Chapter 50: Cousin.
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Chapter 50: Cousin.


When the mist disappeared, many corpses were scattered on the ground, and the smell of blood permeated the air.


Elder Tao Jing's eyes are bloodshot; the criminal managed to escape again because of the mist.


The general, seeing so many deaths, had goosebumps. Different from other old generals who protect the border, his experience is mostly in killing small bandit groups and criminals. He suspected the criminal was not alone but in a group.


A few hours later, the three martial masters from Martial Alliance arrive; next are the two martial masters from Azure Crane Sect elders.


When they see the numerous corpses, they are calm, but they need to evaluate the criminal strength again. Now the Huangshan mountain range had seven martial masters traverse across the mountain to search for the criminal.


However, Zou Jie, disguised as a chubby merchant, had already fled the mountain.


On the mountain, the martial masters are listening to Elder Tao Jing's report.


“I think the mist is an ancient array formation.” The Fire Punch Master said this after contemplating.


“Impossible, ancient array formation no longer exists.” Elder Tao Jing replied. Many organizations try to recreate the array formation from the legend that can create an illusion or trap but fail. The people who tried either became crazy or fell into despair. In the end, people stop researching array formation.


“When we were young, me and my wife accidentally entered the ancient array formation and got trapped for a few months. Fortunately, there is water and food in that place. If not, both of us will not survive."


“How do you get out?” The drunken sword master asked.


“We accidentally destroy several trees while sparing, causing the array formation to disappear.”


“Does that mean we need to destroy the tree on the mountain?’ Drunken Sword Master asked.


“We are not sure; maybe the array formation has already weakened." Fire Punch Master shakes his head.


“Let’s burn the mountain.” Elder Tao Jing suggested.


“I am against it; there are many people who make a living near the mountain. If you burn the forest, many people will starve.” Crescent The moon fairy interjected. They are from the orthodox and righteous path of Jianghu. If people find out they burned the forest to capture only one criminal, the name of the martial alliance will be ruined.


The other two martial masters from the Azure Crane sect remain quiet. Their mission is to bring the criminal head back to the sect, and according to seniority and strength, they both are the lowest here among martial masters.


Huang Ning and a general from the Bai Kingdom army are considering the suggestion to burn the mountain. The army has no scruples since they have done many worse things as long as they can defeat the enemy.




Demon sect hideout, Bai kingdom.


“I am bored.” A skinny man is wiping a large saber on his lap. Asura demon, one of the Demon generals and transcendent realm protectors, had been staying at the Bai kingdom for a long time without doing anything. He thought when he arrived at Bai Kingdom there would be constant killing. However, he is mistaken; the Bai kingdom is peaceful.


“Your Excellency, please be patient.” The demon sect member is perspiring. He doesn’t want to die. According to the rumor, the Asura demon sometimes will have an outburst to kill people.


“Is there any interesting story?” The Asura demon didn’t raise his head while wiping the saber.


“Yes, the Bai kingdom army and martial artists are trying to kill a criminal in the Huangshan mountain range.” The demon sect member begins to report the information that he has.


“How is that criminal now?” Asura, the demon, stops wiping and gazes at the demon sect member.


“The criminal manages to escape after killing hundreds of people."


“Oh, interesting.”


“According to our source, their martial alliance reinforcements have already arrived. Right now, seven martial masters are searching for the criminal.”


Asura, hearing that grin, stood up from his seat while carrying a large saber behind his back.


“Your Excellency, where are you going?”


"To the Huangshan mountain range.” He finally had something to do. When was the last time he killed a martial master? His eyes are full of excitement.


“But what if the patriarch finds out?"


“If you don’t tell anyone, no one will know.” After saying that, the Asura demon leaves the secret hideout.


The demon sect member wanted to stop him, but he didn’t have the strength, and he would surely die if he made the demon general mad. After some hesitation, he still reports it to prevent any mishaps.




Pingyao Town, Red Flower brothel.


Inside a room, two naked bodies are on the bed.


