Chapter 0 Prologue
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Chapter 0 Prologue

Stepping off the shuttle and entering the air lock of the space station [Sisyphus]. Gabe could not be happier and prouder of himself than he could be at this moment. Both hard work and talent led him to this point.

Not only intelligent but also very fit. He could have easily chosen to be a researcher or an athlete, but instead went down the path of the military. Hoping to get a chance to be a part of the future of mankind.

Once these doors opens, he will be standing shoulder to shoulder with the most brilliant minds on the planet.

“Well, above it anyway.” Smirking to himself.

As the double layered air lock doors opened, revealing the pressure chamber within, Gabe was not greeted by high ranking military generals or by award winning scientists but by a unkept man.

The man was unshaven with messy hair, only wearing a tank top and baggie sweatpants. No shoes despite the floor being made of metal.

“Sup. You the new guy.” {Man}

Flustered and unimpressed by the man, “Yes, I am Gabe Reellie. Who are you? Why are you not in uniform?” {Gabe}

“Oh. You’ll find out.” {Man}

“What is your rank?” {Gabe}

“Don’t have one.” {Man}

“You are part of the most prestigious military research institutions and yet you don’t have a RANK IN THE MELLITRY! How did you even get here!” {Gabe}

“You’ll find out.” {Man}

“You disrespect this place with your mire presents. I will have you removed as soon as I can.” {Gabe}

“Oh ho ho. What do you think this place is? Your personal play ground?” {Man}

“This is the [Orbiting Research Station Sisyphus]. Made and named after mankind’s endless task of researching space and space travel. The hope of mankind to reach the stars. A joint operation by all the world’s governments and their militaries. I assume that you are just here as a test subject, well I am a well respected genius new member of this station. If you can, please prove me wrong.” {Gabe}

“Well, I mean. You’re not wrong.” {Man}

“Ha. I knew it. I “{Gabe}

The door to the rest of the station open revealing a woman in full military uniform with an emotionless face, before becoming visibly surprised and even frightened at the men in front of her.

Gabe quickly saluted.

“Magic Science Research Specialist Gabe Reellie greets the Sargent Major.” {Gabe}

Before she could say anything the unkept man patted her on the shoulder and said, “I like this one.” Before leaving the room.

Now visibly relieved, she quickly returned to her usual expression.

“At ease Gabe. Before beginning your orientation. Our work here is beyond top secret and means you will take it to your grave. One way or another. I want to hear it. Do you accept this responsibility?” {Sargent Major}

“I DO, SIR.” {Gabe}

“Good. This station is unlike ones you have been to before. We do not have ranks here only comradery in the mission, and due to this and the nature of the mission we tend to be more laid back in most regards. So long as effort and attempts are made in the mission. Kill a being code named [The Vampire]. I can tell by your expression that you do not believe me.” {Sargent Major}

“Well since humanity discovered magic, I understand how once mythical creature could be found or created, but this much effort for one creature?” {Gabe}

“It would help you to know that this creature was not named after myth, it inspired it.” {Sargent Major}

“What?” {Gabe}

“Before the discovery of magic, before the Industrial Revolution, before civilization, and before even man itself, there was a being that could transform into any living creature, control any and all parts of its body, and could regenerate from any injury. If it wanted to, it could kill every living creature on Earth with little effort, simply by producing an endless amount of this own body parts. That is what we need to kill.” {Sargent Major}

“How do we know all of this? Where is this creature now? Can it be done?” {Gabe}

“We know all of this because it came to the world leaders and told us. It wants to die yet did not have hope until the discovery of magic. As the brightest young mind, it is your job to find out if it can be done. That is the true meaning of the name [Sisyphus]. A never ending task of trying to kill an immortal being.” {Sargent Major}

“And as well as for where he is now. You have already meet him.” {Sargent major}

-----Ten Years Later-----

Gabe was sitting alone at a table in the mess hall of the station. When…

“How’s it going buddy?” {Vampire}

The vampire sat down in front of him.

