Chapter 84
Kali's pov
After thinking for hours, I decided that the best for me is a Buff-type Skill like [Will Reinforcement] but more focused on Attribute increases.
It will take a while to really visualize it and Will it into being like the upgrade wants, but I will try it anyway and hopefully, I can get more Will-based Skills by practicing with my Will and its uses. Reading books about it will also help, so I will read more too.
While I was thinking, I felt Yennifer wake up and looked at her. The Death Mana was already gone so I removed my hand with a small amount of regret, she has very soft skin.
"You know, I don't mind if you kept that hand there, and if you want to go a little lower and really make me happy, please do." Yennifer said with a seductive tone that made me smile and shiver.
'Is this what I do to people?' I asked myself and decided to do it more since I liked the feeling.
"Oh, really now." I whisper back in the same tone and moved my hand back. "I could do so, I like making people happy." I whisper, stroking her soft skin with my fingertips while also using my Touch Skills.
Her eyes started to dark in lust and the smile on her face became less seductive and more lustful, obviously up for some fun.
"Before you start with that, let me look her over and make sure she is free from that Death Mana." Nina's voice interrupted us making us both look at her.
"Oh, another beauty." Yennifer said, tracing Nina's curves with her eyes.
With a chuckle, I said,"She is right, we need to check your condition and talk, but after that, she might even join us."
Yennifer liked that, but she also got more guarded after I said that. Most likely, she was realizing that she was in an unfamiliar place with strangers. Though she was more guarded, she did not stop my caresses on her smooth stomach.
"Before we start, let me tell you how I found you." I started, looking into her dark blue eyes. "I found you close to our home in the Gillian forest, and you were injured by some kind of gray energy that we identified as Death Mana. I brought you here so that Nina,"I gesture towards Nina," and I could help you."
Stroking her stomach more firmly, making Yennifer shiver, I continue,"It was successful and the reason I was touching your body."
"Oh, it was the main reason but she enjoyed every second of it." Nina betrayed me with a chuckle.
"Just the main reason?" Yennifer said huskily to me and hearing it made me smile all over again.
Just when I was going to flirt back, Nina interrupted me,"No, stop it and let's talk before you two start fucking."
"Do you promise?" Yennifer teased, making me laugh and move away from her. We moved the discussion towards the fire pit, so we could eat while we talk.
"Wait one second." Nina said when the meat was on the metal grate and walked towards the smithing room.
Yennifer looked at Nina leaving with her eyes glued to her big butt. "Why is she leaving?" She asked.
"She is most likely getting Annika, our girlfriend, to join our talk." I answered with a smile that never left my face, since I could not stop being happy to get another girl to join us, and she is hot too. Her personality is also interesting if her flirty behavior is her real personality and not just a way to make us drop our guard.
Yennifer's eyebrows raised at that. "You are in a relationship with two girls?" She asked me, looking surprised at that.
"Yep!" I told her with a proud smile on my face and brag,"They are also both incredible hot."
Coincidentally, when I said that Nina and Annika entered the room in all their combined hotness.
"You are so lucky!" She told me with some envy, which made me chuckle and raise my head high.
"You are right, she is kinda like Kali." Annika calmly said with a raised eyebrow. Nina chuckled at that, and they both joined us at the fire pit with the meat that was still cooking and will take a little to be ready to eat.
The logs that we used to sit on next to the fire pit have also changed to actual benches, and it surrounds the fire pit to create a nice are for people to sit while they wait for their food to be ready. Yennifer and I sat on one of the benches, while Annika and Nina both sat on their own bench closest to ours.
"Should I be offended at that or not?" Yennifer responded to Annika's comment with a cheeky smile on her face.
I acted like she hit me in my heart, putting a hand on my chest. "Ouch, straight into my heart." I said with an equally cheeky smile.
Yennifer scooted a little closer to me and whispered,"Do you want me to kiss it better."
"It was a very deep stab, so it will take a lot of kisses." I whispered to her and scooted closer to her too, making us sit tight against each other.
Looking into her eyes, I saw the lust and anticipation in her pretty blue eyes, and I moved my hand towards her chin to draw her towards me, but I got interrupted by Annika's voice.
"Wow, you are right again, they really are going to jump straight into sex." Annika chuckled.
