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Nari, Emily, and Kaori hadn’t been interested in the conferences any bit. In the post-apocalyptic Paris it was still somehow a tourist stop. The trio of women spent their time walking around. High leveled they didn’t bother to hide their perfect 10 bodies since they could take care of themselves. So they traveled around the city unbothered. 


After the System backed Guild Conference a standard Earth Currency had been established in the System Store. Surprisingly a lot of places were accepting the currency. It was currently about $100 to 1 Sysco. And the amount still fluctuated, but a month ago a loaf of bread had cost 1 Sysco, and was now a few dollars. One of the big pushes during the Paris Conference was they wanted to agree to actually use the Earth Standard instead of cities trying to make their own currency. 


Kai found the girls after his speech and proceeded to walk around with them. Which proceeded to turn into a hypnosis session as they wanted to be wooed by some local. So he had to make them forget him again, seduce all 3, then they made him choose which girl he would go home with. But he ended up with all 3. 


A big part of him had really gotten into their roleplays as he was able to satisfy their own fantasies. It was an empowering feeling for the once overweight kid to be able to talk 3 women into sleeping with him. There was mind control involved of course, but he knew the trio loved it. Not just the roleplays, but the mind control itself. 


Nari had been the first to openly accept the ability. A huge kink for her it wasn’t long until Emily was enjoying the fun as well. Kaori had denied it at first, the fact that she liked it, but she couldn’t hide her secret thoughts. He knew she loved it just as much as the other 2. The thought of being completely controlled was some kind of kink either he had borne or Nari had spread as she asked for weirder and weirder scenarios. Spurred on by her secret love of hentai the korean woman was living her dream. 


Releasing the hold on the women Kaori had made it the longest. Her small body shivered as he drew in the Mind Mana from her. Impaled on him fully the ninja gasped and came as she remembered who he was. He too released his cum in her again. Her tight pussy still squeezing him hard enough to keep it all in she began to shake as he spurt large amount into her womb. 


“Holy fuck!” She gasped, shivering as her legs did the splits. “I fucking love this,” she admitted with a sigh. Then she blushed, covering her mouth. 


Kai smiled widely. “Finally you admit it outloud,” he said. Kissing her she moaned in his mouth while his rock hard dick bulged in her. 


“This is weird for me,” Kaori said, but kissed him back. “I grew up very sheltered.” 


“Tell me about it,” he said. Hugging her he walked them over to the couch. Nari and Emily were passed out in the bed. The cool breeze blew in from an open balcony. Kai noticed for the first time that it was actually sunny outside. Dawn had been out a while ago. 


Continuing to fill her up she straddled his thighs as he sat down on the sofa cushion. Laying her head on his chest she closed her eyes but talked. “My parents were very traditional. Women do the housework, men provide. I followed it too. I was always good at drawing. Got a job as an illustrator, then the company I worked for got bought out. I had to start drawing…a different style of manga.” 


“Porn,” Kai said. Kaori blushed but nodded. 


“It was very…different. The writer would tell us what to draw and we would draw it.” 

“Did you tell your family?”


“No,” she said quickly. They were quiet for a bit then she admitted, “I started to like it after a bit. I never read that style before, but I found it rather liberating. I was discovering something in myself that I didn’t know was there.” 

“You never had a boyfriend before?” He asked. 


“In school, yes, but I was always so timid,” she admitted. “Quiet. I had a boy try to kiss me once but I froze up and ran away.” She giggled cutely, sitting up to stare at him he couldn’t help but stare at her large breasts. The DDs had been awkward for her at first, but he could feel how much she liked them. He liked them too, playing with them as they stared at one another to talk. 


“So, you were a little repressed when the tutorial happened?” He asked. 

“I was very repressed,” she said. “Very, very,” she added. “I got my System right away. I appeared near Sora. We began killing monsters attacking people. A few we couldn’t save, and I knew that I could die. A virgin.” 


“So when you saw me and Keiko?” Kai asked. 


“I was very upset,” she admitted. He could feel the anger in her begin to boil. “I liked you, and she swooped in to take you.” 


“You liked me?” He asked, a wide smile on his face. She blushed but nodded. “But I was so…flabby.” 


“You didn’t hesitate to kill,” she said. “All those other girls didn’t want to. That time we went to find the demon camp. I heard the others in our team talking about how you saved their lives. Then you were running after me to help save the others kidnapped. You helped me kill that demon without hesitation. All those other people with us would have hesitated. Many of them hesitated to kill the Blood Hounds. But you, you were right there with me. Ready to do anything to survive.” 