“Ha, you know very well just How it is going.” {Gabe}

“Come on the last try well. Certainly, as close to death as I have ever been.” {Vampire}

“Oh, come on, we both know that it was a stupid idea born out of my frustration with your fricking immortality.” {Gabe}

“I mean I thought that it was a good idea. Killing a vampire with the Sun is a common idea.” {Vampire}

“Yes, but never once did anyone throw a vampire INTO the Sun. I still don’t know how you escaped the gravitation pull of the Sun.” {Gabe}

“That was the hard part. I threw a very small part of self as hard as I could and grew back from that.” {Vampire}

“I know. That part of your immortality is the most pain the ass part. How small was that part? A finger? A cell? A f*cking atom!?” {Gabe}

“Breath in… Breath out. Ok. That brings us to the next attempt. The higher ups allowed me to read the files of the disintegration spell project.” {Gabe}

“I thought that they banned that research after what happened.” {Vampire}

“They did but considering the fact that you have been to the SUN and survived there was little other option.” {Gabe}

“Give me some time to work on it and we will try it soon, ok?” {Gabe}

“Sure bud. And who knows maybe this time will be the one.” {Vampire}

“Yeah, like that would happen.” {Gabe}

“Can I ask you something? Why me?” {Gabe}

“Cause you are the one of the smartest people alive.” {Vampire}

“I mean: Why any of us? Why this station? I know that you are just as smart as me if not more so. And you can work without stopping or resting. Why have other people do it for you?” {Gabe}

“I think because at the end of the day, I would stop before I finish it. That I simply do not have the motivation to continue doing anything. But you. You have the will to do anything you want no matter what.” {Vampire}

“You’re an asshole.” {Gabe}

---One Month Later---

“Ok, we will now begin attempt code named [Total Annihilation]. Vampire, please enter the pod where the spell will take place. After the pod is released, audio will play and please for the love of my sanity, do what I tell you to do.” {Gabe}

“Ok, Ok, I will.” {Vampire}

“And one more thing. If this is last time I see you, goodbye.” {Gabe}

“You never get this emotional with these things. I guess you really out did yourself with this one.” {Vampire}

The Vampire entered the pod. The space was cyclical with spell circles on both the top and bottom of the room. After the doors were sealed the pod was ejected into space with a long and thin cable connecting it to the main station.

|If you are listening to this message, it means that the pod is now in position. You will see a panel of buttons next to the door. Pushing the button labeled Spell Start, will begin the Spell Start Up Sequence. You will have 30 seconds to enter the center of the spell circle, where you will be locked in place as the disintegration spell charges to Max power.| {Recording of Gabe}

“Just that. No fanfare? Whatever.”

After pushing the button and getting into position. The first part of the spell activated trapping Vampire in a clear cylinder with runic symbols on it.

|Now that you are in the spell… I have to come clean… This is not a disintegration spell. Well not totally.|


|This is a teleportation spell. The spell will still reap you apart atom by atom, like a disintegration spell. But the higher ups were not happy with just that. After the Sun attempt, they believed that even that would still not kill you. So, they had me add a 2nd part to the spell, where each atom will be fired into the void of space at as close to the speed of light as possible. Where if you did survive you would never be able to return. |

“Some friend you are. But I know that if I escaped now then you would be punished. So…”

“Do your worst.”

|But according to my calculations this is probably the closest you would get to death. With even your atoms being shredded into their base particles in the journey. And… the station detected some strange energy readings from deep space. It is not magic or any other known signature. I cannot explain it. I told them that it was most likely just some kind of interference and I would look into it later, but I do not think it is. |

|I pointed the direction of the teleportation into that exact point where the reading came from. If you survive, you will end up there, and my gut feeling is that it would have a way to kill you. |

The spell at this point was almost fully charged.

|Now another thing, if you do survive, you have to find a better name than just Vampire.|

“Did, did you think I did not have a name this whole time!? You never asked, asshole. But thanks for caring buddy.”

The spell activated and a flash of light erupted from the pod, with another beam of light shot into space.

“Status report.” {Gabe}

“Sensors on the pod, sensors on the pod de-detect NO SIGNS OF LIFE! We, we DID IT.” {Panel Operator}

Cheers erupted across the entire station as their mission as been completed.

“Gabe. Speech. Speech. Speech.” {Crew}

“Ok, everyone listen. Activate the self-destruct mechanism on the pod. I do not want to look at it. And prepare for debriefing for future plans for the station. I am retiring to my room for the day.” {Gabe}

“I hope that one way or another you are happy, buddy. Wait, now that I think about it, I never did ask him if he had a preferred name.” {Gabe}

---------------- Somewhere deep in Space----------------

“How are there humans here? How do they have a Cultivation Magic System?” {Vampire}

Thank you for reading