Vol. 1 Ch. 1 – A new world, a cursed power and the cursed colour…..
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Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - A new world, a cursed power and the cursed color.....

Part 1#

Ugh...... My body feels so heavy.... Like being fatigued too much that the body itself began to lose its strength. I remember the first time I felt this lethargic. I think it was around that time I got part-time jobs too much and completely collapsed due to over exertion and exhaustion. I also got admitted due to being anemic because of overworking. In the end I quit those jobs and focused on a single one instead.

Ah.... this is no time to think about those things.....

I opened my heavy eyelids and forced my lethargic body to sit up straight. Then, from my blurred vision, I saw things with my own eyes. Brick walls filled with moss, torches hanged on the wall illuminating the massive room me, no, and we were in. The ceiling was shaped like a dome with various markings carved on it. Those were....... the same things that appeared earlier in the classroom... I wonder what those are.....


"H-Heroes!! This world needs your help so pl---aaahh!!!? A d-demon spawn has entered!!!?"


Around to my right was a man in weird clothing, trying to beg for help but screamed when he saw me. Saying like I’m a demon spawn or something. Though I don't know what that is, he is extremely rude. Still, his face was dyed in fear. His screams were heard by men in knight armors and went and charged against me. Halberds were pointed against my throat. I felt chills run down my spine as if telling me that the situation was dangerous for me to move.

The other students that were dragged along to this unknown place all started to woke up due to the noise the knight armour -wearing men.


"O-Oi!!! What are you guys doing?!!! Where is this!!? Where am I?!!"


Oh? It seems that my classmate, Kazuki Makuro woke up as well. His disheveled orange blonde hair was swaying around as was panicking, trying move into a corner. The other students were waking up as well.... However it seems that they were in the same state as I was earlier. Am I this weird one since I’m still calm despite having sharp halberds pointed at me?

Later, the ones that woke up panicked as well and threw quite a fit that the soldiers were unable to do something to calm them down. But, my teacher calmed them down.

Shizuka Inomiri, she has black hair and wore glasses. A strict and well organized person as well. She's young compared to the other teachers back at school. Also, Inomiri-sensei is our new teacher since the previous one got fired due to having sexual relations with his students. The students of that time changed schools as well so the news about didn't quite spread much.

It was back at my first year in school as well so I hardly, even remember their faces.


Quite some time passed and those who fell asleep after their tantrum where taken straight to their rooms. The ones that were still fine after that was me, Inomiri-sensei, Todoroki-san and few of the classmates that didn't threw a fit. We were led through the large halls of the bricked walled building. If this were the medieval times, I think it'd be called 'castle's right?

I don't quite understand but the soldiers leading us to some place were very wary of me. Whenever I tried to do something, they always raised their weapons against me. Because of that I was really tired of not doing anything besides walking. Who would’ve thought that I’d that tired just by not moving?

I doesn't matter so I’ll leave it be for now.


"We have arrived"


Heh~ that some big door. There were guards standing beside it when we arrived. Further, the man leading us pushed the huge door with his thin arms. Eh? It didn't even touch so why did it move? Earlier, I felt some kind of wind when he pushed that door, I wonder what it is. I heard strange murmurs from my classmates in the back, saying "Ah!! It's wind magic!!" and magic exist in this world!!"

Hmm.... Magic huh? Kind of like those card tricks often shown on TV? I don't quite understand why they thought something incomprehensible such as magic exists. Isn't just quick hand gestures to create an illusion, fooling those who can't perceived the speed of hand tricks magicians do? Well, at any rate, it doesn't seem dangerous to me so I’ll leave it alone.


"His majesty, the king and her highness, queen Travestin, waits!!"


Uunn...... kind of medieval-like kind of feel. I don't read much fiction but even I can tell that their way of talking is quite old. And wait, Travestin? There isn't a royalty in earth having that sort of surname. I don't know if this is either England or Britain since the medieval like feel is there, but I’m thinking that my thoughts are on the wrong track. After all, from the incident back at the classroom and the thing that happened to me earlier as well as now.

Moreover, when we passed through the corridors I saw it through the open windows the outside. There were mountain range in front of this place, the city with tiled roofs and wooden and cement body structure, furthermore pigeon like things were flying through the morning sky.

