XXVII – Valse des Vérités
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The corridors of Montblanc palace whispered with the soft echoes of their sudden departure, the opulent walls bearing silent witness to the urgency in Herius’ stride. Elara’s voice, tinged with a mixture of concern and command, sliced through the lingering scent of antique wood and whispered secrets. “Herius,” she implored, her tone more of a caress than a call, seeking to reach the man behind the stoic mask.

Herius halted at the crossroad of corridors, the distant melody of the ballroom now just a ghostly serenade accompanying their isolation. He released Elara’s hand as if awakening from a spell, his posture unyielding yet his eyes betraying a tempest of thoughts. The quietude of the space between them filled with an unspoken question, hanging heavy like the thick drapes along the hallway.

“Herius, are you alright?” Kinder’s voice, carrying the innocence and bold curiosity of youth, cut through the tension, his wide eyes locking onto Herius’.

A moment’s pause, and then Herius bowed slightly, a gesture of both apology and respect, the warmth in his voice melting the edges of his formality. “My sincerest apologies, Miss Elara. It was never my intention to cause you distress.”

Elara’s gaze softened as she retracted her hand, the fabric of her gown rustling like a hushed symphony. “You haven’t hurt me, but I need to understand. What spurred this sudden flight?”

The hushed hallway awaited Herius’ response, the echoes of their past steps lingering as a testament to the urgency that had propelled them forward.

Herius’ gaze, deep and ancient as an old forest, momentarily lost its way in Elara’s questioning eyes. The weight of his thoughts seemed to rest heavily on his next words, and the halls around them absorbed the silence, as if awaiting his voice to break it.

He turned to Kinder, as if the boy’s youthful certainty could steady the unspoken fears threatening to spill from within. “When you mentioned Katarina’s absence, it… it was as if a cold hand had brushed against my soul,” he admitted, his voice catching slightly, revealing a glimpse of the vulnerability he so often cloaked.

“Like a premonition?” Kinder echoed, the word unfamiliar and yet heavy with meaning.

“Possibly,” Herius conceded with a slow nod. “I can’t shake the feeling that we should retreat from the ballroom’s glare. There’s a shadow here that eyes cannot see.”

Elara followed his gaze back toward the festivities, her intuition sharpening. “What of Aurelius?” she pressed, concern etched into her features.

“We’re not abandoning the celebration or the palace,” Herius clarified, his resolve knitting his features into a firm mask once more. “We simply step away from the revelry to seek Katarina.”

Kinder tried to lighten the moment with a grin. “At least the cake was a delight.”

Herius let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, a faint smile briefly chasing away the storm in his eyes. “Finding Katarina is paramount,” he said, the urgency in his voice a stark contrast to the child’s levity. “This place… it sets my nerves on edge.”

“It is a marvel to behold,” Elara murmured, her gaze sweeping the ornate grandeur around them.

“But don’t you find it odd?” Herius pressed, his eyes narrowing. “A human reigning over vampires?”

Kinder’s expression grew thoughtful, a frown creasing his forehead. “I did expect Lady Montblanc to be a vampire, or someone like you.”

Herius simply nodded, the unease evident in the line of his jaw. “Let’s find Katarina first. Then we can ponder the enigmas of this palace.”

The trio stood cloaked in a momentary stillness, the grandeur of the palace’s frescoed ceilings stretching high above them, casting a spell over Kinder with their mythic scenes edged in gold. Meanwhile, Elara and Herius were ensnared in a tangible hush, their thoughts meandering through the maze of uncertainty that now clouded their minds.

“She vanished in the powder rooms,” Herius finally broke the silence, his voice a soft murmur against the backdrop of opulence.

Elara nodded, her brows knitting together in concern. “Indeed. But where from there could she have possibly gone?”

Herius’ gaze sharpened with determination. “We must comb through the powder rooms once more. There must be a clue we’ve overlooked.”

As they moved, the echo of their footsteps whispered secrets to the marble floors, a silent agreement hanging between them to unravel the mystery of Katarina’s puzzling absence.