“I was often flying by the seat of my pants,” Kai said. “But, that’s when I started to like you too.” She wore a cute smile, kissing him from the admission. “You were very sexy. Killing that demon. Jumping in when others were scared.” 

“I wish I could have been your first,” she moaned. Her eyes fluttering as his dick pulsed inside of her. 


“I think no matter what, things would have ended the same,” Kai said. She gave him a sad look. “Oh come on. We were virgins. We didn’t know what we were doing. I didn’t know how to approach you, and you barely said 2 words to me at the beginning. It took me weeks to get you to open up a little.” 


“But you knew I liked you,” she said. “You could read minds.” 


“I did eventually,” he said. “Not the first time you saw Keiko and I. I caught you watching us doing it more than once after that.” She blushed furiously. Looking down to his chest in shame. “I’m sorry for not making a move on you sooner, but I didn’t know how to go about it. I didn’t think you’d be fine with sharing me.” 


“I didn’t think I would be either,” she said with a content sigh. “Nor did I think others would be. But now I know. Your skills are very strong.” 


“Oh yeah?” He asked, lifting her chin. “Not going to try to steal me?”


“Not right now,” she said. “Who knows, maybe I’ll get a skill to keep up.” A smile on her face she really was a new person since she joined them. At least while he was inside of her anyway. When he wasn’t she was still the quiet assassin. “Love you.”


“I love you,” he said. Gripping her larger ass he pulled her into him. She winced so he began channeling Enrapture mana. “You’re mine, Kaori. I’m sorry that I’m selfish, and have others.” She shivered, her eyes fluttering as his mana made her feel waves of pleasure. 


“I don’t care,” she moaned beginning to rock back and forth. “Just keep me with you.”


“Always,” he said as they began to have sex again. Koari rocking back and forth, Kai grabbing her hips to push her away further and pulling her back faster. She began to cum quickly. Yelling loudly as she did. Kai heard a slight knock on the door. Annoyed, he sped up. Making her gasp louder he increased the Enrapture to the maximum. Soon it was at it’s peak. Kaori began cumming with almost every thrust. 


She was quickly a sputtering mess, and gushing out fluid down below. Turned on more from the state he put her in Kai sped up more as another slight knock sounded. Kaori passed out as his semen filled her up again. Her voice raised to a high pitched scream, scratching, then going silent in a soundless scream. Groaning as he shot rope after rope into her she relaxed fully as he kissed her and maneuvered her to lay on the bed. 


It was hard to stay humble about his skills when he could put them in a cumatose state with full powers. Kai only let them keep going again and again because he got the most experience from it. That and despite how many times he came, he never found the end of his endurance. 


Groaning as he pulled out of her Kaori’s body shook. Not enough time for her to absorb the recent load semen poured out of her like syrup. Slow and continuous. Another knock sounding he put on some pants as he recognized the thoughts. 


“What’s up?” He asked opening the door. Showing off his muscular chest and abs the much smaller girl stared at his chest for a while, then quickly moved up. Blushing as they locked eyes. 


“Uumm,” Lillian said slowly. The long haired blonde girl slowly got her bearings. <Holy fuck he’s jacked> She thought. He smiled wider from the compliment. “Uhhh,” she started again as her eyes still wondered, settling on his jeaned crotch. His dick was still half erect, and mostly obvious as he studied her. 

“Yes?” He asked. “Is it perhaps time to go?” 


“Right,” she said quickly. Her gaze brought back up to his face. “Right. It’s about time to go.” 


“Perfect,” Kai said. “You mind escorting us?” She shook her head. Opening the door to let her in he headed back into the main room. Throwing a blanket on Kaori as he walked past he stepped into the main bedroom. Nari and Emily were cuddling on the bed. Perfect bodies pressing into one another he slapped Nari’s ass. 

“Wake up,” he ordered as he pulled the Mind Mana from them. 


“Ugh,” Nari said. Her hand squeezing Emily’s large breast. “No! I want to sleep.” Her eyes still closed he pulled her away from the blonde. She tried kicking him but winced. “You were too hard on me. My pussy hurts!” 

“Shower. You’ll feel better,” he said, princess carrying her to the tub. “I’ll wake up Em.” 

She groaned but opened her eyes. “Shower me.” 


Kai laughed at her cute reaction. He propped her up as he turned on the hot water. Leaving her there she groaned but he grabbed Emily and brought her with. Disrobing he jumped in the shower with them. Propping up Emily she was soon awake as the hot water hit her. Kissing him she winced and healed herself. 


