chapter 34
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It was raining heavily and the visibility was low outside

There were two guard behind the gate

“Hey what’s that” said the first guard seeing a light getting closer

“I think it’s someone” the other guy replied before shouting “Hey”

They got no reply back it was hard to hear because of the heavy rain

But they were soon able to hear the sound of a bike approaching towards them

“shit” they cried when they realized it but they didn’t have time to get out the way

“Thramm!” the gate broke down as I rammed the bike into

I jumped off just before I hit the gate but the two men were not so lucky one of them was under half the broken gate the other was thrown back by the impact, struggling on the floor

I got up and walked past the guy groaning on the ground and looked to the mansion in front of me

The lights were on and by now all the people were probably up and alert

Not that it was going to make much of a difference

I entered the house, dripping water all over the floors and I started my hunt

I went around lurking taking down anyone I saw and while I was in the hallway, I stopped when I got to a turning, I could hear foot steps

I held my position and waited for the person to show

And he did, man soon appeared out of the corner holding a pistol while aiming straight in front of him

I jumped him and grabbed the pistol

We started to struggle for it and during that he let off a few shots

I tried to hit him with my elbow still holding on

While this was happening a guy suddenly got on me from behind and put my neck in a hold

Looks like he was attracted from the noise of the shots

I had to get out

I kicked the first guy in the nuts making him stop and fall down but I still had a problem on my back

After dealing with first guy, I tried to get free but he was holding on tight so I started to elbow

I kept on hitting him till his hands finally loosened

Using the opportunity, I grabbed his hands and broke free then slammed him to the ground

But I wasn’t finished after he was on the ground, I got on top and started bash his face

My hands started to get bloody

“Bang!” there was a gun shot

I rolled away to the wall nearby

I looked at my left arm I was bleeding, I check it but it was only a flesh wound

As I was doing that could hear him slowly walk towards me

I jumped out form where I was hiding and rushed to tackle him

He aimed at me and fired but I reached him just in time

I pushed his arms up making him let lose three shots into the celling

I pushed him down on the floor and after struggle got him in a choke hold

“Where are they” I asked and held down on his neck

“Study, study upstairs up” he said and having what I needed I tighten my hold making him pass out

I picked up his gun and stated to make my way upstairs, while taking care of anyone else I found on my way

I the floor above and approached the study

But before I could reach a door to my side suddenly opened and a guy come rushing at me

He was huge

He tackled me pushing me to the railing

It broke and we both fell down back to the ground floor

“ow” I tried to get up from the floor it hurt but what was worse was that the big guy was already up and coming towards me

I reached out my arm searching for the gun I was holding, I looked around but It wasn’t there

The guy pulled me up

And slammed me to the ground

“Ah” I hit the ground hard making my back hurt but that did not stop him

He picked me up again and slammed me down again and again

Till I was groaning on the floor

He then left me

But I soon saw him come back with a chair in his arms

He slammed it down towards me but I got out of the way

I rolled to the side and kicked his knee

“Ahhhh” he cried as his knee bent sideways, as it broke from my kick and a bone poked out

He shouted in pain and I quickly jumped to my feet

I grabbed his hair with one arm and then went on to greet his face with my fist

I kept on going till I was out of breath, leaving his face unrecognizable

After I was done with him, I wiped my face with my sleeve some of the blood had splattered to my face

Also, I found the gun I was holding on to on my way must have fallen here when we fell down

I smashed the door to the study


As I burst in through the door both the brothers stood up from their seats

“It’s you” the elder one was the first to recognise me

“What happened to the guards”

I raised the gun I was holding at them

“Wait wait!” he said raising his hands and signalling his brother to do the same

“Calm down, calm down; look I’m sorry for what happened, but trust me you don’t want to do this” he said slowly lowering his hands “how about this, I have money just tell me how much you want, then you can put the gun down and we can all forget this ever happened”

“Bang!” I didn’t let him speak anymore

I shot him

Right in his head and as he fell backwards, he had a look of utter disbelief

“You shot; you shot him!”

Lance cried out making me bring my attention to him next

“Wait, wait”

He tried to move backwards but he tripped and fell down

“No! wait, please, please”

He cried out as I stepped on his crotch, to stop him from moving while pushed the barrel to his head

“I left you alive the last time it was a mistake” I pushed the barrel of the gun down hard “I’m not going to make the same mistake again”

“Bang!” I fired another shot

He was dead and I had killed with my own hands

I watched him lay on the floor lifeless my stomach suddenly tightened

I dropped my gun and rushed to the bin by the door, I went down and anything inside me started to come out

After I was done, I sat there with my back against the wall

I sat there alone with two lifeless bodies in the room with me

And started to think on what was I going to do

I couldn’t go back

But what about Alice

No, the farther she stayed from me the better it was

After losing everything, I had finally found something, someone only to lose them again

So, what was I going to do


Leave everything behind and run again



I got up and went to the table in the room and picked up the phone and started to dial a number

I had made my choice before I even came here

Since I had already dipped my fingers in why stop, I was going to dive straight in

Even if I knew the price might well be my damnation


(in the outskirts of the city)

A man sat on a chair by a fire place

He sat there waiting

He had gotten a call

It was raining heavily outside dampening any kind of sound

But he could hear a car pull up

He could hear someone get out of it and slam its door shut

And finally, in a few seconds he heard his doorbell ring

He got up and walked to the door and opened it

His guest was just outside on his doorstep wet and dripping but he wasn’t alone

He had someone with him

Someone in his arms

“Slade” he said while out of breath

“I want to make a deal”

and thats it folks the end of arc 1 and I shall name it "found and lost again"

If you have any questions leave them in the comments and I shall try to answer them

Again thank you all for reading😁