Chapter 7: An Uncertain Reality
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-A few hours later-

Sitting around at Carol's dining table, Sarah speaks up, “I’ve been meaning to ask, but what all is happening to Carol?”

Sitting next to me, Carol tilts her head, “What do you mean?”

Turning to look at Carol, Sarah continues, “I mean, with you turning into a, what was it, Tyranid? And suddenly calling her mom, that’s what I mean.”

Clapping my hands I get their attention, “Alright, long story short, her corruption was influenced by her skill, and me, to turn her into a Tyranid instead of a generic monster. I stopped that, but she was still somewhat a Tyranid, and that affected her mind negatively, so I had to temporarily merge our minds to purge the Tyranid portion of it, which I did. While I was there we learned that I had absorbed the skills, and some of the memories of both of Carol's parents, and her partial transformation made it so that she was technically my biological offspring, thus, her mother.”

With a quick nod, she responds, “Right, and if I remember correctly all you did was mix your blood into her body, how did that stop her transformation?"

“Well, you see, the transformation and the origin of corruption is started by a small crystal that forms in the brain, less than 1 cm in diameter, by destroying that crystal with my blood, I can spread the crystals parts across the body equally, leading to all corruption nearly stopping.”

“Could you maybe perform this on others?”

I shake my head, “No. That’s impossible.”

With a hint of aggression, she stands up, “What, why not?”

“Because my blood is highly acidic and would kill a normal human, the only reason it worked on Carol is because she was part Tyranid by the time I started, and her body had already developed a natural resistance.”

Sitting back down with a sigh, she continues her questions, “Okay, but what even is a Tyranid?”

“Tyranids are a gestalt, we are apex predators, we consume to evolve, to destroy, and leave entire planets devastated in our wake, all for the purpose of surviving, to put it simply, we are abominations on a universal scale, and our mere presences can cause a psychic collapse of nearby sentient organisms, which is what almost happened to Carol, but as for me, I’m a defect so to say, and because of that I’m capable of communication.”

Sarah leans forward, “Hold on, you talk like you’re not even from this planet.”

“I’m not, I’m not human, nor was I ever human, I haven’t been on this planet for more than a week.”

“Then why would you come to Earth of all places?”

“I don’t know, I’m not even supposed to be on this planet.”

“Not supposed to?” Furrowing her eyebrows she takes a second to think, “Then how did you end up here?”

“That's because of… actually I can’t tell you that.” Thinking for a moment, I realize that I can’t tell them about the warp, even I know how bad of an idea that is.

“Wait, you can’t? And why is that?”

Leaning back I close my eyes, “To be more accurate, I shouldn’t, because if I do, it could seed the destruction of your entire galaxy, knowledge is incredibly dangerous if handled without care, and that information is top grade."

“How can knowledge be dangerous?”

Letting out a huff, I open my eyes again, “Like I said, telling you could start the collapse of your galaxy, the only reason I can safely know, is because I’m a pure Tyranid who has a natural defense mechanism against it.”

Holding the bridge of her nose she sighs, “Right, I guess that makes sense, somehow.”

“Any other questions?”

Hearing a voice from my side, I look over at Carol, “So, I know you can’t tell us how you got here, but where did you come from?”

“I don’t believe the planet had a name, it was already destroyed by the time I came about.”

“Where were you before that, like where were you born?”

“That is where I was born, although birth means different things for a Tyranid than it does for other races.”

“If it was already destroyed when you were born, how did you survive so long?”

“First of all, I had biomechanical structures supporting my life, secondly, it wasn’t very long, just a few days.”

Interjecting, Sarah catches my attention, “Wait wait wait, just a few days? Tyra, how old are you?”

“Uh, 5 days I think, that seems about right.”

“5 DAYS!?” Standing up, Carol slams her hands on the table lightly, just enough to make an impact, “I’m older than my mom?!”

