4 – Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup
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The next few days remained quiet for Elyssia as she spent most of her time relaxing with her Pokémon, enjoying the nice weather and time off.

They had unanimously all agreed to no training until after the Junior Cup, and as such had all been lazing about in their favourite ways. Stella, as expected, mainly followed Elyssia about, curling up next to her as they watched tv or joined Elyssia in the pool outside.

Eris and Morgana flitted around the house, occasionally moving Caitlin’s things to mess with her and generally playing around, while some of the more agile Pokémon such as Luna and Thor played in the garden, sometimes with a ball, other times testing their agility as they sped around the various decorative statues and arches. Smaug alongside most of the other Pokémon who could fly, were flitting around outside of the town, while some of the sensible Pokémon of the group, those being Guinevere and Crystal, were calmly staying around the villa doing their own thing.

Elyssia had taught Guinevere how to read some years ago and she had taken to the activity like a fish to water, and was currently sat reading a guide to cooking Unovan cuisine. Meanwhile, Crystal was sat on a cushion near the windows, humming along to music that was coming from the tv while watching Luna playing with Thor.

While this scene was not particularly rare for them, the comfort of being somewhere they considered as a home reduced the tension they all felt while in the wilds, and being able to relax while not being on alert was something they all cherished.

This was how Elyssia and her Pokémon spent their time up till the Junior Cup.

On the Saturday morning, Elyssia got herself ready, with Guinevere braiding her hair the same way as usual. Taking some time to rifle through her now full wardrobe to select something to wear, she decided on black pleated mini shorts, a white halter neck blouse with ruffles, and white high heel ankle boots with black soles.

Elyssia may spend most of her time in travelling attire, but that did not mean she was ignorant when it came to fashion. After all, she did catch Elesa’s attention, a world famous super model when she challenged her gym in fashionable style, and they had become friends.

Now completely ready, Elyssia recalled all her Pokémon and asked Guinevere to teleport her to the stadium where the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup was taking place. The tournament organisers had asked her not to be seen arriving at the stadium, so what better way than to teleport?

Within a blink Guinevere had teleported them, appearing at a side door where one of the stadium staff was waiting for her. Elyssia let a cheeky smile on her face as she saw the staff member stumble backwards in surprise.

“Sorry for the jump scare, I was not expecting anyone to be waiting for me. I was told that I had to use a password to get in, 3 rapid knocks, then 2 slow ones.”

The staff member's face shifted between confusion, realisation, apologetic, and then horror.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Ms. Violetta, it seems whoever gave you that information was trying to-“

The staff members apology was cut off by Elyssia’s giggle that she tried to hide behind her hand.

“Don’t worry, I was just pulling your leg. Relax yourself, I don’t bite.”

Flashing the staff member a cheeky grin, Elyssia, Stella and Guinevere followed the man who was now embarrassed that he fell for Elyssia’s trick into an occupied waiting room.

“Cynthia! How are you?”

Cynthia who had been staring up at a screen on the wall displaying what was going on inside the stadium, looked up, appearing far more relaxed than she usually did while in her usual attire. Today she was wearing her usual heels and flared trousers, but instead of her coat, she was wearing a simple light blue sleeveless blouse.

“Elyssia! Yes, I am quite fine, thank you. It seems this last week has done wonders for you as well; you did look quite tense last week.”

Giving the staff member a quick thank you, Elyssia walked up next to Cynthia, looking at the screen.

“Huh, is it that obvious?”

Cynthia let out a short chuckle.

“Well, I guess it is for those who know you personally.”

Letting out a defeated sigh, Elyssia shook her head as she became momentarily lost in thought.

“Well, I guess this is the first time of I have had in over 3 years, the rest has been nonstop travelling and training.”

Cynthia looked at Elyssia with a slight expression of disbelief.

“I knew you were busy, but nonstop? What happened in those 6 months before you came to Sinnoh? I thought you were taking a break since nobody heard anything about you.”

With a slight smirk, Elyssia raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, you were interested in me back then? Well, I was up north in Almia, I knew that Almia and Fiore were a bit disconnected up there, but I didn’t realise it was this bad. Well, I ended up helping the Ranger Union up there with some trouble regarding an energy company, I’m sure you heard about it.”

With a slight look of surprise on her face, Cynthia fell into thought trying to remember what Elyssia was talking about.

“Ah I remember now. That was with Altru Inc, right? I remember reading about an unusual interloper that had made the news. I assume it was you that caused the controversy?”

Letting out a light giggle, Elyssia tilted her head slightly, putting on an innocent expression.

“Who, me? In the news? Never!”

Mock gasping, before they both started to laugh, their attention was brought back to the screen as the tournament introduction was starting.




Ash’s PoV



Ash was now standing in a line along with his friends and the other participants, ready for the start of the junior cup.

The crowds around the stadium were cheering and clapping, helping bring the anticipation and excitement for the coming tournament to a peak.

Glancing around, Dawn decided to speak up, her eyes lingering on the particularly well-built man standing next to her.

“Wow! Everybody sure looks confident.”

Iris, standing next to Dawn, cheerily responded.


Ash, who was getting caught up in the atmosphere fist pumped.

“Alright! I can't wait to win this tournament and battle Alder.”

Any further conversation was stopped as the announcer had started to talk.

“Welcome! My name is Freddy the Scoop, and I'll be describing all the action, move by move!”