That was earlier. I don't know where I am but I need to go back. This place is too unknown to me, even if I leave this place, I might just get lost.


"Rambeit!! What is a demon-spawn in the castle!!? Seize him at once!!!"


When the group walked towards the well-dressed old man, together with a very beautiful young woman, the old man suddenly got mad. The soldiers again surrounded me with their halberds. They were all glaring at me. I raised my hand as to say that I won't do anything and with that, the person who guide us, uh... Rambeit-san stood in front and explained the situation to the old man. Wait, he's the king right? So that explains the crown and throne.


"I see...... he is one of the summoned heroes huh?"



Approximately 30 minutes passed after Rambeit-san explained everything to the king, the tension subsided and the soldiers were ordered to stand down. Inomiri-sensei was surrounding as well but different from me, she was just surrounded by those men. There might've an ulterior motive in those people's eyes, so that must be why, Inomiri-sensei felt shivers down her spine. Well, I don't really care either way. What I need to do is that to find out a way to back. I'm already getting a bad feeling after seeing their reaction towards me. So really want to go back now.


"I apologized for my actions hero-dono. It is just that, black hair and eyes are features depicting the coming of the demon god Avfritzed. I hope you can forgive our disrespectful act towards you"


Black hair and eyes huh..... Certainly that is my features but, Inomiri-sensei has dark hair and blue eyes. I wonder if they have some sort of law against us people with dark hair and eyes.


"Demon god? This isn't earth?"

"Yes, this world is different from yours. In this world, there are multiple gods, along with it is the demon god Avfritzed. She has power to destroy the whole world with just the tip of her finger. Under her rule are those demon lords that try to take over our lands and murder our people. That is why we needed your help hero-samas"


The queen was the one that replied to me. Her young appearance doesn't match her aura surrounding her. That might be just the aura of royalty. It's heavy for me and seems like authority wise, I shouldn't go against her.

Anyway, their stories continued like this....

13 Demon lords were fighting among themselves to conquer lands for their domain. Because of that indiscriminate killing, various races were caught up and got killed. Some survived by just running away but, because demon armies were far more powerful, escaping to safe havens were practically impossible. Human countries were being conquered as well and as of now, around 12 countries out of 20 had already fallen in the hands of the demon lords. As it was already dire times, the senate of kingdoms made a decision demanding the use of summoned heroes. In order to fight for survival of their country, each kingdom would summon their own heroes but, unexpectedly, other than this kingdom, others failed in their summoning. Because no one knows the truth about why the other countries weren’t able to summon heroes from other worlds, they decided that when the hero would be summoned, the 8 kingdoms will help in strengthening that hero, but.....


"Having 18 heroes summoned altogether here is quite a surprise. Who would have thought that we would have such surplus of fighting forces?"

"Your majesty, I think it would best to divide the heroes and have those heroes sent to the remaining 8 kingdoms. This will turn into a diplomatic dispute if it were known that we successfully summoned heroes"

"Yes, you are right my queen. The kings of Reznal Empire, Mazral kingdom and Seifield holy empire won't take this matter lightly. Then, have messengers sent to all remaining kingdoms that the hero summoning was a success and we will be dividing them and sent to the respected lands of the remaining 8 kingdoms"



Just like that, the whole situation turned rather serious. After the king's order, the soldier began to move and execute the commands given to them. However, after hearing the separation of her students, Inomiri-sensei refused to cooperate.


"I can't let my students handle such dangerous tasks!!"

"Hero-sama, this is a matter to save this world, I would wish for your coo---"

"This is your world not ours!! Why would such young children have to face dangerous tasks like going to war? They are just kids!!"


For such a teacher to be so concerned about her students, this is quite a sight. Anyway, Inomiri-sensei protested that her students should not go to war and demanded to be returned immediately. The king and queen both glanced at each other and sighed deeply. Then, with a sorry filled look, the queen spoke....


"Sadly, we don't have the power to do so"

"What?! Why?! Surely you can bring us here but, can't you return us the same way?"