“Me too,” Nari whined then was coated in Emily’s Nature Mana. Nari let out a sigh and began to get into the shower. Pulling out some shampoo from her ring she began by rubbing it on his dick. A smile on her lips as she did. 

“Not now, we have a visitor,” he said. Emily snuck in stealing the shower head. 


“Who?” Nari asked. 


“Lillian from Northern. She’s in…” he began sensing her rampant emotions. Having heard Nari the woman was a mix of intrigue and fear as she considered leaving them alone. “The main room.” 


“Oh, I like her,” Nari said still scrubbing his dick. As she moved down to his balls he gave her tits the same treatment. Squeezing and rubbing soap on the large globes. “Is she open to some fun?” 


“I doubt it,” he said. “She’s a little shy.” 


“But she’s strong,” Nari whispered. “What is the mana she uses?” 


“Felt like a lot, to be honest,” Kai said. “But mainly Physical.” 

“She could be our tank,” Emily said happily as she washed herself in the scalding hot stream of water. 


“We will see,” Kai said. “Do your magic.” He kissed Nari and stepped out of the shower. She groaned angrily but Emily was soon rubbing her down with shampoo as well. Kai dried off and clothed himself fully. Wearing some jeans and a button down white shirt he headed back into the main room. Kaori was still asleep, and she would be for a while. 


Picking her up with the blanket on her he took her into the bedroom. <Wake up> He ordered. 


Her eyes cracked. <Let me sleep> she thought. The girls hated it when he forced them awake. Usually they didn’t remember and treated it more like a dream. 


<We are leaving. Want to shower or dress and I carry you?> He asked. She responded by becoming bathed in light. Putting on one of his big shirts and some underwear he released the Mind Mana on her letting her go back to sleep. 


Taking the blanket off he picked her up, throwing her on his shoulder. “Alright girls, that’s enough,” Kai said. He could feel the lust from Emily and Nari as they continued to run their hands over one another. After so long together they acted like best friends with benefits. Playing with one another now and then he did admit it turned him on. 


Nari groaned but the shower was soon turning off as he threw Kaori over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. Stepping out into the main room he noticed Lillian sitting at one of the chairs. “Shouldn’t be too long,” Kai said. Sitting down across from her he decided that she really was worth pursuing. Long blonde hair, tan skin, brown eyes, she had muscles underneath it all. He cast ID. 



Level 39


“Get any cool information from this mini-conference?” Kai asked, trying to break the ice. 


“Uhh a little,” she said. Eyeing Kaori on his lap she asked, “She alright?” 

“Oh yeah. Just tuckered out.” They sat in awkward silence for a little bit while he heard the other 2 dress and get ready. 


“I liked your speech from yesterday,” Lillian admitted. “About heroes.”

“Good,” he said. “I felt stupid admitting to my quests. Feel like maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” 


“I found it interesting,” she admitted. Smirking as she finally got her bearings. “The System really send you to kill people?”

“Not originally,” Kai said. “Again, it was always investigate this or that. At first I thought they were random. Simple stuff to get some XP and Syscos. But they always blow up on me,” he said with a sigh. “And by the time I figure out what the quest really wants, its a little hard to say no.” She nodded. 


“We ready?” Nari asked, stepping out of the room. She wore a very low cut shirt that went from her neck to her belly button. Her large cleavage poured out of it. 


“You’re not wearing that,” Kai said. 


“What?” She asked innocently. <Blondie loves it> Kai looked over to see that Lillian did in fact love it as she stared at the V. 


“I don’t care. We need to put on a professional look. We are going to their guild. Let’s make a good impression,” he said, resolute. 

Nari rolled her eyes. Willing her clothes away he got an instant view of her perfect naked body, then she was in her B-2 gear. She could have switched the clothes out, but she liked to show off her body. He enjoyed it, but his cheeks became red in embarrassment. If they were really going to try to seduce this girl he didn’t want to beat her over the head with it. 


“Better?” Nari asked with a wide smile. 


“No,” he said. “Go back to that other one. The one in between the outfits,” he said. She cackled as she shook her head. Holding Emily’s hand Nari gave him a wink as she headed to the door. Picking up Kaori they were out the door with Lillian leading. Her emotions all over the place he did his best to not listen in on her thoughts. But she couldn’t get Nari’s naked body out of her mind. He couldn’t blame her. The only reason he could was because he was able to have her whenever he wanted.