Gesturing to the man sat beside him in the announcer’s box Freddy continued his introductions.

“And joining me today is our very special guest, Alder! The Unova Region Champion and as of last week’s World Coronation Series is in the top 8 trainers worldwide, who will also be battling the winner of the Junior Cup.”

With a big smile, Alder started to say a few words.

“Thank you. Great to be here!”

Leaning in with a raised fist, Alder continued.

“Now, a word to all you Trainers. Give it your all because I'll be here waiting for you! I look forward to each and every second of heated battle action.”

As the crowd started to cheer again, Freddy’s voice rang out over the stadium.

“Well, Alder, you won't have to wait any longer because we will now kick things off with an exhibition match!”

As the volume of the crowd’s cheers quietened in anticipation of Freddy’s next words, his voice continued to ring out

“It is my distinct honour to introduce our two special guests who've travelled many miles just for this event.”

Gesturing to his right, Freddy raised his voice.

“She is Kalos Regions golden flower, achieving top 4 World Coronation Series, last year’s winner of our very own Vertress Conference, introducing Elyssia Violetta!”

Walking in, Ash saw for the first time the golden-haired girl who had caught everyone’s attention with her performance in the World Coronation Series. Her appearance was very different to what Ash was expecting, as she was not wearing her usual clothing style she is known for when she competes.

Ash concluded that she was likely on holiday, the same as Cynthia who had been having a break along with Ash and his friends who stayed with her. Still, she was one of the youngest competitors at the age of 16, one year older than him, and had apparently won 5 different conferences in 5 different regions.

Since the World Coronation Series was last week, it had been something that was talked about regularly. How could it not after seeing the best trainers worldwide displaying their skills?

Seeing Elyssia with his own eyes got his blood pumping. He was going to win this tournament; defeat Alder then challenge her. His excitement exploded.

“Yes! I am so pumped, let’s do this!”

Cilan who was next to him commented as they watched the girl walking to her box on the battlefield.

“Indeed, she exudes strength and elegance. I wonder who her opponent will be?”

They watched as Elyssia performed a short curtsy to the announcer before speaking out.

“Come forth challenger, show me your strength!”

Upon Elyssia’s theatrical declaration, the crowds started cheering wildly as they got excited to see who her opponent would be. Ash noticed Elyssia looked over towards the tournament participants, directly at Trip, and raised an eyebrow.

Seeing this, Ash looked over towards Trip, who was now gritting his teeth with a scowl, and made a comment to Cilan.

“Looks like Trip has a problem with Elyssia.”

Cilan glances over to see Trip's expression.

“Indeed, it does. I wonder…”

Cilan’s next words were cut short as Freddy’s voice rang out over the stadium again.

“Elyssia’s opponent is the Sinnoh region Champion, also achieving top 4 in the World Coronation Series, the beautiful master of battle, Cynthia Shirona!”

Cynthia came walking out into the stadium, standing on her side of the battlefield opposite from Elyssia. She was now wearing a beautiful purple cloak, making her seem more mysterious.

Seeing the two trainers opposite each other increased Ash’s excitement even more, something he did not think was possible. It was rare to see such powerful trainers battle in person, and this was an opportunity he was not going to miss.

“Well met, Elyssia. We never got the chance to compete in the Masters 8 tournament, so let us rectify that, shall we?”

Ash looked over to see Elyssia’s smile grow a little, as she theatrically put a finger to the side of her chin.

“Indeed, we did not. Very well then, let us go head-to-head once more.”

Taking a step forward, Cynthia called out, dramatically pulling her cloak off with a flourish.

“Then let us once and for all see who the winner will be!”

The crowd went crazy after their small interaction, the sound was deafening as Cynthia readied her Poké ball, throwing it into the battlefield to reveal her Garchomp.

Ash glanced over towards Elyssia, eyeing her very full belts of Poké balls wondering which one she would choose. Instead, she took a step forward, crossing her arms as her shadow started to distort as a Mismagius slowly rose from behind her, ominously hovering above her shoulders as it stared down Garchomp. From where it was it started to flit about in the air towards Elyssia’s side of the battlefield, letting out a cackle as the crowd's loud cheering once again roared out.

Freddy’s voice once again rang out across the stadium as he called out the rules.

“The match will be a ten-minute, one-on-one battle.”

Freddy takes a short pause before shouting out.




Well, where to start. I guess that most of last chapters A/N's were answered here... yeah, that didn't take long, huh. well, anyway, the general dialogue has stayed the exact same as in the anime, because so far, this is the first time any of the main characters have actually been in the same room. I have added in some additional lines regarding events and things that have been added to the anime universe after the episode has aired. 

On another note, I have changed how the World coronation series works here, one, because I have not watched the most recent anime yet, and from what I can understand the trainers need to travel about to have matches? I feel that's a little silly, especially the context I am giving this novel where travelling is dangerous, and it takes time to get around. So I have turned the coronation series into something similar to the Olympics where each region will host it on a rotation. plus it means that all the crowds wont be region hopping to watch the matches which would be a logistical nightmare, and having it all in one place would mean that the host region can use it to promote tourism and have revenue from ticket sales etc flow into their economy. 


The team so far:

1 - Sylveon - Stella

2 - Meloetta - Crystal

3 - Gardevior - Guinevere 

4 - Mismagius - Morgana

5 - Luxray - Thor

7 - Ninetales - Luna

9 - Charizard - Smaug

13 - Froslass - Eris