“That’s what you’re worried about?” With a sigh I take a second to come up with a response, “I may physically be younger than I look, but, mentally I am already older than the entire planet combined, even if only for a few days I was connected to a hivemind of an uncountable amount of organisms, and during that time I had lived the lives of all those creatures, maturing at an unimaginable pace.”

Putting her hands on the table Sarah leans toward me, “Even so, that’s not even a week, you’re practically an infant.”

“If we’re going to talk about age, then Carol is the youngest here, her physical age was reset when her body evolved, so she’s technically not even a day old yet, and for your information, most Tyranids have a lifespan under a week, so 5 days isn’t that bad, although since I’m designed for longer missions, my lifespan is more akin to a humans, 150 years or so, although since I can rejuvenate myself I can technically live indefinitely.”

Putting her hands up Sarah gives in, “Okay, ignoring the age of you two, 150 years is not the lifespan of a human, it’s more akin to 80 years.”

“Really? The humans I know of live at least that long, some of them even live for thousands of years.”

“Clearly the humans that I know, and you know, are different, but that aside, you do not look 5 days old, you look at least 30 YEARS old.”

“Like I said, birth doesn’t have the same meaning to Tyranids that it does for other races, Tyranids are made as fully grown adults, and then fight until they die.”

Carol stops Sarah from even trying to respond, “Wait, made not born?”

“Yeah, Tyranids are made in something called a reclamation pool, basically a big vat of biomass that creates Tyranids and then spits them out to fight, eat, and die, that is our life.”

“That’s kind of sad.”

“Not for us, like I said Tyranids are a gestalt, as such we all move under one authority, that being the neverending hunger of such a large number of organisms, your language does not hold an appropriate number, at least not that I know of, that hunger was the scratching at Carol's mind, although then it was just the hunger of her Tyranid half.”

Carol looks at me in horror, “You’re saying that pain was just one Tyranid?”

“No, that was just one half, the true thing is much worse, then multiply that by the largest number you can think of, and you’ve reached the tiniest fraction of what a Tyranid feels.”

Looking down, I can see a flash of remorse go through Carol's eyes, “What the hell… that’s horrible.”

With a stern glare I raise my voice, “Do not pity them, the Tyranids are abhorrent monsters, and this is coming from one such Tyranid.”

Carol looks up at me, “And what about you? Do you consider yourself an abhorrent monster?”

I shake my head, “No, I am much, much worse than just that, I am an ever evolving unstoppable monstrosity, or at least I would be, if I didn’t have emotions, partially thanks to a certain somebody.”

With a huff, Carol crosses her arms, “You aren’t that bad, you try to help people, you aren’t like the other Tyranids who do nothing but eat.

“That wasn’t an assessment made of arrogance, nor negativity, it was a purely logical decision, if Carol were to die by the hands of a human, I would single handily devour each and every human on the planet, save for Sarah, whom I would forcibly turn into one of my own in order to more effectively slaughter this planet."

Looking over at Sarah I can see the shock on her face, “Oh, you seriously mean that don’t you?”

“I do, with every cell in my body, Carol is more important to me than an entire galaxy, much less a single backwater planet such as this.” At this, I can see a slight smile, along with a light blush, creep onto Carol's face.

“Um, well, better make sure nothing happens to her then, right?” With a nervous chuckle, Sarah expertly avoids the topic.

“Indeed, and as she is now one of my kin, she will live as long as I do, and more specifically as a princess such as myself, she will be nigh immortal until my death, although it is a shame she couldn’t become a full Tyranid.”

Raising her hand Carol responds, “What do you mean nigh immortal?”

“I mean that as long as even a single drop of your blood remains, I can heal you from any injury, even death, and from any distance, so as long as I live, you will as well.”

Clapping her hands Sarah moves on, “Oookay, well then, uh good for you Carol, next question I guess, how do we explain her changes to the town, she barely looks the same anymore."

“Yeah I don’t mind the changes, if anything I actually like them, but it does seem a little hard to explain.”

“That’s not terribly difficult, I should, theoretically, be able to overview your body’s changes and direct them, to put it simply, I can change your appearance, technically you can too, but if you don’t have a perfect grasp of each individual cell you want to change I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“Well, I guess that’s it then.”

