78-Spiritual Bow of Velocity
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Chapter 77

Kali's pov

[Enticing Touch] reached Level 5!
[Enticing Touch] reached Level 6!

"Maybe I should also take a sexual Class." Nina joked after we finished having our morning sex. Sadly, Draka did not join us when she woke up from our movements, Soundless cannot help with that.

"Hmm, maybe you should. Let me see, do you have the Sex Pet Class available?" I joked back and opened her second Class options. Since she is my willing slave, I can control everything about her if I wanted, but I have no interest in that. 

Opening her second Class option was meant to be a joke, but I looked at them and noticed that I can also see her options, and the requirements she needs to get more options something that I can do with myself because of my [Heroine of Sydocia] Title.

"Oh, look at this." I directed at Nina, and shower her the window I gained from seeing her second Class options.

Second Class Options.

Needs more requirements:

She does not have any Combat options, but she does have the Artisan option.

"You already have [Enchanting]?" I asked her, since that would be fast. Artisan Skills are one of the hardest Skills to gain. That is why Annika and Draka first have to train [Smithing] to level 10, so they can get an Artisan Skill as fast as possible. [Enchanting] is supposed to be the same, but instead of [Smithing], it needs [Calligraphy] at level 10.

"Yeah, I thought I needed to get [Calligraphy] to level 10 and upgrade that to [Enchanting], but when I tried to enchant something, it was surprisingly easy. I only succeeded yesterday, after trying for a day with the Enchanting Set that Annika got for me." Nina said and moved to the edge of the bed to pick up a bone knife that I left in the cave.

"I enchanted this with a Common level enchant that increases durability, but it is weak so it almost does nothing." She said with a proud smile on her face, obviously happy with it even if it is weak. To enchant something in a day, even if it is weak, is amazing.

Nina told us before, it will be very hard for her to get [Enchanting] since it is one of the hardest Artisan Skills to learn and train. The book that she read about Artisan Skills, mentioned that it would take around 2 months on average to train [Calligraphy] to level 10, and another 4 months to learn how to enchant the basic Common enchant. After that, [Calligraphy] can be upgraded to [Enchanting].

"Even if it is weak, you did something that takes on average, 6 months, and you did it in 1 day. Congratulations!" I told her proudly. I kissed her deeply,"You are amazing!" I laughed. Nina is so talented, and seeing her becomes stronger or better at something, makes me happy.

"You think I should choose it?" Nina asked me, and her question made me raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Do you not want it? I thought you wanted to be an Enchanter, or do you not like it anymore?" I asked her back,"If you don't like [Enchanting], you can try some other things that interest you until you find something that you like." I reassured her, thinking that she wanted to do something else.

"No, I love [Enchanting], but it needs a lot of expensive materials to train in, and I don't know if it is worth it." Nina explained, and from the prices on the Bounty Store, she is not wrong.

"It is expansive, but, we have more than enough LP to get materials, and we will only get more," I told her and told her about the thousands of {Corrupted} I have killed,"That was in one day, and from my understanding of the {Miasma}, it will only become more. It likes to throw quantity to its problem, and now that we have the [Lyr Protocol], it will feed us all the LP we could use." I reassured her.

"Okay, you are right. I will choose Artisan then." Nina decided with a smile, obviously happy to choose the Class she wanted.

After she chose her second Class, Nina could not wait to train in [Enchanting]. She asked me for some more bone knifes to enchant, and I gave her all the non-metal knifes I had on me. I also used my some of my LP to get more enchanting materials for her, and left her to her work with a kiss.


I walked towards my corner and looked at the Red Keeper wood that I was treating. The oil has seeped inside the wood, and it changed from red colored wood, to purple. 

"Did it go wrong?" I asked myself since it is not supposed to change color. My [Bowyer] Skill tells me that the wood is ready, and suitable to be made into a bow.

Taking the wood in my hands, I felt that it was still strong, but with a slight flexibility, which is what the oil was for. I stroke my fingers over the wood and feel its strength. Even with the oil, it is still very strong wood. 