"We can't. As to why it is, it is not us that summoned you, it is the goddess Templehs that took you from your world and to this one. We merely opened our doors so that you can enter, but, without the goddess' will, we cannot opened the gate again"


Was that how it was? My mind was filled with hopelessness from being unable to return home. The same goes for the others that were present. All those who have heard that they can't return unless they fight all lost their strength began to whimper in fear. Despair rose and the grave truth of reality that will never let us return, all those unable to believe it, all fell on their knees.


"T-This is.....impossible...."


"No..... I...I want to back..."


Such were their cries, woeful and tormented. Not being able to return, being stranded in an unknown lands, normal students felt despair and grieved for such horror to end.


"We will fight!!!"




"If we can't return unless we fight, then we will fight!!"


Taiga Kurosawa.... A boy with fiery red head and strong willed crimson eyes stood in front and said such words.


"Everyone!! This people need our help, and we won't be able to go home if we can't help them. As long as we do our part, we can go home!! So don't get discourage, rise up and fight!!"


His speech filled with hope for his classmates, made them realized that there was still a way to go back to our country. With such words, the crest fallen students rose up and took stance with courage filled eyes.

We can go home.... Their thoughts were filled as such. One by one, the students were walking near Taiga, making their own decision with resolute hearts.


"I'm with you Taiga!!"

"Me as well!!"

"We can go home after this right? I'll be enjoying my time this world for now!!"

"Idiot!! What are you even trying to say?!"

"We'll fight together right Taiga?!"

"Ou!!! We are heroes chosen by the goddess of this world!! we will survive and go back home!!"



The hall was resounded by the students’ shout of resolve. Every one of them didn't thought of anything but following Taiga's lead. Not one of them was thinking that to fight means to kill someone. I'm sure Inomiri-sensei was thinking this as well. Her face was pale as she was watching her students ending up to be murderers of this world. Taiga is...... well, in a word, a biased idiot. Filled with righteousness and thoughts of leading his classmates to safety, he doesn't think of the things he was about to do after declaring himself a hero.

Tsk..... I won't fall for such idiocy. But, if this world really has to fight wars against each other, I can't help it but, i need to get stronger to defend myself. Even if I do join their idiotic crusade, I might just die on the side.


"Are those your real thoughts, hero-dono?"

"Yes!! For us to go home, we shall fight to save this world"

"Fumu, what is your name brave hero?"

"Taiga kurosawa your majesty"

"Then Taiga-sama, I hope you and your fellow heroes this world from the graps of the demon god"

"We won't let you down!!"


This idiot..... Can't he see that sensei was trying to avoid this outcome? Can't be help, the only good thing about him is only his face after all. He has no brains to think things through...

After such exchanged, Inomiri-sensei walked to Taiga's side, and begged him to think of another way to go home...


"I'm sorry sensei, but this is the only way we can go back quickly"

"Don't you realize the danger all of your classmates have to face? Think this through Kurosawa-kun, the lives of your classmates rest within your hands"

"They chose to fight with me. I promise that I will make sure none of them will lose their lives"


This guy..... He didn't even try to think about it... Seriously, he is still trying to hide his real face from this situation? I know that he has ulterior motives. Because this is a different world, he can do what he wants whenever he wanted. With the title of being a hero, I bet he'll use it to get his ways in this world.

Back then, I accidentally saw him with a girl from a different school. It was already night and they were having the time of their life in a back alley. He has goons along with him as well that day. I don't know what happened to the girl afterwards since it was just a coincidence that I found them there.

Still, like I said earlier, I can't trust the people around me. All of them have ulterior motives. Just like...... what happened that day...








I flinched when my name was called. Inomiri-sensei was there standing in front of me, asking if I was alright. The eyes of my classmates were drawn to me. Like their seeing nothing but garbage, all of them were glaring at me.


"Are you alright? You look pale"

"No, I’m fine Inomiri-sensei. Just got scared is all"


After that, we were led for dinner after the talk with the king and queen. When we’re eating, the maids were scared to get near to me so I just served my own and let them serves the others. I know that my hair and eyes are black. Because of this world referring it as a cursed color, they are scared of it.

Unfortunately, I was the only one in the group with such hair. Wait, come to think of it were my classmates had such colorful hair even back in that world? Now that I thought about it, my classmates were really colorful.....in a literal sense.