“Not quite, I have my own question to ask.”

“Oh uh, sure, ask away.”

“Why do you feel so much guilt.”

Sarah takes a second to respond, and I watch the familiar sign of guilt cover her face, “W- what do you mean?”

“Sarah, I think it’s time you came clean, you clearly harbor guilt for the fate of those two, and I think that it’s time Carol knew why, it’s impossible to hide anything from her anymore, and I think it’s best to say it now before it becomes a problem.”

She sighs, taking several seconds to respond, “... okay, I’ll tell the truth, about that night, about her parents.”


-Flashback, Sarah POV-

Sitting in my office going through paperwork, I quickly glance at the clock, noticing that it’s fairly late, and sigh, another long night, then I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in!” There shouldn’t be anybody coming in right about now, but a quick break from paperwork is always welcomed.

“Sarah, how are you doing tonight?” Hearing a familiar voice I get up and move over to the door.

“Circe, I’m doing just fine, what about the two of you?” Giving Circe a hug I look over at David, my brother in law.

“Actually, that’s what we’re here to talk about, do you have some time?” David has this look in his eyes, like he’s about to do something bad and I don’t like it.

“Sure? What’s the problem?” Leading them over to the couches we sit, the both of them on one side, and me on the other.

Circe looks to the side, and David looks tense, “It’s- it’s over 80, for both of us."

“No that’s- there’s no way, you two look fine, even at 40% you would be showing signs, but you two look perfectly fine.” Even though I say that, I know how long they’ve been skill holders, the timing is right, I just don’t want to believe it.

With a grimace David pulls off his gloves, he’s been wearing those for a while now, but now I get to see why, his hands are stark white and rolling up his sleeve the rest of his arm looks emaciated, like he hasn’t eaten in weeks.

Looking over to Circe she pulls down the collar of her turtleneck, and the base of her neck is a silvery metallic gray, she’s also wearing gloves but she doesn’t need to take them off, I already know what’s happening.

“I- what am I supposed to do, I know what I should do, but, you guys are my family, I can’t” Feeling myself tear up at the prospect, I know they’re about to die, but I just don’t want to believe it.

Shaking her head Circe looks me in the eyes, “It’s too late, we all know that, we just, take care of Carol, please.” I can see how hard she’s holding her tears back, I know she doesn’t want to leave her either.

“Please Sarah, we want to make sure she gets taken care of, we don’t want to do this either, but we have to, we don’t have a choice.” David pleas with me, why, why does this have to happen, it’s not fair.

“Okay, I’ll do it, what do you want me to tell her after you’re gone.”

“Tell her… tell her that it’s not her fault, that it’s okay to blame us, but not her, and not you, you didn’t know, and you didn’t have a choice, nobody did, and that above all, that we love her, and we’re sorry this had to happen.”

“Alright, I’ll tell her tonight, but at least, at least let me see you off, for the last time, I want to at least do that much.”

“Of course, I love you Sarah, you’re the best sister a girl could ask for.”

Walking out of my office with the two of them, my feet felt like lead, but I kept walking, all the way to the gate, where I hugged them for the last time, told them goodbye, and never saw them again. Standing outside of their apartment I tried to grab the handle but couldn’t reach it, screw lead, my body felt like tungsten, it felt like the entire world was crashing down around me, it felt like hours had passed before I had the courage to open the door.

Upon opening the door I saw Carol sitting on the couch, absentmindedly waiting for something, not for me, that’s for certain, with a deep breath I walk in, my face plastered with a barely kept together fake smile.

“Hiya Carol.” As I announce my presence I see a genuine smile plaster her face as she runs over to me.

“Oh, Auntie, Hi!” She runs right up to me and I feel my heart crack because I know what I need to say.

“What are you doing here so late?” Her words bring me out of my stupor, I hadn’t even realized I was spacing out.

“Oh um, I just had something to tell you.” This isn’t the right way to go about it, I know that, but it’s so hard to do any better.

