Chapter 2: First Meeting
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In a realm bathed in eternal dawn, a delicate white butterfly threaded through the water, manifesting a small ripple in the tranquil pond.

Birds chirped in a sweet symphony, and the gentle breeze flowed in harmony, breathing more life to its surroundings. Soft, warm orbs danced in the air, illuminating and enveloping the world in a dreamlike glow. 

At the center of this otherworldly ambience was a gazebo carved with intricate and beautiful patterns, the sanctuary consisted of a white, circular canopy bed that made one feel like they were sleeping on clouds.

On that bed laid two people, one of whom had been confined in this place’s perpetual dawn for a long, long time.

The woman’s slender hands caressed the other’s slumbering face. Her wavy hair flowed with the wind, glowing with its sunlight hue along with the fireflies in the domain. 

This was a realm created through her dream, yet she could almost feel the warmth of this person on her lap. For the first time, she wasn’t with an image created by her own mind, but another soul with its own memories, and it was someone she had always wanted to see. 

Warmth filled her chest as she recalled the memories of her distant past.


Lilianna first met Phoenix at the age of 13. Phoenix was 15.

This encounter took place at a formal gathering, where Lilianna’s parents’ friend invited them. They were encouraged to bring along their children, and Lilianna and and her older brother, Isaac, eagerly accepted the invitation.

The event hall was decorated with meticulous precision. Round tables,  adorned with white lilies and roses, were carefully arranged throughout the spacious area. 

The chandeliers bathed the room in a deep blue hue, glowing bright enough for everyone to see, but dim enough to create a sense of mystique.

Amidst the gentle hum of conversation, smooth jazz played in the background. A middle-aged man approached, extending a warm welcome to her family. Lilianna smiled graciously.

Although her family enjoyed comfort, they were not extravagantly rich. This was the first time Lilianna had attended an event with such distinguished guests. 

As the adults engaged in conversation, their children either quietly listened or gathered around the designated gaming zone.

Lilianna had always found joy engaging with others, so she was able to blend in almost immediately. Most people she interacted with liked her— children and adults alike. She understood what people valued the most and gave them exactly that. It was a child’s play for her. 

As she enjoyed the night, her gaze gravitated towards a secluded area where three silhouettes huddled together, two of whom wore black suits and chatted with each other. 

The third wore a black fitted dress, and exuded a poise matching the adults in the hall. Her eyes moved from the two middle-aged men to the crowd in front of her, silently taking in whatever was going on around her.

Then, their eyes met. 

A wave of electricity coursed through Lilianna’s body. 

The girl’s amber eyes glinted under the chandelier, piercing right through her, seemingly confused.

Lilianna held her breath and waved. The girl’s hand moved up slowly, reciprocating with a little wave of her own. A chuckle escaped from Lilianna’s lips.


Lilianna made up her mind. She walked back to her family’s table, her heart racing with excitement as she stole glances at the secluded area. 

She chatted with her family to pass the time, and would sometimes even catch the girl’s eyes. 

After a while, one of the men in that secluded area finally left. The other man turned to the girl, whispered something, and also walked off. 

Lilianna assumed he needed to go to the restroom or perhaps he wanted to find another person to chat with. Regardless, the girl didn’t follow him and stood silently as she swirled a glass in her hand.

Lilianna excused herself and hurriedly walked over to that space.

As she approached, their eyes met once more. The girl’s gaze was unwavering, observing Lilianna’s every move.

“Hi.” Lilianna greeted, her voice softer than expected. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Hello.”

“Hi.” The girl curtly responded. Upon a closer look, her amber eyes looked sharp yet gentle, and her body language didn’t look as confident as it was from afar.

Lilianna extended her hand with a warm smile. “I’m Lilianna. What’s your name?”

The girl’s eyes moved to the side as if to deliberate whether to share Lilianna with that information or not, but then she said, “Phoenix.”

Phoenix shook her hand. 

As their hands touched, Lilianna’s mind raced. What was it about this girl she found so fascinating?

She definitely had to learn more.

“That’s a pretty name. I think it suits you.” Lilianna looked up and smiled. Phoenix’s lips curved upwards involuntarily. 

“Thank you.”

Their hands parted, and a moment of silence ensued. Lily scrambled to think of a harmless question to continue the conversation. “I remember seeing you with someone earlier. Was he your father?”

Phoenix’s lips pursed, a flicker of emotion showed in her eyes. Lilianna quickly added, “never mind, you don’t have to answer that.”

“Do you like this place?” Lilianna asked, her gaze shifting to the crowd.

Phoenix looked down at her glass and replied. “Not really.”

“Oh? Why not?” 

“Because there’s someone I don’t like here.” Phoenix responded, her gaze focused on Lilianna.

Lilianna’s hand hesitantly pointed at herself. Her spirit deflated like a balloon devoid of air.

“M-me? You don’t like me?”

Phoenix tilted her head, her eyebrows furrowing. “Not you…”

Lilianna breathed a sigh of relief, the glint in her eyes returned. “Good, because I like you.” 

She smiled, humming to the soft jazz playing in the background.

Phoenix’s face contorted as if she had never heard those words before. “Why?”

“Because I think you’re nice.” 

Phoenix looked even more confused. Her voice tinged with doubt. “How?” 

“Well, because you’re willing to talk to me like this. I assumed you would just ignore me when I said hi to you.” Lilianna was telling the truth. 

She had an impulse to talk to this person, but she knew not everyone liked to talk with others, especially strangers.

“Why would I ignore you? It’s not like you were being rude.” Phoenix replied. 

“Exactly.” Lilianna said, her smile brightening. She quickly pulled out her phone. “Are you on Instagram? Add me!”

Phoenix tapped her glass, “I don’t have one.” 

“Oh…” Lilianna paused for a bit and thought before asking, “How about a phone number? Do you have one?”

"I do.” Phoenix smiled softly. A waiter passed by and she let him take her glass. With her hands free, she grabbed her phone from her purse and exchanged numbers with Lilianna.

The conversation died down, but Lilianna found solace in this silence, taking in a faint smell of perfume and the warmth that enveloped both of them.

Everything looked surreal from this angle, like watching a world from a distance. She observed the movements of the crowd and, for once, she found joy in not fully immersing herself in it.

Beside her,  Phoenix stood like an unmovable pillar, a quiet strength amidst the animated world.

we're continuing the flashback for the next 2 chapters! I hope you're enjoying the series so far <3