I avoided the fact that there was no hair restrictions back in our school as well so that might be why I can't remember my classmates having black hair.





A girl with black hair came near me. Wearing the same clothes as the maids do, I suspect that this girl is obviously a maid as well. In her hands were a pitcher of water and glass on the other. Nervously trying to pour the transparent liquid on my glass, the girl stared at me.

Hm? Black?


"H-Here is y-your water, hero-sama"



I guess that she is the same as me huh? Black hair and eyes, the queen noticed that I got my thoughts right just nod and smiled.


"It is as you think hero-sama"

"She's a demon-spawn like me, right?"

"That is correct"


Place a piece of meat in her mouth, the queen chewed slowly and swallowed silently. She then continued her talk, after she drank a glass of red wine.


"This world indeed, condemns those who possess such colors. From those who see the color black as a shadow of the demon god, all fear such color"

"Isn't it just baseless fear?"

"Is what you think but, this world has different culture than yours he-- forgive me but, saying 'hero-sama' in a single person is hard since there are 18 of you. Can I please hear your name?"


In a seductive like gaze, the queen pleaded to know my name. I looked at the king to see his approval, then after seeing him nod, I breathe in slightly and answered the queen's plea.


"It is Kyoushiro Kagami, your highness"

"Kagami-sama.... un, Kagami-sama. Then, continuing our talk---"







Haah...... I don't know how long we talked during dinner. Was the queen that curious about earth? She even asked my personal background.... Each time she asks a question, I always glance at the king. Unusually, he understood my thoughts and just looked at me saying like 'let her indulge for now' with his expressions.

The dinner even became lively when the king's sons and daughter came. Taiga, in particular went for the pink haired princess. Todoroki had the prince with blonde hair talked to her. Inomiri-sensei had men with handsome features flocking towards her. The other students were having fun as well. Of course, the merriment wasn't to my taste so I silently left the place and had a maid take me to my designated room.

I didn't quite care about the food or the hospitality they have shown us. It is the things I need to know about this world to survive. If I have to stay in this place, I’ll have to take the roughest path to return home. Even if I had to stay alone even in this world, I’ll have to.


Watching the full moon of this world inside the room I was given, I silently closed my eyes and slept soundly through the night.......


Part #2

The silent night filled the halls with cold air. Under the starry sky of the darkened night, a single room was being illuminated by light. Inside was an old man with visage of a king sat in a seat at the very end of the rectangular table. Beside him was a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. In contrast to the old man, her clothes only consist of a night gown hidden under a purple mantle.

This was the king and queen that Kyoushiro had met earlier; ruling over the kingdom of Travestin, King Vardik Elladon Travestin and the queen, Lady Lucinda Aluferd Travestin.



"My daughter, it seems that you had interest in that one hero. You had quite a smile at that time"


The truth was that Lucinda was merely pretending to be the queen. Actually, the real queen was ill and was bedridden for the whole day. Because the princess has the same appearance as the queen when she was younger, the princess acted as the queen's double. Well, it was only for today so it would be announced later when the queen returns to her usual self.


"It is not like that father. It is just that I found him quite a person"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard from the guards that accompanied them, Kagami-dono was the only person being well guarded with swords pointed at his neck. Also, when they were first summoned, unlike those who have panicked and fainted, he was the only person who stayed quite. Even earlier, when his fellow heroes decided to fight, only him remained silent with a face as if trying to figure out the situation himself"


It seems that the princess had seen through Kyoushiro's silent face. Although he was trying to hide the fact that he was somewhat frustrated about the outcome that Taiga had made, it seems that it was easily seen through by the princess.


"Hoh~ this is the first time I had seen such smile on your face, Lucinda"

"Eh? R-Really? Was I smiling the whole time? Did Kyoushiro-sama saw it?"

"'Kyoushiro-sama' huh? I thought you called him 'Kagami-sama'?"


With a tease from her father, Lucinda had her face bright red. Tried to hide it with the hem of her mantle but it was still obvious that he was happy because Lucinda was fidgeting all over.

The king sighed because of her daughter's pure innocence. But, by no means had he acknowledged the hero, Kagami Kyoushiro yet. Just like a normal father, the king was wary over the fact that a cursed person was mixed in the summoned heroes. Even though they were told that it was a normal appearance back in the heroes' world, he still worried that something bad may befall his country.


