5 – Exhibition Match: Elyssia Vs Cynthia
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Pov Elyssia



Despite inwardly dying from her cringeworthy theatrical display she and Cynthia had just put on at the request of the organisers, she did have to admit that Morgana’s idea to rise from her shadow was rather cool. And thankfully the crowds loved it, possibly because of the infectious atmosphere which was also getting the adrenaline in her blood pumping.


Elyssia could not stop her smile from widening slightly. There was something exciting and intoxicating hearing a crowd excited and cheering, ready to see her batting. Even when she was an unknown trainer attending her first tournament in Slateport City, the atmosphere gave her the same thrill she felt now.


Elyssia knew that now was not the time to be reminiscing, a battle was now in front of her, and she was not going to disappoint. She had battled both against and alongside Cynthia a number of times, and they had never had a conclusive winner, often not having enough time or something interrupting them.


They also never got the chance in the World Coronation Series and ended up on opposite sides of the brackets in the Masters 8 tournament. This time will also sadly be the same, since this is an exhibition match, focused more on theatrics and entertainment rather than intense battling.


“Garchomp, let's open this up with a dragon pulse!”


Cynthia’s command rang out across the arena as the crowd cheered.


“Morgana, counter it with dark pulse!”


The two attacks collided in the middle of the arena, blasting slithers of purple and black away from the epicentre all across the middle of the battlefield. The attacks simultaneously ended, resulting in a massive blast of energy lighting up the arena.


[And this match starts off with a bang!]


[Indeed, the strength of those attacks is as expected from such strong Pokémon]


“Morgana, shadow sneak! Get ready for alpha manoeuvres!”


Upon hearing Elyssia’s command, the Mismagius sank into the ground, causing Cynthia to call out to Garchomp.


“Garchomp, up into the air and use double team!”


Garchomp immediately launched itself up into the air above the arena, creating twelve clones which all hovered, waiting for Elyssia’s next move.


[Mismagius has disappeared from view, how will it deal with Garchomps Double team?]


[Both sides have the advantage of being concealed, I wonder who will move first?]


“Morgana, identity the real one!”


Waiting for a few moments, Elyssia spotted a small patch of the ground in the middle of the battlefield become momentarily darker, barely noticeable unless you were looking for it. That was Morgana’s indication that she was ready.


“Good work, now, phantom force and mystical fire!”


Morgana suddenly appeared behind a Garchomp near the middle of the arena, performing a loop-de-loop as a ring of fire formed along her trajectory.


[What’s this? Mismagius has found the real Garchomp?]


“Garchomp, behind you! Protect!”


Just as Morgana released her mystical fire at point blank range, a sphere of energy protected Garchomp, dispersing the massive fire attack across the arena and destroying all the clones, which made the crowds roar in excitement at the clash.


[What a close call! That attack would have done some damage if Garchomp didn’t use protect!]


“Garchomp, use dragon claw before it gets away!”


“Sucker punch!”


Garchomp gathered energy as a glowing green projection of his claws formed above them, only for Morgana to slam into him while coated in a dark aura.


The surprise attack momentarily bewildered Garchomp giving Morgana enough time to dive back into the shadows.


[What an escape!]


[Mismagius is a tricky Pokémon to fight, they are elusive and mischievous. Garchomp is no pushover either, if it lands an attack, you can be sure it will be devastating.]


“Garchomp, bulldoze! Flush Mismagius out!”


Garchomp flew downwards, slamming into the ground, the impact caused the battlefield to shake and for Morgana to appear with a grimace on her face.


[And Garchomp lands the first hit! What will Elyssia and Mismagius do now?]


With a slight smirk, Elyssia called out her next attack.


“Morgana, will-o-wisp, then phantom force!”


Morgana started fluttering about in the air as 20 balls of blue and purple fire formed around her before she launched them at Garchomp. As the balls of fire arced forward, she vanished preparing for her next attack.


“Garchomp, clear them with dragon pulse!”


Upon Cynthia's command, Garchomp gathered energy in his mouth and let loose a dragon pulse, sweeping it across the battlefield and destroying the will-o-wisps.


