HP: B1 P8 (Yorokobe Shoujo)
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“Potter, Harriet”

Professor McGonagall called, the hall went silent with anticipation as students stand and sitting looked over the crowd of first-years, only for whispers to break out as a young girl with White Hair and Lilac Eyes to step forward

She walked with a tempered gait and a playful smile on her face, “Potter, did she say?” a Gryffindor student whispered to a girl to his right, “The Harry Potter?” a Raven asked another claw.

“It would seem that we forgot to send the letter.” Harriet spoke, her voice sounded strained, and her slow walk was accentuated her annoyance at the moment, “Very well, you may call me Lycoris Radiata.” her voice carried over the entire hall, and to Draco, he clutched his heart when he thought on-one was looking. “I do not wish to be known for the false fame that is the title of ‘girl-who-lived’” She was just in front of McGonagall now, she sat on the stool and cross her legs as the Hat was placed upon her head.

“Let’s see here, let’s see indeed!” An old and gruff voice spoke as the hat went over her eyes. “You’d be a shoe in for all the house, little one, you have talent in droves and a good work ethic; You know how to enjoy a good book and know how to use that knowledge to your advantage… So, Young Radiata, what house do you think you’ll fit.” The hat asked her.

She merely smiled, one that held the depth of her ambition and empathy.

“Not Gryffindor nor Ravenclaw, that leaves Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Hmm… A difficult choice indeed” The hat contemplated.

“Then how about the house HE went to then?” She quietly asked the hat, and gave a smirk that sent shivers down it’s stitching, a smirk that it recognized from long ago.

“A descendent of him then, eh? Very well, Lycoris Radiata I welcome you to Hogwarts — better be SLYTHERIN!” The hat shouted, the Slytherin’s politely clapped for her as she walked to the table, her school robes colours changing to match the Silver and green theme.

The rest of the hall was frozen, thinking almost the same thing, ‘The Girl-Who-lived was just placed into the same house as the madman who murdered her parents and she killed that very madman!?’ However, they would be very far from the truth, for it was Fou who stopped the curse.

She sat down right next to Draco, on his left was Pansy, together they blocked Millicent Bulstrode from siting near Draco. It was then the rest of the hall snapped out of their stupor and moved onto the next student, she quietly ignored the sorting in favour of staring at Draco with a mischievous smile.

“What?” Draco asked, he sounded somewhat nervous and flustered, he had a small blush on his face.

“You gave your name to a possible Fae on the train.” Her eyes gave a malicious glint as Draco thought back to the train and their interactions, “I thought an Heir would be trained for something like that.” She said in a suave manner when his face paled Majorly, she leaned in to his ear and whispered.

“Luckily for you, I’m not a Fae just yet~” She held a seductive tone, “Wait wha-” she interrupted him by biting his ear and backing off as he jolted, his face as red as a flower with a blush before, he just buried himself in his arms at the table, eliciting a light giggle from Harriet.

Luckily for him, none of the other students were paying attention to them, all except the seething Ronald Weasley from his house Table who was glowering at her, watching the interaction he seethed in rage.

‘Mine! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!’ He simmered with rage, biting his thumbnail as he watched them interact with each other. “Ṛ̴̬̉o̶͔̫̾n̴̪̺̈ả̷̱ļ̶̈̈d̴͖͓̊” He whipped his head side to side, looking for the voice that he just heard. It was distorted, and he couldn’t quite make out what it was saying.

When he didn’t find anything, he just continued to seethe as he watched Draco-bloody-Malfoy Seduce his future wife! The scumbag couldn’t be a decent bloke and try to take away his-

“Welcome!” Ronald was interrupted by Dumbledore’s welcoming speech. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And welcome all of our new first years to Hogwarts, the best school in England for magic; Now: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!” everyone clapped for Dumbledore as he sat down.

It was after dinner and a song that the Slytherin Head of House Severus Snape lead his students down to their common room, out of the Great hall and down the marble staircase they had travelled down to the dungeons where their common room.

Snape had lead to an empty wall before turning toward them, “You’d do well to remember, do not reveal the common room location to your fellow year mates. Let alone the current password.” He said, as his sharp eyes roamed over each of the first years, he paused for a moment longer on Harriet before turning around to face the wall and waved his wand.

From a grove in the ground the body of a snake rose, animated stone moving and flowing until it formed an archway and the previously stone wall now had a door in it. Severus demonstrated that it required a password by pushing on the door, getting a loud warning Hiss in return. “Corde puro, Mortem suscipiens.” The hissing stopped as the doors opened, allowing Snape and the first years to enter in to the commons room.

They’re greeted by a stone statue of two mermaids, ignoring them with a sniff, Snape turns right, and the students follow down the spiralling staircase to the great open common room area. Some stuck a hand into the ice-cold water flowing in the centre of the spiral staircase, only to pull their hands out to give said appendage warmth.

