Chapter 10: A Favor Owed
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Levi’s hotel suite was shrouded in darkness. The air was chilly and still. It was silent save for the occasional passing of a car outside. It was the kind of cozy night that brought about an introspective mood. 

Levi sat in the center of the bed, resting his back against the headboard as he mused over his actions. Night had long since fallen, however he had yet to find any rest. How could he? He had killed a person earlier that day. Just a month ago, he never would have imagined he could do something so immoral. 

From that point on, he would forever be a murderer. Even if no one else ever found out, he was somehow different than before. A metaphorical string was severed in his consciousness. The invisible barrier of what could never be done was crossed. What Levi had done had doomed him and it had also set him free.

It wasn’t guilt that kept him awake. He had ended a life. A human life. Sure, that man was a pervert who had eyes for his girlfriend, but did that mean he deserved to die? No, Levi wasn’t under any illusions that that gave him the right to decide his life or death. And yet, he did not feel even a twinge of guilt. 

Levi’s eyes fell down to the sleeping girl in his arms. Eloise was snuggled into him as close as she could possibly get. The pale bluish moonlight pouring in through the windows gave her skin a soft glow. She was still undressed, her back bared to him with the covers tangled around her lower half. As she laid her head on his chest, Levi stroked her hair. She had her mouth open and was snoring softly, sleeping peacefully without a hint of elegance or guardedness. The sight made him smile. 

Levi didn’t feel guilty for killing that bastard that touched Eloise. He didn’t feel guilty and he would do it again. So if it wasn’t guilt that kept him awake, then it must be worry instead.

Levi used to consider himself a calm and cautious person, but killing that man wasn’t the first time he acted outside his usual character recently. Every time, it was always when something threatened Eloise. It didn’t matter what of hers was threatened, whether it be her safety, her freedom, her happiness. His impulses made him react with extreme prejudice towards the threat all the same. 

Those instincts did not serve him very well this time. His whole reason for chasing after Eloise had been to prevent her from doing something rash, but he had gone and done just that. He might have stopped that pervert from touching her, but he created a much bigger problem for them. 

The convention hall was not like the rundown apartment building he lived in. He had majorly lucked out that the kill happened in a secluded spot, but there were still cameras. At least one of them must have captured Eloise and him entering the area around that time. How many other people could have been in the area? A dozen? Maybe two? Sooner or later they would match his face to the convention’s attendance records and find that he had been involved with another murder recently. It wouldn’t take a genius to start connecting some dots. 

Perhaps any second the police would break down the door and take him away in cuffs.

Just as Levi had that unpleasant thought, his phone buzzed on the nightstand beside the bed. It was well after midnight by that point. He had no idea who could be messaging him so late.

Levi took another look down at Eloise. He weighed if it was worth it to risk waking the girl to reach for his phone. Very carefully, he shifted himself so he could grab it. Eloise only stirred slightly, letting out a sweet murmur before burying her nose against him. When he read the message, his blood turned cold.

[“???: I know what you did. :) ”]

It was an unlisted number and not someone from his contacts. If it had been a normal day, he might shrug and ignore such a vague message. Something told Levi that this wasn’t just a simple wrong number situation. As if reading his thoughts, the sender gave a follow up.

[“???: You sure don’t like other men getting too cozy with your little girlfriend, hm?”]

There was an implicit threat hidden in this message. The person knew about not just him, but Eloise as well. This wasn’t something he could afford to ignore.

[“Levi: Who are you?”]

[“???: Just a curious observer. <3 ”]

A curious observer? They knew he killed someone but did not seem like they had the intention to report it.

[“Levi: What do you want?”]

[“???: To get a thank you, of course!”]

This person was playing games with him and he didn’t like it. Acting mysterious, playing coy, and now they wanted Levi to thank them too? He had the urge to bite back harshly at this mysterious stranger, but decided to restrain himself until he better understood what was going on.

[“Levi: Thank you? What should I thank you for?”]

[“???: Check the news and you’ll see.”]

Along with that message, they sent a link. It took Levi to a webpage with the latest news headlines. He soon realized what the person wanted him to see.

[Breaking News: Horror convention turns deadly when attendee finds REAL body!]

[Tragic accident or murder? Evidence tampering hinders police investigation.]

[Suspicions fly as camera system malfunction destroys evidence! Conspiracy?]

[The TRUTH about today's incident that they DON’T want you to know.]

Levi felt a mixture of both relief and confusion as he scrolled through the headlines. From what he could gather, the camera footage that would have captured him and Eloise in the area had been erased. No doubt this was the work of this anonymous person. Which begged the question: Why? Levi did not believe a stranger would help him without any reason.

[“???: You’re welcome.”]

[“Levi: Looks like you’re more than a ‘curious observer’. What do you really want from me?”]

