Chapter 11: No New Numen, so That’s Good.
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Chapter 11: No New Numen, so That’s Good.

(Marinkia’s POV)

While running, I realized that my focus wasn’t on my legs or my body. Instead, it was just my surroundings. My body just moved without me needing to think about it.

I knew what this was, too. It was a runner’s high. The difference was that, usually to experience this, I would have to run for at least an hour or two. This much be some kind of change with my body due to the Numen virus.

Ah, right… This isn't a normal runner’s high, either. If it was, I would be focusing on my body still. But I wasn’t focusing on it at all. I was able to think about anything that I wanted to think about, and my body was on auto, or something.

Numen’s… that’s what I decided to call Mai and Mercedes. It wasn’t an original name at all, with many IPs using such a distinction for evolved people. But just because it wasn’t original, didn’t mean that it was a bad name.

The new people like them, well… they, the Numen’s, treated original humans as being worthless besides their meat. Sounds horrible, but think of it like this.

If, one day, you somehow met a caveman from the long dead first version of our kind, would you treat them like a human? Supposed that they actually existed once, even the dumbest person on earth would be better than them.

For the Numen’s, it is the same for the current humans. From what I’ve seen of them, they’re much stronger, faster, and seem to be far more intelligent, too.

Why resist change? Isn’t this just the next step up in our evolution? Of course, such an evolution like this is on the supremely extreme side, and most people will end up dead. But I think that I am fine with it.

This isn’t my changed side speaking, either. No, stop that line of thinking! I am not fine with this evolution because I want Mai and Mercedes to take care of me like I am their pretty little princess!!! Get your mind out of the gutter…

Marinkia: “Heh…” I chuckle to no one.

Using old words no one uses anymore is pretty fun, if I am being honest. Stopping with ease, I was now in the other big city area of my district. It wasn’t… it wasn’t as dead? There were guards???

Looking at them, they didn’t seem to be Numen’s. That is to say, that they didn’t have any glowing eyes. They were absolutely humans. Now then… what about my wound? Once they take off my bandage, I will be exposed as being bitten…

Well, if I am exposed, I can just kill my way out of that situation. Besides, it’s not like they had guns. In fact, they were using swords. They seemed like real ones, too. I guess that a sword would be useful against people and the undead.

Marinkia: “Hello…” I say while slowly approaching them with my hands up.

Guard A: “Put your hands up!” He exclaimed.

Marinkia: “…”

The guard embarrassedly coughed when he realized that my hands were already up in the air, and in plain view for both of them to see.

Guard B: “Ignore him, he is new and is on edge.” He said with a laugh.

Marinkia: “I understand. This world is very dangerous now.” I reply with a smile.

Guard B: “That it is. Now, please rest assured that we will not do or ask anything of you that would be immoral.” He replied.

Marinkia: “?”

Guard B: “That is to say, that to survive this world, we cannot act like savages. Girl, you seem young, and I am trying to beat around the bush here…” He said while rubbing his head.

Marinkia: “Please explain.” I urge him.

Guard B: “Females have just the same responsibilities as males in our group. And there is no rape or anything along those lines. We follow the law here, and even the leader of the group can be persecuted if they break it.” He explained.

A lawful group? That’s kinda rare… They might have a chance to survive this if they keep this up. Hah… What am I saying? With the Numen’s, no human will survive in the end. But I, at least, can still make use of these people. As fucked up as that sounds…

Marinkia: “That sounds good. Can I join up? Ah, I am unarmed.” I reply.

Guard B: “Did you come from the other city? How did you survive?” He asked with a curious tone.

Marinkia: “Before Grant had disabled the portable food and water makers, I made six month’s worth of super food and water. As for a weapon, I had a kitchen knife, but it broke after I killed too many zombies.” I explain.

Guard B: “And… your neck? How did you get hurt? Please be aware, for everyone, the rate of turning into an undead is different. Some take just minutes, others take weeks or even months.” He replied.

Marinkia: “…”

Guard B: “Just because you haven’t turned yet, doesn’t mean that you won’t turn in the end.” He advised.

Marinkia: “I didn’t get bit.” I reply with a confident tone.

Gaurd B: “And the wound?” He asked once more.

Marinkia: “Do you want the truth, or the brave lie that I got injured protecting myself from other people?” I ask with a small chuckle.

Gaurd B: “The truth, please.” He replied with a sigh.

Marinkia: “Before leaving my apartment and deciding to survive, I tried to kill myself. I gave up in the end, but I tried to slit my throat twice, failing both times.” I admit.

Gaurd B: “…”

Marinkia: “…”

Gaurd B: “Head on in past us. We won’t steal your personal items, but selling or donating some will give you group points.” He said with a small, forced smile.

Gaurd A: “What!? How do we know if she is telling the truth!?” He exclaimed, but the other guard hit his head lightly to shut him up.

Marinkia: “…”

Gaurd A: “You going in, or not? I promise that our group is far better than any bad humans you’d find out in the wild, or any packs of undead. I am sure that it’s been a while since you’ve talked to a good person. Please head in.” He said once more.

Marinkia: “Thanks.” I say with a smile, putting my hands down and walking into their base.

While walking in, I realized that their walls were made out of luxury cars, which were decently light compared to old ones, as well as other things that would be good for blocking up a wall for protection.

After entering, I saw that there were well over a thousand people living in this group. Before counting further, I was stopped by a woman who looked like a doctor.

Doctor: “Stop right there. We need to check your wound and see if it is a bite or not.” She said with a serious tone.

Marinkia: “…”

Fuck… The first nooby guard ratted me out. While I was talking to the nice one, he walked a decent distance away from us. He talked into something, and only now did I realize that it was an old antique walkie-talkie. Shit… Why do I always end up in these kinds of situations?…