Chapter 37:
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Rimuru suddenly visibly flinches.


"Ah she's coming isn't she nya." Nekra says holing Yuki's hand while Rimuru gives the trio a tour of the town... Safi is on Rimuru's shoulders.


"I think so?" Yuki says


"Yay!" Safi says excitedly


"Who's coming!" Rimuru shouts turns around.


"We should probably get out of the city Nya." Nekra says to which Yuki nods.




Standing on the hill, one could gaze down at the burgeoning town below, where signs of growth and progress were evident at every turn. From this elevated vantage point, the town stretched out before them.


“It looks amazing from up here.” Yuki says looking down at the city. 


“It does, although that concentration of magicules is getting closer.” Rimuru says 


"Nyap, she's coming straight for us nya." Nekra says seeing a pink beam in the sky descends towards them at an incredible pace.


"And she doesn't want to fight?" Rimuru asks


"... probably Nyat." Nekra says alittle unsure.


"That's very reassuring." Rimuru says


Suddenly the ground rumbled as dust is shot up everywhere. Milim direct impacted infront of them. Like the humanoid meteor she is. 


"Nekra! Your here!" Milim shouts hugging the cat girl.


"At least she didn't go for me this time." Safi mutters.


"Older sister Milim nya." Nekra says on the ground since it was a tackle hug that Nekra felt to lazy to catch.


"You have no clue how boring those stupid meetings are! You are coming with me to the next one." Milim says


"Nya! Why? I would rather sleep Nya." Nekra says


"What meetings?" Rimuru asks


"Demon lord meetings nya." Nekra says


"They have those?" Rimuru asks


"I know right nya. It's worse than the Senate back in Rome nya. Filthy backstabbers" Nekra says automatically.


"How do I know what that is? I can't remember it nya." Nekra says confused.


"So, do I get my ice cream now?" Milim asks with eyes that won't take no for an answer.


"First say hi to Rimuru nya." Nekra says


"Wait... her too?" Rimuru asks


"Yes nya, she is Veldora's Niece so now she is your niece." Nekra says


"Hi auntie Milim." Safi says with a wave from atop Rimuru.


"So you are the one uncle chose to marry." Milim says looking at Rimuru before nodding alittle.


"He is like what? 4 months old technically." Nekra says looking at Yuki


"Imagine how much stronger she will get. Uncle chose wisely… He? I though it was a slime girl?" Milim says suddenly confused.


“No, I am not a slime girl… Why does everyone keep assuming that?” Rimuru asks 


“Because the only type of humanoid slimes known in existence are slime girls, formidable monsters who lure lusty male adventures to their death.” Milim says


“Nya they are extreemly rare though.” Nekra helps clarify. 


“Right, I wish to fight you.” Milim says pointing at Rimuru.


"Uh you are like five times stronger than me though." Rimuru says nervously.


'Five times? Sandstorm must've added something. Afterall when in doubt blame sandstorm. ' Nekra thinks


"Auntie Milim they built a hot spring in the dungeon!" Safi says excitedly.


"Wait what dungeon?" Rimuru asks


"Nya, I'm a dungeon meowster." Nekra says


"And I am technically the embodiment of the dungeon." Yuki says


"Where is this dungeon?" Rimuru asks




Back at the town square of tempest. Several goblins and Orcs were surrounding a staircase which appeared in the ground and lead down.


"So you just put this here without asking permission." Rimuru asks slightly happy that the statue was destroyed.


"Yep nya." Nekra says with a nod.


Yuki suddenly taps nekra’s shoulder repeatedly. 



“We might have done a bad.” Yuki says


“Oh… Nya it happens.” Nekra says shrugging her shoulder not really caring. 


"Please just ask next time" Rimuru says


"So what about the dungeon town?" Milim asks


"Nya? Those people sent an army... I was only there because I was waiting for Rimuru." Nekra says


“Shall we explore?” Yuki asks, already knowing the layout by heart. 


“That seems like a fun idea!” Rimuru says hoping to  get away from addressing the town’s two new demon lords for as long as he could. 


"This is a good maze.... why aren't the golems attacking us?" Rimuru asks


"They may be iron golems that spawn infinitely... But I am literally the dungeon." Yuki says as she leads the way.


"We are coming up on my room!" Safi says


"It looks like a boss room." Rimuru says


"It is nya, Safi was the first floor boss because the dungeon only has 2 floors nya... well if you don't include the fake third." Nekra says as they pass by golem legionaries.


Milim isn't talking because she is licking her Ice cream cone.


"She's the boss?" Rimuru asks looking at the girl.


"Nya, honey if you could." Nekra says


Safi nods and runs ahead before placing her dragon down on the ground. There is a flash of light as Safi is gone and the dragon on the ground grows several times it size and is staring at the group.


"She's a dragon!" Rimuru shouts.


"True form time nya?" Nekra asks


Yuki nods suddenly all 9 of Yuki's tails are visible and Nekra has 2 cat tails waving behind her.


"And a Nine tailed fox!" Rimuru also shouts since Nekra and Yuki have a skill which can block appraisal.


Nekra pouts alittle at her race not being mentioned.


"Anyway, just follow me. If you ever played monster hunter you are in for a treat." Yuki says as she pushes the door to the stairs open and leads them down.


As they descended into the dungeon, the atmosphere grew cooler, and the air became tinged with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The group followed Yuki through the twisting corridors, marveling at the intricate architecture of the dungeon.


"This place is incredible," Rimuru remarked, gazing around in awe.


"Yep, it's all thanks to Nekra’s expertise as a dungeon master," Yuki chimed in proudly.


Nekra blushed at the praise but maintained her composure as she took the lead and led them deeper into the dungeon and out into the ancient forest floor.