Chapter 06: Dead
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Sliding down what seems like an endless path, I also keep an eye on my other self crawling down the other tunnel very slowly because it only possesses 5% of my abilities.

My plan was seemingly bulletproof with the splitting, except it completely crumbles when the tunnel also employs the <Split> skill again...

Anyway, I can't split countless times to cover every tunnel here… otherwise, there would be nothing left of me. So, I'll simply make the best of the situation, as I always do.

Huh, do my nonexistent eyes play tricks on me, or is there light at the end of the tunnel? Suddenly, I spot a blue light at the exit of this pathway. And what does the blue light do?

Well, it's currently glowing blue, but who knows what causes it to do so... perhaps I'll find some cousins or other family members there.

Emerging from the tunnel, I'm disappointed to find that the scenery hasn't changed. Instead, I find myself in another wide-open chamber within this labyrinth. It seems that some monsters were here before because there are also piles of bones in some areas.

And the blue light emanates from the numerous blue crystals hanging from the ceiling, and they don't resemble father/mother slimes.


Magic Crystal
This crystal has the unique ability to absorb magical particles from the surrounding air, causing it to emit a radiant glow. Due to its reliance on areas with high magic density, it is a rare find outside of labyrinths. Its primary use lies in serving as a key ingredient for mana potions.


Well, that explains it. And I need to get some… If it's used for mana potions, then maybe it can also restore mana when you eat it raw.

But how do I get them? I can't use Devour in bat form. Maybe by using <Spider Thread>? Yeah, that sounds good and should not be as taxing as <Mimic>.

Making up my mind, I slide to the wall and shoot up a thread to the ceiling. Then, I imagine spitting into my tentacles and grab it to climb while pressing my body against the wall. My next goal after this will be to climb Mount Everest!

Or not… the first few meters were great until the stone that was holding my thread on the ceiling got loosened and zoomed past me to the ground, followed by my thread.

I had already prepared myself to crash down too, but for some reason, I was still on the wall. Maybe it's the same effect as in the old cartoons, and only if I realize that I should fall, I will fall?

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skill [Adhesion LV 1]> or the System simply plays tricks with me here…


An essential skill for slime. It allows the user to stick and move on any surface.


One question, System... If this is an essential skill for a slime, why do I get it this late in the game? I don't know, shouldn't I be born with it or something like that?


Someday, I will kick the System's ass, even when the robotic voice sounds kinda attractive... Anyway, back to my task at hand. I try to move at a 90° angle, and it just works, like a game developer used to say... I could probably even make White concurrence with it.

After reaching the crystal, I used <Devour> to take a bite of one. And The moment the glowing crystal dissolved inside me, my whole body lit up for a moment, and I could feel something inside me moving like a river.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skills [MP Recovery Speed LV 1], [MP Lessened Consumption LV 1], [Magic Power Perception], and [Magic Power Operation LV 1] > 

It seems like the crystal awakened my mana inside my body, even though I instinctively used it already...

Well, since devouring doesn't level up skills and only assimilates new ones into my body, I don't bother devouring another one and use <Absorb> to collect the other crystals for the future while checking the skills I acquired.


MP Recovery Speed
Enhances MP recovery.

MP Lessened Consumption
Lowers the MP consumption of skills.

Magic Power Perception
Allows the user to feel the mana inside his body and in the environment. These skills, along with Magic Power Operation, enable the user to create runes for spellcasting.

Magic Power Operation
Allows the user to manipulate mana inside his body. Together with Magic Power Perception, these skills enable the user to create runes for spellcasting.


It seems I've finally become a magic slime, and I can feel that I can activate <Discomfort>, but without a target, it doesn't seem to trigger. That means I need to find a victim— I mean, I need to find a test subject to try out my awesome spell on...

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skills [Stomach LV 1],[Absorb LV 1] have upgraded to [Stomach LV 2] and [Absorb LV 2]>

After collecting nearly forty crystals, my storage skills leveled up, allowing me to store even more. When I finally escape this labyrinth, I'll become a vendor slime and sell these crystals to humans at an enormous price.

I've always wanted to work in sales someday anyway...

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skills [Adhesion LV 1], [Motion Perception LV 1] have upgraded to [Adhesion LV 2] and [Motion Perception LV 2]>

Moving to the next crystal, I notice something moving at the pathway exit from which I came. In the next moment, three shadows spring out of it and start growling at me.

Darn, these are the six-legged wolves I saw hunting the deer monsters... "Grrr," they start circling beneath me while eyeing my delicious body.

Considering the bones everywhere, this must be their lair or something like that, and I'm the lucky slime who stumbled inside it.


Elroe Lupin

Level: 7/10
Skill Points: 45
Name: None

HP: 95/95
MP: 55/55
SP: 185/200
OSP: 125/205

Offense: 85
Defense: 85
Magic: 50
Resistance: 50
Speed: 100

Stat & Ability Skills:
SP Recovery Speed LV 4

Attack Skills:
Lightning Attack LV 4

Enhancement Skills:
Cutting Enhancement LV 3 ° Piercing Enhancement LV 2

Active Skills:
Howl LV 3 ° Shred LV 4

Perception Skills:
Presence Perception LV 3

Resistance Skills:
Lightning Resistance LV 4

Passive Skills:
Night Vision LV 8 ° Pack Mentality LV 5

A six-legged wolf that never hunts alone. Its danger level is D and raises when in a pack.



Man, I love wolves, and these ones look extremely cool with their bluish and white fur. The only problem is that they want to eat me…

Also, they seem to be pretty much all-rounders among the monsters, so it will be hard to exploit a weakness. Their levels are 4, 6, and 7, but their abilities and skills are only a few points and levels away from each other, making them all formidable opponents.