This conversation wasn’t going to get anywhere if the person just kept teasing him. Thankfully, they seemed to know that as well and finally decided to speak plainly.

[“???: Nothing for now. Let’s just say you owe me one and I’ll collect a favor later.”]

[“Levi: Any hints about what kind of favor?”]

[“???: What else would you ask a killer to do for you?”]

What would you ask a killer to do? Kill someone. But who and why? The stranger answered one of Levi’s questions, but it only left him with more.

[“Levi: And if I refuse? I’m not in the habit of following orders from faceless strangers.”]

[“???: Then the police receive an anonymous tip and the camera footage becomes ‘unlost’.”]

Another threat and this time naked. Levi was stuck without any choice. He didn’t have any reason to doubt that they really had made a copy. He hated the idea of being used by someone like this, but what could he do about it? If they made good on their threat, he would go to prison and Eloise would be left all alone. For a long time, Levi just sat silently without knowing how to reply.

[“???: If it makes you feel better, I won’t make you go empty-handed.”]

[“Levi: I’m not a hitman.”]

[“???: We’ll see. I think you might change your mind once you stop thinking with your lower head and learn more about that girlfriend of yours.”]

[“Levi: What are you implying about Eloise?”]

[“???: Only that you know nothing, but that didn’t stop you from inviting her into your bed.”]

Once again, Levi had to restrain his frustration at the way this person brushed him off. Eloise seemed to sense his tension, because she clung to him tighter. All the anger that had been bubbling up within him just fizzled away to nothingness. He ran his fingers through her hair again to soothe her back to deeper sleep.

[“???: I have some advice for you too.”]

[“???: I would tell you that it’s better off for the both of you if you keep your distance from that girl, but I don’t imagine you’ll listen. So instead I’ll just say that you might want to keep her on a tighter leash going forward. Keep your head down, or you’ll find yourself attracting the attention of some people you’d rather not deal with. I’m not talking about the police either.”]

[“Levi: What do you mean? Who are you talking about?”]

The sender gave no reply for almost a full minute. When they did, the message made him clench his teeth.

[“???: Be in touch. :) ”]

It didn’t matter what Levi said after that, he didn’t get another response. With countless unresolved questions and no way to gain anything more, Levi could only think carefully about what the stranger might be hinting at. 

Eloise and him would be better off if they didn’t get close or they might attract attention. That sure sounded ominous. The way they spoke of them made it sound like some kind of dangerous group or organization. As for who they were or what they wanted, he had no idea.

The stranger also told him he didn’t know enough about her. Levi couldn’t really deny it. To start, he didn’t even know Eloise’s last name. It hadn’t bothered him before now. He figured that there must be some trauma involving her family since she never mentioned them. He didn’t have the mind to force her to talk either. She could tell him about them when she was ready.

Levi could only throw those questions to the back of his mind. First of all, he didn’t know whether this mysterious stranger that helped him could be trusted. Secondly, there was no way he would stop seeing Eloise no matter who it pissed off. Since that was the case, there was nothing he could do except try to be vigilant.

Even hours after his conversation with the stranger, Levi still hadn’t gotten any sleep. He had been up all night, lost in his worries for what the future might hold. When the morning light began to peek in through the windows, Levi had dark rings under his eyes. 

“Good morning.” A soft and sweet voice purred from down by his chest.

Eloise let out a hum as she stretched, slowly rousing to wakefulness. She crawled further onto Levi so that she was straddling him and started kissing on his neck. At least she seemed to have had a good night’s rest. 

Levi smiled. Just as he was starting to enjoy the feeling of her lips on him, he suddenly winced. Eloise sunk her teeth into him and bit hard. Taking a hold of her by her hair, he pulled her head back and ran a finger under her chin. Levi narrowed his eyes at her with faux-anger. 

“Just what do you think you’re doing, hm?”


The girl grinned up at him playfully. She didn’t have the slightest fear that she was going to get punished. Levi leaned in closer and nuzzled his nose against hers.

“Do you need to leave more marks on what’s yours, little biter? Are the scratches on my back not enough?”

Eloise just nodded at him while fluttering her eyes. Levi could only let out a sigh and slowly let her go. The moment he did so, she went right back to kissing on him like before. 

“You’re lucky that you’re cute.”

This kind of fooling around had already become their morning routine. Eloise was very territorial and Levi couldn’t even pretend that he didn’t like it. He laid his head back and relaxed with his eyes closed, allowing her to get up to whatever antics she liked. All of the stress he had been feeling last night melted away.

What was he so worried about? Some dangerous people coming after him and Eloise? Most people would call this girl dangerous too, but in front of him she’s just mischievous. He could handle whatever came next. Even if he needed to kill again to protect this new life of his... It would be worth it.