Kinder’s tentative voice floated behind them, the hesitance in his tone suggesting the depth of his concern. “Ought we to inform Aurelius of this?”

Elara halted, her stance firm, her response wafting back like a decisive wind through autumn leaves. “No,” she said. “He’s the evening’s honored guest. Causing a stir would serve no purpose but to mar the night’s sheen.”

“But surely he’d want to be aware,” Kinder pressed, his youthful earnestness casting ripples in the calm.

Elara’s gaze hardened with resolve. “He has duties as a guest to attend to. We shall find Katarina and spare him unnecessary distress.”

They arrived at the powder room’s entrance, a sanctuary of privacy and luxury. Herius, with the decorum of a gentleman, raised a hand to knock, but Elara, with a dismissive flick of her hand, pushed past the antiquated courtesy. “For Heavens sake, we haven’t time for formalities,” she chided, her hand finding the door handle and swinging it open with a flourish.

The powder room was a symphony of elegance, every surface whispering tales of grace and refinement. Elara stepped in with the poise of a duchess, while Herius lingered at the threshold, his eyes scanning the interior for any sign of their missing companion. Kinder stayed close to Elara, his small frame almost swallowed by the opulence around them.

The hushed silence of the room was palpable, the restroom doors stood slightly open, an unusual sign of emptiness. Elara, with a playful glint in her eye, called out to Herius who lingered at the threshold, hesitant as if on the verge of an unspoken boundary. “Are you going to join us, Herius?”

His voice held a note of reluctance. “I’d rather not impose—”

“Oh, come on in!” Her laughter was light, a melody that bounced off the mirrors and the porcelain sinks.

Herius, with a graceless shuffle, joined Kinder and Elara, the doors whispering shut behind him. The stillness enveloped them, a suspended sanctuary seemingly removed from time’s passage, a bubble where moments lingered while the world spun on without them.

Kinder’s attention drifted to the wall, to a portrait that was a silent symphony of color and grace. A noblewoman of ethereal beauty sat enthroned amidst a realm of shadow and light, her attire a splendid weave of celestial blue and glimmering gold, a silent testament to her lofty heritage and the surreal majesty that cloaked her. The gown cascaded around her like a tranquil stream, its surface alive with the dance of jeweled patterns and gilded threads, capturing stray beams of light.

Her shoulders were kissed by lace, delicate as a whisper, while her head was crowned with a headdress that seemed plucked from the heavens themselves, feathers and all. Around her neck, a necklace sparkled, each gem a story yet to be told.

Above, her hair was sculpted into an architectural marvel, each lock intertwined by the deft hands of an unseen sculptor, studded with ornaments that twinkled with an otherworldly allure. Beside her, a globe perched, a silent declaration of her reign over lands both charted and fabled, her fingers resting upon it with the lightness of one who commands the very threads of destiny.

The tapestry behind her hinted at veiled chambers and realms beyond, the fabric parting just enough to tease the imagination. In her presence, the air itself seemed to quiver with a latent enchantment, suggesting that within this frame lay secrets of a world beyond our own.

In the hushed calm of the room, Kinder found himself locked in the painted woman’s gaze, a sensation washing over him akin to an ancient spirit sifting through the pages of his life. The air hung heavy with the echo of a breath, a whisper of a sigh that seemed to emanate from the canvas itself, as if the noblewoman held not only her dominion but also a tender pity for his untold stories.

“Kinder?” Herius’ voice sliced gently through the stillness, tinged with concern. Elara’s presence was a step behind, her furrowed brow mirroring Herius’ worried gaze.

Kinder blinked, returning to the present. “What’s the matter?”

“You were… speaking under your breath,” Herius pointed out, his words careful.

“Was I?” Kinder’s voice trailed off, puzzled.

“Yes,” Elara confirmed, her eyes not leaving the image on the wall, studying the portrait with an intensity that bordered on forensic. There was a shared moment of silence as they all stood, each caught in the room’s peculiar spell, where time seemed to fold into itself, leaving them adrift in the atmosphere thick with unspoken thoughts and the weight of history held within the frame.