“Really? What is it?” She sounds so enthusiastic, how can I tell her that her parents are dead, and even that isn’t true, they’re still alive and I left them to die.

“It’s about your parents.” I see her eyes light up, she really loves them, I feel sick.

“What about them? Will they be late coming back?” She seems disappointed, but still as happy as ever, how could I take that from her?

“They, they aren’t coming back.” I see her eyes go blank, like all life left them, yet her face is frozen into a smile.

“What do you mean.” Her response is short, and low, like she can’t quite believe what’s happening, her smile is fading away.

“They’re gone, forever.” I look her in the eyes and as I go to say their last words my breath hitches, I can’t speak a word, I can hardly breathe, she’s started crying.

From that point on, I’ve tried dozens of times to tell her, but every time my voice stops, and I can’t speak, I just can’t. I never told her, I just couldn’t for some reason, and it always ate me up inside, it was my fault, and I couldn’t even do the one thing they asked me to do.


-Flashback end-


After Sarah finished recounting her story, Carol wordlessly stood up and walked over to her. “Carol I-”

“Stop.” Standing in front of Sarah, Carol leans forward and takes her into a hug. “I'm sorry I didn’t notice sooner, about how much you were suffering, about everything.”

Standing up, I start to walk away, “I’ll leave you two alone for a bit, I can see that you’ll need it.” In response, I get a nod from Carol, and I leave the apartment, it’s a bit small to just walk into another room.

While I’m walking to the roof I briefly go over Carol's body from a distance, taking note of the changes, once I reach the roof I sit down and go to work, creating a minor telepathic connection, from there I can connect her body to my biomass reserves and psychic space, which theoretically should provide her with protection against supernatural threats.






Now I wasn’t expecting that, an expansion is very welcome, now just how much did that expand it by?


Acknowledging Biomass Query


80!? Now that’s an upgrade I can get behind, I assume the sudden increase is because I had upgraded myself using the crystal, which appears to enhance my psychic abilities, and not just that, but Carol had developed a Psychic presence, which did try to kill her, but nevertheless, it was there, and I had taken that and absorbed it into my own, practically doubling mine.

An excellent boon to be sure, with this much total biomass I should be able to start production on a reclamation pool, I just need to actually fill up first, and to that front, I need to go out and hunt, with Carol having a psychic connection with me she can always call me if she needs something, so she should stay safe.

With a running start, I leap off of the building and start flying out over the city, normally the most I could do is glide, but with my weight manipulation ability, I can fly freely, thinking about it, how does this ability do what it does, no matter what it is, it has to have a cost, and from what I can tell, this doesn’t, not yet anyway.

Well, it’s a thought for another time, for the moment I have a plan, back when I first met Carol Circe’s monster brought a different monster who had a natural ranged attack, similar to what some Tyranids might have, I want to find it, and I want to eat it, I’m curious as to how it shoots, and what it shoots.

Fun fact, flying is fast, and within a minute or two I’m back to where I met Carol, and Kevin I guess, I forgot about that kid. Landing on the roof of a building, I survey the street and find the alleyway that the monster had originally come from, swapping to the other side of the street, I’m disappointed to find that the alleyway, is just an alleyway, and has nothing special in it.

Taking a short look around I see a nearby tall structure, the very same one that I had first spotted the duo from, making my way over I fly up to the top and start to look around the city, then I spot something, not what I was looking for, but something interesting regardless.

Something you might expect from a ruined city like this one would be decrepit buildings, some fauna, and flora, all that kind of stuff, what you wouldn’t expect is a gleaming white building looking like it was ripped straight from a different time period, I guess I didn’t notice last time since it was dark out, as opposed to the early afternoon it is now.

Well, I had a plan, but now I have a different plan, and I start to head over to the totally inconspicuous building. Upon arriving at the building the first thing I notice is that the walls are really smooth, unnaturally so, like somebody went over the entire building with a planer daily, the other thing is that the building itself is three stories, and about as large as a university, but the weirdest thing is that even though the building, which I am hereby naming, The Lab, is in a metropolis, there isn’t a single building other than the Lab within a kilometer of it.