"Your majesty, I have brought Inomiri-sama and Kurosawa-sama as you requested. The magic instructor, Alfred-sama and the sword arts instructor, Gaius-sama are here as well"


A maid knocks and enters after she had announced that she had brought the people she was instructed to bring. First to the two summoned heroes, Shizuka Inomiri and Taiga Kurosawa both were bewildered about why they were called at such late hour.

Next were two men. The first one was a gentleman look and the other, a savage barbarian. The first one was Albert Myunella Rafon, Travestin kingdom's court magician. Raised by a noble within the capital, Albert became a young prodigy in magic since he was young. Later on, having graduated in the famous Academy in Lumbrant kingdom in north, Albert became the court magician after he was recruited as a court magician at the age of 19.

The last one was Gaius Kalbern Zeios. A person that outlived countless battlefields and the master of sword arts technique handed down to his family over the last few generations. His figure was a bulging lump of muscle with lime green hair and amber coloured eyes. Although it could not be seen through his thick clothing, he has numerous battle scars on his body, enough to view at as the curse of war.

Both entered after Inomiri and Taiga. Exchanging glances with each other, they proceed to greet the king in courteous manner.


""Good evening your majesty, your highness""

"Good evening, all of you may sit down. There is something we must discuss"










"You want me and Gaius to instruct them with sword arts and Magic arts?"


Now seated, Albert reconfirms what the king had wished for them to do.


"That is right. In three months’ time, the 18 heroes will be divided into pairs and sent to the remaining 8 royal families. Because of the numbers we unexpectedly received, each two heroes will fight and defend the country they will be sent to"


In this world where 8 royal families in the continent that survives from the previous twenty kingdoms., due to the 13 demon lords' constant attacks and wars against each other, many races have fallen and were sacrificed in the bloody war of the demon lords.

Among the 8 countries were the Elven country in west, the beast country in the east and the dwarves in the south. These countries have resources that needed to be preserve in order to survive. The elves provide magical items, the beastmen and demi-humans provide strength in war times and the dwarves maintain the sharpness and improve the weapons every race use. As of now, they are the races which are too important to let go. In order to not lose their trust, Travestin kingdom would deliver two heroes in each country after three months of training.

Specifically speaking, the heroes would fight to protect the kingdom they were placed in. That was why Albert and Gaius were needed, both specialized in their own field and the best instructors that the Travestin kingdom could offer.

However, hearing such plan, Inomiri disagreed.


"I can't agree with that. Without proper supervision, those kids might lose their lives. Even if we say they train, their mind-set is still to our former world. If it's murder, I doubt that they'll be able to walk up with their heads held high"


It is true since; after all, living a normal life on earth was already engraved in them. Saying they fight and they kill their enemies, they'll lose their spirits and could fall in utter despair due to taking a life. It'd be already hard to make them kill monsters with their own hands since there was no such thing back on earth.

Still, the king could not let the heroes fight unprepared. As such...


"Please don't worry Inomiri-sama. Your students have been given power but the goddess when they have entered this world"


"Yes, in each hero, there is a mark called 'Hero sign'. It is a mark that holds the power given to them by the goddess. In order to utilized their full potential, I have called for the best magic and sword instructor in my country"


Hearing such thing, Taiga lifts up his right sleeve up to his shoulder and there, was a mark where a sword was place. It painted silver and as light shines upon it, it glimmer as if it were lighting up on its own.


"This thing?"

"Yes, that is the mark. But, as expected of Taiga-dono, to be give such a brilliant mark, you truly are a hero chosen by the goddess"


Saying so, Albert stood up and took a piece of card from his front pocket. Its size is that of a new year's post cards so it was a little big. Then, Albert walked up to Taiga's side and placed the card on top of the mark and chanted something.




With that sole word, the card shone brightly. Then, with flickering lights as after effects, the light dims and disappear a short while after.



Taiga Kurosawa

17 yrs. old

Male     --Human--   --Paladin--   --Level 10--

Skills: Language acquisition, Appraisal, Heaven might, Bright slash, Limit break, Light sword, Speed up, Heal, God strike, Angelic thrust, Boring thrust of light, roar of the hero, spirit light, Power linking.



