Chapter 5, Alice’s Breeding
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'NGHHH, BASTARD. I'll kill you!!!" I can't believe this, Me, Alice Lionwill is getting rape by a monster? Cut this bullshit, I have been defending Anthia from the empire and monsters! "I'm the eldest daughter of the Lionwill family and the knight captain of Azure Lion Knight Order, there's no way I'm gonna do nothing about this!" I try to use my magic once again, even if I know I'm already exhausted. A spark of lightning started appear slowly in my body, it seems that my effort were not in vain.

But I was wrong, a shock was spread through my body. My remaining power is being sucked by this tentacle, my mana is flowing out with my breast milk. It's no use, all I can do now is wait for reinforcements. 

"Endure it, Endure Alice." I try to endure the pleasure from tis tentacles, the one on my pussy kept thrusting me and make a mess with my womb, while the other two tentacles kept sucking my breast milks and playing with my breasts. Now that I see it, my breasts are slowly getting bigger, my breasts used to be around B cups now it's almost D cups, it's must be that weird liquid that this tentacles injected my nipples with. "Ahh, ahh." I couldn't control myself anymore, erotic moans kept coming from my mouth, the pleasure is started to make me insane.

"Ngehehe, ready for be mommy? Missy." The tentacles continue to mock, "Shu..shut..up, NGH." My strength is flowing out and replaced by the pleasure, no, I'm a honorable knight, no, NO!!! 

"Ahh, times up. Took care the kid." 

"Hah, wait...kid?..nooo. Don't"

The tentacles tongues on my pussy inject a liquid into my womb, "Ahnnn!!" I can't believe I'm being seeded by a monster, I can't bear this humiliation anymore, please just kill me. "Gotta shape it into boss taste, taste." The liquid doesn't stop flowing, now the tentacles tongue is rubbing my wet wall. "Nggghh. It''s feel good." It's over I can't fight back, I could feel that my womb is being seeded. I, I'm pregnant with a child of a monster.

The tentacles suddenly put me down on the floor, "Huh..Wha..happen?" The tentacles pulls out their tongues, my pussy sprout out a lot of it's green coloured seed like a dam that has been broken and why now expanded breasts squirt a lot of milks. 

My tummy feels so hot and my head is going blank, the last thing I see is the tentacles that started to disintegrated and some soldiers that marches in, "Miss Alice, are you okay?"

Demorro's POV

"Hmm, the duration of Aberrant Hands is over. I hope I catch a good fish." Right now, me and Seria is on the journey to met my old subordinate's that I hope is still alive.  We're heading there with a carriage pulled by a disguised undead horse that controlled by two undeads from the tomb. Those two undeads were a skeleton who wield halberd and by looking at its clothes, he seems to be a former royal guard. The other one was a skeleton that wield bow who seems to be a famous thief in his past live.

I found this carriage being dumped near the road with its horse dead, its seems that whoever formerly own that carriage were just being robbed. But thanks to it, the undead horse hasn't decayed and still looks like regular horse if their wounds were covered with saddle. "Master, what do you mean by Aberrant Hands and good fish?" Seria asked me.

"Ah, I'm just preparing a friends for you. Or you can call her your junior if you like it." I said.

"Hmm, I can't wait to lecture that kid and amaze her with my experience and skill." Seria smile proudly.

"Seria, you only have sex one time, and that was me that took the lead." I reply.

"Ah, It still considered sex master. " Seria pout.

After hours, we finally arrive at the destination. The place was a swamp with purple water, crimson red sky and black tree with blood red leaves. The only inhabitant on this place are ghouls that eats the tree because there's no meat around. "Master, are you sure this is the place? This place smell really bad. No, terrible." Seria quickly covered her nose with her cravat. "Of course this place is smelly, this is the swamp of death, Mistvale." I explain to her.

Seria : "Oh, so we're gonna meet a zombie?"

Demorro : "The pretty one."

"Alright, if you say so." Despite what she said, I can see that she saw me like I'm a psycho with weird fetish, I guess she still needs a lot of training. "Master, why are this places called swamp of death?" Seria asked me. "Because poisonous mist in this swamp are really fatal no living being. Almost no one can survive in this place." I explain to her.

Seria : "Then why can I still alive?"

Demorro : "You forgot who I am?"

Seria : "Then why does the mist smell really bad to me?"

Demorro : "You're a succubus not undead. But be patient, once we got there I'll get you something to fix it."

Not far from our position, a gothic mansion can be seen. "Seria, the road ahead was impassable for carriages. We'll walk from here." I said. "Uhh, okay master." Despite feeling a little disgusted, Seria still follow my order. It must be hard for a noble lady to even be in a place like this, but she need to realize who she's now. 

"Uggh, I hope this mansion has bath." We finally arrive at the mansion's front gate. But just as we about to open it, a red spear was launched exactly on us. "Arcane Protection." I quickly cast a barrier spells to shield us from the attack. "Damn it, have Aurelia and her fractions betrayed me?" 

Just after the attack, the gargoyle statue at the top of the gate awaken, their formerly stone body morph into greyish skin. Right after their morph were completed, they expand their wings and try to destroy my barrier with their stomp. Realizing that I'm currently not as strong as my prime day, I quickly non-activate my barrier and back off with Seria. 

Seria : "Master, can I kill these beasts?"

Demorro : "No, you're not a fighter yet. I'll need to assert my dominance back here."