Chapter 10: Dragon!
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Chapter 10: Dragon!

(Selenia’s POV)

Following Cirilia, I arrived outside the fort. Was it really a good idea to leave her dragon outside? It’s not like the war is over… Ah, I see… When she mentioned a dragon, I assumed that she meant something that is the size of a wyvern…

Cirilia: “This is my dragon, Semi.” She said while petting Semi.

Selenia: “Wow… she is very big.” I say with a surprised tone and expression.

Are dragons rare, or something? Semi was as big as a building, if not bigger. The reason she had to wait outside, is just because Semi would take up too much space inside the fort. I mean, she would fit, but good luck moving around her. I swear, she would easily take up at least ten percent of the fort…

Cirilia: “You can pet her if you want, she won’t bite.” She said with a giggle.

Selenia: “Yeah, she seems very well-mannered.” I say while petting Semi.

Her scales were rough to the touch. Petting Semi sort of felt like touching a dried fish… Oddly, it didn’t feel bad or gross. I got the same feeling that you would get if you pet your dog or cat. In that sense, Semi was a giant dog… At the very least, she was green, so there shouldn’t be any problems of copyright infringement. Semi, the big Green Dragon…

Selenia: “Cirilia, does she have a human form?” I ask with a curious tone.

Cirilia: “Human form? I have no idea what you’re talking about, Selenia.” She replied with a confused tone.

Selenia: “Ah, forget I asked then.” I reply with an awkward tone.

What even is the point if a dragon can’t turn into a hot woman? Cirilia’s denial, or just lack of understanding of my question, probably means that dragons are just dragons in this world. How boring…

Semi: “Wise one, you would be smart to not spout such secrets like that.” She said with a serious tone.

Cirilia didn’t hear any voice, as the voice clearly was only in my head. She just kept petting Semi. As for the voice, I am a hundred percent sure that it is Semi talking to me. But wait… does that mean that dragon do have a human form!?

Semi: “We do. But if the humans and elves knew that we could turn into humans, we would be hunted down quickly. They don’t even know that we can speak, as funny as that sounds.” She answered.

Selenia: “Oh? Then do you ever use your human form?” I ask with a curious tone in my head.

Semi: “Yes. I am actually personal friends with Cirilia. She doesn’t even know that her friend is the one that she rides on. Funny, isn’t it?” She said with a giggle.

Selenia: “Very funny. Now then, why did you call me wise?” I ask in my head.

Semi: “A human child knows about us having a human form? That isn’t something that most beings know of. In fact, we have a personal deal with the succubuses to erase people’s memories of us. Of course, only the memories of us having our dragon and human forms.” She explained.

Selenia: “Will you erase my memory?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Semi: “It depends… Do you have any intentions of destroying my race?” She asked back.

Selenia: “None at all! Why would I? That would just be crazy.” I quickly deny.

Semi: “Good, good. Then I’ll hold you to your words. Cirilia is getting suspicious about you just quietly petting me. Please speak up.” She advised.

What? Oh, shit… Cirilia is giving me an interesting expression… Fuck, I messed up! I forgot that she was sent here to investigate me. I need to be more careful to not seem like a crazy person…

Selenia: “Cirilia, will I be given a promotion?” I ask with a curious tone.

Cirilia: “Unfortunately not, Private Selenia. Let’s see… how do I explain this?…” She said with a thinking pose.

Selenia: “Ah, I get it. Promoting a child in your military because they did some amazing achievement, is bad optics, right?” I reply with a sigh.

Cirilia: “Optics? Where did you learn such a specific word… Oh, so Radahn wasn’t speaking crazy when he suggested for me to treat you as an adult, huh?” She replied with a chuckle.

Selenia: “Yeah, I think that he said that I was very wise for my age, and that is something that’s happened before?” I say with an unsure tone.

Cirilia: “Even if that is the case, you should keep your head down.” She advised.

Selenia: “Why’s that?” I ask with a head tilt.

Cirilia: “Even if you do something else crazy, it wouldn’t impress the higher ups. In fact, they would just get upset, as they would have to come up with more reasons to not promote you.” She explained.

Selenia: “Hm… betraying this kingdom sounds more appealing by the day.” I jokingly say.


Cirilia: “A ding…” She said with a giggle.

Selenia: “You kept that thing active? Am I still under your investigation?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Cirilia: “Frankly, if you do anything else crazy, I might have to permanently watch over you. You see, the last case of someone like you, well, they almost destroyed this world.” She said with a serious tone.

Selenia: “Awa… that sounds scary… My perfect world would just be me relaxing in a nice estate all day, every day.” I say with a wistful tone.

Cirilia: “No ding… Well, I have business to attend to, Private Selenia. Please carry out your normal duties.” She said before getting onto Semi.

Selenia: “Yes mam! Have a safe flight back home!” I reply with a salute.

Cirilia: “Cute…” She said with a giggle before quickly flying away on her dragon.

Aw… she called me cute! Though, she probably meant that as me being a cute kid. If she was attracted to me, I would harshly judge her character. Speaking of character, mine is changing by the day…

Rana: “Selenia!” She said before giving me a hug.

Selenia: “Hello to you too, Rana.” I struggled out a reply as she crushes my face in her breasts.

Rana: “I was so scared when they came to take you away… I tried to wake you up, but you kept sleeping like a baby.” She said with a remorseful tone.

Selenia: “It’s fine, Rana. They just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t some kind of spy.” I reply with a smile.

Rana demanded that we return to my room for food. At the mention of said food, my stomach agreed with Rana’s suggestion for me. With a red face, I walked back to my room with Rana. Oddly, Radahn was there, and food was already prepared. I wonder what he wants? Ah, I’ll figure that out once I stuff my face full of food!