Chapter 7
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I think it should be known that I am using the same domain/god format, hero/demon king format and the world/world's format from the novel The tree of aenos but I will be using my own creations

["Well sense we're stuck in here want me to fill you in on what's happening outside."]

"Yes please I've been getting bored stuck in here being able to do nothing" Alex said in an exaggerated tone"

"Yeah it would be nice to finally hear some news about the outside world" Theo said in a calm tone

["Well since a level 249 sea witch was about to become a god after 2,000 years of living a lvl 130 astral dragon, the lvl 70 Harpy Queen, and a lvl 150 volcano lord are teaming and are currently in battle with her. It's a pretty big deal on this continent and the one next to us."]

"Wait did you just say becoming a god you can do that". 

"Well yeah Alex I thought that was obvious" Theo said in a calm tone.

"But only after 2,000 years that's a lot".

["Oh well that's because she had to stay on the East Coast she couldn't risk getting teamed up opon on land so all she can do was sink ships and lay waiste to coastal towns."]

"Wait but why where they only teaming up against her now and they have done it when she wasn't I don't know about to become a god"

[" I don't know but what I do know is because she was sealed there her mana has cursed that part of the coast I have a list of all the curses."]

Cursed Tides: The sea surrounding the coast experiences unpredictable and dangerous tides. Ships might get trapped in sudden whirlpools or face turbulent waters, making the area hazardous for sailors and fishermen.

Mutated Marine Life: Sea creatures in the vicinity undergo strange mutations due to the sea hag's magical influence. Fish, crustaceans, and even plants will develop abnormal features and magical properties, pertaining to the house posing a threat to those who consume them.

Freak Storms: Unpredictable and intense storms ravage the area, accompanied by unnatural lightning and thunder. These storms can cause damage to buildings, disrupt agriculture,.

"Wow she was that strong that just by being sealed there she has already changed the landscape i want to be that strong."

["Speaking of strong I've been digging through the archives of the system of this world and I realize my powers are extremely limited because I don't have my own world. all systems are born with complete jurisdiction over their own world I don't have one and I think that's because I was reincarnated."]

["So I now have my goal while you guys are trying to become God's I'm going to go looking for a systemless world."]

"So your going to be gone" Theo said in a worried tone.

["I'm going to be gone but that doesn't mean we won't talk I can talk to you from wherever even on another world without delay plus I'm a system with infinite processing power I can be two places at once."]

["Plus you two are under my jurisdiction therefore I can always communicate with you and I can transport you places but in case you do become God's while I'm not present I'm going to set up a sub system for you just in case."] 

I said as I started working on the god subsystem I made it so that instead of receiving experience points they receive faith the amount of Faith depends on how faithful the followers are to them also everything including worlds, churches, buildings, and people produce faith and faith points can used to do anything.

["Also beings at your level should have a lot more skills than you do so therefore I'm going to start giving you skills now hold on."]

User Theo has gained the flowing skills: [Ethereal Gale] [Static Shield] [Tempest Weave] [Thunderclap Mastery] 

User Alex has gained the flowing skills: [Nebula Incantation] [Astral Reverie] [Moonfire Weaving]

["Ok now that that's done I need to go find a barren world but first im going to be completely gone I'm going to leave a small piece of my consciousness while im gone and im going to make a screen for you guys to watch the outside world so you're not stuck doing nothing in the forest. And I have to monitor the place where that hero artifact fused with the land"]

"Wow so your really leaving going to go make your own world" Alex said in a overly sad tone.

["Yeah but I'm not going to be gone forever I will be back eventually."]

"So what will do when you find the world."

["Well since it probably going to be barren I'm going to have to fix it and that will take a lot of power so it's going to take a while for me to do and I also have to find a world with a sun and a moon at the right distance so it's going to take a while before I find the right one."]

"Wow there's a lot going into making a world"

["But first you remember how I told you how the dragon, Harpy Queen and volcano lord are fighting the sea witch if you guys want you can get a piece of that action i estimate that by time you guys are done you will be lvl 94 and at that lvl you close to your first step of godhood."]

