Chapter 39
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"The town's turning out nice," Yuki remarks, her tone filled with satisfaction as Rimuru takes their turn to guide them through the bustling streets.

"We are working hard yo—" Rimuru's words are cut short as Nekra interjects.

"You should get Hakurou, nya," Nekra suggests, her gaze fixed on the horizon where a lone Pegasus knight approaches.

"Why?" Rimuru questions, their curiosity piqued.

"Because he also knows who is coming, nya," Nekra explains, her voice trailing off as she observes the distant figure.

"I shall get him," Ranga volunteers, seizing the opportunity to swiftly retreat from Nekra’s presence, much to werecats amusement.

"What was that about?" Rimuru inquires, turning to Nekra for clarification.

Nekra tilts her head, a puzzled expression crossing her features. "I don't really know, nya, Maybe the puppy just doesnt like cats nya." she responds, her uncertainty evident.

However, amidst the confusion, Yuki's laughter rings out, adding a touch of levity to the moment.

A single figure can be spotted in the sky, swiftly approaching their location.

"How would Hakurou help? I don't sense any attacks?" Rimuru questions, their confusion growing.

"Nya? I guess you will see soon enough," Nekra replies cryptically, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"O-okay...." Rimuru concedes, resigning themselves to wait and see.

The Pegasus knight swiftly lands behind the treeline, just out of view.

"I'm back," Ranga announces, leading Hakurou forward.

"I see why you wanted me to come now," Hakurou remarks, his keen gaze assessing the situation.

"I know, right, nya," Nekra agrees with a nod, dispelling the illusion charm.

"Hello... teachers!!" Gazel's voice echoes from his concealed position among the trees, his surprise evident at the unexpected reunion.

"Told you this would help, auntie, nya," Nekra remarks, eliciting a gaping expression from Gazel. And one of annoyed despair from Rimuru

"Wait, the slime girl is your aunt? The elusive and dangerous slime girl!" Gazel exclaims, taken aback by the revelation.

"Yes, nya, through marriage," Nekra confirms with a nonchalant shrug.

Rimuru shaken out of his shock shouts “I AM NOT A FEMALE!” 

Nekra and Yuki break out into laughter while Hakurou just shakes his head in disbelief. 

Gazel nods silently, processing the information.

"To think the little kid I picked up in a forest and taught swordsmanship all those years ago would become king," Hakurou muses, his tone reflecting a mix of pride and disbelief.

"I know, right? I remember when he had just wandered into my dungeon nearly 300 years ago, nya," Nekra reminisces, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.

"You also taught him?" Hakurou inquires, his interest piqued.

"Yes, nya, magic, because I found his sword training adequate, nya," Nekra confirms.

"Maybe we should spar sometime?" Hakurou suggests, a glimmer of challenge in his eyes.

"Nya, sounds like fun, nya," Nekra agrees, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice.

An audible facepalm resonates as Yuki shakes her head in exasperation.

"Not again, that battle maniac phase was terrifying," Yuki mutters under her breath.

Safi shivers slightly, recalling the intense "training" sessions she endured when she was first created.

Meanwhile, Rimuru stands there, looking utterly clueless amidst the unfolding dynamics.

Gazel himself wakes up from the distraction and realizes he does have some questions he needs answered and tasks he needed to complete.

With a silent agreement, Hakurou and Nekra nudge the befuddled slime forward to engage in conversation with their former student.

"So, uh, why are you here?" Rimuru asks, finally breaking the awkward silence.

"I wish to propose an alliance," Gazel declares, his tone diplomatic yet firm.

"What kind of alliance?" Rimuru inquires, their curiosity piqued.

"Well, a trade and technology alliance, not a full-on defensive pact," Gazel clarifies.

"That seems reasonable. We need some trade to generate currency..." Rimuru muses, their thoughts drifting to a recent discussion with Kaijin about the potential sale of magic potions.

"Your Majesty, did you sneak out of the castle again!" Kaijin's voice interrupts, as he rushes to the scene.

"I did actually… Maybe my guards are slacking. When I get back, I should retrain them, I shall endevor to inform them that this was your idea Kaijin." Gazel comments casually.

"N-no, to have the king as their training partner… Please dont blame me your majesty." Kaijin stammers, a hint of fear in his voice.

"Did you say something, Kaijin?" Gazel questions, his gaze piercing.

"No, Your Majesty," Kaijin responds hastily.

"Nya, still the same battle maniac as always, nya," Nekra remarks with a smirk.

"Those stealth techniques you taught me were too good," Gazel admits, a hint of admiration in his tone.

"I taught you those?" Nekra questions, tilting her head in bemusement.

"I don't think you did, but I observed you enough to figure out how to do it," Gazel explains.

"Nya, that makes sense," Nekra agrees with a nod of understanding.

"Alright, The town of tempest agrees to your trade agreement" Rimuru says, extending their hand in agreement.

“City state nya.” Nekra clarifies. 

"Great!" Gazel exclaims, shaking Rimuru's hand firmly.

"For your first gift," Gazel announces, darting into the woods momentarily before returning with what appears to be a blood-red rolled-up carpet.

"Is that a dead body?" Rimuru asks, their surprise evident.

"It smells alive, nya," Nekra remarks, her curiosity piqued.

"It's Vesta. After the stunt he pulled, I couldn't keep him as a minister anymore. So, I brought him over. Hey, wake up!" Gazel shouts, lightly kicking the bundled figure with his foot.

"That's all you have to say? 'Brought him over'?" Rimuru questions incredulously.

"Y-your Majesty!?" Vesta's voice rings out as he awakens.

"I want you to help research stuff with the slime here," Gazel instructs, his tone firm yet hopeful.

Vesta nods eagerly.

"We have a research agreement, so anything you discover, I also get. Serve me as best you can," Gazel says with a smile.

"YES, YOUR MAJESTY!! THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME TO THE LEDENDARY SLIME GIRL!" Vesta exclaims, tears of gratitude welling in his eyes.


“I AM NOT A SLIME GIRL!” Rimuru shouts the echo reverberated through the entire forest.