Chapter 5: Dangerous Job.
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Chapter 5: Dangerous Job.

(Selenia’s POV)

Walking to my new room only took a few minutes. Once inside, I was greatly surprised by how amazing the room looks. Radahn must be a very powerful noble, and this room is probably a spare used for his family.

Maybe when they come to visit him? Of course, they wouldn’t do that in wartime, so I am free to use it as I see fit. Anyway, that was yesterday. Today, I was given a very good breakfast. Around when I finished my breakfast, a soldier knocked on my door. Ah, it was Rana.

Rana: “Hello, little Selenia. You’ve gone up in the world since I’ve last seen you.” She said with a joking tone.

Selenia: “So it seems. Are you here to visit, or on business?” I reply.

Rana: “Could you please just act like a little girl once? Anyway, on orders from General Radahn, I have come to deliver the map to you. On top of that, I will be the one to take you to it.” She explained before handing me the map.

Selenia: “You’re going too?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Rana: “Of course. Can you really ride a horse when you’re that small?” She said with a giggle.

Selenia: “Nope. Are you just dropping me off?” I ask.

Rana: “No, that would be crazy! How would you even get back? I’ll drop you off near their outpost, and then hide in that place until you finish your mission.” She answered.

On top of the map, I was given some charcoal, and a few sheets of paper, as well as a small pouch. All of which weren’t something that most people have. Sure, they could probably get the pouch, but the paper must be worth a fortune.

Rather than dress up like a soldier, Rana said that I was to just wear a normal white dress. I guess to blend in better? Regardless, having a short sword wrapped around my waist, and a pouch as well, all while wearing a decently cute dress, was certainly a unique look.

Of course, the dress was left here by Radahn’s daughter. Which means that I was right on the money yesterday! How good for my self-esteem. Do I even still have any of it left? Maybe…

Rana got a horse out of the stables, and then got onto it. Funnily enough, we had to ask another soldier to help me up on the horse. Which he kindly did. Despite being a fort, the gate was almost always guarded, but open. As such, we just rode out of the fort with ease. I mean, we didn’t have to wait for the gate to be opened.

Radahn wasn’t joking about their outpost being close to the fort. It took us only thirty minutes of riding to reach it. And that’s with us not really going fast at all.

Once again, I am fooled by the word, “outpost” as theirs was pretty decent. At least, it wasn’t just made out of rushed log work. Instead, it was a pretty fortified outpost. With its main weakness it being made of wood.

Rana: “Will you really be safe?” She asked after she jumped down from the horse, and got me down as well.

Annoyingly, we didn’t think about how I would get BACK on the horse once I am done with my mission… Oh well. We will cross that bridge when we come to it. As for now, I gazed at the outpost.

Selenia: “I don’t know if I will be safe, but I will at least try, Rana.” I reply while continuing to look at the outpost.

I wouldn’t think that much of rapists, but they were at least not stupid when constructing a base of operations. They are probably planning on taking over our fort, as there were easily a few thousand people within the outpost.

As for why I call them smart, well, it was because the wooden parts of the outpost were rocked off. Which means that burning the place down wouldn’t be that effective. You’d just burn down their walls, but they could still be there to fight back.

The sun would be going down soon, so I decided to head down to their outpost. Before leaving, Rana gave me a hug, which I appreciated. It only a fifteen minutes of walking for me to make it to the outpost.

Once I was actually there, I realized how tall the walls were. The front would obviously be guarded, so I needed another way in. Regardless of how well prepared that you’re, if you under pay people, they will mess it up.

There is a high likelihood that is some kind of silly way into this base. The place can’t be older than a few months, so I doubt that they’ve had time to fully secure it. As such, I decided to walk around the walls.

Sometime Later.

Stupidly, there was a very blatant entrance into the outpost. I am not talking about a small hole that only I can fit in, but a large entrance… I take back what I said, are these people fucking stupid!?

The entire goddamn backside of the outpost is unfortified! No. I don’t mean a little unfortified, I mean there are no fortifications to speak of at all… They really only expect to be attacked from the front?…

No. I am just being an asshole. They’re clearly still in the process of building the backside of the outpost, they just haven’t gotten around to it yet. There was still lots of lumber just left unattended.

But what was truly stupid, was that there weren’t any guards watching the backside of the outpost. Okay… this is either them being blatantly stupid and careless, or a very clever trap.

Frankly, I do not know the general education level of the people in this world, so I truly cannot tell if it is a trap or not. Honestly, with such a glaring issue, I could just leave right now, and go back to the fort.

This is more than enough information for them to raid this place. It’s not like you can’t just go around this outpost, and then attack it. You easily can. You would just have to go through a not even dense forest.

Though, I am hungry to add more value to my existence, so I should at least scope out the inside for a bit, right? Besides, it’s getting dark. With that, I made a hopefully not dangerous choice to venture into the outpost…