Chapter 4: Give me Dangerous Jobs, I do NOT Care.
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Chapter 4: Give me Dangerous Jobs, I do NOT Care.

(Selenia’s POV)

Apparently, despite only being eight years of age, I was now a private in the… What the hell is this kingdom called? Ah, I asked Rana, and she told me that it is called the kingdom of Sooven, which is in the Alwessal Empire.

Which means that I am now a private of its military. Which, again, is weird because I am a child. General Radahn was a pretty nice man, but he was fair. Which is bad for me…

As I was a child, there weren’t any armors that I could use. I was given some inner garbs to wear, but, like, on the outside without armor. At the very least, it will provide some protection against arrows, but I look kinda stupid guarding the front gate like this…

Ah, right. Yesterday, before I went to sleep, I got some food with Rana. As expected from military food, it was pretty bad. Granted, it was far better than starving to death, so I didn’t complain.

Currently, I was fielding a short sword, with its sheath wrapped around my waist. My knife was considered to be somewhat valuable, so Rana suggested to not have it out. Which I agreed with. I can still hold a short sword decently well, so it wasn’t a downgrade, but in fact, it was an upgrade.

Rana was standing guard with me, as she was oddly chosen to be my guardian for now. No, really. She actually adopted me. This was all for a bunch of odd military laws. Technically, they can draft me even if I am a kid, but to save their asses, on paper, I am Rana’s kid that got drafted alongside her. Which is somehow legal…

After standing around at the gate all day, Radahn called me into his office. He seemed to have just finished a meal, but there was still food left over. Accidentally, I salivated while looking at it.

Radahn: “If you want the rest dear, then you can have it.” He proposed.

Selenia: “Really? Then I will dig in.” I say with a happy tone.

Well, I was happy, but then he moved the plate out of the way of my fork. How did you even move that fast? I thought that I was fast, hopping onto a chair, and then getting ready to eat. By the way, what kind of person has a dining table in the their office?…

Radahn: “Actually, rather than my leftovers, I’ll have them make you some fresh food. Wouldn’t you much prefer that instead?” He suggested.

Selenia: “I would, but why let me eat fancy food? Aren’t I just a random private?” I ask with a head tilt.

Radahn: “Well, you see, I want to ask you to do something very, very dangerous.” He answered.

Selenia: “What is it?” I ask.

Radahn: “Eat first. And don’t worry, you can say no to my request.” He reassured.

With that, he went over to sit down at his desk, and he started to do his work. Of course, before he did, he ordered a soldier outside of his room to have another meal brought to him. Around ten minutes later, food arrived.

Radahn said to leave it on the table for me, and then I started eating. As I ate, tears fell down my face without me realizing it. When I did, I wasn’t embarrassed.

Even before my father died, I was eating things that could be barely classified as food. In fact, the food the soldiers get is actually better. Which is the main reason why I didn’t really complain.

As for why I cried, it was because this food was very close to the food in my old life. That probably means that it is a very expensive meal. Radahn acts very reserved, but clearly he was a very respected and famous man. How else could he eat food like this every day?

Radahn: “It was so good that you cried? Child, when was the last time that you had a real meal?” He asked with a curious tone.

Selenia: “Just now. Actually, the food I ate that my father provided me, well, not to disrespect the recently deceased, but the food that the soldiers get is far better.” I answer.

Radahn: “The food that my men constantly complain about, and most of the time call it slop, is better? That is almost enough to make this grizzled old man cry, little lady.” He said with a sigh.

Selenia: “Grizzled? Aren’t you still pretty young?” I say with a confused tone.

Radahn: “Are you trying to get in my good graces? I’ll be forty in a few years, you know?” He asked with a happy tone.

Selenia: “That still wouldn’t be old. In my opinion, old people are over the age of sixty.” I reply.

Radahn: “…You’re very wise for you age, you know? It makes me feel bad about asking you my request.” He said with an unsure tone.

Selenia: “Let me guess, it’s something that only I can do, because I am small, right?” I ask with a confident tone.

Radahn: “…Like I said, wise…” He said with a sigh.

Selenia: “So, what is it that you want me to do? Whatever it is, I shall try to attempt to accomplish it. If I die, at least I got to eat a good meal first.” I ask with a curious tone.

Radahn: “The village that you came across, well, we know of where those men went to. Their outpost isn’t that far away from here. They raped and murdered our people, so we can’t just let them get away with that.” He explained.

Selenia: “How are they even in this kingdom at the moment?” I ask.

Radahn: “Unfortunately, the duke that oversaw the protection of our border betrayed us. He let in many kingdoms, and we haven’t been able to expel them just yet.” He answered.

Selenia: “That’s a major problem… So, do you want me to sneak into their outpost?” I guess.

Radahn: “Exactly that. I want details of how their outpost is set up. Selenia, you’re very smart, so I am sure that you can do this. If you can, and only if you can do it safely, take the head of their commander or other ranking officer.” He explained.

I will do this request, just because of how Radahn has treated me. Rather than a child, he treats me at least like an adult. Besides, it doesn’t really matter if I end up dying. I really only plan to do the bare minimum to survive in this world.

Selenia: “What do I get for completing this task? Yeah, I know that I am just a soldier, so you can order me to do it, but surely you have something to give me, right?” I ask.

Radahn: “Smart… Yes, I shall give you an open private room. On top of that, I will have you fed three meals a day. Of course, of the same quality as the meal you’ve just eaten.” He replied with a smile.

Selenia: “That would be a major upgrade. But why the special treatment?” I ask with a curious tone.

Radahn: “You’ll understand when you’re older, Selenia.” He replied.

Selenia: “Ah, so you have a daughter or a son that I remind you of, correct?” I guess.

Radahn: “…Remind me to not treat you like a child ever again. Those born wise are rare, but I think that you’re one of them. Keep being smart, and I am sure that you will go to great places in this military.” He said with a serious tone.

Selenia: “That is, assuming that I do not die on my first mission.” I say with a laugh.

Radahn: “You should have more faith in yourself, Selenia. Anyway, I’ll give you a map that will lead you to their camp tomorrow. For today, you can just rest in your new room.” He advised.

He already gave me the room? The heck?… With a happy smile, I left his office. He followed along with me, and ordered one of the soldiers guarding his room, to guide me to my new one.

I can’t wait to see it! I wonder if it will be all fancy, like Radahn’s office is? Either way, it will still be miles better than the female barracks. Ah, my life is already looking up so soon! I didn’t just jinx myself, right?…