Not Forgotten – Part – 019
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The next morning Scott sat on the floor giving Silva a look of resentment. He was coatless and his eyes were bloodshot. Silva walked over to him and handed a plate of beans on toast for breakfast which he ate but still gave the same look.


“Okay, something happened last night which I don’t remember and now you're mad about it. Am I right?” Silva asked while holding her head. She was having a killer hangover and so was Compton who was sprawled out in the corner.


“You are right. I don’t have a coat today because you threw up all over it when I tried putting you in your bed. Then you wouldn’t let go of me while asking me to sleep with you! “ Scott replied in a ticked off fashion. Silva after hearing this started turning red.


“Ha ha ha! Ow.” Compton laughed from the corner before grabbing his head.


“I’m sorry!” Silva said in a panic before sitting on the couch and holding her head with both hands.


“It’s fine, but I didn’t get much sleep due to that whole thing.”


“Wait, don’t you have a spare coat?”


“I did, but you had me throw it away because it got burned in that fight we had a few weeks ago with the so called Spring Heeled Jack.”


“Oh right, we still never figured out what that thing was did we?”


“Nope.’ Compton said from the corner.


“Well anyways, I plan on taking my coat to a cleaner who can remove the smell on my way to Iscarat’s place. Hopefully you two can get over your hangovers before you head out today.” Scott said as he stood up and set his plate in the sink before washing it. He then walked over to the door, grabbed his coat, and stepped out.


“”Goodbye”” Silva and Compton both said as he left.


“We are taking the day off aren’t we?” Compton asked Silva.


“Why not? I can’t even think about walking around London right now. That letter from yesterday is still on my mind and thinking about makes the hangover worse.” She replied.


“You know, I think I should just be the one to leave.”




“I’m pretty sure you noticed like I did but he loves you. If I leave then I may be able to further my own goals anyways. Plus, if you sent Scott away then he would break. You know how he is?”


“I knew he loved me but I didn’t think about it much. You both are like family to me and I don’t want that to change. I can’t send either of you away by my own choice because I don’t want either of you to hate me.”


“I understand which is why I’ll leave of my own volition. You have always thought of us as family, or at least that’s what you keep telling us. However, based on what Scott said and what I’ve seen when you get drunk, I can say you aren’t being honest about that. Do whatever you want since you are your own person but if you want to deny his feelings at least be nice about it. He doesn’t have the strength to handle a broken heart like we do.”


“You know, for someone who is hungover you seem to be able to convey your thoughts rather easily.”


“Oh really, maybe I just am in a moment of relief.” he said before Silva threw a book from beside her at him. 


“Hey what was that for?”


“Just, shut up. My head is spinning.”


“Oh, sorry.”


Silva and Compton laid in their respective spots for several hours while the hangover wore off. Neither of them did any work that day and instead Silva went gambling. Compton followed her but only to make sure she didn’t spend more than they could afford for that month.