing and silence fell in the arena as Harry stared at the wand. Ariana Dumbledore's wand.

Harry tapped his own throat with the new wand and the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the stands. “Up yours for forcing me to complete the magical contract, you stupid old bitch.”

Everyone gasped at that, even the first years.

“Now I have to compete because my magic is bound by the contract.” Harry said kicked the old woman, making her loudly grunt.

“STOP IT!” Someone shouted from the stands. “Ariana Dumbledore is the most powerful witch in our world!”

“Your leader is a lying piece of crap.” Harry said and lifted the wand. “Can anyone tell what this is? No? It's a surprisingly chatty little thing and wants me to keep it secret. I'm not sure why I can hear...” He paused for a moment. “It's because of my cloak? Why?” He listened some more. “Ohhh, the different aspects of reality gave you new powers? That's brilliant.”

Everyone stared at him as he had a conversation with his wand.

“Would you mind helping me today?” Harry asked it. “Great! Thank you.” He said and pointed his old wand at the headmistress and used the depulso spell to throw her out of the arena.

Everyone gasped at the callousness and Harry ignored them. He walked farther into the arena and the dragon, that had seemed to enjoy the fight earlier, started to raise its hackles as he approached. He didn't stop, however. Everyone sucked in sharp breaths as the dragon did as well, because they all knew it was going to spew a stream of deadly fire.

Harry raised his new wand. “Protego.” He said and kept walking, to everyone's shock.

The dragon let the stream of fire go and it flew right at Harry... and it went around him. The fire lit up the usually invisible shield with a blue tint and Harry's walking pace didn't falter as he closed in on the dragon's nest. The creature stopped the fire and took several deep breaths, as if to prepare another barrage of flame.

“Incarcerus.” Harry said and massive ropes wrapped around the muzzle of the dragon. “Incarcerus. Incarcerus.” Ropes wrapped around its legs and then tied the wings against the body.

Everyone stared as he walked right up to the dragon and he pet it and hissed at it. He picked up the golden egg and stepped back out of range and released the ropes, bowed deeply to the dragon, and pointed the wand off to the forest.

“Accio teenage acromantula.” Harry said and everyone screamed as a giant spider the size of a horse flew over the rim of the arena and landed right in front of him. “Stupefy.”

The spider didn't have the chance to attack and fell unconscious.

“With my compliments, dear lady.” Harry said and levitated the live meal over to the Hungarian Horntail and he hissed the same words to her. She huffed at him, inadvertently roasting the hairs off of the acromantula with her flames, then she dug into the tasty bribe with relish.

Harry had heard the story in second year about how Aragog had ridden inside someone's pocket to get here to the Forbidden Forest. It was only Hagrid being the monster-loving fool he was that had kept the creature locked inside the castle for years.

“Thank you, thank you.” Harry said to the audience and bowed to them, then walked to the exit tent where Madam Pomfrey waited anxiously.

“I'd slap that old fool if I didn't like my job so much.” Madam Pomfrey said and pulled Harry into a tender hug. “Imagine pitting school students against dragons!” She said loudly and then ducked her head down to lightly kiss his ear and whispered. “Especially you, dear.”

Harry felt his face heat up. “I'm not hurt.” He said and then lightly kissed her neck. “You better give me a full checkup, just in case.”

“It would be my pleasure, Harry.” Madam Pomfrey said and brought him over to a curtained off area and told him to strip. She then had her way with him, very enthusiastically, and gathered the sample at the end. She gave him a kiss and then kissed the end of his penis. “Thank you.”

Harry couldn't stop his chuckle and the healer winked at him. They quickly dressed and went back out to the main part of the tent, only to see three shocked faces on Cedrianna, Fleur, and Viktoria.

“Everything still works and is viable.” Harry said and gave Cedrianna a thumbs-up, which made her blush.

“They should have your score ready.” Madam Pomfrey said and motioned for Harry to go back out. “If you have any medical problems in the future, you know where to find me.”

Harry nodded and left the tent to receive his score. He had an average score of 6 and the entire crowd booed the judges and called them names and frauds. Harry shrugged and walked away with the egg under his arm. With luck, someone would want to buy it for a good amount and he could get some spending money. It looked like it was made with real gold, too.

...and this was where I kind of lost interest. There wasn't really anywhere for me to go with the story. It's too locked into the outcome, so here it is in two short paragraphs.

Harry wins, now that he has to compete. He wipes the floor with them, since no one expected him to be so powerful. Ariana's wand helps, too. It's having a lot of fun being used by the only man in existence.

Harry spends his year having sex, giving out samples, and then the magic ends and he and Primrose switch back. Harry gains a new appreciation for girls and Primrose returns with hundreds of samples from all the boys she screwed.