“This is your common rooms, down that hall is the First year dormitory. Boys on the left and girls on the right, there are spells in place that prevent you from going into the opposite genders room.” Snape said dismissively while pointing down the hallway, the room was a massive cavernous place, it appeared to be carved straight from stone.

The yawning first years did their best to stifle them, “On you go, you’ll have a long day of learning tomorrow and I suspect you’ll all need the rest.” Snape dismissed them and left the way he came, leaving the first years to sort themselves out.


Fou stared at the plain Wrought Iron key, and that's all it was, a Key made of Wrought iron. No matter how much he tried to read its history, nothing appeared; Yet its description was interesting


Wrought Iron Key

'A Wrought Iron Key, unlocks the "??????-??-???" Dungeon'


He gave it a shrug, and continued on his way of the hallway. It closed behind him as he walked out, he gave a swivel to the left and right and noticed the morning light streaming in from the windows of the desolate hallway. It seemed the paintings were still sleeping, and the amour sets were giving themselves a nice little stretch.

He walked through the fantastical halls of this school, keys with wings that flew through the air leaving a trail of glitter, upper years getting a head start down to the Great Hall. 

“Good morning Fou!” A voice yelled as it picked him up into their lanky and thin arms, only for Fou to spin and escape, landing on the ground Fou crouched before jumping off the ground like he hit a boost pad and straight up into the man’s face.

“DIE MERLIN!” He yelled as he impacted Merlin’s cheek with full force and knocked him onto his back, a cloud of dust formed as Merlin called for mercy from the small creature mauling his face. Only for a tanned arm to shoot into the dust and retrieve Fou by the scruff of his neck, a sword was instantly heading to chop the man’s wrist’s off only for it to be blocked by a beautiful white blade.

“You’ve Improved.” Archer stated, rather despondently, he got a glimpse of the blade and had he not had the experience that was gained from years of using his magecraft he would’ve said that was the genuine article.

It was a nameless blade, one that was forged and placed on sale before it found its way onto the battlefield it was left for the rest of time at until it joined Archer’s Reality Marble. And yet Fou traced it as if he forged the very blade himself with his own two paws rather than just making it out of magic, he was bordering on -[Denial of Nothingness]-.

“That I have, however, unlike you… I DON’T HAVE BALLS!” A sword appeared from the ground, going straight for the man’s weakest point, only to be stopped by what looked like fluctuating air.

“Fouuu~ Are you sure you want to do that?” Artoria asked, a dangerous smile on her face as Fou deadpanned at her.

“Yes.” His monotone voice and head nod cause a brief moment of pause as Fou contorted around Emiya’s hand and free himself from the man's griped with a graceful land on the floor as he licked at the back of his paw like a cat.

“Well now, I do believe you’ve started on the path to finding yourself.” Merlin appeared next to Fou, lying on the ground with a smile and legs kicking in the air, he patted Fou’s head.

“I suppose I have… Now I believe you three have a meeting with the big-man door?” Fou raised a brow at the three of them as they composed themselves. Merlin gave a fake couch as he stood from the ground with his normal smile, Emiya gave a cough as Artoria attached herself to his side.

They were ready for the day ahead of them, opening the doors to the great hall was an easy task. The students turned at the entering newcomers, the pureblood students giving them upturned noses for their sense of fashion and the mugleborns looking appreciatively at the attire.

Many of the male purebloods gave looks of scorn, seeing Artoria in a French continental dark suit, believing that women to be under her in status and thus unworthy of wearing such cloths.

Artoria had detached from Shirou’s arm and stepped forward with a small bow, rising from it, she saw the teacher had stopped eating, their hands gone to their wands ready in case of a battle.

“Father.” Everyone nearly did a spit take as one second Harriet Potter had been sitting next to the Malfoy Heir and mercilessly teasing him, and the next she was beside another girl and calling her Father.

“Lycoris.” Artoria gave a nod to the girl before she turned back to the teachers. “Hello, I’m Artoria Pendragon; Unfortunately, we had forgotten to send ahead a messenger bird regarding our charge. In an effort of good will and faith, we have shown up in person to hopefully sort this issue out before any misunderstandings can transpire.” Artoria spoke with the regal aura of a king, befitting of her B Rank Charisma.

“Well, I’m sure we can discuss this in my office.” Dumbledore spoke while standing up, a small wave disguised as stretching set his professors on the defence. “May I know of your companions?” Dumbledore asked, gesturing to the two men quietly talking with Lycoris; one of them even handing her her pet.

“Ah, this is my wife, Shirou Emiya. And regretfully, Merlin Emrys.” She spoke happily at first but gained a twitching eyebrow when she noticed merlin sneakily handing Harriet a small ball; Quickly pulling the two men with her while quickly sending her daughter to her table, she walks in step with Dumbledore to his office, answering questions with vague answers.