Beginnings – Part Thirty-Seven
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Scott was fading in and out of consciousness as he was struck again by the Willowisps humongous hand. He had success in dispatching one of the Willowisps with ease using a surprise tactic but was put near out of commission by another. The last thing he could make out was Lou killing the third one but it didn’t look like Lou was going to be able to help him anytime soon.


He desperately tried to get up only to see a big black lanky hand striking down at him. He did what he could to roll to the right. Once doing so he was able to get a slight amount of footing and push himself up in a sprint. He was only able to run a few meters before the Willowisp was on top of him, ready to strike. Or at least it was.


 Scott focused every ounce of strength into his legs to jump forward with monumental speed. He twisted his body mid-air and planted his feet on a tree. Attempting the same maneuver he shot off like a bullet at the Willowisp breaking the tree behind him. Shrapnel launched out behind him and with several large cracks the tree started to fall towards him. Scott slammed into the Willowisp, causing it to stumble back but it didn’t fall. The Willowisp grabbed Scott and chucked him to the side, sending him flying into the dirt and crashing into the roots of a tree. 


At this moment Elysif had run up and seeing the tree falling in the same area in which the Willowisp stood she lobbed an explosive filled with iron at the creature. The bottle smashed against the ground and its contents exploded in a fiery blue roar. The iron however wasn’t spread on the Willowisp but around it. Wherever it would attempt to step it would be met with the painful sting of iron on Fey. It was trapped and at the perfect moment too. The tree collapsed directly on top of the Willowisp, crushing it. 


“Scott, are you okay?” Elysif yelled running towards his body. He slowly raised his arm in a thumbs up position but his arm went limp a moment later. She got over to his limp body and rolled him onto his back. He gave her a wry smile. “I could use a drink now.” he said with a light chuckle.


“No you may not have a drink yet. If I gave you anything other than this medicine you could die.” She said pouring the contents of a similar vial that was given to Lou into Scott’s mouth. He drank it and gave her a sour face. “In the words of Lou YOU SUCK!” he said as she started chanting. 


Once she was done chanting she gave him a stern look. “You know I didn’t have to help you?” she said. 


“But you did, and that’s what makes you a good person.”


“Don’t try and sound like you’re giving some piece of wisdom when you’re sober because I know you’re just giving me crap.” 


“I know but is Lou okay?” he groaned as he painfully sat up.


“He should be fine, I gave him the same thing I gave you and he was breathing when I left him.”


“Good, now help up so we can get back over there.” Scott said, holding out his arm. Elysif reached underneath his arm and lifted him up to the point he could stand. While lending him her shoulder the two stumbled over towards Lou. out of the corner of Scott’s eye he could have sworn he saw a human like figure move behind a distant tree but decided it was nothing.