Chapter 48:
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Yuki found herself buried under piles of paperwork. With both Rimuru and Nekra absent, she had unwittingly become the de facto leader. As the most powerful being left in their absence, the responsibility of managing the affairs of the soon to be city fell squarely on her shoulders.


"Ugh, who knew being in charge was this tedious," Yuki muttered to herself, scanning through another stack of requests and reports.


“Shion… How are the Orcs settling in?” Yuki asks


“They are doing well, the road which Rimuru-Sama ordered before he left is being done at record pace, and houses are being completed fast the tent city will likely be removed soon.” Shion says


Yuki nods to herself before a large amount of paperwork disappears. 

Yuki sighed in relief as she heard Shion's update. "That's good to hear. I was worried about how they would adapt to the new environment."


Just then, Shion handed Yuki a cup of tea, which she gladly accepted. "Thank you, Shion. This helps a lot."


Shion smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Yuki. And don't worry, we're all here to help you. Although where did hte paperwork go?” 


“Ah, I sent it forward in time. It’ll show back up in about a week when Rimuru is back at this desk.” Yuki states with a smile. 


Nekra stood at the entrance of the bustling city, her silhouette softened by the gentle twilight. The city's grand gates towered above her, their intricate ironwork casting intricate patterns on the cobblestones below. Above, the clouds glowed with hues of pink and orange, illuminated by the sun that had yet to crest over the distant horizon.


A guard approached her, his armor gleaming in the soft light. "Gate's not open until sunrise," he informed her with a stern look.


"That's fine. I can wait; it should just be a few minutes anyway," Nekra replied calmly, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.


The guard eyed her curiously, taking in her hooded figure and the mysterious air that seemed to surround her. He nodded slowly, stepping back to allow her space while keeping a watchful eye.


As Nekra settled in to wait, the city slowly began to awaken. The sound of movement and soon the first bell rang. 


Nekra’s ear twitched causing the hood to move a little bit startling the guard.


“That’s the bell… Give them a few moments to get the mechanism started and the gate will be open… Can I see your guild ID?” The guard asks 


Nekra holds out her old card and the guard seems to freeze in terror.


“We thought you were dead?” The guard says questioningly. 


“You fight Milim one time and everyone think’s youve died. What is that Nya?” Nekra asks with a giggle pulling back her hood revealing herself. The only S rank in the entire guild, now stood infront of the entrance of the Freedom Association Capital. 


The guard's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in Nekra's appearance, his previous stern demeanor replaced by one of shock and awe. The emblem on her guild ID, unmistakably hers, left no room for doubt.


"Apologies, Lady Nekra," the guard stammered, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and embarrassment. "We were indeed under the impression that you had met an untimely end. Rumors spread quickly, especially when it involves a battle with The Milim Nava."


Nekra chuckled softly, her laughter echoing in the early morning air. "Well, as you can see, the rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated.” 


With a deep rumble, the massive steel gate groaned and creaked as it began its slowly open it revealing a intricate and paved stone road with the sun rising exactly in line with the street. A Manhattanhenge to those in the know. 


The architecture bore the hallmarks of a medieval town, with stone buildings, narrow cobblestone streets, and towering cathedrals reaching towards the sky. But interspersed among these traditional structures were modern elements that seemed oddly out of place yet oddly fitting.


Shopfronts displayed neon signs and advertisements, their massive plate windows filled with a mix of goods ranging from handcrafted jewelry and potions to the latest magical gadgets and enchanted tools. The streets were lined with vendors selling everything from fresh produce and meats to clothing and magical artifacts.


There were carts selling street food that wouldn't be out of place in a 2000's shopping center: hot dogs, pretzels, kebabs, and even some more exotic fare like fried dragon wings and magical fruit smoothies.


“Nya? It sure has changed alot.” Nekra mutters walking down the street as the vendors were setting up for the day. 


A distance away from the entrance gate two figures appeared from a shadow. 

“OH DEAR MOTHER SWEET SWEET GROUND!” Safi shouts as her human form drops the miniature dragon onto the ground, said metallic being retching a blend of hydraulic fluid and oil from her metallic form.


"I am never shadow traveling again," Safi muttered, her dragon form slowly standing up as her human body collapsed turing to a greyish sand.


"It wasn't that bad," Rimuru commented casually.


"All of my sensors were registering every direction at once!" Safi exclaimed, the tiny metal dragon rolling onto its back in exasperation.


"Really?" Rimuru raised an eyebrow.


"I received 84 different error messages!" Safi shouted, looking up towards the tree above them.