2nd Sent Diary Entry
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Dear Diary, it is October 31st, today Mr. Tundwa resumed the construction of the bridge. Things are looking good, and if things keep up at this pace I can leave in a month. Earlier today however, I heard an ominous rumor. Apparently, a witch-cult has gotten a hold of an artifact related to the unraveling. Although I doubt this to be true.


    Before we started working today, Mr. Tundwa gave his reason for the delay of the construction. Six months ago his son died from pneumonia. Since then his dreams had been haunted by images of his son. He fell into a depression that he truly has yet to recover from. 


    Last week, I figured trying to find a job was better than feeling trapped, but I found little to no luck. A potter said that she would let me become an apprentice, but that was an unpaid position. All the other businesses refused me outright. To them I was either too foreign or not loyal enough for them to care. 

    I wonder how James is doing right now. Hopefully he is safe and sound. I need to leave. I hope nothing happens. No. I am going to contact those exorcists. How though? A letter isn’t enough. If I remember correctly all counts have immediate access to a team of exorcists. I should probably also pen her a letter. No… that to isn’t enough. I will hand deliver both the countess and the monastery in Gren.


Wish me luck diary.



New Rules: You are part of the Detective department. You are looking into the Thread Tree incident of 1547. You can send memos to the archive department, the exorcist department, the monastic department, and to the research department. To send a memo, type a comment starting Memo to ? Department:, followed by your request. However keep in mind your superior vets your memos before passing them forward, so do not be surprised if the memo never arrives at its intended direction.