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So, you might’ve noticed that my updates have stopped for quite a bit. A week or so, I think? Anyways, that’s not the point. What I want to say is that my Mac is broken because I foolishly dropped it. It’s now stuck on a white screen, preventing me from logging on. 

      I also want to address my low frequency of updates in the last few weeks. When I published this story, I started off strong and posted every day (twice a day sometimes if I was feeling good). But now, it takes 2-5 days for an update and I know that it’s pretty bad. It’s probably because I just never planned this far. There was no proper plot written down, no notes and no concrete ideas. 

      This was also why I deleted my previous stories, because I just hit a wall where I thought, ‘what the hell do I write now?’. A Vengeful Duke’s Daughter was one of my favourite concepts and that was why it has gotten the furthest. 

      That’s why I’m announcing a hiatus. It’s not for a single reason. It’s for the fact that my Mac is broken and that I’m running out of ideas. If in the future, I can’t get my shit together, I’ll just scrap AVDD and do a rewrite. I won’t delete the original because it can serve as a basis for the rewrite.

      I’ve written about 4 books now? 2 of them were under 10k words (lmao) and were all deleted for the same reason. But I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, especially from AVDD. You guys have given me such great advice about my story, allowing me to improve it as I go. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

      I know I said that I would be trying to get this to 100k words but my broken Mac stopped me. And I’m sorry for that. Even though I’ll try to convince myself, ‘if you didn’t break your Mac, you would’ve gotten to your goal’, I know that I would’ve probably given up before that. Because first and foremost, this is hobby.

      Quarantine gave me a lot of time for AVDD, only to be gobbled up by my guilty pleasures and distractions, like games and YouTube. School assignments were heaped onto that and it didn’t make it any better. My self-discipline is lacking...

      I’ve rambled on a lot so I’d just like to end it here. I’m writing this on my phone while taking a walk outside so it’s a bit inconvenient. Thank you all for staying with me, even if it was just a short while. Thank you Seiden, zaldecrofirt, KuqKu, Sovery_Simple and everyone else who commented and liked my chapters. They motivated me a lot to get to where I am now, even if it isn’t a lot. For me though, it’s a good milestone since in the first place, I’m not a very dedicated person. 

      I’ll be returning in the future. Hopefully, you guys can come back as well. Have a nice day.