'I might have underestimated the wood.' I concluded when I was done examining the purple wood. It is still massively strong, and I might not even able to draw the bow without adding some AP to strength again.

Since the wood is done, the hardest part is complete, and now I just need to finish the bow. As string, I already prepared something a while back. Gillian Strange Snake, a Common snake, but with a special part that is perfect to make a string of. Their bellies, that they use to strange people, are 4 times stronger than the rest of their body, and their whole body is very strong, since its specialty is strangling. The tendons are perfect for bow strings, and I already prepared them a while ago.

Finishing the wood for the bow was easy, but when I wanted to put the tendon on it, I had a problem. My strength was too low to bend the wood, so I could not put the tendon on it.

'Draka.' My thoughts went, and I walked towards the smithing room to ask for her help. Her strength is much higher than me, so she should be able to bend the wood for me.

"Draka, could you help me bend something?" I asked her when I saw her resting close to the smelter.

Several ingots are stacked on top of each other in a carved out part of the room, and the room itself has changed since the last time I was here, which was only 2 days ago. The room is bigger, and there is a carved out section on one of the walls. It is at hip height, and it goes over the length of the wall. It is perfect for placing ingots and other heavy stuff.

"Yeah, of course." Draka answered immediately, and she followed me back to the bow, that I need her help with.

After I told her what to do, she slowly bent the wood until I told her to stop, and even with Draka's strength, her arms were straining against the wood's counter-pressure. My fingers were quick, and I put the tendon on, and Draka slowly let go.

You created an Artifact!
[Bowyer] reached Level 12!
[Bowyer] reached Level 18!

'This...' I was shocked that I got so many levels from 1 Artifact. Even the Shimmer Armor that has a special effect did not give so many exp, and Artifacts with special effects are rare.

"Thank you, Draka. With your help I created an Artifact!" I said with a smile, happy for the levels, but even more with another Artifact.

"Really? Congratulations." She said, and after saying goodbye, she left to her own crafting.

'Is she not even curious about the result?' I asked myself, and after she left, my curiosity won the battle, forcing me to look over the bow.

 Spiritual Bow of Velocity.

Recurve bow made from Red Keeper Oak wood, treated with Flexibility-Improving Spirit Oil. String is made from Mutated Gillian Strange Snake tendon.

Requires: Half-Draw: 100 Strength. Full-Draw: 200 Strength. Upgraded [Archery].

Arrow Velocity increased by 145%
Arrow Power increased by 62%
Special Effect: Spiritual Tracking.
Arrows released with this bow will alter their path slightly, to hit their target.

'Wow!' I screamed in my mind, shocked at the stats of this bow. It is extremely powerful, and I need to increase my strength by at least 80 to even use the Half-Draw. Its special effect is also powerful to a ridicules degree. 

The materials listed are a little strange, but it is understandable after I thought about it. I did not use normal water when I created the oil, so the Spirit affected the oil, and the snake being mutated, has to be because of its transforming status before it got purified by the [Crystals of Lyr]. 

If I had this bow when I shot at that Tier-3 {Corrupted} Orc, I would have hit it in its face, instead of only its ear. The damage would also be much higher. Of course, I don't think it will kill it, but it would have harmed it at least.

'It is worthy of being my first Rare bow.' I thought with glee, but then reality hit me in the face.

The requirements to use this bow are high, and I don't meet them at all. They are possible, but Strength is not my focus, and I don't want to use 180 AP just to get it to 200, to use the Full-Draw.

Thinking it over, Strength is important for more than just the bow, but not that high, at least, not now. I put the bow inside my [Space Pocket] and took out my sniper bow.

"Nina, I will be just outside the cave. Call me if Annika awakens from her Evolution." I said to Nina and after getting confirmation, left the cave.

The Strength part will take a while, but the [Archery] part, I can do. The Skill has been at level 9 for a while, and I feel that it is close to upgrading, it just needs a push.

I Flickered towards a tree top, and looked around for a good target to practice [Archery] with.