With such information written, Taiga was shock with his eyes wide opened. Albert just nodded as if the information written was natural. Same goes with Gaius' reaction as he was standing behind Taiga.


"This is......"

"That is the 'Status card' given to every adventurer that registers in a adventurer guild. It holds the needed information that is often presented to the identification office so that adventurers are able to enter towns, villages and cities without any problem"


Taiga was surprised. He wasn't even listening to Albert's explanation. He was only reading the information written in the status card.

Hero--- Although it was only in level 10, the stats written on it were all 100. Not were even below and as for his skills, all needed for a swordsman to use such techniques.

His grin was well hidden, not even Inomiri was able to notice. I am a hero. I will defeat the demon lords and rule this world. Kukuku.... Taiga was laughing internally. With such desire, he would make all women his and men bow down to him.

Such were the thoughts...... running through his mind....







Later, after Taiga receives his status card, he was now free to go back to his room. Inomiri was the one left with Albert, Gaius, the king and Lucinda.

Inomiri was an 'Arch Mage' in her status card. Making Albert smiled happily when he saw such information. Gaius sneered at Albert's ridiculous expression, which led to a quarrel that was similar to bickering of children.

The king have them leave due to making too much of a racket in the middle of the night so Inomiri, the king and Lucinda was the only one left in the room.


"Seriously, those two always fight like kids. Well, they are brought together like brothers so it's just sibling fight"


The king only sighed silly as he was massaging his head with his right hand.


"So, why do I have to stay your majesty?"


Inomiri inquired since she was obviously made to stay for some reason. The king of course, answered her inquisition with honesty without holding any ill intent. It is just that, Lucinda spoke first before her father could move his mouth.


"It is to let you decided who will go to which country, Inomiri-sama"

"Eh? Choose?"

"That's right; we wanted you to choose who will be going to which country since they are your students. Of course we will not pressure you to answer quickly since the matter will be discussed before the three months of training"


Choose huh....??---- Inomiri was thinking about it with a heavy heart. After all, they were the first class she held after she was accepted as a new teacher back in their world. Even if she was just a substitute for the arrested teacher that previously held that class, she still thought she needed to be serious about it.

But, choosing who goes where? As a teacher she couldn't do such thing. Would be wise to do to such thing?



"I know what you wanted to say but, we don't have any choice but to rely on the power of your students. If we weren't in such situation, we would not be even doing the hero summoning"


If it not for the demon lords that wishes destruction all over the world, no one would even think of performing the hero summoning. But, as desperate time’s calls for desperate measures, it was unavoidable conclusion to use heroes from different world.

Still, this was for the good of his country as well. With those thoughts in mind, the king profusely begged for Inomiri's help.


"I understand. But, I want to make sure that someone would supervise them when they are to transfer to different countries. I don't want to see my students drenched in blood of their own"

"Very well.... I admire your spirit as their teacher Inomiri-dono; you care for your students. So please keep watching them as they grow as heroes that will save this world"


After that exchange, Inomiri-sensei left. All that was left was the king and his daughter. Though without them knowing a black haired lad was listening outside the door the whole time. Listening to their conversation; with eyes not holding its color of black, it dimmers and lost its colors.

It was Kyoushiro. After waking up due to a sudden urge for the bathroom, he roamed the dark halls light-less and got lost from his travels. After that was he stumbled upon the meeting with Taiga, Inomiri, the king and queen an Albert and Gaius. Hearing the talk about dividing them into groups, Kyoushiro took a bit of look inside. What he saw was Taiga with an evil grin on his face. When saw such face, Kyoushiro felt chills run down his spine. Then, as he waited, Albert and Gaius left along with Taiga.

That was when he saw Taiga halted his steps and uttered....


"I'm the hero.......and with that said, I’ll have this bowing their heads to this great me"


Watching such a person saying that with an evil grin plastered on his face Kyoushiro could only pretend as a plant on the wall, making no sounds whatsoever. Then, as he watches Taiga slowly left the area, Kyoushiro breathe out heavily with words coming out from him....


"This world......just literally brought on a monster......."