"Thank you, I am always right." Nina said smugly and with a smile.
"Okay, let's talk about Yennifer here." I said with a smile directed at Yennifer, to sooth her nerves if she has any. Even though she is in an unfamiliar place, she is very calm about it.
Yennifer told us where she came from, and what happened to her and her squad.
"They are most likely dead." She sadly finished her story, not crying but still sad. Hugging her to myself, I soothed her but did not really know what to say.
After being soothed in my hug for a couple of minutes, she started talking again,"I only survived because of my mother. She gave me a necklace that would protect me, but I did not expect it to teleport me."
"Did your mother not tell you what it did?" Nina asked her.
"Nope, I don't think she knew it would." Yennifer answered, and I could feel her burrowing herself deeper into my embrace before she continued,"She did a special request for a client of hers, and they rewarded her with this necklace, but they only told her that it would protect someone from danger once."
"Could I see that necklace?" Nina asked with excitement which made me raise an eyebrow at her.
"Can't, it disappeared when it saved my life." Yennifer turned towards Nina and took off an armor piece that protected her collar area, showing a smooth neck and no necklace.
"Ahh, I hoped to see it, since I expect it to be enchanted." Nina pouted, making me understand why she wanted it. Nina might have learned a lot from that necklace if she had it and her [Enchanting] might improve faster with it, but sadly, it is gone.
"Thank you for answering our questions. Do you want to ask us anything?" Annika calmly asked after we got enough info about her, but she has not asked us anything yet.
"I have several questions," Yennifer confesses, and she did not waste any time to ask,"Where are we?"
"We are in the northern side of the Gillian Forest and east of Makara." I told her, and explained the surroundings to her and the location of the closest Frontier of Makara. If she wants to leave, she can go there and maybe go back home.
She asked several more questions, and we tried to answer to the best of our ability. We were very honest about almost everything, the only thing we did not answer is, where we came from and why the {Black Fog} is not here even though we are not in a Frontier.
"So, that is almost everything we can say. Do you have any more questions?" Nina asked her after we answered most of her questions. She was not like Nina and would ask hundreds of questions, she was more to the point with her questions.
'She has not been flirty with any of her questions, and it started after she realized that her squad mates were dead.' I thought, feeling sad for Yennifer for losing her squad mates that also became her friends. When she started asking things, she moved to see Nina and Annika better, so we stopped hugging.
Yennifer pointed to Nina,"I know you are Nina,"she moved her finger to Annika,"and you are Annika," She pointed at me,"But who are you?"
Shocked at that question, I went over our conversations with her and realized that I never told her my name and neither did Nina and Annika.
"My name is Kali Lustveil." I laughed. When Yennifer heard my name she moved noticeable away from me, and it confused me why she did so.
"You are a noble." She stated with a dead-pan voice, and seeing the disgust in her eyes made me feel like I was stabbed in my heart.
"Y-yeah, a Grand Duchess." I answered even though she did not ask my Noble Rank, but my words made her stiffen up and she looked shocked.
The moment I said what Noble Rank I was, a subtle aura came from me which everyone that can use the System understands. This aura is my Noble Aura, which Duchess and higher ranked Nobles can use to identify themselves as Nobles from the System.
"What?!" She muttered, and it felt like she yelled it since Annika and Nina kept quiet after they noticed Yennifer react bad to my nobility.
"I am Kali Lustveil, and I am also a Grand Duchess." I answered her again, my tone slightly colder than before. Seeing her look at me in disgust like she did hurts and even though she is gorgeous, I will not let her walk all over me.
"Wait...is-are you the Heroine of Sydocia?" She asked, interrupting what she wanted to say before.

She thinks that Kali is the same as every other Noble she's met before.. So just ordering them around and thinking themselves above the "normal" people...
Yep, this will be a talk that will be easy to mess up.
Interesting Idea that Kali goes the Stat route with her Will, though understandable since she has now experienced them and noticed that she is quite overspecialized.
Correct, she is extremely fast but without the Spike that can penetrate the Ogre's defenses, she would not be able to harm it at all.
Her Stats are too focused on Agility and Dexterity, with no strength to back it up.
The Skill [Chaos Knife-Play] has a passive that increases her power with Agility but even that increases it only a little.