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Dear Readers,

As we turn the page to yet another exhilarating chapter in our adventure together, I find myself filled with a warmth that only a community like ours can foster. First and foremost, I hope this message finds you returning from a festive and joyous holiday season, rejuvenated and ready for the thrilling chapters ahead.

It's with a bittersweet sentiment that I announce we are nearing the conclusion of our journey with Chapter XXXV. This chapter is not just another step in our story; it marks one of the final pieces of a tapestry we've woven together. I'm filled with gratitude and a touch of melancholy as we approach the end of this particular tale.

In the spirit of our shared journey, I'm excited to share that our story will soon be taking a new form. It will be available for purchase on Kindle and Amazon, offering another avenue to immerse yourself in the world we've created. This version will be thoughtfully rewritten to enhance the flow and consistency, ensuring a seamless and enriched reading experience. Fear not, our beloved RoyalRoad readers, the version you've grown to love will remain, and any changes will be communicated well in advance.

None of this would have been possible without you, the readers, and the wonderful platform that RoyalRoad and ScribbleHub has provided. Your support, your feedback, and your passion have been the guiding stars of this incredible journey. As we approach the closing chapters of our current tale, know that it's your enthusiasm and encouragement that fuel the fires of creation.

With heartfelt thanks and anticipation for the stories yet to be told,

Alexander H. Graves