Another problem seems to be their intelligence, since one of them stepped back to the entrance of this chamber to catch me if I tried to flee.

Luckily, they seemed to be unable to reach me, so I had enough time to— *Crackle, Crackle* suddenly two of them started to cuddle with each other, which made their fur stand up, and electricity started to crackle around them.

Feeling something bad coming up, I bounced off the ceiling, and in the next moment, lightning shot up from both of them, *Boom!* creating a hole in the ceiling where I was a second before.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Danger Perception LV 2] has become [Danger Perception LV 3]>

That is a dangerous skill that good boys shouldn't have… To avoid falling into their mouths, I used <Mimic> to transform into a bat and then used my wings to stay in the air, while they started to cuddle again before lightning attacks started to fly towards me.

*Flap, Flap* So I started to fly around them to swirl as much dust up as possible while dodging their shots. Likely absorbing the bat raised my speed skill, or this would be much more difficult…

When enough dust was around, they stopped their attacks because they couldn't see me, so I started to spit out very thin but sturdy threads around them.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Spider Thread LV 2] has become [Spider Thread LV 3]>

"Awoo!!!" Suddenly, the three wolves howled, and the dust disappeared, and they could see me landing on the ground, still in bat form, waiting for their next move and hoping they wouldn't start to shoot their lightning again at me.

Not only because it would destroy my trap, but also because it is a pain in the ass to avoid their attacks in this form. Because Mimic gives me the eyes of the being I change into, it is limiting Magical Perception from 360° to a normal view, even though I still could appraise things.

"Grr" And as if hearing my thoughts, one of the front wolves started to run towards me, then pounced forward while showing its claws.

But before it could land a hit on me, it suddenly stopped midair, right in front of me, while being stuck in my thin threads. Afterwards, I immediately dashed forward to use my wing and cut off its head before it could cut itself free.

"Au—" But I couldn't kill it with one swing, and my wing got stuck in its neck while blood started to pour out. Damn, this thing has a really sturdy body thanks to its <Defense> ability… 

I wanted to finish it, but my <Motion Perception> kicked in, and I saw the second wolf coming at me while biting away some of the threads. So I used <Hypnosis> on it to stun it before slashing down with my other wing toward the wolf I already wounded, finally freeing it from its heavy head.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skills [Hypnosis LV 1], [Motion Perception] have become [Hypnosis LV 2], [Motion Perception LV 3]>

Then, I used my thread to capture the hypnotized one before canceling <Mimic> and concentrating on the last one, who looked at me frightened.

A perfect target... I concentrate on the <Discomfort> spell, and a strange orange pentagram appeared in front of me before disappearing immediately.

But it seems to have done something, since the wolf's face changed from frightened to painful. Is this animal abuse? I better not tell anyone, especially not a monster-helping organization...

Well, time to end this... I used <Spider Thread> to bind its feet, then slid forward before stretching out one tentacle and using <Hardening> on my body. *Splash*

"Auu—" The wolf could only cry one last time before my tentacle pierced its head.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Hardening LV 1] has become [Hardening LV 2]>. Nice, hardening improved, now I can move better while using it.

Hmm, it's kind of strange. After I became a slime, it's become relatively easy to kill beings, and even when I see the blood, I feel nothing...

Was I maybe a psychopath in my previous life and I didn't know it? Or did the reincarnation stuff change me? I hope it's the latter one. But I also hope this won't change me further...

<Devour completed, assimilation into user's body was successful> Or maybe it already does because, while thinking about it, I started to devour the wolves automatically...

<Thanks to the assimilation, the user's body got the skills: [SP Recovery Speed LV 1], [Lightning Attack LV 1], [Cutting Enhancement LV 1], [Piercing Enhancement LV 1], [Howl LV 1], [Shred LV 1], [Presence Perception LV 1], [Lightning Resistance LV 1] and [Pack Mentality LV 1] >

<Superior Skill detected: [Night Vision] gets discarded because of [Magical Perception]> Well, there it goes again...

The System is merciless when it comes to discarding skills. I wish it would grant me Skill Points for it or something like that...

So what now? I finished all three, so I guess I will collect more— "Rargh!" Suddenly, my view got split in two, but not because I used <Split>...

What the hell is this… Suddenly, another wolf appeared, and it was so fast I didn't even see it coming. But, in contrast to the other three, it had two horns on its head and was huge.

I used <Split> and discarded a bit of me to have a complete body, then used <Mimic> to transform into a bat and get away from the thing that looked at me angrily.

But when I'm in the air, suddenly another wolf appears with one horn and shoots a lightning bolt at me, ripping apart my body further in the process.

I crash down onto the ground and transform back while my health drops below 5%... Damn, are these the evolved forms of the other wolves?


Elroe Lupin Alpha


I could only see its name before the double-horned wolf dashed forward and stamped down on me. This is bad… I can't move anymore, and my vision has already turned dark.

... It seems I was too confident, and now I have to pay the price for it. The two wolves are probably the alphas and parents of the pack. And I can't even get angry at them for killing me, since I did the same to their kind...

Well, at least I don't feel any pain, but still there must be a way... <Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skill [Concentration LV 1]>

My <HP> drops to 1, and I try to split one last time to squeeze away. But I can't. Nothing seems to work... 

It seems I'm dead… I only hope that the paw of the double-horned wolf gets sticky from my slime body...

Before my health reaches zero, I give Mini-Me a last order to stay alive for me, and then my story ends. <Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skill [Transfer LV 1]>



Hello everyone :)

So our MC is dead oh no!

Next time Lower Stratum.

Stay tuned.