Which in such a city is certainly strange, there aren’t windows either so my only choice is to go through the doors or break in, or both, walking up to the front door I notice that while made of the same material, the door itself is a slightly different color, a little grayer than the rest of the building, and since the door is a sliding door, and the lab doesn’t have power, it obviously doesn’t open.

With that in mind I take my arm back and slam it into the door, hoping to break through, instead, my hand impacts the door and the only thing which takes damage is me, as I scraped my hand on the door, while the door itself stands strong, not a scratch in sight, so I go for the next plan, and launch my Necrodermis claws forward, which actually manage to pierce the door, a little bit, I was aiming to pierce through the entire door, but instead I managed to merely wedge it in between the doors themselves.

However, this moves me onto step two of the great door opening plan, and I activate the ODFG, initiating the disruption field and slice with minor difficulty through the door, cutting it in half and providing a way through, now that was a surprise, something managed to actually slow down a disruption field, just what in the world is this building made of?

Putting that aside I step through the gap and enter the Lab, walking into what I assume to be a reception area of sorts, there are 24 seats in different positions on each side of the entrance, presumably a waiting area, they aren’t made of some strange super material, and are somewhat degraded but since they haven’t been exposed to the elements, not by much, at the other end is two desks where I assume people check in and work and all that.

Behind those are a set of regular pull doors, which I open, and enter into a long hallway, the labels are still there but somewhat faded, the first door is a storage closet, which I skip, the rest of them are other noninteresting ones, like offices, closets, etc. None of these, however, explain why the Lab is the way it is, made of some weird super material and isolated from the rest of the city, but what does interest me is a room labeled Research, which again has the powered doors, so I repeat my great door opening plan, aka, I break them.

On the other side of the door lays, another hallway, but this one is different as each and every door is powered, what catches my eye the most, is something labeled Unknown Machine Lifeform Research, or UMLR which is printed on the door, going through the door on the other side I see, Necron artifacts, or more accurately, I see items made of Necrodermis in isolated tanks of some sort of liquid, likely some attempt to keep them inert, putting my hand on the glass I notice that the glass is made of the exact same material the rest of the facility is, just clear instead of opaque.

What catches my eye, is an empty tank labeled Unknown Gauntlet, likely where my ODFG comes from, along with another gauntlet, this time a right handed one in a tank beside it, tearing open the tank, the liquid inside actually hardens in contact with air, nearly instantly repairing the hole, and upon closer inspection the material is actually the same thing the glass is made of, which makes collecting any artifacts a problem, although now I know why they’re suspended in the liquid.

But that’s not going to stop me from trying, activating the ODFG and maximizing my weight, I thrust my gauntleted hand forwards and pierce into the tank, then deactivating the disruption field I grab the gauntlet and quickly pull my arm out, the increased weight makes it more difficult for the hardening liquid to freeze my arm in place, and I manage to pull the gauntlet out, although I need to spend a good couple minutes tearing off the material that stayed on the gauntlet.

Surveying the gauntlet, I can see that unlike the ODFG this gauntlet has a vambrace part, going up to my elbow instead of barely covering my wrist, the hand itself isn’t clawed but instead has a green glowing crystal on the palm, my next course of action is obviously to put it on, and like the last time, it fuses with my skin and connects to my body.




Connection to the Organic Gauss Gauntlet Mk.5 completed



I didn’t know that was possible, sure go for it.



Organic Disruption Gauss Gauntlet created

As I agreed to fuse the abilities of both gauntlets, which I didn’t know could happen, I see the new gauntlet, the one on my right, retract in size, the vambrace retreating from my elbow to about halfway up my forearm, and the hand part itself becoming more clawed and resembling the ODFG, while the crystal stays. On my left hand, the gauntlet extends halfway up my forearm, and a similar crystal forms on the palm of the hand, while I know Necromdemis was a liquid metal or some sort of nanomachine, this wasn’t something I was expecting from it.

