I am influenced by my older sister(2)
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I'm a person who has reached the pinnacle of modest. I tend to grab a hoodie or a random t-shirt I find lying around and throw it on.

When my older sister saw that, she tried desperately to stop me. 

"No way!!! Even if you're just going to class, what is a hoodie? Clothing expresses a person's mood" Instead of arguing, I quickly changed my clothes. My sister pointed out my outfit perfectly. It was annoying, so I asked her if I could wear whatever I wanted, but my sister was stubborn....

"You don't have as many clothes as I thought? Um... Let's dress like this for now, and then go shopping for clothes after school" so, we agreed to go shopping for clothes to wear together in the afternoon.

"Wow... I'm so jealous, I wish had a sister like that." Hayeon's eyes are round with envy. She started talking about how blessed was to have a brother who cared about me and how sad it is for her to be an only child. 

"You should be thankful to have Jia for a sister, do you know how lonely it is to be alone?

I know how sad and lonely it feels to be alone. because I have been alone for the past seven years. To the point that my heart shudders every time I think of my sister. So I could see to some extent how boring and lonely it must be to be an only child.

"I don't know why my mother only had me, I would have been less bored if I had a younger brother." Hayeon said she always felt envious of her friends who had a sibling. 

"For a moment!"If you go shopping for clothes, we can't go out again, can we! Then, suddenly, she reaches into her pockets and pulls out two of her bills.

Oh, that's right... Come to think of it, she said we were going to see a musical show with me today. She asked me to go with her to a concert. Me without knowing it ,  I had forgotten that my older sister was coming home.

"Oh, that's right... I forgot."

"Jiwoo!!!! What do you mean you forgot?!!!!"

"Sorry, I've been beside myself these days." Then Hayeon sighs softly.

"So you can't go today?" her voice lowers, as if she's regretful. Come to think of it, she was really looking forward to this performance. Did I mention that the other guys aren't really into musicals, so there's no one but me to go? So she was the one who told me to come unconditionally because if I didn't go, she would have to go by herself.

"Wait a minute, let me call my sister, maybe I can go, okay?  I'll call quickly. The corners of Hayeon's lips lift up again at hearing that I can go. I quickly took out my cell phone and called my sister. Her ringtone ring twice.

"What's wrong?" my sister answered the phone right away.

"Sis, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Of course, Why~ What's wrong, did you call your sister because you wanted to hear her voice? Your sister was also debating whether to call Jiwooe or not, but it went really well, hehe, or did you just want to see your sister's face, should I switch to a video call?" My sister was ecstatic just from the fact that I had called her, and she couldn't hide her excitement. So much so that even Hayeon, who was standing next to me, was surprised.

"Oh... no, it's not that. I have something to tell you for a moment." There's no need to make a video call when you say you won't be able to go shopping in the afternoon.

"Do you want to tell your sister that you love her? I love you too, little brother."

"Well... it's not that, we decided to go shopping together today."

"Yes, we decided to go there in the afternoon. Did you call me because you were looking forward to going shopping together!, I really wonder whose little brother this is, but he's so cute".

Hayeon, who was listening to the phone call beside me, whispered softly to me. 

"Wow... I guess she really likes you."

"Yeah... we're really close." Then Hayeon looked at me.

She had been fantasizing about Jiwoo and his sister for a long time, and it seemed like she was even more excited after seeing the phone call between Jia and me. 

By the way, what should I do? She seems to be really looking forward to going shopping together. When she came home in the morning, she was happy, but to hear her sister's voice on the phone like this. My sister's voice was excited, like a child waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas. I didn't expect her to be so happy. So I feel sorry for canceling her appointment for no reason, But what should I do?

I made an appointment with Hayeon first. Although she's my older sister whom I haven't seen in a long time, it's against etiquette to cancel her previous engagement. I felt sorry for my sister, but I had no choice but to ask her if we could go shopping together next time.

