Chapter 11 – Millionaire robbery.
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When the car came to a sudden stop, Matsu shouted.


"I told you not to do anything stupid!" When he shouted, the driver stopped moving his hands. He was ready for him to grab a gun that was hidden.


With the driver motionless, Matsu leaned forward and grabbed the gun.


When Matsu held the gun and leaned against the back seat again, he sighed and looked at Masato. Showing his yellow teeth at him once more, Matsu put the gun to his forehead.


"Hey, driver, keep driving, and don't stop." Listening to Matsu, the driver started driving again. The traffic jam caused by the car finally disappeared.


The car drove for several kilometers. Matsu kept threatening the man with the gun the whole way. When they finally reached a remote location, Matsu asked Masato to leave the car.


After that, he asked Masato to take out his cell phone.


"Call the bank and tell them you'll be there in a few minutes to take 100 million yen."


"What? 100 million?! That's impossible, please! I can give you my car, how about that? It's a luxury car, you can sell it."


"Don't worry, I have a very nice car, I don't need yours." Matsu smiled and put the gun to the man's forehead. "Now stop talking and call the bank right now." Matsu put his hand on the trigger.


The gun was unlocked; the man would die if he pulled the trigger.


"All right, I'll do it, but don't do anything." The man took out his cell phone and called the bank with a trembling hand. He called his bank manager, asking for the money. The manager was shocked.


He continued to ask Masato questions.


"Don't ask, just do what I'm asking!" Masato shouted at the manager. He was in a hurry. He was looking into Matsu's cold eyes and started to panic.


"Right, right, thank you." After finishing his conversation, Masato turned off his cell phone and put it in his pocket. However, Matsu took his cell phone. When he did, Matsu noticed that the call was still in progress.


Matsu disconnected the call and threw Masato's cell phone on the floor, breaking it into pieces.


Masato was nervous since he had tried to set a "trap" so his manager would realize what was happening. However, Matsu didn't seem to mind.


"Get in the car."


"All right." With his hands raised, Masato entered the car, and Matsu sat beside him.


"Driver, keep driving, head for that dirt road." The driver had driven for so many kilometers that they were close to the countryside. When the car reached the furthest place possible, the car stopped.


"Now that the money awaits me, I don't need you." Matsu pointed the gun at Masato's forehead and pulled the trigger.






Before he could say something, the bullet went through his brain and out through the car's roof. Fortunately, the window wasn't smashed.


"Damn it, don't get the whole car dirty." With a level of consciousness, Masato felt his body thrown out of the car. His body fell to the earth, and he slowly began to lose all his senses.


By the time he died, the car had driven away.


Masato died alone in the middle of a place unknown to him with a single shot to his forehead.













"I've come for the money." When Matsu arrived at the bank wearing Masato's appearance, he was quickly recognized by the bank employee. A while later, the woman returned with a man.


This was the bank manager, the same man Masato had called before he was killed.


"Mr. Masato. I've already separated the money for you, but I'm afraid you need more security." The man looked at Masato's security guard just behind Matsu.


The security guard had remained motionless in front of the bank for hours. When Matsu reached the bank again, the security guard approached, believing him to be his boss. He had forgotten about Matsu.


For him, the kidnapping hadn't even happened.


"Don't worry, I'll take the money right now."


"Right." The manager looked worried but obeyed Matsu. Matsu was taken with his security guard to a room where several bags of money had been placed. There were lots of 10,000 yen notes.


Matsu opened all the bags and couldn't stop smiling. The manager found this strange, but as Matsu's appearance was identical to Masato's, he didn't suspect anything was wrong.


"Great. Hey, you, help me get the money into the car."


"Mr. Masato, I told you it's not a good idea. It's a lot of money. Besides, you haven't even told me what you're going to use all this money for. You can make a bank transfer."


"Don't question me. I'm going now." Matsu took a few bags of cash, and his security guard took the rest.


The manager walked outside with Matsu. They put the money in the back of the car and trunk. Everyone around was frightened by this. Matsu could become a target.


But he didn't care. He could handle it.


When the money was all put away, Matsu got into his car with his security guard.


"See you later," Matsu said, and the car sped off.


Matsu had just stolen an amount of money that he would never have seen in his lifetime if he had continued living normally. Now, he is a rich man.


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