Chapter 16-Intro to Spellcasting Class
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Marcy made him late for another class. But ultimately, his lateness didn't make much of a difference, apart from feeling numerous eyes penetrating him as he went to his usual spot at the back. He hadn’t missed anything important.

His enchanted pen was writing down the notes it heard from Mr. Nelson and detected on the board. He had done the enchantment himself. The pen had to be inscribed with compatible runes to be animated and independent. But even while independent, it continuously siphoned his mana as it wrote. He had plenty to spare.

Elly sure gained envious looks. None of the students in the class could do that yet. In fact, they were using quills with a small bottle of ink on their desks.

Mr. Nelson was a typical teacher, nothing extraordinary Elly could detect. He dressed professionally as one would expect: a crisp shirt tucked into pants, a tie, neatly cut hair, and a jacket. And he was taller than everyone, naturally as a grown-up would be.

“Loser,” someone said from across the room to Elly.

“No name-calling, please.” Mr. Nelson turned his back to write notes on the board.

The notes were about detailed steps for casting magical attacks and defenses, like elemental and sub-elemental. On one side of the board, Mr. Nelson made a list of suggestions:


















Elly could do all of those proficiently. His problem was deciding on what to use. He wanted something really fun, flashy, and cool that he could show off. Blood manipulation, which wasn't an option on the board. Mr. Nelson had never covered that. That should prove how skilled he was.

A spitball flew and hit Elly’s cheek. 

A Spitball? Really? Is this elementary school? He wiped the spit off his cheek and looked to the other side of the class. A chubby boy with orange hair was laughing quietly.

I hope he chokes and dies.

How very presumptuous of him. He deserves nothing short of retribution!

Suki was right! Absolutely right! He wasn’t about to become a target for bullying. HE WOULD SHOW THAT BOY HIS POWER, THAT HE WAS A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH! He counted 8 people who were looking at him with mischievous sneers. It seemed he had 8 enemies today. No matter. I’ll punish all of them mercilessly.. They would be crying by the end of it.

He flicked his enchanted pen across the room.

The pen hit the chubby boy’s forehead and fell on the floor.

“Ow!” He rubbed it with his hands to calm the pain.

Mr. Nelson turned around. He looked at everyone. “Is something wrong? Who was that?”

“Nothing, just a small stomach ache,” the boy replied.

“Well, feel free to go to the infirmary.” He turned his back to continue writing notes.

The boy glared at Elly.

Elly needed to recall the pen, but if he whistled, Mr. Nelson would hear and turn around again. Telekinesis wouldn't be any different. Mr. Nelson would sense the sudden rise of magical energy in the room. Any decent wizard would. I should’ve thought about that.

One girl with freckles and braces stuck her tongue out at him.

Oh, you are so next! He needed more ammo, but where to get it…

The idea hit him.

He threw his pencil sharpener at the girl. It was metal too, so it was going to hurt.

She leaned back. It narrowly missed her head and hit someone else.

Such skill! Suki said.

Pffft. You haven't seen TRUE skill yet.

Oooh! Please do enlighten me then!

The boy that the sharpener hit, who was stout, shot daggers at him from his eyes.

It seems you have made another enemy.

He didn't care how many enemies he made. He wouldn't fear anyone! 

Elly stuck his tongue out at the stout boy and ripped a few pages from his notebook and crushed them into paper balls. Oh, yes. The war was about to start. And much blood would be shed.

When no one was looking, he began his brutal assault. He threw paper ball after paper ball after paper ball after paper ball. At the stout boy with muscles. At the chubby one. At the freckles girl. And at 6 more. They all hit their faces, and they stared at him angrily. 

Elly stuck his tongue out.

The chubby boy took out his wand and pointed it at Elly.

Was he an idiot?!

A lightning ball no bigger than a textbook rushed out of his wand and headed in Elly’s direction.

Elly mentally stopped it before his face and turned it into a water ball then sent it back. Telekinesis then elemental transmutation. A genius move.

The cold water splashed against his face. SPLASH.

Mr. Nelson turned around. There was no doubt that he had sensed that and heard the splash. “What is going on?!”

“ViQoné hit me with a water ball!” The chubby boy pointed at Elly.

“Now wait just a minute. I sensed 3 spells. Who cast the second and third?”

“He did! He cast a water ball 3 times on me!”

“It’s true, sir!” the freckles girl backed him up.

“Who really did it?” Mr. Nelson looked at everyone else.

Most of them pointed to Elly. The ones who didn’t point were busy writing down notes, including the umbrella girl who sat opposite to him on the other side of the room, in a corner at the back like he did. He was sitting on the left side. She was sitting on the right side.

“Tch.” Damn liars. Now he was in trouble. Thanks a lot, Suki. 

You are most welcome!

Elly couldn’t tell if she meant that. Either way, he didn’t like her response. She sounded so happy and free, and he was sitting here in hot water. It must be REAL nice being an earring, HUH?

Quite so!

I should throw you in literal hot water and see how you like it.

I would rather you not.

Dragon wisdom, my butt.

“ViQoné, do that again, and I will send you to the office.”

His enemies were all laughing quietly.

He had half a mind to soak all of them in cold water.

“Now, we’ll go to the testing ground so you can demonstrate and practice what you’ve all learned,” Mr. Nelson said. “And you’ll be graded.”

Some people looked nervous. They hadn’t been paying attention.

Now it was Elly’s turn to laugh. Dummies. Unlike them, he could afford to be distracted. “Hahaha!”

“ViQoné, do you mind sharing your joke with us?”

“Yes, I do mind, so I won't.” He wouldn't be saying anything else about it.

A girl at the front giggled at his response.

Mr. Nelson shifted his glare to the girl.

The girl stopped and looked down at her desk to avoid his eyes.

At least I'm funny.