Chapter 2
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“Ugh fuck my head.” I said.

I woke up on the plague-infested hay pile. I really needed a new place to sleep. But I need to check something first. I don't seem to be forgetting anything from the dream so either it was a very lucid dream or it was real. I can still taste the pancakes so this might be it. An actual chance to not only survive in this world but actually thrive. I can already see the first use of these powers. If I can find all my memories associated with either watching CR or reading the wiki and source books I can gain everything I have ever wanted. The year is 834 post divergence. When is this? Before or after Vox Machina. I am not in Taldori so even if it's before campaign 1 I should have to worry about dying to the chroma conclave. But this is the Menajeri Coast so I am still in danger of both the Revelry and Myriad activity. The Reverally is a pirate organization that operates all along the coast and the numerous islands south of here. Pirates only have to follow two rules. Obey their captain and don't start shit in Darktow. There's also some stuff about sharing loot but I can remember all of it. The Myriad is a massive criminal organization that has taken over much of Wildemount's criminal enterprises. They have their stick fingers in every major city from here to Shady Creek Run. I shouldn't have to worry too much about them as long as I stay out of their way. Pirates on the other hand are going to be difficult if I at all decide to travel the ocean.

After information gathering in this world and my dreams, I need to start to think about any powers/abilities I am going to try and work on. CR worked on D&D rules but they also used Pathfinder 1e rules before it was a live show. As this is my new reality I don't think I can expect any of those systems to fully work here. There is an easy way to get powers though. I could approach a powerful entity and try to become their warlock. Or if I wanted I could try my hand at faith. It's a strange feeling for my agnostic heart to actually believe in not only 1 god but an entire pantheon. Now finding a patron would be hard but once done gaining the powers is as simple as asking for it. Usually, it depends on what I will do for them and if they even want to, but usually those entities are all about collecting minions.

Of course, I am probably not gonna do that at all. I will leave an option for faith but most beings who would grant some dude power can't be trusted and I ain't about to sell my soul. I am also not born magically gifted I don't think. This dream is still unknown but otherwise, I am probably not going to be a sorcerer.

So that leaves all the learned disciplines. If I wanted Monk training I could try my hand at the cobalt soul. I could travel to Wildemount and see about learning druidcraft from the Ashari. There is also Wizardry. Need to find a teacher and some books for that. I have no musical talents so Bard is out. Don't think I can just learn to be a barbarian. Not built for it either. Now there is the simple idea of picking up a sword and becoming a Fighter. Same with Ranger really. I recall several magical weapons and I might even know their locations.

I guess I will need to figure that out sooner or later. Now this dream ability. If I am not crazy and that really happened and can happen again I am probably going to have to start killing things. That's worrying because I know I will end up killing a person at some point down the line. Thinking about that makes my heart hurt as I remember that black hole. How it infects all of my being. It's weird seeing it but I know that feeling. I could feel it even before I saw a representation of it. Time is supposed to heal all wounds but that thing will need serious therapy. Don’t know of any in this world. The only thing I can do is try and move forward. I start to head to Bruce’s butchery.

Bruce’s shop is located on a side alley away off of Soyer Street. Feolinn is a wine town centered on providing indulgence. From what I have gathered in the last weeks is that they have some rivalry with another winery in the Dwendalian empire called Kamordah. I only remember that one of the main characters of campaign 2 is from there. Beauregard Lionette is a cobalt soul monk who got sold/shipped to a boarding school. Lots of trauma and such later she becomes a rather skilled Expositor for the cobalt soul.

“Hey Bruce you up,” Edsom yelled into the shop.

“Yea, kid I am fucking up thanks for yelling that across the building,” Bruce grumbled. Bruce was a rather tall 6ft 6-something half-orc. Pale green skin. A well-built chest and massive arms. If I was into that I imagine this would be the thing to like.

“Good to see you up. Got any coffee? I am in need of a wake-up. Also need anything killed and carved today either? I know I kinda fucked up the rooster we got from the Silvia’s but I am feeling better today so I want to make it up to you.” I said.

“No kid I don't think I will have any of that today but if you want to work you can. I am more than happy the help,” Bruce said as he turned around towards the back of the shop.

Working for Bruce and helping the Cherryfoots, the gnomes that own the tavern that is so graciously letting me sleep in their stables I am bringing in an average of 10 silver a day. Of course, I spend at least 4 silver for food. Now with two weeks of work and some minor purchases such as new clothes, I am sitting on a nice 49 silver. That isn't much but I am thinking it's time I start buying some adventuring equipment. Probably gonna have to settle with a big stick for a weapon for now. Don't think I can afford armor yet. This is the real world so I am gonna need a lot of protection if I don't want to die. The best thing to do would actually be to find some friends. I must gather my party before adventuring after all.




“Alright, kid thanks for the help. Managed to finish a couple hours early thanks to you.” Bruce smiled and said.

“No problem, happy to help,” I said. And happy to be paid too, as Bruce had handed him 6 silver. Seems the half-orc was in a good mood today.

I left the butchery and helped down Soyer Street looking for a blacksmith or general store. I am thinking I need to pick up a quarterstaff. Not sure what I will kill with it but a weapon with some reach will do me wonders. I managed to find one for 3 silver and while I was there I also managed to pick up a pair of greaves for 5 silver. Down to 47.






I want to see if any other creatures can be added to the dream but I am still hesitant to kill something. I mean what if I have captured Rubert's soul? Is he trapped there forever? And what about anything else I kill? Will I help them read my memories and awaken them? Do they deserve that?

As my hesitation builds I cut through it with a reminder of all the horrible things in this world. Crime, theft, murder, then there are monsters and giants that kill travelers. Heaven and Hell are real and both sides influence the world of mortals. Just because the gods are locked behind the divine gate, a barrier of their own creation that prevents all Gods and other such powerful beings from entering this world. Just because it's there doesn't mean the forces of good and evil aren't here waging their wars. If I have to kill something to gain power and possibly soul trap it then I will do it. I can pick targets carefully too. I am not a serial killer. But the life of an adventurer is one filled with blood and I am just gonna have to get used to that.

Considering the town of Feolinn I am short on options for wildlife targets. There is a forest to the north called the Plumgroove. On the danger scale, it's nearly a kitten. It's got numerous trails and the local guard patrols it. Parents take their kids on picnics inside it. Poaching is frowned upon so I probably won't be going there. That leaves the ocean. Feolinn has a harbor so I can probably acquire a fishing pole and go fishing. Actually, I might want to end up doing more than that. Starfish, crabs, and other such sea life is not off the table with this. Lots of life under da sea.