"What do you want us to do" Alex said having his mind set

["Ok well Theo what you need to do is fuse your last 4 tornado shells and a vortex crystal and then Alex what your going to do is bless it with moon and night magic so that way the vortex can replenish its magic on the way there at night and with the moon and also so that it's stronger when it gets there."]

"Ok and then what" they started to work on the shell

["You launch it what else would you do with it you launch it right at the witch."]

"Ready I'm going to launch it now" Theo said as the sky cannon launch the vortex Shell and as it flew you could physically see the magic coming off of it....

Battle pov:

In the midst of the raging battle, the astral dragon, the harpy queen, and the volcano lord locked in fierce combat with the sea witch.

The astral dragon, with its eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom, surveyed the battlefield, tail whipping through the air as it unleashed torrents of astral flames. The harpy queen, her wings beating with ferocious intensity, sent razor-sharp feathers slicing through the air, striking with deadly precision. The volcano lord, wreathed in molten rury, unleashed cascades of lava, creating a wall of searing heat.

Meanwhile, Theo and Alex, focused and completed the intricate fusion of the tornado shells and the vortex crystal. As they channeled their power the vortex shell began to shimmer with an ethereal glow. Moonlight intertwined with the cyclonic energy, forming a potent enchantment.

Theo loaded the enchanted vortex shell into the sky cannon. The air crackled with anticipation as the cannon's mechanism hummed with magical energy. As the sea witch conjured a tidal wave, ready to obliterate her foes, the allies seized the moment.

The cannon roared to life, launching the vortex shell high into the sky. The shell, infused with the combined might of elemental mastery and lunar blessing, streaked towards the sea witch like a shooting star. Moonlit tendrils danced around the shell, enhancing its power with the magic of the night.

Time seemed to slow as the vortex shell neared its target. The sea witch, her eyes wide with realization, attempted to conjure a barrier, but it was too late. The shell struck, exploding upon impact with a brilliant burst of cyclonic force and lunar brilliance. The combined energies tore through the sea witch's defenses, engulfing her in a maelstrom of elemental fury and moonlit power.

The sea witch let out a deafening scream as the vortex shell's magic seeped into her, weakening her dark powers. The once-mighty hag stumbled, her control over the elements faltering. The astral dragon, harpy queen, and volcano lord seized the opportunity, launching a synchronized assault.

And with that the dragon, Queen,name the volcano lord Left the battlefield and what was left of the battlefield was a large seal in the form of a vortex enchanted by the astral dragon so that it holds for a while

And after that they both got notification

Theo has evolved into: Astral Sky spirit:

And has learned the skills: 

astral Rift: Opens a temporary rift between worlds, allowing instantaneous travel across vast cosmic distances, bridging realms in the blink of an eye

Celestial Navigator: Reads the astral pathways to navigate the astral plane, pinpointing the location of hidden realms, ancient civilizations, and mystical artifacts scattered across the worlds.

Stellar Cartography: Creates intricate star maps allowing precise calculations for cosmic journeys and strategic positioning during astral and void battles.

Dimensional Insight: Gains profound insight into the nature of different dimensions, understanding their laws.

User Alex has evolved into: celestial moonnymph

And has gained the flowing skills:

Stellar Barrage: Summons a barrage of astral projectiles from distant stars, bombarding enemies with explosive energy, creating widespread destruction and chaos.

Astral Lance: Conjures a celestial lance made of condensed starlight, thrusting it towards foes with tremendous force, shattering barriers and dealing critical damage.

Stellar Reckoning: Invokes the power of a falling star, guiding it towards the enemy with unerring accuracy, creating a colossal explosion upon impact, annihilating everything in its vicinity.

["Now that that's done I'm off to go find a new world I'll tell you guys when I find one."] I said as I opened a astral gate. ["See you guys soon."]

Now is the time to put you suggestions in the comments what 5 other race then elves, drafw, human, and lizard men should be in the world please note that they have to be mortal, also other then Alex and Theo what other non mortal beings should benin the world.