Going through the abilities of the gauntlets, the disruption field still works, and on both hands, and the claws appear just as sharp, the new addition is the ability to shoot a gauss blast from the palms of my hands, which is neat, although I’m beginning to realize that this might have been a bad idea since I don’t actually know much about Necrons, I don’t know what sort of impact this could have on my body, for the moment I think I’m going to stop taking in Necron artifacts.

Moving around the storage I find some sort of Necron weapon just laying around, picking it up I point it at a wall and shoot, only to have a small beam extend from the tip, creating a very small energy blade, I think this is just a really advanced plasma cutter, cool, I’ll take it anyway, might help with tearing through doors or whatnot.

Walking around the storage I notice that there is a single tank larger than the others, and this one is completely opaque as well, like the liquid inside solidified in an instant, upon reading the label I realize that within this tank is a single Necron, or at least there supposedly is, and I make the strategic decision to leave the room, that’s enough for me, I would rather not inadvertently awaken the Necrons, that would be really bad.

Leaving the room I begin to once again explore the Lab, but something specific stops me in my tracks, Primary Delta Nutrient Research, now that’s intriguing, if I remember correctly PDN’s are the core component of my biomass stores and are what allow me to have my abilities, and apparently, the humans here found them as well.

Taking out the Necron cutter it effortlessly slices through the door and I gingerly take it off, but contrary to my expectations, within the room is nothing, nothing at all, as if there was nothing in the room to begin with, and even more then that, there’s some sort of barrier stopping me from even entering, even the cutter can’t pierce it, there’s something strange going on here.

Leaving that room I begin to check others, but nothing else has that barrier, nor are they completely empty, and upon opening a door labeled Anomalous Wing, my confusion skyrockets, the door opens into a hallway, and doing some quick mental math, this hallway should not exist, the length of the hallway goes further then the space within the Lab, this hallway should lead outside, but it doesn’t, instead it keeps on going.

Stepping into the hallway I’m briefly overcome with a sense of vertigo, as if I lost all sense of where I am before it quickly disappears, looking at the doors in the hallway, they’re made of a different material than the rest of the Lab, at first glance it seems to be the same but upon closer inspection, the material is harder then the outside materials, which is an achievement on its own, checking the labels of the doors only confuses me more, because I don’t seem to know what language, if any, they are, just an apparent mess of symbols.

Normally this wouldn’t be too strange, but considering the fact that the symbols are different each time I look at it, it’s certainly not normal, thinking back to it, Carol has once mentioned magical artifacts, which were objects that had an unexplainable ability, I wonder if this is what she meant, and if so, is this an isolated event, or is there stuff like this all over?

With a quick decision, I start to run down the hallway, seeing it branch off every now and then I can definitely confirm that this is way too big, I wonder if the only reason the Necron artifacts weren’t here was because they were “Technology” and could be explained, and in that case, just how much stuff is here, and all of this in one city as well.

Eventually, I come across an open door, and upon peeking inside I am thoroughly confused, inside isn’t a small room that would fit the space, but instead a large swamp like forest, with a fake sky, the ceiling, which some of is still that fake sky, glitches occasionally and shows the patchy metal and technology hiding behind it, but in the center of the room is a large pool of water, and the ceiling is completely broken, the fake sky gone from sight, and instead in the center is a square hole.

The square hole isn’t what caught my attention though, what caught my attention is what’s in the hole, a large, long dead, organism hangs from the hole in the ceiling, almost resembling a large broken and skinless arm, with brown flesh leaking red blood, the hand is spindly as if it’s lost most of its flesh, and is in the position as if it was holding something previously, looking down at the pool of water, I can see that it’s tinted from the blood, and I can see a trail of dried blood leading from it.

Following the trail I come across a different door than the others, the doors in the hallway were all shut, and made to be incredibly sturdy, but this one is open, and it looks more like the one I came in through, the label is again, that strange mess of changing symbols, and I feel that sense of Vertigo again while I walk through it, looking back this door is also labeled Anomalous Wing, but this facility is completely different.