“Sir Zou, more!” Madam Feng, on all fours, moans in pleasure.


Hours later, Zou Jie came out of the room with a loose robe to take a bath. Entering the large wooden bathtub, he calms down and relaxes. Just like he expected, the martial alliance reinforcements had arrived. Nevertheless, even if they turn the mountain upside down to find him, it is useless; he is planning to hide here until they leave.


“My fund is getting low; who should I rob?” After finishing bathing, he stands up and looks at his chubby body. This body is hard to move. “I need to create another identity.” As long as he doesn’t recover his memory, he can’t use his real face.


Zou Jie, after a while, smiled. “It looks like merchant Zou needs to disappear and be replaced by his cousin."




The next day, merchant Zou leaves the town.


Madam Feng feels gloomy again. According to merchant Zou, his cousin is coming to the town to travel the continent, and he asks her to look after him. If he comes to the brothel,


“Madam, do you already miss merchant Zou?” Zhu Shi, a top courtesan of the brothel, teased. After being cured by physician Zou last year, she has already fully recovered from syphilis. She can’t return the favor since physician Zou already left for the Qin empire and joined a sect.


At first, she thought merchant Zou and physician Zou might be related because of her intuition. However, it turns out they just had a similar family name.


“Sigh, you are still young. When you reach my age, most men will no longer look at you.”


“I am sure merchant Zou will come again after finishing his business.” Zhu Shi comforted her.


The day is getting darker. Before the town gate closed, a man with an average-built body and face wearing a bamboo hat entered the town. Zou Jie, or his new fake name, Zou Qiu, walks on the town street.


"Sir, do you want to rent a room or can I show you an inn?" A well-dressed young boy asked. It’s not usually for a young boy to work as a guide in the town.


“I want to rent a room.” Since Zou Jie is using a new identity, he can’t stay in the brothel, and renting a room is cheaper than an inn. He also doesn’t know how long the martial masters will stay at the mountain.


“You can stay in my home; the rent is cheap.” The young boy said it excitedly. It looks like they don’t need to worry about this month's food.




The young boy's name is Lang Yan, and he lives with his older brother and mother.


What surprised Zou Jie was that the young boy lived in the courtyard house, not in the slump. Although the courtyard looks rundown, it’s still well-maintained.


“Mom, there is a new renter.” However, no one answered.


Lang Yan's expression changed, and he quickly ran toward the room.


Inside the room, a woman is lying on the bed. Zou Jie also followed and observed the woman. From the woman's mature face, she must have been a beauty when she was young. Even without checking the woman's pulse, he can guess why the woman is sick. Although it’s not serious, if not treated in time, she will be bedridden in a few years.


“Mom, are you alright?"


“I am fine; I just need some rest. Where is your brother?”


“He should be home soon.”


“Should we call a physician?”


“No, it will cost money.”


Zou Jie coughs to get their intention.


“I am sorry; I will prepare your room.” Lang Yan apologizes. His mother, ever since he remembered, had a weak body. When their father was alive, they searched for many top physicians; however, all of them couldn’t cure his mother.


“No, let me treat your mother first.” Lang Yan's mother had symptoms of low potassium, like muscle weakness, muscle cramps, and an abnormal heart rhythm. With a proper balance of food and treatment, she will be fine.


“Are you a physician?”


“Yes. Take this.” Zou Jie gives Lang Yan some money, and after that, he tells him to buy food.




“Do you want to cure your mother?”




“Don’t ask too many questions.”


Lang Yan quickly leaves the house.


“Why do you help me; we don’t know each other?” Lang Yan's mother asked warily. She knows there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world. When her husband died, the people that she thought were her husband friend took everything, including her husband's businesses. Fortunately, the house belongs to her.


“Serve me in bed when you get better.” Zou Jie lie, even if he had no bad intentions, she would won’t believe him.


“Fine, as long you don’t harm my children.”


“Stay still.” Zou Jie holds her hand and begins to channel his qi to use the healing ability.


Lang Yan's mother blushes and feels her body is comfortable.