Chapter 9: Mama… I Just Killed a man… Various men…
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Chapter 9: Mama… I Just Killed a man… Various men…

(Marinkia’s POV)

Man: “Hah! I can’t believe that you just trusted me. Are you stupid? I guess not, as if you were smart, you wouldn’t have injured yourself so badly like this. You do realize that this is the end of the world, you know?” He gloated.

Marinkia: “Yeah, I know. And I also fully understood that this was a trap.” I reply.

Man: “Then why follow me?” He asked with a curious tone.

Marinkia: “Oddly, because I felt like I could easily kill you if needed.” I answer with a shrug.

Surrounding me were eight different men, including the one that led me here. Of course, they knew of my knife, and they didn’t carelessly approach me. And even better for me, I knew self defense to a degree.

Man: “Why don’t you just drop the knife, huh?” He suggested.

Marinkia: “Why should I do that? What do you all even want?” I ask.

Man: “If this was some shitty movie, I guess that we would want to rape you, or something like that. But this is reality… Instead, we just want your bag. You should have supplies in your backpack, isn’t that right?” He replied.

The men agreed with his words, adding more of theirs that I omitted. But the thing is, that I didn’t believe them at all. Not all of them did this, but a few of them looked at me with lecherous eyes.

Marinkia: “What gentlemen… Sorry, but the only way that you’re getting this bag is if you kill me.” I reply.

Man: “That’s a shame… Everyone, try to kill her! If you get cut, she will probably have supplies to deal with the wound. After all, look at her neck!” He exclaimed, lunging at me.

Like I was some assassin that had killed countless people, as the man lunged at me, I dodged. Even though I dodged, I was able to skillfully slit the man’s throat. He fell to the ground, soon realizing that I had cut his neck.

The man tried to crawl to his friends for help, but he slowly died while they watched in horror. And then, much to my horror, the man got up from the ground. He was now a zombie… Was he secretly bitten?

Some Time Later.

With the zombie waking up and facing the group of me, it didn’t notice and attack me. With such a great distraction, I was able to quickly and easily kill the entire group. All that was left… was the zombie.

He was munching on his friends, still not realizing my presence. I struggled on if I should kill him or not. But the choice was made for me, as he had gotten up and tried to kill me. Dodging again, I plunged my knife into his skull.

Fictional zombies rules apply to these zombies, huh? Well, that is to say, that he stopped moving once I stabbed his head with my knife. At least I can actually kill them like this, instead of having to destroy their entire bodies…


Marinkia: “Damn…” I say with an annoyed tone.

While trying to take my knife out of the zombie’s head, the blade of my knife snapped off. And unfortunately, I was left with a very small portion of the blade, which wasn’t useable at all.

The sun was still up and bright, so I waited for the rest of them to turn to zombies. But they didn’t turn at all. Searching the man’s body, I found a gruesome bite mark on his shoulder, which was hidden by his shirt. Ah, so he was bitten.

Walking back out of the alleyway, I kept my surroundings on my mind, but also thought about what just happened to me. Not the getting tricked thing, I expected that fully.

The problem was how easily I killed that zombie and those men. Not only did I kill them with a skill of a killer that I shouldn’t know of, but I also did it without feeling any remorse at all. In fact, I oddly only felt remorse for the zombie…

Marinkia: “What the…” I say in shock.

There were still many glass buildings in this rural area, so I was able to see my reflection in the window of a somewhat large building.

Reflected in the mirror was me, of course. But my eyes were golden… And they were glowing gold as well. Nowhere near as bright as Mai’s and Mercedes’s red eyes glowed, but my eyes still glowed like their eyes did.

After ten minutes of being shocked, my eyes returned to their normal and boring brown color. Does this mean that it worked? No. If it did, my hair would probably have changed, and my eyes wouldn’t have returned to normal.

Instead, what likely happened was that, due to that situation where I had to fight, the processes within my body had to speed up. Since they did, the change happened early, but not permanently. At least, not permanently yet.

Marinkia: “I wonder if I will get taller?” I ask no one at all.

Well, that is assuming that I won’t end up a zombie in the end. Even though I changed into a new human for a very short period, there is no saying that I will actually end up as one.

As for why I felt no remorse for killing those men… I do feel remorse now. It seems that when I am in that state; I feel nothing for my fellow man, and instead feel for the undead.

Now I understand why Mai and Mercedes batted no eye when mentioning that they killed people. To them, humans like me were just a random, unimportant and weak species. Useless humans…

What the fuck? Why am I now racist against my own kind!? Damn… I guess that, just like puberty, the changes that I will go through will be somewhat strange and confusing. How annoying…

Marinkia: “I wish that Mercedes and Mai were here.” I say with a pout, jokingly punching the window of the building.

Much to my shock, I had punched a decent sized crack into the window. And I gained the attention of the zombies inside of the building as well. Looking at the door of the building, it was broken open, and as these zombies aren’t Mai’s or Mercedes’s, I am in trouble.

I seem to be doing this a fucking lot lately, but once again, I ran away at top speed. Until I am safe, I will just ignore the fact that I went faster than any normal human could run. God, this is so fucking weird…