The frame was not just a boundary for the portrait but a story in itself, crafted as though by the morning’s first light transformed into gold. It was an artful chaos of curves and crests, a delicate chaos where golden blooms and vines sprang forth, poised as if caught in the breath of a perpetual spring. Cherubs nestled in the corners, their features etched with an impish glee, guardians of the secrets that the noblewoman in their charge might whisper.

These capricious figures invited onlookers to gaze deeper, the golden waves of the frame ebbing and flowing like a mythical tide, each swell a promise of tales untold. The craftsmanship radiated a warmth as if the metal itself harbored a spell, a silent vow to safeguard and accentuate the majesty of the painting it embraced. It seemed to befit a gallery in an ethereal court, a court where dreams took shape and the air was thick with the heady scent of the impossible.

Drawn in by the allure, she stepped closer, her fingers nearly grazing the canvas, following the brush strokes as they led to the edge. The woman’s painted eyes seemed to maintain their watch, her smile a cryptic accolade. One stroke stood apart, a rebellious line that traced a path from the center to the frame’s edge.

Leaning in, she pressed her cheek against the cool wall, shutting one eye in hopes of uncovering hidden depths beyond the frame’s embrace. Yet, only shadows greeted her, an abyss as enigmatic as the smile of the noblewoman, a whisper of the unknown that lingered just beyond sight.

“Herius,” Elara’s voice held an edge of resolve, drawing his full attention.

He turned to her, eyebrows raised in question. “Yes?”

“The frame,” she said firmly, “we’re going to take it down.”

Herius blinked, his initial surprise giving way to cautious curiosity. “Take it down?”

“Yes, that’s right. Help me lift it off the wall,” she insisted, her tone brooking no argument.

There was a moment’s pause, a silent negotiation, before Herius acquiesced. Kinder, eyes alight with a mischievous gleam, retreated to one of the opulent stools that dotted the powder room, his gaze never leaving the unfolding scene. With a strength that belied his lean frame, Herius carefully detached the artwork from its place, setting it aside with a gentleness that contrasted his being.

The wall, now bare, held a secret—a door, unadorned with handles or knobs, just a silent sentinel flush against the wall. It hovered just inches from the floor, an architectural anomaly that drew their collective focus. A shiver of anticipation—or was it trepidation?—rippled through the room as the trio confronted the mystery that lay before them, a silent challenge, an invitation to the unknown that beckoned them with an almost spectral allure.

“Shall we venture beyond?” Kinder’s voice tinged with a thrill of excitement, his thoughts already tumbling through the mysterious doorway before them. The notion of returning to the ballroom’s gilded monotony held no appeal; the allure of the unknown beckoned him fervently.

Elara paused, her gaze fixed on the doors that melded seamlessly with the wall, their mundane appearance belying the promise of secrets they kept. “We—,” she hesitated, then turned to Kinder, “Wait, ‘we’?” A frown creased her brow. “You ought to stay here.”

“Out of the question, Elara,” Herius countered, his protective instinct flaring. “What if something befalls him here alone?”

“And what of the peril we might face?” Elara’s concern was palpable.

“What if—” Herius began, but Kinder cut through their volley of worries.

“I’m coming with,” he declared firmly, leaving no room for debate. His decision hung in the air, a testament to the bond they shared, a silent pact to face the unknown together.

“Alright,” Elara exhaled, a note of capitulation in her voice, yet as she opened her mouth to continue, Kinder leaped ahead.

“I’ll take the fall if Aurelius raises an eyebrow. It was me who couldn’t resist the mystery,” he said, his smile brimming with mischief as he edged closer to the enigmatic doors.

“I meant to say, if things go south, you bolt for Aurelius,” Elara corrected, her words trailing off as she caught Herius barely suppressing a laugh. “But sure, your version stands.”

Without a pause, Kinder nudged the doors, which swung open smoothly to reveal a corridor stark in its sterility, with white walls and marble floors that stood in stark contrast to the opulence they had left behind. It was as if they had stepped into a different world altogether.