"Sister, I forgot, but I had a previous appointment today. I'm so sorry, but can we go shopping next time? I'm so sorry..." 

I may feel a little sorry, but she will probably say it's okay. That's because she's a good sister who easily overlooks her little brother's mistakes, So I wasn't too worried....

"What?" the older sister on the other end of the phone seemed unable to hide her anger.

"Do you have other plans? With whom?Where? What are you doing?" The friendly tone from before had disappeared, and her voice had turned cold. As if she had become someone else.

"W-... Well, we were supposed to see a performance together? But it's a promise we made a long time ago..." So I was embarrassed without realizing it, and even stuttered for words.

"Who are you going with?"

"Fr-... friend."

"Who's your friend?" Her sister's voice grows louder.

"I've known Hayeon since high school, she's a nice girl..."

"She's a girl?" At the same time, I feel cold in her voice.

"Oh, she's a girl. Oh... she's not like a girlfriend, she's just a friend..."

"Absolutely not, come home right after class, okay?" and then my sister hangs up the phone. 

Not only me, but also Hayeon who was next to me couldn't keep their mouths shut seeing my sister's change of attitude. Silence flows between Hayeon and me. Honestly never thought that my sister would say no. I thought she would be a little disappointed, but I didn't expect her to hang up the phone with such a straight face.

"I guess your sister was looking forward to shopping. Haha... I'm fine so go shopping for clothes with your sister, I just need to go with someone else." Hayeon tries to make up for this awkward situation by making a laughing fuss. I tilted my head towards her with a slight sigh and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, Let's go together next time, I'm really sorry." It happened because of my mistake in the first place. I can't blame my older sister. It's natural for my older sister to feel bad if I make an appointment with her and suddenly I say I can't go because I have a prior commitment. It was my fault for forgetting that I had a prior appointment and making a double date. 

"Are you okay? If you can't make up your mind, you can go see her alone and have fun with your sister." Fortunately, Hayeon was in a sympathetic mood. . . . .


"I'm home." As soon as I open the front door and walk in, my sister comes running to me, and then she hugs me tightly.

"Are you here~?" she greets me with a bright smile.

"Hey, you are here." My older sister's cold voice when I knocked earlier was gone, as usual. No, she was greeting me with a more affectionate big sister appearance than usual. 

"Thank goodness," she said. "I was worried because I thought Jiwoo was going to abandon his big sister and go with his other friend."

"Hahaha... I'm sorry." Is that something you should be so nervous about? Well, I guess that means she cares a lot about me. My older sister looks at me with more attention than usual. As if she likes me so much, she smiles brightly again and hugs me.

"I'm suffocating..."

"Stay like that a little longer." A tight hug from my older sister.

My sister's arm was placed behind my neck and she pushed my face against her chest. Feeling the smell of my older sister's flesh and the softness of her skin at the same time made her feel quite comfortable.

"Hehe, it's so nice to hug Jiwoo like this."

"I missed my little brother's hug while I was in America too, and I really, really love it." My big sister is squeezing her hug even tighter, and I too wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged my big sister.

"That goes for me too, I felt so lonely and bored without my big sister."


"Of course, Although My mother took care of me, she wasn't as loving as his older sister, You're the best...!"

"My goodness... Look how my little brother talks so nicely. Who does he look like to have such a pretty face, speak so nicely and be so kind?"

"I guess it's because I'm my sister's little brother..."

"He he, I really love you, from now on, your big sister will always be by your side. You will never be separated from me."

My sister's arms are warm. They are fluffy and soft, they wrap around me as if they are meant to be my home. unconsciously rubbed my face against my sister's chest.

"It's nice... Jiwoo. do you want to lift your head for a moment?"

"Yes.." I slightly raise my head and look at my sister. Love drips from her eyes like honey, and she kiss me forehead as it make a sound.

-muah ❤️

"Jiwoo, from now on, we are going to be together for the rest of our lives.."