[Another strong display from both Pokémon!]


[Indeed, you can feel the power from even here.]


Elyssia clapped her hands together, pausing a moment before calling out her next attack.


“Morgana, move behind Garchomp and use shadow ball!”


Morgana suddenly appeared behind Garchomp, gathering dark energy in front of her.


“Dragon tail, now!”


Garchomp swiftly responded, swinging his tail covered in green energy around, slamming into Mismagius who exploded into a cloud of white smoke.


[And Garchomp lands a second powerful attack- But wait, it was just a substitute!”


“Now, pain split!”


The real Mismagius appeared behind Garchomp, as both Pokémon started to glow white. Garchomp let out a roar in pain while Morgana cackled in delight while she flitted about around Garchomp.


[And there it is folks, Elyssia’s classic tricks when she is using a ghost type!]


[A brilliant use of damage control. Taking damage from Garchomps Bulldoze, and then receiving more from the use of Substitute, just to split it with Garchomp]


[Quite right you are, this is a fine showcase of Ghost type Pokémon!]


“Garchomp, up into the air, use Draco meteor!”


Garchomp launched itself upwards with a powerful jump, gathering energy into its jaw as it prepared for the massive attack.


“Morgana, counter it with dazzling gleam!”


As Garchomp launched the attack, Mismagius shone brightly with light as some colours of the rainbow became visible. As the draco meteor neared Mismagius, the attacks disintegrated. As the last meteor landed, the light from dazzling gleam reseeded showing both Pokémon staring each other down.


The crowd erupted into cheers as Mismagius and Garchomp prepared for their next moves, only to be interrupted as a chime echoed around the arena.


“Stop! Times up! The exhibition match is a draw!”


[And that’s a wrap folks, what an exciting exhibition match!]


[Indeed it is, what a masterful display of Pokémon battling!]


Letting out a content breath as the spectators once again let loose their usual uproar, Elyssia walked towards the centre of the arena, as Morgana started to excitedly dance around her, chattering away.


As Elyssia met Cynthia in the middle of the battlefield, they briefly began to exchange words as the image on the big screen focused on them and their Pokémon.


“That was a brilliant match, well battled.”


Cynthia smiled with a nod of her head.


“It was, while we came to a draw once again, his battle has renewed my anticipation for our next battle!”


With a light chuckle, Elyssia gave a beautiful smile.


“The same for me. Although next time, one of us has to win.”


They shook hands, laughing at the fact that they still hadn’t managed to determine a winner between them, while next to them Garchomp shook one of the ghostly ribbons Morgana offered her.


The crowd cheered once more seeing the good sportsmanship between the two top trainers. Taking this as her cue, Morgana dove into Elyssia’s shadow. Moments later she popped back out, levitating something that she promptly stuck onto Garchomp’s forehead.


Elyssia glanced over to see what Morgana had gifted Garchomp, only to join Cynthia giggling at the sticker depicting a chibbi Garchomp with its arms raised and mouth open, with the caption ‘I am Roar’.


With an embarrassed grumble Garchomp and Cynthia made their way back out of the battlefield as Elyssia returned to the tunnel on her side of the Arena.



Well, this fic just got Ok'd by the admins, so that's always a promising sign? Anyway, this is just a starting battle, nothing too crazy, to ease into the story. 

So, why the sticker you ask? well, Cynthia's Garchomp wherever you look is portrayed as a big scary dragon the nobody looks down upon. so, why not have a ghost slap a sticker on its face that implies its all bark and no bite? Plus, its a Mismagius what do you expect?

That's all for tonight, anyway. I still have to finish re writing that other section I accidently deleted, and id rather do that while it is still quite fresh in my head. More uploads tomorrow, I'm on page 20/34 on my word document, and that's not including my planned 2 chap long bit I'm rewriting. so plenty more to come before I slow down XD


The team so far:

1 - Sylveon - Stella

2 - Meloetta - Crystal

3 - Gardevior - Guinevere 

4 - Mismagius - Morgana

5 - Luxray - Thor

7 - Ninetales - Luna

9 - Charizard - Smaug

13 - Froslass - Eris