Instead of the gleaming white hallways, this facility looks as if an active war was fought within it, and nobody won, the walls are scorched and gashed, and they are practically drenched in dried blood, yet there isn’t a single bullet casing, nor body in sight. It takes several minutes of wandering the broken facility before I find anything of note, that being the corpse of some sort of creature, it has four hairy legs and hair on the back of its body, it’s very large as well, almost as large as I am, it has sharp spines protruding from its body and 6 eyes, upon its back lies a large number of severed tentacles, likely used to grab and pull in targets to its mouth, which takes up half of its entire head, it has a single row of razor sharp teeth and a long tongue.

The creature has been dead for a very long time, decades likely, but has hardly decayed externally, although I can smell its rotted flesh so I move on, then I start to think, if this thing is what came from the organism in the ceiling, how did that only die recently, yet this has been dead for decades, on closer thought, that thing might not be dead, shaking off the thought I continue moving, this time with greater caution then before.

Upon arriving at the exit I can tell that the doors were blown open from the inside, and the outside is, well, different to say the least, exiting into a cave the area is damp, like one would expect of a cave, and moving through the cave I come across the entrance, or what used to be the entrance, as it has long since caved in.

Without bothering to clear it out, I sigh and start to head back to the Lab, and go through the entrance again, with a quick idea I go to where in the previous lab the PDN research area was, but unlike the last one there’s no barrier, and I can enter freely, within the room is several shut off computers, but with a little bit of searching I find what I was hoping to find, a little clear vial, about 4 inches long, filled with a vibrant green liquid, and reading the labeled only confirms it, Concentrated Primary Delta Nutrients, and a little warning saying for research use only, but when have I ever cared to listen to authority.

Uncorking it I swallow the viscous liquid and a few seconds later I check my Biomass.


Acknowledging Biomass Query


Wowzers, 30 biomass in that one little vial, now that’s a start, unfortunately, it doesn’t look like there are any more, which is a shame but can’t get too greedy now, it’s only a matter of time after all, but more importantly, I passed the big five-oh, which is exactly what I needed. Working my way back to the original Lab I briefly stop at the open room and take another glance inside, the organism, whatever it was, is pointed directly at me, the palm of its open hand like structure containing a single decrepit eye, which I stare directly at, it blinks and so do I.

Making a quick decision I start to run back to the original Lab, and quickly exit it, before making my way out of the city and back to the forest, where I can initiate my plan, now I did say I can make reclamation pits, but that isn’t entirely true, not exactly, I can, however, create the beings who can, and that’s what I’m here to do. Making my way to a secluded spot I mentally prepare myself for a moment, and a few minutes later I’m vomiting up a small Tyranidious lifeform, a Ripper.

While I can harvest biomass, It's not terribly efficient, so instead, I will make something that is more efficient and is practically designed to harvest biomass, the ripper takes a second to stand up and look at me, and I can see myself looking back, a hivemind is a strange sensation, being several creatures at once isn’t natural, and for Tyranids, the biggest downside was the combination of their everlasting hunger, but I had a plan for that.

You see, I was able to modify the ripper as I was making it, providing a connection to my biomass stores, and more importantly, removing the hunger entirely, which one I regain access to a reclamation pool, I will be able to do as well, since I will be able to properly and more efficiently modify my body.

Crouching down I reach for the small Tyranid, hearing it coo as I caress it, “Now we can really start, get ready buddy, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

Could you believe it, Tyra finally made another Tyranid, how exciting! I really don't like the first 1k words or so, the whole sequence of Sarah coming clean had to happen, but I still feel like my dialogue is really bad, but I wrote it regardless, as you can see I went a little bit more in depth with the anomalous part of the world, and I’m finally delving into the hivemind aspect a bit more, I had hinted at it early with the lone Tyranid, but finally, Tyra can start mass harvesting and production, anyways, as usual, I had fun and you better have fun too, that’s a threat, buh bye.

Also, here be the room