Kinder, with the audacity of youth and a heart untamed by fear, stepped over the threshold. Glancing back at Herius and Elara, he began, “Could this be another pa—”

“Utter that word, and I’ll invoke every deity known to man,” Elara cut in sharply, her voice a blend of jest and warning as she stepped up beside him.

Kinder’s laughter was a light sound in the austere hallway. “My apologies,” he chuckled, their adventure unfurling before them with each step into the unknown.

Herius, with a deliberate motion, sealed the doors behind them, the sound a definitive click that marked the threshold between what was and what could be. He patted down his attire, a question on his lips. “I’m curious,” he mused, “will your gown impede you?”

“Not at all,” Elara assured, a hint of pride in her voice. “Katarina taught me all the tricks.”

“Tricks?” Kinder quipped, earning himself a look from Elara that needed no words to convey its meaning.

“So, which way from here?” he asked, redirecting the conversation.

Elara cast her gaze down the pristine corridor. “Onward,” she said simply, the word hanging in the air like a banner leading them into the heart of the mystery.

Elara’s heels clicked against the marble, sending ripples of sound through the white expanse as she led the way. Kinder and Herius matched her stride, moving under the splendor of chandeliers that hung like frozen teardrops, their crystalline light casting an ethereal glow on the path ahead. The corridor branched into a T, one arm delving further into the enigmatic expanse, while the other ended with a door mirroring the one they had entered through.

“Hold up,” Herius cautioned, his voice laced with concern as he stepped in front of Kinder and Elara. He leaned close to the door, his ear pressed to the wood, seeking the faintest whisper from beyond.

Kinder tilted his head. “Anything?”

Herius paused, listening. “Water,” he murmured, almost to himself, “like a cascade, but distant, smaller.” He turned to Elara, their eyes meeting in silent communication.

Kinder’s gaze darted between them, his expression knit with confusion, acutely aware of the silent exchange he was not privy to.

Herius gently pushed the doors ajar, and instantly, the melody of cascading water filled the air, the moist scent of moss and earth enveloping them as their eyes fell upon an unexpected sanctuary. A series of marble statues, elegant effigies of women from ages past, stood sentinel around the space, each accompanied by a golden plaque.

The scene held Herius momentarily spellbound, the beauty before him a stark contrast to the regal austerity of the palace they had just left. “Could this be… teleportation magic?” he wondered aloud, the question hanging between reality and fantasy.

Elara’s voice broke through his reverie, laced with disbelief. “Is Lady Montblanc an encantrice? But such magic… it seems beyond the realms of possibility.”

“Possibility stretches far and wide,” Herius mused, his eyes still scanning the grotto. “No, this is something else, something extraordinary.”

Kinder nudged in, his curiosity drawing his gaze to a statue and then to a central table that seemed out of place amidst the tranquility. “It’s reminiscent of Chappele’s sanctuaries,” he observed.

Elara’s surprise was evident. “Really?”

Herius nodded toward the figures surrounding them. “Divinities, and a place of offerings,” he confirmed. “Could Lady Montblanc be aligned with the Chappele order?”

“No, she mentioned a distaste for them as well…” Kinder interjected, his words trailing into the stillness.

“People often don masks,” Herius pointed out, a note of skepticism lacing his tone.

“Let’s seek out Katarina,” Elara proposed, a decision anchoring her voice.

“Katarina!” Kinder’s call echoed into the expanse, a lone voice in search of an answer, met only by the reflection of his own plea bouncing back at them.

Elara’s hand lingered on the door’s cool surface as it shut with a soft thud, sealing them in the grotto’s clandestine embrace. Her voice was tinged with an edge, “Content? What if someone had been there, alerting Montblanc?”

Kinder’s smile was irrepressible, a flicker of mischief dancing in his eyes. “Aurelius would intervene. Besides, Montblanc wouldn’t dare cause a scene—not in the midst of all that pomp and circumstance.”

Herius let out a weary exhale, the sound carrying the weight of countless unspoken thoughts. “At times, Kinder, your innocence astounds me,” he remarked, a wry smile betraying his fond exasperation.