Chapter 1 (edited)
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I'm Jason and I died in an explosion at my apartment with my friends.

"You have died," said an old man who looked like someone's grandfather, 'dang he looks really old'. 

"Oh yeah," I said remembering

"Well I should say you guys have died," the old Man said as we were in an all-black space floating

"so where do we go heaven, hell," Theo said he tried to act calm but you could tell that he was scared by looking at his soul's face... 'I just realized we don't have bodies'.

"No none of that stuff for you guys because of the situation of your death you qualify for reincarnation in the world of Eldoria you know a fantasy world of swords and magic, stuff like that".

Alex who was the one into the Isekai genre of novels was immediately excited "So you mean being a hero? and having a harem and stuff like that!!" He said exactly.

"That is if you can accomplish all that you seek but yes you could gain a harem if you want also no you did not qualify to be heroes or humans for that matter what you are reincarnated as is up to these Dice in my hand". 

He said holding up 3 Dice with an uncountable number of sides in his hand.

I could see basic ones like elves, dwarves, and humans but strange ones like a sand person, voidling and fairy to op things like dragons, giants and lesser gods.

"You're telling me that we could be anything on that Dice". I said,

 "even a bug like an ant or bee how is that fair". 

"Well, there can only be up to 20 heroes at a time and we only needed 10 you guys were at the wrong place at the wrong time so roll the dice or I will reincarnate you as a ladybug or something".

'This is crazy I don't want to be a bug' I thought "Fine I will roll the dice you guys with me"

"I guess," Theo said as he picked up the dice" Wish me luck" he said as he rolled the dice. 

As the dice was spinning, you could see that Theo was sweating.

" It's going to be okay," I said trying to encourage him.

Then the dice landed.

"cloud spirit," said the old man

"WHAT!!!" Theo yelled 

"Actually, cloud spirit is not that bad" added the old man

"Not that bad? It's a damn cloud what can I do as a cloud" said Theo

"Now mine," I say as I pick up the dice

"OK please be something good," I say as I throw them and as they are spinning I see things like a volcano, dragon and even an ice elemental. And as it's spinning it lands on___ 

"This has never happened before," said the old man with a look of surprise on his face.

" System... Is that good?" I asked 

"Yes, it's great actually, It's just never happened before. Basically, you will be like systems in those games you humans play" he replied

"What system" Alex said "That has to be boring now let's see what I get" he said as he rolled the dice" Please be human or dragon" 

Alex said putting his hands together "What? I'm a___" 

But before he could finish, he was interrupted by the old man" OK now that that's done let's move on any questions?"

" Yeah as a system what can I do". I asked

"You can do a lot of things like making classes, evolutions for people that use the system, you make it so they get stronger with exp, you can make skills, set settings, give the quest, make items and a lot more"

"Now to send you to your new world" As he said that he disappeared and a big hand came and grabbed us from space. 

"Where are we" asked Alex 

We were now on top of a hand, but instead of the black space that we were in, this place was now filled with lights in the distance that looked like stars. 

"What the__," I said as the hand lifted us up and then it flung us and we were sent flying at an infinite seed. 

As we we were flying we passed an uncountable number of stars 

"Guys we are about to hit something" Alex said and he was right, we were about to hit one of the stars, and as It got closer and closer we passed out. 


"Hahaha, what the__" I yelled as I woke up and realized I was looking at a 3rd POV at two people.

'This must be Alex and Theo' I thought as I focused on one view then I was transported to a sky view looking at a cloud 

'This must be Theo' I thought 'First let me get familiar with my race'


~Name: Jason

~Race: system








~Number of mortal users: 0 

~Number of non-mortal users: 2

~Number of users with divinity: 0


"Wow ok let's start with races" I thought of taping the race and it opened.

[This i is the tab where you access your ability to affect races like:

~setting the number of levels needed to evolve 

~create custom evolution 

~set race ability and skills  

Disclaimer: you can only affect races as part of the system]

[Current races available: lesser cloud spirit, .........]

'Ok that's for the thing with the races, I'm going to look more at that later' I thought as I looked at the other things.

After looking at everything I know that skills and abilities allow me to create skills, edit and evolve them. 

Quests allows me to create and arrange the settings of quests and give rewards.

Classes allow me to change the settings of classes, create new ones and even evolve them.

Settings, it's for major changes like the amount of exp divided between the system and the user it is also used in creating features and new settings.

After looking at all the tabs I immediately went to settings and created an Auto quest feature and an adapting class evolution feature.

Now that I was done with all that I looked at Theo "Hey Theo " I said 

"Hay, I thought I would be by myself forever" he replied

"yeah I was busy doing stuff, you look different by the way," I said as I looked at him, he was sitting on a small cloud about as big as a small table above a forest, he looked like some cloud that took a small human form.

"Yeah I'm a cloud spirit, this cloud I'm sitting on is also me," he said 

"cool Anyway did you look at your status? " I asked him

"What I have a status?" he asked a little surprised 

"Yeah all you have to do is think about status and it appears in front of you" I said.


[Name: Theo]

[Level: 1]

[Skills: <Weather magic>, <Air Current Control>, <wind magic>]

[Abilities: <Ethereal Presence>, <floating>, <Weather Perception>] [rain/storm]]

[Title: Cloudling]

[Experience Points: 0/100]

[Next Evolution: Level 10]

[Notes: The Lesser Cloud Spirit possesses the essence of the sky, allowing Adaptation to various weather conditions and basic flight abilities are innate.]

[Quests: None]

[Alignment: Neutral]

[Resistances: Air-based attacks +25%, Water-based attacks +10%]

[Weaknesses: Fire-based attacks -20%].

"Wow this is so cool it's just like those RPG games" he exclaime

d a little exited 

"OK while you mess with that I will go check on Alex".

 "OK," he replied