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"Nya, someone called me brain dead, nya," Nekra says.


"Who?" Yuki asks.


"I don't know, but my knowledge skill told me. I think it's very rude, nya," Nekra says with a hint of annoyance.


"You are a bit absentminded sometimes," Yuki observes.


"It's coming," Rimuru interjects, drawing their attention to the sky where several flying sharks approach.


"Yay! It's time!" Safi exclaims, darting off into the forest.


"Are you sure this is fine?" Hakurou asks, voicing concern.


"Nya? You haven't seen Safi's true form yet, nya," Nekra replies confidently.


Suddenly, the ground rumbles, and a mechanical roar echoes through the air.


"Nya? That's twice the usual size, nya," Nekra remarks, gazing up at her daughter.


"It's certainly intimidating," Yuki comments, nodding in agreement.


"I knew she was a dragon, but she is massive," Rimuru observes.


"That's just the Pym particles at work," Nekra thinks to herself.


Safi opens her mouth, charging an energy shot that looks terrifying.


"Of course, nya. You should see it when she drains the magicules from the air," Nekra remarks as nearby trees begin to wilt from Safi's magical absorption.


insert laser noise here.


The flying sharks are engulfed in light and disintegrate into dust, leaving onlookers stunned.


"Nya! Go, Safi! You got it, nya!" Nekra cheers, prompting Yuki to hug her in excitement.


Suddenly, the giant mechanical monster takes off, but it's clear it's feeling fear.




A loud squeaking noise fills the forest as Safi bites Charybdis, bringing it crashing down. Safi had planned this, using the creature as a cushion for her landing. The ground rumbles with impact.


After a moment of silence, everyone looks at Nekra, before sighing and dismissing the extraordinary event as just another day in her company. Ever since the slime showed up and the cat girl came out of her hole the world got more chaotic.


"Safi is amazing, nya," Nekra proudly declares.


"Indeed, almost as amazing as her mother," Yuki says, tightening her embrace around Nekra.




Several minutes later, Safi emerges from the forest, dragging the unconscious panther beast man behind her.


"I think I broke it," Safi says nonchalantly.


"How do you mean?" Yuki inquires.


"After a few light bites, it disappeared, and this thing came out," Safi explains, tossing Phobio's unconscious form in front of her.


"That was certainly interesting," Carrion remarks as he arrives on the scene.


"Thanks for not killing my stupid subordinate," Carrion adds, grabbing Phobio and dragging him away. However, he pauses as he notices Nekra.


"A Nekoshou. This is going to get interesting," Carrion remarks before departing.


"Didn't we meet each other like 3 days ago, nya?" Nekra says, bemused.


"Oh, right. I... it just took me a while to remember what your race is," Carrion replies before leaving in his carriage.


"What does that mean?" Rimuru asks, puzzled.


Nekra simply shrugs, too lazy to explain, but she knows the answer.