Chapter 8
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I couldn't find anything all the worlds where either barren or were already under THE system. but that was no problem i will just make my own time to educate you. THE system is a force constantly expanding the void, and everything is under its power in some way even demons they are under the system just a different part of it. even ascended gods are under its power. so, you could say I'm a sub system.

why does that matter well that's because as a system I can access the greater system to make a new world now in an empty spot in the void i accessed the greater system and started gathering rocks like metros and the remanentes of other worlds.

after finishing making the world, I needed the core. time for more education the core of the world is a lesser system with a direct connection to the greater system and it produces all the core mana which turns into normal mana it is also how a world get souls due to its connection to the greater system it automatically takes souls form the void and from the reincarnation system that's also how the world receives hero's and accidental reincarnations it's also the thing responsible for the bubble of reality that protects everything it's also used as an archive of the greater system.

since I couldn't do it the normal and I'm not the greater system I needed to do it a different way, so I took a piece of my infinite system soul a bunch of rock and accessing the greater system I created a ton of core mana and then I fused all of it together. after fusing the core to the world, it or I guess I should say I released a large amount of mana into the void after a while it formed the bubble. but the mana that did not all go into to the shield some got released into the void. 

what it did was mark the world so that it would get souls, but it also told the demons that my world was here and soon we would get our first demon king. after all that was done I looked at the world. it had 5 continents and now it was time to name it

what is the name of your world: Eldora

World: Eldora

year: 1

Mana levels: turbulent

Vegetation levels: high 

Water levels: normal 

Number of continents: 5

 Number of demon king faced: 0

Number of heroes: 0

after telling Theo and Alex about the world I started looking at my world nothing was happening for real I mean plants where growing high, so I started generating monster since the world had a lot of mana, I made dragons and all the monsters had higher level cap and where stronger and had access to better magic and skill. there were things like goblins dragons fey and everything you could think of.

deep underground in a small cavern something locked one of my ley lines in place and was drawing mana form it and then I got a message.

[level 10 dungeon core is accessing your archive to get a monster archetype]


ok so we have our first natural being born of my world and it was a dungeon core. time for education on dungeon cores. first off dungeon cores are leveled based off of the amount of mana they have form they're ley lines so the deeper they are born the higher level they are... I lied when I said deep it was in a cave so anyone could get to it. second, they are not truly sentient they spawn stuff based of instincts and what they have access to.

they have the ability to bend space in a way so if it spawned in some cave or something like that it would Slowey get bigger on the inside but not on the outside it can also make elite monsters, mini bosses, and bosses, out of things like essences or the corpse of special things like dragons note that it can only make imitations of things like dragons, mortals and stuff like that it can also use just its mana. also contrary to popular belief the monster doesn't drop items or offers rewards for beating it or its monsters but before the monsters are reabsorbed into the dungeon stuff can be harvested form their corpse.

now that that's done time to see what archetype it gets. after a while it finally got one crystalline monster. "Oh, that's new I only have a few crystal monster so this archetype would be rare.

now that it had its archetype it was spawning its first monster and it took a while, but it made its first monster and it was an elite one and that was because instead of making groups of normal monsters and the occasional boss, elite, or mini boss, it only makes bosses, elite, or mini boss monsters. and the monster it made was a floating rock with blue crystal coming out of it each crystal could do one water magic spell it had 8. you could tell that it was made by a level 10 dungeon. well, I have my entertainment for the next few hundred years.... I hope that's a joke. well now that it has its first monster time for it to do something.


it's been a month, and nothing has happened with the dungeon nothings manage to get into the cave but today I had my hopes up and that was because right outside the cave of the dungeon was a small goblin nest and after a while of living there, they finally went to explore the cave.

it was just a group of goblins with swords and then they ran into the monster, and it was a blood bath I mean it could fly and it used its magic to shoot water balls and beams. after all the goblins died the dungeon used the corpse like I said it would. the corpses now had crystals coming out of their chest that could shoot out magic missiles or it could be made to shoot out one low tier spell like fire ball or something all by my Desing. that was all really nothing really importing was going to happen i mean all the strong monsters where only 1 years old and the monsters that spawned at high levels stayed in their territory's. and as the sun was setting the nest of the nasty ugly goblins went to sleep. and i put myself in a fake sleep.


hey everyone sorry for the long hiatus hope you like the new chapter